HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/06/2009
Combined Sewer Overflow
(CSO) Project Update and
Port Angeles, Washington
January 6, 2009
Deputy Mayor Wharton called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers Di Guilio,
Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent:
Mayor Braun.
Staff Present:
Interim Manager Osterman, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G.
Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski,
S. Sperr, and T. Pierce.
Public Present:
O. & P. Campbell and P. Lamoureux. All others present in
the audience failed to sign the roster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Di Guilio, followed by
a moment of silence regarding the tragic death of a newborn baby boy this past week.
Norma Turner, 3928 Mt. Angeles Road, expressed appreciation for being provided a
written response to previous questions raised. In light of a tight budget, Ms. Turner
questioned the need for City representatives to travel to Florida to meet with Rayonier.
She proposed that Council and staff seek the use of other technology for this exchange.
Darlene Schanfald, P. O. Box 2664, Sequim, Olympic Environmental Council, referenced
an e-mail she sent to the Council earlier in the day regarding CSOs. She echoed Ms.
Turner's comments regarding the trip to Florida, and she suggested there are alternatives
to the acquisition of the Rayonier tank.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, thanked Jerry Osterman for his service to the City as
Interim City Manager. He addressed the matter ofCSOs, urging the City to negotiate an
extension of time, as well as financial assistance in view of the unfunded mandate.
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project Update and Presentation:
Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler prefaced the update for the Combined Sewer
Overflow (CSO) Project by noting that Port Angeles is not the only city in the State
involved in CSOs. There are other cities that are also impacted by this Federal legislation
that is administered by the Department of Ecology. He provided the history of the CSO
discussion since 1990, indicating the issue has been addressed with DOE via the NPDES
Permit. The City has looked at various options, prices, and studies and has attempted to
identify a preferred solution in view of the costs. The City has continued its dialogue with
DOE through the Agreed Order process by looking at alternatives and requesting grant
and loan funding. To date, the City has not received grant funding but has identified
loans that must ultimately be paid back. As of this date, funding is still short, and it will
involve the participation of many agencies to solve the problem. All components must
be identified, and the project must be complete by 2015.
qty Engineer Sperr indicated that, over the years, there have been over fifteen memos
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January 6, 2009
Combined Sewer Overflow
(CSO) Project Update and
Presentation (Cont'd)
'.' i
submitted to the Council, showing the amount of effort that has gone into the CSO.plan.
In addition, a great deal has been happening at the design level. Using PowerPoint slides
to provide the CSO program update, Engineer Sperr discussed the typical volume in the
sanitary sewer system, as well as stormwater events that run into the sanitary sewer
system, to include drainage from rooftops, driveways, and the like. He summarized the
increase in volume during a stormwater event and showed a map of four remaining CSO
outfall/overflow locations. There are 30 - 100 events per year, and each can be 10 gallons
to 12 million gallons per event and can range from a duration of 5 minutes to multiple
overflows in 1 Y2 days. Engineer Sperr advised the Council that there is public education
notification, with signs at each location, and there are notifications to various agencies at
the beginning and end of each event. There is also annual notification to the utility
, customers.
Engineer Sperr summarized the regulatory background under the Clean Water Act,
RCWs, and WACs, which is the framework for DOE to assure the wastewater treatment
plant follows NPDES regulations reo CSOs. He noted the State has more stringent
regulations in terms of events allowed, so the City is allowed one event per year per
outfall, on average, by 2015. There is a requirement to update the CSO Reduction Plan,
and the Agreed Order that was negotiated set out a time frame, and if not met, the
potential penalty is $10,000 per day. Director Cutler added that DOE would not agree
to a date beyond 2015. However, iffunding proves not to be available, then the date can
be revisited. Engineer Sperrreviewed the two options available to deal with CSOs: 1.)
Disconnect sources of stormwater "inflows" into the sewer system or 2.) Increase the
capacity of the sewer collection system and convey to the wastewater treatment plant or
the CSO outfalls, both of which he discussed in detail. With regard to Option 1, he
discussed the Disconnection Pilot Project of200 1-03, the estimated cost of disconnection
at $35-50 million plus cost for necessary stormwater improvements, as well as work that
would be phased over many years but would still require additional CSO capacity
improvements. Regarding Option 2, Engineer Sperr discussed the fact that this option
may include the need for storage upstream of the wastewater treatment plant and/or a wet
weather treatment plant at an estimated cost of$32-$42 million. He indicated this option
could be complete by 2015 with minimal stormwater improvements necessary and is,
therefore, the preferred alternative.
Attention was then directed to the projects involved, and Engineer Sperr reviewed the
Phase 1 projects at a total cost of $16.9 million, plus $5 million for planning and design.
He showed a map depicting the proposed placement of the pipe that would transport
stormwater to the treatment plant, and Director Cutler showed how the placement had
changes from previous discussions. He added that the plans were presented to Tribal
Chair Frances Charles. Brief discussion ensued, and Director Cutler responded to a
question as to constraints on the size ofthe tank and the potential need to acquire another
tank. Director Cutler discussed alternative placement sites, such as the Francis Street
Park as a fallback position. Engineer Sperr discussed Phase I funding, as well as Public
Works Trust Fund loans, noting there is still a need for an additional $5-10 million more.
