HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/07/1954 ,.. 370 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 7 19~ ,.<,...'....""M...."..'...,.."".......~ ~e City Council met at 7:30 P.H. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll caH of Officers showed ;the foll01;ing present: Kayor Smith, Councilmen Br01m, Neer, Sandison, Powell, liolfe and ~lcFadden, l~~ager Vergeer and Clerk Law. I j[t was moved by Councilman McFadden that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received.. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carri ed. I . ~nder the head of unfini~hed business, bids to purchase real property were received as followS: Harvey ,"hompson, Lots 7 to 10, "lock 451, and Lots 11 to 14, Block 440, all in the Townsite of Port Angeles .~4CO.OO. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the bid be approved and accepted. Seconded h'J Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. 1- !v. F. Hartl-rich, Lots, 17, la, 19, 20, Block 356, Townsite, $~OO.OO. It was moved by Councilman }lcFadden l~at the offer be approved and accepted.. Seconded by Councilman Br"""l1. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,ltppointment of a member to serve as Connnissioner on the Civil Service Boa~d was considered. It.was mcved ~y Councilman Nolle that lofaino Saari be re-appointed for six year term to expire November 1959. Motion seconded by Councilman llcFadden. and carried. ' ~nder the head of new business, ,claims were filed for app~val as follows: L.I,D. No. 164 Construction Fund: Peninsula Herald, publications iP12.00; 1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund: Peninsula H~rald, publications $5.40. It Has moved by Councilman McFadden that the claims be approved and "arrants issued tn payment of same. Seconded by Councilman l'Jolle and unanimously carried. 91aims paid December 21 and 24, 1953 ancl Januo..."Y 4 and 5, 1954, were approved in total amount of $46 471.54. It Has moved by COWlcilman Holle that the claims be approved as P;lid. Seconded by Councilman Sandis~n. All voted Aye. Notion carried. I rhe Council received requests for transfer of beverage distributors licenses as follows: T. E. Enos, Donald ol. and IvoI' SllIith, to )lavid Anderson and T. E. Enos. Don Feeley, distributor, change of lcmtion from 1036 E. 1st to 730 E. l<'ront St. It was moved By Councilman Brown that the requests be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. jf.otion carried. I Standard Shingle Co. on Ediz Hook ~equested in writing that the City sub-lease to th~, 500' of Tract No.6, u. S. Lighthouse Reservation, being the tract formerly leased by the Port Angeles 1\estern Railraod. ~ I'lanager Vergeer recommended that the request be tabled, as the City Attorney advised regarding previous flJ\ .. request for sU.b-leaSe that no e.ction be t1lken until Court proceedings concer-ning bankruptcy of the P.A.,I.R.R. 'V" , are concluded. Councilman liolfe advised .that according to previous action by the Council, all of Tract No. ~6 would be sub-leased to the Fibreboard, Inc. It was the opinion of Manager Vergeer that in view of ab- .. sence of the City Attorney tbe:;matter should be. tabled until all parties conceened can get together and tr,y to arrange ag,reement. It was then moved by Councilman JflCFadden to table the ~quest as reconnnanded. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All members voted Aye. ~lotion carried. 'J.lanager Vergeer reported on recent storm damage and assured that the local paper has kept the public well linformed except for the I'lStreet sewer which will be attended in the near future. Councilman Wolfe questioned regarding installation of storm sewers from Ennis to Race Streets thereby preventing future Itrouble. Mr. Vergeer advised that if storm sewer is installed where drainage ditch has been reStored, no recent conditions are apt to again occur. Also that he is happy to have witnessed what did happen ani will ' I do all possible to eliminate recurrence. By suggestion of Councilman Neer, the Council extended commendat-.I lions to all personnel concerned for the manner in which this emergency was handled. : .Authorization from the Council was requested for installation of storm sewers on Washington, Chambers, Janes, I and Liberty Streets from Front Street to First Street, cost to be paid from Street Department sewer , 'appropriation. Manager Vergeer advised that the improvement is no advantage to, or ,responsibility of labutting property owners and installation by the City is propert.expenditure. It was then moved by Council- I 1= NeeI' that the Street Department be authorized to proceed with the project.. Seoonded by Councilman iPowell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .Iuso considered was installation of storm sewer on East 9th Street frem Washington to Jones for the 'purpose of controlling storm water and overflow from relief tank. