HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/06/1998 3624 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 6, 1998 CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order SPECIAL MEETING: at 10:30 a.m. This special meeting was held to join with Senator Patty Murray and business and community leaders in discussing issues pertinent to Port Angeles and the North Olympic Peninsula. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Braun, Councilmembcrs Campbell, Doyle, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilman Hulett. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, K. GodbeY, J. Pittis, and T. Smith. Business~Community Leaders Present: Dan DiGuilio, Clallam Transit; Bill Thomas and Tom Lawell, City of Sequim; Glenn Beckman, Jack Waud, Dave Hagiwara, and Clyde Boddy, Port of Port Angeles~ Wally Sigmar, Peninsula College; Phil Volk, U.S. Coast Guard; David Moms, Olympic National Park; Carole Boardman, Phil Kitchel, Martha Ireland, and Jim Rumpeltes, Clallam County; Bart Phillips, Economic Development Council; Randy Johnson, Green Crow; Karen Grandbouche, First Federal Savings & Loan; Gaff Frick, U.S. Bank; Mac Ruddell, Ruddell Motors; Ted Simpson and Mike Mclnnes, Clallam County P.U.D.; Dave Tamaki, Daishowa America; Kurt Beckett, Congressman Dick's office; Terry Roth, Port Angeles Downtown Association; Frank Ducceschi, Peninsula Daily News; John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce; Harriette Buchmann, NOTAC; Rod Fleck, City of Forks; Loma Mike, Elwha Tribe; and Bill Hermann, Hermann Logging. Discussion with Senator Manager Pomeranz opened the meeting by welcoming Senator Murray to Port Angeles. Patty Murray He expressed appreciation for the opportunity to join with Senator Murray and business and community leaders in discussing the many challenges being addressed in Port Angeles and the entire North Olympic Peninsula. Manager Pomeranz thanked Senator Murray for partnering with Congressman Dicks and Senator Gorton in working hard to seek funding for a variety of projects in the area. Senator Murray thanked Manager Pomeranz for making the arrangements for this meeting; she was hopeful she could assist with many economic development projects, particularly by virtue of her membership on the Appropriations Committee. The business and community leaders present then shared with Senator Murray their hopes and concerns with regard to the economic future of the area. Topics included the need to continue funding social service agencies, the need to consider fish mitigation cost impacts on small business, and the need to foster a balanced management plan with regard to fish and wildlife. Also discussed were the restructuring of the electrical industry, the efforts - 1 - 3625 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 6, 1998 Discussion with Senator of the forest retraining program, needed financial support for new businesses, the impact Patty Murray (Cont'd) of new regulations on Canadian visitors, unnecessary bureaucracy and regulations, the need for ongoing support of community financial institutions, and the need for creating partnerships in making the education system more efficient. Discussion also ensued concerning the impact of changes to the welfare system, the need to concentrate on maintaining the highway system, as well as the need to allow cruise ships to dock in Port Angeles. Various other issues were brought to Senator Murray's attention, and she assured the group that she planned to work with the Peninsula as much as possible in creating oppommifies for economic development. The group moved to the Vern Burton Center at 12:10 p.m. for lunch, at which time the discussions continued. At 1:00 p~m., the group departed for a tour of Admiral Marine, Admiral Composites, and the Valley Creek Estuary. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:30 p.m. B~ckY J. upq, Ci(y]Clerk ~ Oary Braun,~Ma or .. -2- 3626 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 6, 1998 CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown [arrived at 6:40 p.m.], Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus, N. Wu, B. Coons, J. Doyle, and L. Haehnlen. Public Present: E. Turtle, S. Marble, E. Hansen, L. Wawrin, L. Lee, R. Henneck, A. Irwin, B. Volk, C. Schilke, K. Jensen, D. McGinley, Jr., A. Ziebarth, C. Thomas, M. Winters, B. Pecker, T. Weed, J~ Kirkman, A. Miller, T. Lovell, S. Fillion, E. Richmond, and E. Pisciotta. ADJOURN TO Deputy Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session as 6:30 p.m. to discuss EXECUTIVE SESSION: labor negotiations for approximately one-half hour. RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 7:05 p.m. OPEN SESSION: CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 7:15 p.m. Administration of Clerk Upton administered the oath of office to Larry Doyle, Jim Hulett, Cathleen Oath of Office McKeown, and Larry Williams who were then immediately seated with the City Council. Election/Seating of Deputy Mayor Braun opened nominations for the position of Mayor. Councilman Mayor Campbell moved to.place the name of Gary Braun in nomination for Mayor. Councilman Hulett seconded the nomination. Deputy Mayor Braun asked if there were any further nominations. There being none, nominations were closed. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Deputy Mayor Braun was then seated as Mayor. Election/Seating of Mayor Braun opened nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor. Councilman Deputy Mayor Wiggins moved to place the name of Larry Doyle in nomination for Deputy Mayor. Counciimember McKeown seconded the motion. Mayor Braun asked if there were any fiuther nominations. There being none, nominations were closed. A vote was taken on - 1 - 3627 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 6, 1998 Election/Seating of the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Doyle was then seated as Deputy Deputy Mayor (Cont'd) Mayor. