HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/06/1955
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
"Tpnl1::17 ?n
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The City COWlcil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., aild was called to order by Ma.vor Smith. Roll call
of officers revealed the following present: Ma.vor Smith, COWlcilmen Brown, Sandison, Powell and Wolfe,
Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Cler!j; Law.
, It was moved by COWlcilman Powell that minute~ of the previous meeting be approved as amended. Seconded
by Councilman ,Tolfe. . All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of unfi~shed business, the Council received communication, also resoll~ion from School
District No. 17, concerning re'l.uested vacation of. portions 'of 8th, Land M Streets, also alleys in the
area where elementary school construction is contemplated. John Glann, Supt., also Henry Charnell and
Dr. Kintner, Board members, appeared before the Council. Hr. Charnell informed that building site had
been chosen due ~o topographical conditions, study of child population, possibilities for development and
someWhat isolated as to traffic hazard. It was the opinion of 1"17". Charnell and the School Board that' to
insure a safe school site, the requested vacation should be approved. Miss Powell reminded of recommend-
ation by the Planning Commission and moved that the resolution as presented ):le approved by the Council
and legal procedure followed. Motion seconded by COWlcilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I~.
Charnell thanked the Council fO.r cooperation and safeguarding school, children.
Minimum prices on real property as previously requested were considered. Lots 3 to 20 inclusive, Block
358, and Lots 3 to 7 inclusive and Lots II and 12,~ock 357, having been, properly inspected and appraised,
it was mood by Councilman Wolfe that the minimum price be fixed at $50.00 per lot. Seconded by COWlcil-
man: Brown and carried.
iManager Vergeer informed that,he may encounter difficulty in acquiring title to half a lot necessary for
Tumwater access road right-of-way and if so, should Attorney proceed with action to secure title. Council
agreed that prcper steps should be taken to acquire and clear right-of-way.
Mr. Vergeer further informed that formal approval has been received from Coast Guard regarding relocation
of Salmon Club building. Also relocation of Pilots Association station on tidelands, subject to re'l.uire-
ments with City's Ediz Hoo!j; lease. Removal of four buildings from the Hook >las considered, the same not
being in compliance with Ordinance No. 1014. As the owner is willing to move the buildings, it >laB moved 1
by Councilman Brown that the owner be notified, of removal order. Seconded by Ccuncilman Sandison. All
voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the City Treasurer's ri3port for
December be approved. Also budget reports of City Departments showing December, expenditures and receipts
and the annual report. of the Fire Dept. Motion seconded by Cound.lman lIolte and carried.
It \'laS moved'by Counc.ilman Brown that the annual report of the Police Dept. be accepted anct filed.
ed by Councilman Sandison' and 'carried.
As re'l.uired by Statutes goverro.ng the City Treasurer designated the First Hational Bank and Olympic State
Bank as depositories for City monies during. the year 1955: It was moved by COWlci::-man Bro,m'that deposit-
ories' be approved. Seconded by Miss Powell. All voted Aye., Motion carried.' t
Police Chief Kochanek requested that call for bids be' published for purchase of a patrol car for his
departm~nt, 1948 sedan trade-in to be considered. Also rquested was call for bids published to furnish
to the Street Department, a half-ton pick-up truck, trade-in of 1936 truck. It was moved by Councilman
Brown that the .J.!anager be authOrized to publish bids as requested if budget funds are available. Motion
seconded by COWlcilman Sandison. All members voted Aye. rr",tion carried.
Standard Shingle Co. asked the Co";;cil for' permissiO; to Construct bulkhead of piling and timbers for
protection of their mill on Ediz Hook. It was mOl ed by Councilman Wolfe that the matter be referred to
the Attorney for legal consi<jeration. Sec onded by Councilman Brown .and carried.
Ray l'aussett questioned COWlcil authority to approve transfer and issuance of taxicab licenses to one
owner. l<lanager Vergeer advised that no transfer is involved. Ordinance No, 1250 provides for cert'Jin
number of licenses >lith six cars in operation, the City establishing policy to allow two cars as standby.