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the ICouncil authorize proposed extension. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I Manager Vergeer filed for Council consideration, request for write-off authorization of delinquent accounts lof light, water and sanitation charges in total amount of $4,815.60. It is understood that any future 'collections from these accounts .'fQuld be considered as miscellaneous operating revenue and credited accord- \ingly. It was moved by Councilman Powell that the Council approve write-off of dncollectable accounts. iSedoncled by Councilman flolfe am unanimously carried. IMr. Vergeer informed the Council regarding utilities account of the Y .M.C.A., the same being about $aoo.DO 'in arrears. Also advised that he has corresponded with Board Members and the Treasurer with no response. 'That nothing has been paid since the Good Neighbor Drive although it is understood that 75% of the amount 10f their contemplated budget was subecribed. After due consideration, it was moved bje.Counci:jman Brown [that a sixty day period be granted for the Organization to make satisfactory arrangements for ~ents of .the obligation, otherwise service will be discontinued. . Motion seconded by Councilman Neer. All members Ilvoted Aye. Jf.otion carried. State Utilities Tax paid iluring the year 1953 was reported as follows: Light, $21,664.29; Domestic liater, 1$5,356.71; Industrial Water, $1,946.00. Total taxes paid, $28,968.00. ji-he fol1owi~ reports were filed for approval bj the CouncU: Police Department for month of December. Police Judge for month of December, 1953, showing $1,436.50 fines collected. Police Judge AJmwi1. Report for year 1953. It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the reports be approved and filed. Se~onded by Councilman Sandison and carried. L Councilman '\ofolle suggested changing the colors of street signs to COlllpily wi. th changes bei~ made by the State Highwa;y Department. Manager Vergeer advised that aDJT alterations are up to the Counc1-1 and that the State had not yet officially adopt ed the new color for traffic signs. The Council received petition signed by property owners requesting vacation of Chambers Street from Columbia I Street to the bluff, and the alley in Block 2, P.S.C.C. Subd. of TOlmsite, abutted by Lots 6, 7, a, 9, 10, ' 11, 12, and 13. It was moved by Councilman Jmwn that the request. be f'eferred to the Planning Conmd.ssion for recommendations. SecoDied by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I I I I I I '1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 371" January 7 continued 19-54_ "<.. .'.....omc<"""'.... .".".. ,.... __ ! Council also received re'luest from the Garden Club asking the C. ountil to consider improvement of North Peabody Street known as Ilaynes Park by blacktop, It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the area be improved and blacktopped when weather permits. Seconded by Councilman Sandispn, and carried., f Under th~ head of introduction of resolutions, the follol'd.ng were introduced and read: RESOLurION 11'''' (- S'f FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS ,IITllIN FUNDS WHEREAS IT APPEARS, that requirements of certain departments for the year 1953, made necessary the expenditure of. sums of m..ey greater than contemplated, and WHEREAS, thc amounts provided for other items l'd.thin the same legal classification have not been exl1auUed and pol"tions of the said sums can be transfereed l'd.thin the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1304 lias adopted by the City Council during the year of 1953, providing for ,increase in salaries and wages of personnel in the Light Fund, and WHEREAS, those requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparation of :the budget, i NOH, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the follol'd.ng transfers of funds be made, to-wit: I WATER FUND: . . - - , From Travel.Expense . IFrom Chamber of. Commerce Membership From Chlorination Supplies IFrom Travel Expense IFrom Wages-Jive Men - Six Months iFrom Wages-Eive Men - Six 110ntha I LIGHT FUND .lrom Insurance and Damages IFrom Vehicle Maint. ,& Operation i~ro~ Vehicle .Maint. & Operation 'From Sub-3tation & Bldg. ,Maintenance