Design must be complete in order to obtain approval on a construction loan. Another
funding option is bonding as outlined by Director Cutler, but the interest would be higher.
Engineer Sperr reviewed the fee structure for the stormwater utility, and Director Cutler
summarized the rates which will continue for the next 12-15 years.
Engineer Sperr discussed the Phase 2 projects at a total cost of$22 million. He added
that Phase I design is stalled, permitting needs to be completed, and Rayonier has not
authorized permanent use nor onsite access. Mr. Sperr reviewed project milestones in
terms of access to Rayonier property. There are 10-12 months to complete the design,
and work must restart by April 1 st. State Revolving Funds will be available the summer
of20 11. Engineer Sperr reviewed the delay issues, to include the design having been on
hold. The terms ofthe Agreed Order have not been met, and the City has been unable to
obtain additional loan funding. Director Cutler indicated the City needs access to the
property before the design can be completed, and the City must go to DOE by August,
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Combined Sewer Overflow
(CSO) Project Update and
Presentation (Cont' d)
Recognition ofInterim City
Manager Jerry Osterman
January 6,2009
2010, and then submit a loan application by October, 2010. If the process isn't started
by April 1, 2009, then another year might elapse. He emphasized the importance of
having an agreement with Rayonier before moving forward.
Engineer Speri itemized the various agencies with whom the City has relationships
regarding the project, and he discussed talks that have taken place with Rayonier
regarding acquisition of the tank. He discussed in detail the various options open to the
City, to include avoiding the Rayonier property, revisiting acquisition of the tank with
more active discussions, or perhaps proceeding with an eminent domain action. He
discussed other options if the City avoids Rayonier, the impact and cost of roof drain
disconnection, storage and treatment of CSOs at another location, the possible siting of
a new outfall downtown or at Francis Street Park, and re-routing the force mains from
Pump Station 4. He also discussed the option of gaining access to the Rayonier property,
with Lower Elwha Tribal support and Rayonier support, or an eminent domain action.
It is important to demonstrate to Rayonier that CSO efforts are not detrimental to property
redevelopment and may be beneficial to both parties. A second option would be to enter
into a purchase and sale agreement with Rayonier. Mr. Sperr advised the Council that the
recommendation is to pursue Option 2, which he summarized in detail. DireCtor Cutler
asked that Council consider appointment of the Council members of the UAC to an ad
hoc committee to travel with staff to the Rayonier headquarters in Georgia to negotiate
access to the property and acquisition of the tank.
Discussion followed regarding possible disconnection, the need to focus on larger events,
the possibility of addressing stormwater on-site by some residents and businesses, and
projections for drainage into the sanitary sewer. It was noted there is existing
infrastructure on the Rayonier site that must be inspected and determined to be in good
condition.. Director Cutler provided information on the scheduled meeting in Florida on
January 15th to meet with Rayonier representatives. It is anticipated that Attorney Bloor,
Community & Economic Development Director West, Director Cutler, and three Council
representatives serving on the Utility Advisory Committee will make the trip.
Councilmember Rogers moved to approve Option 2, Steps 1 - 4, as presented. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Di Guilio and carried unanimously. As a
member of the UAC, Councilmember Rogers indicate.<l she had made other plans and
could not take the trip. Councilmember Perry moved that Deputy Mayor Wharton
and Councilmember Di Guilio be the Council representatives to take the trip to
Florida. Councilmember Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Discussion followed with regard to a representative of the Port Angeles HarborWorks
Development Authority joining the delegation. Orville Campbell, President of the
HarborWorks Development Authority, 820 Milwaukee Drive, stated the HarborWorks
Board will discuss the matter at its Board meeting tomorrow. Those who heard the
presentation felt the City would be successful in getting a lease under reasonable terms,
which will set the stage for HarborW orks to begin negotiations that would lead to the due
diligence phase of property acquisition or control. The Board should have a presence at
the negotiations to fully understand what has transpired. Mr. Campbell felt that the PDA
Board should have a role in this to support the City's position and to offer Rayonier
assurances they plan to proceed with negotiations around the Memorandum of
Understanding. Individual Councilmembers spoke in support of Mr. Campbell joining
the delegation traveling to Florida.
Recognition of Interim City Manager Jerry Osterman:
. .
Interim Manager Osterman was qonored by the Council for his' service to the City.
DeputyMayor Wharton and Councilmember.Kidd presented Mr. Osterman with various
gifts to remember Port Angeles and to enjoy with his motorcycle.