Also assured that if proper procedure is not follmled, the City "rill take appropriate action.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following were introduced and read in full:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles,.Washington, creating a Construction Fund for Local
Jinprgvcment Distri~t No. 167 of the city for the purpose of paying all of the cost of the improvelOOnts
to be constructed and installed in said local improvement district, including all cos ts incidental thereto
and providing for the sale of bonds and warrants of said local improvffilent district at public sale.
WHEREAS, by proceedings duly am regularly taken and by Ordinance No. 1338, passed and approved Oct.
21, 1954,.Local Improvement District No. 167 of the city was createwand the construction and installation
of certain_ improvements was authroizedj and
loffiEREAS, notice of call for bids for the construction and installation of said imprcvements was duly
given ,as re'l.uired by law and a contract has been let for the construction of the same to the lowest
responsible bidder; and
WHEREAS, the city desires to s ell at public sale the bonds of said local improvement district when
same are issued and the wa~nts drawn on the Local Improvement District No. 167 Fund created by said
Ordinance No. 1338, to pay the montly estimates due the contractor and the incidental costs incurred in
connection with the construction and installation of said improvements; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that the money received by the city from the sale of said >larr~llts'should
be placed in a special construction fund and used to pay the costs of said improvements; ani
liKEREAS, it is necessary that such a special fund be created for said purposes;
I NOW TH&'1EFORE iBE IT'RESOLVED by the 'Ci ty Council of Port Angele s, Was~ngton, as fo11O>1s:
\ Section 1. That there be and is hereby created a spec~al fund of the Cl ty knO,ffi as "Lecal Improvement
District No. 167 Co;;St~ctionFUnd." All moneys received from the sale of warrants drawn. on the,Local
Improvement District No. 167 Fund shal:!- be placed in said Construction Fund, and shall be used solely
, for the purpose of paying the costs of the construdtion and installation of the ~p~vements in said
local improvement district, including all costs incidental thereto.
l>ECTION 2. The warrants and bonds of Local Improvement District No. 167 shall be offered far sale
at pub.lJ.C sale, at not less than par and at. interest at not to exceed YJ, per annum. The City Clerk is
427 "
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 20 continued
'"<. . ."... ...'" ...,,~'". .,,'......... 1Ir>-
It was moved by Councilman Bro>In that the foregoing res.olution be approv.ed and adopted.
man Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Seconded by Council-
, I
is hereby authqrized and directed to advertise said >larr,aIjts and bends for sale by one publication of. such
notice in the official ,city paper and in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, each such publication to
be not less than ten days prior to the operning of the bid" .for said warrants and bends, and to give such
other notice of sale to prospective purchasers as deemed advisable.
A RESOLUTION declaring the. int"ntion of the C;i.t;v Council of the CITY OF PORT NTGEIE3 to order the
improvement,. of, Gerogiana Street from the West margin of Race Street to. the East margin, of Ennis Streety
by the construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters on both sides of said Georgiana Street.
j - Ii1:.21: That ,it is the intention of. the. City Council of the CITY OF PORT OOELES to order the improve-
ment of Geqrgiana Street from the East margin of Race Street to the West. margin of Ennis Street by the
Iconstruc.tion of si(j.ewalks, curbs and gutters on both the North side qf said Georgiana Street and on the
. South, side of said Georgiana ~treet and by the construction of corner curbs at the intersections.of streets
,in said prcposed local improvement district and to establish grades and to construct all III cessary drains
'and other equipment necessary and suitable to complete said improvement and to establish and create a
local improvement district therefor.
~: That the cost and expense of said improvement and the construction of said sidewalks, curbs
and gutters. shall be borne and assessed against the property served and abutting upon s aid improvement and
adjoining approximate and contiguous thereto. I
Third: That the City of Port Angeles shall not be liable in any manner for any part of the cost of
said improvement, except in so far ,as the said City is made liable by the Statutes of the State of Washing-
'Iton in SUCh cases as made and pro.vided especially by the statute of the local improvament guaranty fund.