I 'From Sub-Station & Bldg. Maintenance From Sub-3tation & Bldg. 11aintenance From Sub-Station & Bldg. Maintenance From Unappropriated Caah To Office Supplies To Insurance and Bonds To Utility Charges To State Utility Tax Industrial To Equipment Operator To Accountant $ 250.00 200.00 150.00 25.00 60.71 35.00 To State Taxes To State Taxes To Street. Lights & Signals, Opr. & Maintenance To Street Lights & Signals, Opr. & Maintenance To Office Supplies To Advertising & Miscellaneous To Emergency Ordinance No. 1301 To Purchase of Energy 1,300.00 2,250.00 350,00 100.00 2.40.00 20,00 2,40 51,000.00 i' , CURRENT EXPENSE FUND GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE From Insurance To Miscallaneoua 265.00 :JUDICIAL DEPARTi<lENT From League Attendance lofash. Cities I POLICE DEPARTMENT from Building Insurance From Building Insurance ~FIRE DEPARTI1Em From Travel Expense !From Building & Dep't Supplies From Volunteer Firemen I s Retirement I STREET DEPARTMENT jFromFuel, Grease for Resale _ {rom Maintenance Building and ~rounds PARKING METER AND TRAFFIC CONTI1OL From, Supplies I. 'LIBRARY DEPARTNENT IFrom Fuel Insurance and Repairs To Supplies lIt was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing resolution be : Councilman Wolfe and carried.. I To Office Records and Supplies 41.20 To Auto Repair To jJepartment Supplies 300.00 400,00 To Radio and Fire .Alarm To Truck Operation. and Haintenance To Truck Operation and Jo'..aintenance 74.40 100.00 25.00 To Gas, Oil and Grease To Sewer Repair and MaintenBoe 117.22 22.24 To Car Expense, Gas and Oil 2.13 7.1a approved and adopted. Seconded by IMPROVJiMENT RESOLUTION NO. 165 . A RESOLUTION declaring the intention of the City. of Port Angeles to improve Eighth Street from the West approach. of Tumwater Bridge to E Street, !L.'ld C Street from the South margin of Eighth Street to Ninth Street, all. in the City of Port Angeles, by the construction of curbs, gutters and such storm sewers and catch basins as may be requil"lld and incidental thereto, and creating a local improvement distlict to 'provide for the payment of such impPllIVement. I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, loIASHINGTON, as follows: i I Section 1. That it is the intention. of. the Council of the City of Port Angeles to order the improvement ,of Eighth Street from the Westerly approach of Tumwater Bridge to tho Easterly margin of E Street, and C j Street from the Southerly margin of Eighth Street to Ninth Street, by the 00 nstruction of curbs and gutters 'on the North and South sides of Eighth .Street and on the East and West sides of C Street between the ,Termini of said proposed improvement, together with the construction of lluch storm sewers and catch basins 'as may be required and incidental thereto, together with all necessary labor and material for the complete :construction and laying tbereof. I Section 2. All persons wo may desire to object to the aforesaid proposed improvement are hereby ,notified to appear and pl"esent such objections at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles ,to be held on Thursday, the lath day of February, 1954, at the hour of 7;30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Room of the City Hall at 120 North Oak Street in said City, ...nich time and place are hereby fixed f or hearing 'all matters relating to such improvements .and all additions thereto, and for determining the method of I payment for said improvement. i Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the date 'fixed for such hearing the estimated cost and expense. of such improvement, a descripllion of the boundaries 'of the proposed district, a statement of what proportion should be borne by the property within the I (proposed district, a statement in detail of the local improvement district assessments outstanding and ~.unpaid against the property in the proposed district, and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation lof the real estate, exclusive of improvements. in the proposed district, according to the valuation last !plaCed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such .improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property therein, together with a dia-I I I ......... ,.. 372 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 7, continued 19~ '"<,."""""""'"''''."'.,,'"'".'"'"'''".....