Everyone was invited to join in refreshments in honor ofMr. Osterman. Deputy Mayor
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January 6, 2009
Campbell Avenue Planned
Residential Development
Phase I Final Approval
The Reserve at Valley
Creek Planned Residential
Development and
Subdivision Phase I Final
Treatment Plant
Operations and
Maintenance Fund
Ordinance Revision
Ordinance No. 3355
Emergency Alarm
Ordinance No. 3356
Wharton recessed the meeting for a break at 7:53 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8: 13
Campbell Avenue Planned Residential Development Phase I Final Approval:
Community & Economic Development Director West explained that, on December 4,
2008, the applicant submitted an application for final approval of the Phase I Campbell
Avenue Planned Residential Development. Then, on December 31,2008, the Department
received notice from the applicant requesting that the matter be continued to the January
20,2009, City Council meeting. The Deputy Mayor inquired as to whether anyone in the
audience would be unable to attend the public hearing ifit were continued to January 20.
No one responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Williams moved to continue the
matter to the January 20, 2009, City Council meeting. Councilmember Kidd
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. The Reserve at Valley CreekPlanned Residential Development and Subdivision
Phase I Final Approval:
Director West informed the Council that, on December 8, 2008, the applicant submitted
an application for final approval of the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential
Development. On December 24, 2008, the applicant submitted a notice requesting that
the matter be continued to the February 3, 2009, City Council meeting. Deputy Mayor
Wharton asked if anyone in the audience would be unable to attend the public hearing if
it were continued to February 3. No one responded in the affirmative. Councilmember
Williams moved to continue the matter to the City Council meeting of February 3,
2009. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Perry and carried unanimously.
Councilmember Kidd asked that Consent Agenda Item K.4., Settlement of Lien for
Abatement of Harbor Tavern (Voang), be considered separately. It was moved to Other
Considerations as Agenda Item G.l.
J. Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance Fund Ordinance Revision:
Director Cutler advised the Council that the language in the Ordinance had been revised
since the last meeting, and it restricts the use of funds to operations and maintenance
activities for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plan and the Ranney Well systems.
Deputy Mayor Wharton conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter
3.42 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Public Works and
Utilities Department Treatment Plant Operating and Maintenance
Councilmember Perry moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilmember Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Emergency Alarm Ordinance:
Police Chief Gallagher indicated the Emergency Alarm Ordinance would be a valuable
tool for law enforcement. Officer Duane Benedict's recent column in the PADA
newsletter included information relative to the proposed regulations. Chief Gallagher
added that the Police Department will engage in an educational process before
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Emergency Alarm
Ordinance No. 3356
Settlement of Lien for
Abatement of Harbor
Tavern (Voang)
Electrical Cost of Service
Agreement Amendment
January 6, 2009
commencing enforcement. Deputy Mayor Wharton conducted a second reading of the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, regulating
emergency alarms, establishing fees for monitoring emergency alarms,
and adding a new Chapter 9.50 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilmember Di Guilio moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Perry and carried unanimously.
Settlement of Lien for Abatement of Harbor Tavern (Voang):
Manager Osterman and Attorney Bloor provided background information regarding the
settlement of the lien for the abatement ofthe Harbor Tavern. The lien was filed in 2000
as relates to condemnation proceedings of Clallam Transit in conjunction with the
Gateway Project. There is now money available from the sale of the property, but there
was no provision for the payment of interest. The matter went before a Judge, who
det~rrnined that interest should not be paid on the ,lien. The owner wishes to obtain
possession of the funds paid into the Court by Transit, and the owner must first agree that
all liens and encumbrances be paid. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Perry
moved to accept the tendered payment as satisfaction in full.' The motion was
seconded by CouncilmemberDi Guilio and carried unanimously.
Electrical Cost of Service Agreement Amendment No.2:
Director Cutler reminded the Council that consultant servIces have been engaged every
three years to assess and evaluate the cost of services and rates for each City utility. He
proposed the City continue using FCS to conduct a cost of service study for the electric
utilitY for 2009. Councilmeinber Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an
amendment to the Agreement with FCS Group for financial services in an amount
not t~ exceed $39,955, which includes Tasks 8-14 of the proposed scope of work.
Councilmt)mber, Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously'.
Council~ember Di Guilio moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council Special Meeting Minutes of December 9 and City Council Meeting Minutes of
December 16, 2008; 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 12/6/08 to 12/26/08 for
$3,561,~59.27; and 3.) Humane Society Agreement Extension to March 31, 2009.
Councilmember Kidd ,seconded,' the motion, which carried 5-0, with
Councilmembers Rogers abstaining due to absence from the December 16, 2008,
City Council meeting.
Councilmember Kidd reported on upcoming assessments and strategic planning to be led
by the American Association of Architects and Gentry Architects as sponsored by the Port
Angeles Forward Committee.
Director West provided clarification regarding a previou's request from the Port Angeles
Forward Committee to include a line item in the Capital Facilities Plan to fund a
transportation study evaluating a long-term and short-term cross-town route. This was,
in fact, included in the CFP. '
Chiefs Gallagher and McKeen were commended for the letter regarding skateboarding
, ,
Manager Osterman reported on the arrival of new City Manager Kent Myers.
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January 6, 2009
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
~~~. ~~ ~
Gary BraunOvfayor /
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