Fourth: That all persons who desire to object to said improvement or to any part thereof are hereby
notified.to.appear am present such objections at a meeting of the City Council of the CITY OF PORT
ANGEIES in the Council Chambers in the City Jail Building on Oak a" (l Front Streets in the. City of Port
IAngeles at a hearing before said City Council on Thursday the 17 day of March, 1955, at the hour of 7:30
'll' clock P.M,' of said date, >1hich is he....by set as, the time and place for the hearing on matters relating
Ito said :lmt>rovement and on objections theretp and for the determining the method of payment for the same. I
Fifth: That the City Engineer is hereby instructed to submit tc the City Council at or prior :to the
,time of the hearing herein fixed in the preceding paragraph all data and information required by law to
Ibe so submi~ted. . I
lit was moved by Coupcilman Wolfe that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council-
man Brown and carried. I
[ ,
'lUndeI' the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were ~ntroduced am read in tull
'for Council consideration: . ,
I . ORmNANCE NO. 1342
AN ORDINANCE relating to the sale of alectrical en<:>rgy by the Municipal Light and Power System of
,the City. of ,P9rt ,Angeles, prescribing monthlY r14l;es, terms and conditions'of :the sale of such energy
.and.the'fur~shing of electrical service; amending Ordinance No. 890 of the City of Port Angeles and re-
pealing Ordinance No. 1294 and all other ordinances,.or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewXb.
I .. ' ,
! Thomas La,ycock, electrical engineer from the PeoPly protested high rate of industrial power even though
I su~s~antial :eduction ia ~rovide~ in O~nance, No. 1342. He cited lower rates in other Cities which could
e~nate th:LS area from :Lndustnal cons:Lderat:Lon. Also reminied of rate increase in 1953 which cost
~s company about $1,000.00 per month and objected to the City pa,ying 3i mills ani selling at 7 mills.
I C:Lty Manager Vergeer c?rrected this by stating' that the City is responsible for line am'transfoI'lller 10 ss
as ,1.,ell as other op;>rat:Lng expense and replacement including bond redemption. Mr. Vergeer informed that
pnor to 1953 the C:Lty was furnishing power to PeoPly at a loss of 2 mills per Kilowatt Hour and assured
that when possible, the City will make further rat!) reductions, industrial included. He. also stated
I the new rat~ >lould reduce pe~'s power bill by an estimated $800 per month.
It wa~ moved by Councilman Brovm that the foregoing'Ordinance be approved am adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
ORDINA!l;E NO. 1343
AN ORD!NAN?E granting to Crmm Zellerbach, Corporation, its successors and assigns the right to con-
~trupt, ,m,,:,ntaJ.ll and operate electr:i,c power lines by means of poles and wires or other means of conduct-
:Lng electncal energy to be erected on certain streets, alleys, and public places in the Cit;v of Port.
I It <was moved by COWlcilman Bro,m that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. ,
IThere being'no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
~ c. .z~.
. . C:Lty Clerk
I R~~g:;~T~
.NOTICE Is hereby given that the
~l~t~1 ~~~t b~~f~ictsd~;~1 tte;l f~?I~~
~~lg 1i~~~'I~~g ~g,ai~1~~fJ~YB\r;~t:
358, Townsite, Minimum 'a.s IiX-/
g~l" bl~t:he City Council, $50.00
se;}~J:~fJ~ ifO!ur~~e~alreV~~JlIt~
r~cf>rv.ea by t.hc City Clel'k at the
~~~'1"J;~1I ~~,t111:5:500 a~~C]~~~, fa:~:1
Bid lllm.t be aCcompanied by a de-
~rS~h~f ~~~~;s 6~~n 01;'\g:r o~~~:
wlll n.ot be considered. The City
COUl1Cll reserves the right to r. ejec;'tt
any or all bids.
Pub: Pet. 1~8, i9~~. City _ ~Icr~ :