~ gran or print sh01;ing thereon the lots, tracts, and parcels of land and other property which will be especially benefited thereby. , Section 4.. It is the Present intention of the City Council that the entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefore as provided by law. That the nature of the improvement herein contemplated is such that the special benefits conferred on the property by the proposed improvements are fairly reflected by the use of the termini and zone method of assessing the cost of such improvement, except that where concrete curbs and gutters do not now exist, they shall be constructed solely at the cost of the property abutting. It is proposed that the ordinance order- ing said improvement shall provide that the cost thereof shall be assessed against the propertY'Tithin the district accordingly. Section 5. The City C~erk is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by publication of this resolution in the. manner provided by law, and by mailing a notice of such hearing as requtred by law to each owner or reputed Q;mer of any lot, tract or parcel of land or other property, especially benefitted b;, the improvement, and to specify in suciln notices the nature of the proposed improvement, the total estimated cost thereof and the estimated benefit to the particular lot, tract or parcel of land owned by such person. It was moved by Councilman Ncer that the foregoing resOlution fi;;:ing date of nearing for February la, be approved and adopted" Seconded by Councilman P01iell and unanimcusly canied. Manager.Vergeer read a letter f~om the State Highway Department informing that the Department is giving serious. consideration to street improvement on ath and C Streets when the curbs am gutters are installed, jSaid improvement to be from curb to curb. At this time, Fred Strange, Chairman and other Planning Commission members, accompanied by Edward F. Hughes, consulting Engineer, also Reid Priest and his engineers, appeared before the Council regarding project by Hr. Priest and other improvements. Mr. Strange inforillCd that the Planning Board has viewed the proposed liJuproveIllent ,district by i1r. Priest and are much impressed but \'loul(i like to. see sketch shO\dng what Ifactors can be worked out for flood control. Also length of blocks where alleys are eliminated. Engineer ~Gardner .explained that it is general practice 1;0 make blocks longer thereby eliminating traffic aossings. That a street pattern has to be worked out to fit property planning and development.. Also they are IstUdying the problem of drainage and all will be worked out with cooperation of the C:it.y Engineer to 'satisfaction of the Council and Planning Commission, J{r, Priest advised that he would like approval of lpreliminary plans before continuing with expensive engineers. Mr. Strange assured that the Connnissions has lno objections to project but want definite understanding as to drainage and platting .of streets which ,should confillrm with the city streets. VJ.aIlager Vergeer read request from 11r. Priest regarding the grading !of 6th street. By motion of Councilman ~!cFadden the proposed plat and the request for opening 6th street .1.ere referred to the Planning Commission. .The question of installations for utility services were then :discussed. Mr. Vergeer did not reconnnend poles in the streets, otherwise there are no apparent ob~ections .to re-platting and should be acceptable to all concerned. ! Mr. Strange spoke regarding the next major developments contemplated by the City, being Tumwater Logging 'road, Foont Street extension to Marine Drive, ~larine Drive to industries, and centain !bod control. Mr. 'Strange informed that by advice of 1.ttorney Thorgrimson, Edward F. Hughes has been engaged as consulting (engineer to study the improvements and advise regarding the same. I'Jr. Hughes assured that with careful .study the projects could be >Torked out and in his opinion the drainage problem might be included. He :turther .informed that according to statutes, the acquisition of property for right-of-way with revenue :tram assessments is not permitted. Also if property must beaqquired by process of condemnation, such ~roceedings require considerable time to negotiate. It was the opinion of Attorney Moffett that condemnation proeeedings could be speeded up to late spring. Mr. Strange admillted that the problem of acquiring right-of,..way is not so easy and may cost from 25 .to 35 thousand dollars. Manager Vergeer informed that ~ccording to inquiries, he does not anticipate too lIIUch difficulty in acquiring the desired right-of-wa;ys. Also that the Engineering Department is now working on surveys and estimates. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. S)" 2 XGuA/. City Clerk ?1-:~ b Mayor ..... I I I I