HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/07/1952 I I I, I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 7 19~ . 211' ~o, . "_", .um. ",,_,_, ",.m. n... ..... IThe Commission met in~egular session at 10:00 A. M. and was called to oreer bw Mayor Feeley. Officers lpresent were: Mayor Feele;r, Commissioners Robinson and Ta;rlor, Attorney Trumbull, am Clerk Law. 1 ' ' ~Nin~tes of the previous session were read and approved, ,Under the head of applications for building permits and lie enses, the following were granted: !BUIim NG PERMITS: 'E. Rodney Downen I ' :LICjj:NSES : :West-ern Union Tel. Co. Occupational Tax, I ,The Commission discussed vacany in the City Hall caused by resignation of Hiss Wallitner. It was moved ,by C9mmissioner Robinson that Hrs Sherman be employed to fill the vacancy. Seconded bw Hayor Feeley. All ,voted Arte. Motion carried. ' , lIt ~as then moved bw Hayor Feeley that Attorney Reynolda be appointe d to serve as Police Judge eff~ctive 'Jan\lary 7. Seconded by COIll.nissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ' ' ',Request for vacation of an alley in Blcok,129,iJD. W. Morse Subdivision, by Faolas and 1'ialdrons, abutting property owners, was referred to the Engineer's Department and Planning Commission. ' I ' jThe Light Superintendent requested that an lliergency Ordinance in amount of $61,875.66 be drawn for payment of the power bill for 1951. Also that $3,000.00 be transfered from overtime item to extra labor in the (195? budget. It was moved by' Commissioner' Robinson that the Attorney be instructed to prepare necessary 10rdinance and that the transfer be made as requested. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion 'carried. I ' IThe: Engineer requested transfers in budget items as follows: STREET' DllPAR'D4EIlT FROl;f: Equipment Rent:al I ' Streets, Sidewalks, etc. iSTR,';,'T Streets,: Sidewalks, etc, ENG:plEER,DEPARTMENr :c 1 'Frol!l: Traveling E><pense I (It \'fas moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing transfers be allowed as requested. Seconded by Comnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried, I . " IThe International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 997, filed written request that the 60mmissio and,Union begin negotiations at earliest convenience for adjusting wage scale of members whose rates were 'Ired"ced in the 1952 budget, also for a general upward revision of salaries for the year 1952. It was ~oved b.Y Commissioner Robinson that the communication be 'filed 'and the Secretary be contacted and appoint- men~ be made to discuss the matter at an early date. Motion seconded b.Y Ma,yor Feeley. All voted iAye. IMotiQn carried. ! ' Fo:qce Chief Ide introduced Captain Taylor of the State Highway Patrol, wo appeared in behalf of Chief ,Pryde and presented the City a safety award, also extending compliments from his departmeiIt for no fatal- lities being contributed in this City during the year 1951. Mayor Feeley accepted the' safet;r award with thanks am ,inmediately presented to Chief Ide, his department being considered responsible. I , The ,Light Superintendent requested authority to call for bids to furnish transfonners 'for his department. ,It ,!as moved by Commissioner Robinson that bids be published according to specifications 'qy the 'Supt., bids to be ppened January 21. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' I ' "\ It 'fas moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. be granted extension 'of \.ime for filing Occupational Tax estimate to March 15, Seconded by Mayor Feele;r. All vcited Aye. Motion ,Icarried. . I : ' Count;r Commissioners Rollerge, Evans and O'brien appeared for discussion concerning Civil Defense program and l co-ordinaMonr.of the same by the County and incorporated cities. llierson Lawrence informed concerning Iwhat has been done and advised regarding future program. It wasL his opinion that the Feninsula is an :ecoljomic rather than target area. That a full ~ime co-o~tor should be employed if andwhen necessary ,but ,did not consider necessar;r at this time. Comnissioner Evans advised that Mayor NelSon has appointed iGen~ Pearson as co-ordinator for the Sequim area and assured co-operation. It was the opinion of 'Golllllissioner Roberge of Forks, that all should work together to accomplish thlll best 'coverage in all areas. Mayqr Feeley advised that joint co-ordination is the only feasible plan and the City CoIilmission is willing Ito co-operate with both Count;r and State. Commissioner Robinson suggested another meeting before the 'State meeting at Olympia the 18th and 19th and Monday January 14, at ll:OO A.M. was set for the same, I ' ' lUnder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on ~hfrd and final reading: , '-----.. ORDINANCE NO. 1271 :AN ORDINANCE fixing the monthly salaries, compellBation and wages of certain officers and employees of the Cit;r of Port Angeles, \iashington. Cement foundation under existing'dwelling, Lot N~ 9 & 8, Block 288, TownAfute 1\ 200.CO I 50.00 Te: F4uipment Rental, Snow & Ice Removal Gas, Oil, Tires Truck, Auto, Equipment Repair $ )6.00 1,100.00 1,900.00 i. ""1':' .....~nt .~ 17.50 To: Insuranc e It :was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing be passed third and final reading and adopted. Sec,onded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' I George Northup appeared on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and spoke regarding survey of Tumwater Valley , road, also volunteered aid in acquiring property for right of way. Mr. Northup also informed of experience I dur.ing previous emergency and co-operation with Army, State Patrol, Sheriff's Department ,and oth.er agencies and volunteered assistance if desired. " The, Commission examined and approved the follm.<ing claims and ordered warrants issued in paYment of silllle; CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 1"'1; :>7 .,. of'" Bussing Office Supply Shot ms., hand level-engineers 01,Ympic Stationers Pencils-engineers Dept. of Labor & Industries Med. Aid, industrial insurance-engineers Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Fhone service Hazel's Cafe 231 meals for city jrll ~. Upholstery Co. Repair seat covers-police Eastman Kodak Co. Photo supplies-police $ 18.44 4.33 14.90 7046 154.65 20.34 12.42 ~ ,.. 212 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 7 19~ i ,.."........."",',""'~"''"'"'''".....~ CURRENT EXPENSE' FUND (con't) Natural Gas'Corp. of Washington Peninsula Fuel Co. Nelson Equip. Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Lannoye & Davidson C.M. St. P. & P. Railroad D & B. Battery Port Angeles Auto Supply The Texas Co. Fire AppHance ~o. C. A. Wolverton Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Olympic Station! rs ' Willson'Hdwre. Co. James W. Caven Middleton Motor Parts K & K Fine Foods Smith Ice and Bottling Wks. Johnson & Bork Howard Cooper Corp. Seattle Radio Supply Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries OlJ-mpic Laundry . Olympic Tribune Fuget Sourxl Stamp Works , "" CITY STREET FUND: J,t:. t'f,71 Robert Mulligan Antone Smith Grocer,y The Toggery OlYmpic Tribune Western Tractor and Equip. Co, Randall Kilmer Construction Co. Wheeler Hdwre. arxl Furniture Dept. of Labor & Ind. I Vannausdle 's 'Forrest Hansen City Shop Dept. CITY SHOP FUND: j~ ,fa Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Dept. of Labor & Ind. R L R. Service Willson Hardware D & B Battery Middleton ~lotor Parts Richfield Oil Corp. Union Oil CO.,of Calif. WATER FUND: 51'5, ':.-7 Dept. of Labor and Ind~stries Pacific Tel. & Tel. ,City Sl\op Dept. Johnson & Bork Tll.ylor Heating and Plumbing Nailor Lumber Co. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Ht@. ,Willaon ilardware Cell. City Light Dept. Port Angeles Concrete Frod. Co. LIGHT FUND: /3 ffi,IeJ Dept. of Labor & Ind. Electrical World Bussing Office Supply Co. Pacific Tel. and Tel. City Shop Dept. City Water Dept. Olympic 'Electric Co. (Taylor Htg. and Flbg, Co. ,General Electric Supply Co. !Westinghouse blectric .IWillson Hardware Co. Line Material Co. ,SANITATION FUND: ?J 7/, ~ S 'ElU'l Davidson City Shop Dept, J. J. Dailey LIBRARY FUND:' b 1/ ,). 1- City treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. J . Lyle Beam, Inc. ,Hertzberg's Wash. Bindery 'Personal Book Shop Jean Karr MCGraw-Hill Book Co. Binfords & ~Iort ThQm..s Y. Crowell Harper and Brothers Il'uget Sound News Co. IDoubleday & Co. ~ 'Gas at fire hall Fuel oil - fire Rod bearingsb " Tires and repairs " Balance wheel " Add. frt. cn fire truck ,Rotor, plugs, etc.-fire 'Muffler and fittings - fire Gasoline II Chemical rechgs. Cash advanced for expense chgs. & belt Clee.ning - fire Scotch tape- fire Rope, hooks, chain-fire Pipe & fittings - fire Pump and fittings-fire Disiafectant and soap-fire Paper Towls-fire Paint for floors and trucks-fire Hydrant, expansion rings, ',etc.-fire Tubes-fire Ind. ins. and med. aid-police Laundr;r an:! cldaning -fire Publications, clerk and misc. election ex. Bie;rcle license plates $ 1.50 85.29 15.84 86.69 2.06 62.70 19.87 14.4~ 122.1a 4.12 2#.98 74.87 ,80 2U39 33.a2 47.88 15.68 13.10 42.04 165.84 13.75 212.56 10.20 16.95 175.10 210.96 42.23 9.99 1.261 12.72 127.24\ 10.4a 246.13 2.63 234.40 786.67 19.26 39.08 7.73 .39 1.34 159.60 85.72 52.71 204.66 75.53 122.94 1.38 2.62 .68 1.92 48.90 16.40 40.24 190.67 9.00 10.67 16,22 149.05 1,90 1.34 3.34 344.03 433.33 8.71 186.57 26.88 155.27 188. 90 10.86 9.99 209.89 25.75 33.71l 6.99 6.16 13.91 39.08 16.79 2.40 42.59 Truck rental Rock salt Gloves Publications To"l rental Asphalt mix Axes Ind. Ins., m. a. Door lock 'Truck hire G..s. iiI, Siesel; kerosene 403.83; repairs 382.1l4' Phone service 'Ind. Ins., med. dd Radiator repair '3 funnels Brushes, labor Parts Oil Domestic diesel Industrial insurance and mediaal aid Fhone s ervie e Gas, oil and repai rs , l'aint Floor drains Bolts Pipe fittings Tools am supplies Utility charges S. Pipe Industrial ins. an:! med. dd Subscription Qffi ce Supplies and repairs Phone 'i&"s, oil and rep~rB Water rent Light pl1l@s Pipe Insulati on ~leters Meters Supplies Hardware December mileage Gas, oil and repairs Tire and tube Light, water, garbaee Local service Fire insur..nce premium 2 newspapers rebound Books Boaks Books Boeks Books Books Booka Books II I I I I .1 ,I I ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 7 con't 19~~ _.." . "~", ....n< .......~., ,.."".. ..... .... ILIBRARY FUND (Con 1 t) : tSeattle Times IPeninsula Fuel Co. 'u. Of/Washington Instruc. Material Center I 'PARKI NG MEl'ER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: ICity Shop Gas, oil, ,Willseq Hardware Co. Bolts Dept. of Labor and Iqd. Ind. ins. and med. aid !PARK FUND: . }';7 9'" James H.9.rdware Co. Ill&rriS 'and Schuller ,Standar:d Oil Co. Pacific Tel. and Tel, I'Wheeler. Hdwre. and Furniture Thermador Elec. Hfg. Co. ,CEMETEI\Y FUND: \Wheeler. Hdwre and Furn. Co. L.I.D. GENERAL FUND: Olympic, Tribune lANIMAL :CONTROL FffiID: lClallall! County Humane Society Pound fees, licenses L. 1. D. REVOL VIN:: FUt.']): ,Olympic Tribune I , IThere being no further busines.s the meeting adjourned. Subscription Fuel oil Film rent us 3J.?r; repairs Axe, w~ed and i eed Flat iron 110t or oil Service 3851, 5288 Hardware Switbh Lawn roller Publications PUblicatio,ns Q, C to//-r: rJ City Clerk -/~d~1;- Mayor ~---------- ~'", 213 $ 42.00 183.32 47.71 20.74 3.15 13.46 107,81 2.63 9.43 17.19 109,53 1.33 '68:08 2.10 83.00 1.32