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of ~ie'g~ance to the Flag was led by Mayor Braun. ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of MINUTES: December 16, 1997. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unani~nously. CEREMONIAL None. MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: FINANCE: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Out-of-state travel by Planning Director to attend 1998 American Planning Association National Conference in Boston; 2) Payroll December 14, 1997 - $409,413.84 and December 28, 1997 - $349,865.48; 3) Check list - January 2, 1998 - $977,072.31; 3a) Progress Payment #3, Downtown Sidewalk - Watermain project; 3b) Progress Payment #9, Library Project. Planning Director Collins distributed an itemized list of anticipated expenses associated with his reques't for approval of out-of-state travel. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief di~ussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. ITEMS FROM THE Erl Hansen, 1025 West Fifth Street, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Chamber of AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ Commerce, presented a gavel to Mayor Braun. STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR Councilman Wiggins asked to add item 4. H., a discussion of the Public Health meeting he PLACED ON A attended. FUTURE AGENDA: Councilman Campbell asked to add item 4. I., K-Ply Air Operating Permit. Manager Pomeranz pointed out that the landfill revenues from the Rayonier demolition exceeded $30,000. Coun¢ilmen~ber McKeown lauded the City Manager and staff for the wonderful job they did at the meeting and reception held earlier today for Senator Patty, Murray. Manager Pomeranz felt the meeting was time ~vell spent and a good start in building a relationship with Senator Murray. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances ~Vot Requiring Public Hearh,gs: None. 2. Resolutions not Requiring Public: None. 3. Planning Commission MinutesL4ction Items: None. 4. Other Considerations -2- 3628 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 6, 1998 LEGISLATION: A. Steve Marble - Local Conservation Districts (Cont'd) Steve Marble, 85 Fawndale Place, Sextuim, representing the Clallam Conservation District, Conservation Districts thanked the ~fi;0~eil .£~.~'~pportunity to speak to them. He distributed copies of a · . .~i~.'~,! ~'-~ ~ "' · · · . petition for the ~nclus~on of ~ddmonal property, to mclude Port Angeles, m the Clallam Conservation District. Mr. Marble gave a brief history of conservation districts and explained the District boundaries. He reviewed the advantages of belonging to a Conservation District. Mr. Marble then responded to questions posed by the Council. Councilman Doyle inquired of Mr. Marble as to whether similar requests were being made of Sequim and Forks, to which Mr. Marble responded in the afftrmative. Councilman , Wiggins asked Attorney Knutson for input pertinent to this request. Attorney Knutson explained to the Council that the petition referred to by Mr. Marble had not been submitted for review prior to this meeting, and neither staff nor Council had the opportunity to study its contents. Attorney Knutson noted that, on the second page of the petition, there was a statement that the signing of the petition was authorized by resolution of the City of Port Angeles; however, no such resolution had been prepared for this meeting. He suggested the Council may wish to place the matter on a future agenda to give staff a chance for further review and research. Discussion followed, and Mr. Marble responded to further questions. Manager Pomeranz suggested he meet with staff and some Council members so that a recommendation can be made regarding participation. Mayor Braun agreed and thanked Mr. Marble for his time. Committee Assignments B. City Council Committee Assignments Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk and stated he would contact the Council members to determine their interest in service on the different committees. Councilman Hulett offered to assist the Mayor in a meeting with Manager Pomeranz and Clerk Upton to prepare a list of recommendations as to committee memberships. The recommendations would be returned for consideration at the next Council meeting. Planning Director Collins stated that there is a Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization meeting scheduled for January 16, 1998, and Prosper Ostrowski had been the primary representative. Councilman Wiggins is the alternate; however, he has already stated he would be unable to attend. Councilman Williams volunteered to attend this meeting in Councilman Wiggins' absence. PenCom Interlocal C. PenCom Interlocal Agreements Agreements Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department and asked Naomi Wu, Communications Manager, for further input. Ms. Wu explained there are five agreements ready for signature and three pending which should be ready by month end. Those forthcoming are fix)m Olympic National Park, Elwha Tribal Police, and Fire District 4. Ms. Wu asked for approval of all agreements. After brief discussion, Councilmember McKeown mOVed to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreements. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Goal Setting Retreat D. Set Goal-Setting Retreat Time and Date Time and Date Set Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Director, and Manager Pomeranz asked to meet with two Council members to help set the agenda for the retreat. Councilmembers Doyle and McKeown volunteered. The retreat was set for Friday, January 23, 1998, at 7:30 a.m. -3- 3629 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 6, 1998 LEGISLATION: E. 1998 City Legislative Action Conference - February 4-5, Tumwater Washington (Cont'd) Manager Pomeranz stated the Association of Washington Cities needs to be informed of Legislative Action how many members will be attending the Conference. He stressed the importance of this Conference meeting, as Council will have the opportunity to meet with the Governor and key legislators to discuss issues currently being addressed by our community. Congressional City F. Congressional City Conference '98 - March 6-10, Washington, D.C. Conference Manager Pomeranz stated this is an annual meeting, with continued emphasis on building relationships with senators, congressional representatives, and others. This meeting is a duplication of the Washington State meeting with a national approach. Manager Pomeranz thought it would be useful to have a presence. Mayor Braun asked Councilman Doyle if he would again like to attend this conference, as he had given such a great report after his atiendance two years ago. Councilman Doyle agreed to attend. Councilman Campbell felt it would be useful to send the City Manager to this conference as well. Manager Pomeranz stated if any other Council member was interested in attending, to notify him by tomorrow. Discussion of Old G. Request of Discussion of OM Library Site by Council Member McKeown Library Site Councilmember McKeown stated several Council and staff members had been approached by different organizations with an interest in the old library. She suggested this be referred to the Real Estate Committee and a formal request for proposals be prepared regarding the old library. Councilman Hulett suggested the possibility of seeking a historical designation for the building. Public Works Director Pittis stated that, as part of the Multimodal project, the City must inventory its potentially historical buildings. The library can be included as part of that project. Councilman Campbell endorsed Councilmember McKeown's proposal and felt an RFP would give everyone an opportunity to put forth their ideas for use of that facility and allow the Real Estate Committee and the Council to evaluate the value of each proposal. By consensus, the Council agreed that this item should be referred to the Real Estate Committee. Public Health Meeting H. Public Health Meeting Councilman Wiggins reported that he attended a Public Health meeting today which revealed the results of the County health survey. Identified as a priority to be addressed is that of teen pregnancy and next was substance abuse. These issues will be addressed at future meetings. K-Ply Air Operating Permit I. K-Ply Air Operating Permit Councilman Campbell stated that K-Ply has been seeking an Air Operating Permit for more than two years. He then gave a brief history of this issue, whereby a permit had been issued after which the EPA was petitioned for the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority to reopen the permit process and consider a number of modifications. As of December 19, 1997, a draft permit was issued for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) review. The review period ends February 2, 1998. If things go well, the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority will issue a fmal permit after that date. Councilman Campbell stated he had a copy of the entire document relating to the permit in the event anyone was interested in reviewing the document. Mayor Braun asked Councilman Campbell to have copies made for each Council member. -4- 3630 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 6, 1998 LEGISLATION: d. Report from Building Division Re: Sign Enforcement (Cont'd) Manager Pomeranz referred to Page 102 of the Information Packet, regarding illegal signs Sign Enforcement in the City right-of-way. Manager Pomeranz wanted to be certain the Council was aware of the letter which will be going out, as he was sure that the removal of illegal signs will generate some interest on the part of the public. He asked Lou Haehnlen, Sr. Building Inspector, to provide further input. Lou Haehnlen, Sr. Building Inspector, informed the Council that the City has received numerous complaints over the past year or two regarding the placement of A-frame signs in the public fight-of-way. The signs are creating vision problems for drivers, and a recent accident occurred on Marine Drive because a driver could not see across the right-of-way due to an illegal sign. Mr. Haehnlen stated he will start removing the A-frame signs and returning them to the owner, along with a copy of the letter contained in the packet. He will explain what needs to be done to have a legal sign. Councilmember McKeown agreed that the A-frame signs were a problem and, after one warning, the signs should be removed. Mr. Haehnlen explained how the sign problem is currently being handled; he did not feel that there would be any difficulty in addressing these problems in the furore. Mayor Braun noted that Mr. Haehnlen had a reputation for Working well with the public, and the Mayor was certain that Mr. Haehnlen would obtain the desired cooperation in this effort. ADJouRNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Becky J. U~ff4n, C~ Clerk Gary~Braun, Mayor -5- 3631 THIS PAGE INTENTIONAI,LY LEFT BLANK