HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/07/1948 ,I .1 I II II 409 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,January 7, 19~ '~"_~"'~'_no_"_~ ,m. ~ The Cormnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of, officers showed the follcming present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioner Steele, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. II 1/ 1!inutes of the previous sessi on were read and approved. I Under the head of applicati,;ys for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: I IJuilding Permits: ! I () 0 0 - Mike Marusich ' Move House; Lots 8 and 9, Blk. 205, Townsite 5,500.00 Estes Grocery Remodeling Interior Grocery Store; Lot 2, Blk. 265, Tovmsite 1,000.00 C..E. Morgan Move House; Lot 1, Blk. 176, TOl'ffisite 4,500.00 Vim. J::eFrang Set up 4-Room Prefabricated House; Lot 6, Blk. 177, Townsite 4,500.00 M..A. Edwards Put up 4-Room Prefabricated House; Lot 7, Blk. 177, Townsite 4,500.00 ;<!5 I ' Licenses: -<os, , Annex Hotel Hotel--21 rooms 21.00 ' ',Rea'S Taxi-City Cab--Black & White Taxi 150.00 I , Dr. Vernon S" Behymer Massage, 3 Mo. 6.25. Alex P. I,~r"uis Barber LCD 'I LeRt 's r:'aster PIW1lber 25.00 i I Josephine Broett Place of Refuge 2.00 I. Harold Brown, Percy Bark, and 1'1. A. Saari, representing the Dovmtown Parking Jlssociation, appeared before 'I' the Commission regarding leasing of City parking lots. Mr. Littlejohn also spoke regarding leasing of the parking lots, and desired taking over, maklllg charge for parking and operating .rith attendant. The Parking Association did not approve leasing, and the COIl'Jnlssion postponed declsion for further conslderation. il I 111'a. Lerrabee introduced ILrs. Poolton, representative of the Peninsula Herald, and thanked the Cormnission il for their co-operation. The twenty-first annual report of the fire department for the year 1947 was accepted and ordered fi::u,d.. 1 Uooer the head' of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was passed first and second reading)' ! . ORDINANCE NO. 1192 AN' ORDINANCE fixing the monthly salaries, I I City of Port Angeles, Washington. , It was moved by Cormnissioner Steele that the foregoing ordir.ance be placed on first and second readine. [ Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. 1 The Commission examined and approved Ii same: 3 i CURRENT ErPENSE FUND: ~ 7 f ~ [ 'callaghan & Co., Law Publishers Thomas Peck Olympic Stationers , Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Street Dept, Hazel's Cafe City Treasurer Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Mc/,'.ahan FUel Co . Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Downs Au to Ele ctric Hooker I s Service Station D & B Battery & Electric Station R. O. Ide City Street Dept. tI CITY STREET FU1ID: 1';(2 ~ CrOlvn Zellerbach Gorp. ',' Tide Vlater Associated Oil .Go. " Hiddleton Motor Parts :Co. Olympic Stationers Port ~ngeles Auto Supply Co. D & B Battery & Ele ctric Station Downs Auto Electric Vlestern Tractor & Equip. Go . Angeles Machine & Welding Works i VIATER FUND: ,,(,r!J City Street Dept. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Downs Auto Ele ctric Loop Auto Vire eking Co. City Treasurer Hooker Electrochemical Co. Rensselaer Valve Co, I Leonard H. Abner , Angeles M"chine & Welding Works I Owens Bros. Epperson &. Sons Tide 1'Iater ~ssociated Oil Co. Middleton llotor Parts Co.. Willson Hardware Co. V.. Ho$ Haller Hardwa re Co. Fredericks Electric City Street Dapt. compensations, and wages of certain officers and employees of the i , , McQuillin Imn. Corp., 1947 Supl. Refund Building Permit Drawing set, Office Supplies Gasoline, Motor Oil Service 361W, 1332, 126, 1627 Lamps, Street Brooms Mechanical J,abor Keals for Prisoners P. '0. Box llent Film The 1 Oil Parts Brush Holder and Sets, Springs 2 lLock Uas Caps Batteries, Etc. Car Mileage for Dec., 1947 Gasoline i I I Ii 15.0011 .50 . 59.97 169.121 26.71 18.21 23.50 224.59 1.00 6.15 70.46 4.54 .55 15.04 30.06, 29.3311 3.60, the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the Rewinding Motor Gasoline, Motor and Stove Oil, Etc. One Tube Body Paste Blueprint Parts Parts Light Bulbs, Terminals, Brush Holder Equip. Supplies Ma chine Wprk 217.54' 555.32, .98 .58 : 8.121 10.821 6.15 17.10 26.99 Gas Oil and Repairs Parts Part s Parts Cash for Postage Chlorine Parts (713 East 2nd) Pipe Repairs Sheet Irone Lumoor uasoline Tools Supplies Staples :Hring & Ac cess. Road Work 87.12' 7.17: 3.21 1.081 100.44 [ 33.74' 21.42 ' 2.81' 42,.011 2.64 2.22 7.15' .87 1.27, 10.85 17.831 328.00 i ~ ,.. 410 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 7, continued 19.iL lJJ..l,,!_ i.J1Jr~8~ Dept:' / Clal1am Co.: P.U.D. 110. 1 B. vr. Lean : Tide Water Addooiated Oil Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Dm,ns Auto Electric Co. United Janitors Supply Cpo Evening News Press Port Angeles Evening News, Inc. Olympic Stationers Fredericks Electric Home Electric Co. Vlillson Hardware Co. Illf,aYdwell & Hart~ell, Inc. SANITATION FUND: ..2 'If :: "- Lincoln Welding Irwin & Johnson Luvaas Firestone Store D & B Battery & Electric Station City Street Dept. Olympic Stationers leRoy Jagger Kenneth Owen Port Angeles Evening News Ovfens Brothers 7'1 PARK FUNj): .;(R. "- 'C.M.SCP;-& P. Railroad 'I Pacific Telephone & Telegraph ,I Ci ty Street Dept. PARKING HETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUllD: : City T;ea surer M. H. Rhodes, Inc. City Light Dept. Felix Gallacci The Electric Co. Willson Hardware 'Co. Co. Oil and Re pa irs Dec. Power ' Expense, Supt. Gasoline Parts Part s Janitor Supplies Printing Adv. Supplies Service Hea ter Lamps and SUpplies Transformers Repair Stsps on Trucks, IJuild Truck Guard 'ilrecker Service Fla t Repa ired Plugs Gasolbe Office Supplies Car Uleage for- Dec. 5 Mos. Rental: TI"~cks Garage Adv., Display.Jldv. New Equipment for Dump Site Frt. on Playficld Equipment Service 1550M Gas, Diesel, and Mech. Labor .i(03J'~7 Lights Co.'s Shere of Dec. .collections Installing New Signal System (in part) Car Mileage for Dec. 2nd Eatimate on Traffic Control Tools and Hardvrare II There being no further busin~ss, the session was declared adjourned. ----j~ ~ ~ierk ~ 51.50 I 21,580.30 I 53.40 'I 75.05 ' .85 ' 3.29 55.29 i 49.44 52.491 .77 . 2.06 .2.53 106.78 5,148.46 1.50, 995.77 13.50 25.27 1,000.00 2.03 (\1Zut~1 May or 42.54 4.80 2.58 6.05 B7.04 S.61 I 29.82 30.00 17.60 23.18 10.67 3.00 9.12 I I I .1 I