HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/06/1943 r- 478 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 6, 1943 19_ Th Co 1ssl:oo met 1n f8gll1ar session at 10 A .M. and was caUed to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call 8H5w~d~~e 'o~lowln~ 0 lLcers present: Uayer Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston and Acting Clerk O'Day. The minutes of the previous meetings of Lecember 30th and. January 4th were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Licenses the following was granted: R. D. Faussett (Red's Taxi), three 5-pessenger cars, J~n 1, 1943 to Dec. 31, 1943. $15.00 Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE fixing the salaries; corr:per.sat.ion ;:lnd wages of certain officers and employees of the City 0': Port Angeles, W~shington. Police' Judge, :W. F. 'Phillips, reported 88 .cases., tried ant $1517.00, collected in fire s for the month of December, 1942. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business: The bond of Attorney Joseph H. johnston was presented to the Commission, approved by them and ordered \ fileJ I I Lieut. Wilson, Captair. of the Port, requested use of the -Civic field for a fire prevention demonstration. Following a discussion of this matterJ Corrmissioner Masters moved tha~ this request be granted. Seconded by,' Mayor Robinson. On roll call all ~emb8rs voted aye. The Uayor declared the motion carried. , The matter of logging on the City Nater Shed was brought before the Commission by Andrew Seyeryns, as a representative of the Chan:.ber of Corranerce. After 50f.1e discussion the Mayor armounced a meeting will be held Monday, January 11, 1943 and open to the public to study the matter more thoroughly. The Commission examined a nd allowed the following clai:ns and oroered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT E~?,Ell!3E FU~D Port Angeles Evening ~ews Ci ty Treasurer James Hardware Co. General Petroleu~ Corp. Ha rris & S chulle.r Harris & Schuller James Eardware Co. Epperson &: Sons) Inc. General Petroleum Corp. GrBr.ge Warehouse Co. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Frank Macdonald & Sons City Treascrer City Treasurer Mrs. Frank lIickok Port Angels s Evening News Epperson & bons) loc. Publications Light g Wa ter Batteries, etc. Gas Shop Work & Materials Labor & Parts Ha rdwa re Panels Fire Dept. Gasoline Straps Plurr.bing Supplies Parts &: Labor liGht &: Water Light &: Water at City Barn Refund on Telephone Advertising Lumber, etc. 30.30 618.08 .56 29.40 2.06 95.43 7.24 5.01 10.29 4.68 1.24 2C .99 33.42 9.59 -; 12.30 I!./ 6.67 1 y" 36 .77 CITY erREET Fu~m R. fu. Morgan Mill Co. Union Oil Co. Frank Ma cdonald & Sons Harris & Schuller Isaacson Iren Works Lumber Oil Dozer Part Repairs Blades b" ,. 21.12 40.03 9.89 3.09 27.56 , \ \ WATER FUND James Hardware Co. Washers .52 LIGHT FUND Fort Angeles Evening News Qui ck Prin t Harris & Schuller Westinghouse Elee. Sup. C04 ft.dvertising Noti ees Dim-out Naterials j{-eter 2.00 'Y;- 3.86 l.3.46 ~y 22.91 LIBRARY FUND Jennilu Norris Git;y'" Treasurer Mrs. Florence McLane Mrs. Lina Caney Mrs. Florence Wetmore Ka urman-Miller Co. Clallam Gra in Co. Al Harmon Science Digest) Inc. Parents I Magazine Press Post-Intelligencer The H. 'If. Wilson Company H. ". Hirshberg The Librar; of Congress Washington Bindery Wilcox & Follett Co. The Macmillan Company A.sseciated American Artists Petty Ca sh Light & Wa ter Emergency Help Subscription Emergency Help Tindow Shades Fertilizer '~ood Subscription Subscri-:Jtion Subscription Book Supplies Supplies Binding Books Books Book J> ,,>,;1Q 8.49 11.08 2.20 13.00 8.80 76.22 3.76 10.82 3.00 2.00 9.50 6.00 3.00 7.29 107 .73 87.27 10.55 8.65 Pft.RK FUND Olympic, Peninsula 'Motor Freight Co. Epperson & Sons, Inc. Freight Bill #6561 lurr.ber 4.27 26.34 .... Next Page I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 479~ January 6, 1945 19_ City Treasurer City Treasurer Light & Wa ter Light & Water Cj 0./ 24.12 ~y 57.56 LIGHT IN}~SWENT FU.!m City Tree surer Warrants Purchases 4970.07 GUARANTY INVESTl'ENr FUlID I City Treasurer Invest. Coup. #11 of Bonds 23-52, inc. 196.00 There being no further business the Commission then ad:ourned. I --A~~. ~ V~~~itY Clerk ~/ Jf~ I I I ~