HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/08/1936 ~356 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 8, 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was oalled to order by Mayor Da~is. Roll call showed the following Officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge Thos. Geisness reported 16 cases tried and JlOO.OO collected in fines for the month of December, 1935. Report ordered filed. The Commission examined and allowed the following c~aims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FtJND J. H. Thornton Frank Godding . The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer Office E~~ip~ent Co. Olympic Stationers Ulmer Office J!l~uipment Co. Trick & Murray Evening News Blackburn Printing Co. Ci ty Treasure r F. L. Plummer Ange1es Co-ope~ative Creamery Howard Cooper "orp. D. A. Masters Frank Macdonald & "ons Garvin Auto Co... Associated Oil o. H. P. McNutt . M. R. Alleman Shell 011 Co. Marshall-lIells Co. Western Tractor & E~uipment ~o. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Gravel & "up ply Co. P.A. Concrete Products Co. Epperson & "Olllil V. A. Samuelson & ~01 Antone cimith Grocery 1!'Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware ~o. IJames W. Caven Willson Hardware Co. Garvin Auto Co. Olympia :Printery H. E. JJodge, Garvin Auto "0. The Pac iel & fel Go. Lynah's Servi ce Associated Oil Co. City Treasurer J. R. McDonald State Treasurer Spec ial Police II " Servic e Supplies n Publications printing Stamped Envelopes Exepns e "ccount Drinking Cups Brooms Car Hire Repairs to Equipment Repairs 011 Sharpening Pick s Lumber Gas Hardware Repair Parts Crushed Rock Lumber Pipe. etc. Lumber Repairs Salt Hardware Wash Basin Ins taIls d Hardware Repairs Supplies State License Repairs Servi ce Grease Car, etc. Gas Supplies Servi ce Ind Ins & Med Aid :0 )J 3 0 - CURRENT EXPENSE FtJND EMERGENCY CLAIMS ALLO\7ED UNDER ORDINANJE #1026 ~ Willson Hardware ~o. Walkling Motor ~o. I. C. Groves T. J. Penn ILYSall We !ding & Forge "orks Shell Oil Co. iLIGHT FtJND Iv. A. Samuelson & Co. ;'Blackburn Printin~ Co. ~erron's Variety btore 7ames Hardware Store ;Centra 1 Motor Parts & Machine lGeneral ~lectric Co. Seattle-Port Angeles Auto Fgt. Custom Top & Body Shop ,~ngeles Co-operative Creamer~ 'She 11 011 Co. ~s, H. White Dept. of Labor & Industries I IWATER FUND ,~ames Hardware Co. ~uget Sound Navig ation Co. ~aris Motor Co. ~dmis ten Machine "orks f fI 11 II fLinaoln Garage I~etchell & Gagnon [Seattle-Port "ngeles Auto. Fgt. iYla11ace Tiernan Sales ~orp. Hooker Electrochemical Co. ~ Flashlight Batteries Adjust Brakes Meals for PriLsoners Oil Repairs Gas & Oil Works Repairs & Servi ce Printing Xmas Decorations Ma ter ial Shop Nork Postage Freight Charges Repair Truck Drinking Cups Gasoline Personal Expense Ind Ins & '''ed Aid Co. Flashlight Frei ght "harges Gas & Grease Repair Meter " tI Co. Repairs Inspection & Lubrication Freight "barges Repair Valve Chlorine 1 27.00 6.00 1.90 4.15 36.65 46.20 204.55 36.75 8.00 40.00 15.00 2.95 3.50 25.00 18.25 2.53 33.88 3.70 28.54 34.43 11.37 142.26 75.00 6.30 6.02 2.85 5.90 3.30 10.79 18.26 7.14 9.00 68.07 248.3:, 4.60 15.00 ;'0.91 3.50 2.55 16.12 1.47 25.00 47.81 I' I <It 7/- 2.40 .50 24.50 3.95 .75 39.38 97 '77 - 7.95 12.34 .92 .72 2.90 .92 9.07 1.CO 3.01 16.43 7.21 15.50 I I .97 5.42 1. 78 2.25 1.00 2.25 .75 ,88 3.65 14.31 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Jan~-8-,--1-936- ______193_ 357 " I I I I I Antone ~mith Grocery Lysall Welding & Forge "orks J. D. Schell V. A. Samuelson & Co. Willson Hardware Co. C~ ty Lifiht D~pt. Sta te Dept. of Labor & Indus tries Supplies Shop Work Salary Repair Truck Supplie s Gas &: Oil Lights at Reservoir Ind Ins & Med ~id LIBRARY FUND J. ii. Metcalfe J. "ii. Metoalfe Jennllu Norris Ci ty IRreasurer Ethel Osterhaut Packer-~cott Co. Northwest ,Gardens City Electric Co. Jennilu Norris Paget Sound News ~o. Kaufman-Leonard Co. Washington Bindery The Library of C~ngress J. R. McDonald Pacific Pulp & Paper Corp. The New York Times The Hertzberg Bindery, H. W. Wilson Co. King Art & PhotoShop Lowman & Hanford Co. Rand McNally & Co. The Puget ..pund Ne~s Co. The Pac Tel & Te 1 ~o. Electrolux Inc. Chair " Petty ~ash Water & Light Extra Help Supplies Subscription Servic es Petty Cash Books Linoleum Binding Supplies Ha uling Garbage Subscription n Books n Pic tur e l"rame Books Atlas vloth Bo oks Service 1 Electrolux Jb S3'f~ CEMETERY FUIID. Willson Hardware Co. Bolts PARK FUND Clallam Grain Co. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware ';0. Geo. Rothwell Willson Hardwafe Co. lt n 11 Seed, e tc . Hardware & :J.'ools Tools, etlf. Repairs to Tennis Courts, etc. Tools, Etc. Tennis Nets, etc. ,J- )bS P. A. EMERGENCY RELIEF FtJND Nettleton Lumber VA. Schwabacher Hardware vo. A. C. Horner' F. D. liheffield W. H. ROdgers Lowman & Hanford Co. Lumber SuppUes" Rent for 'lools Engineer's Services La bor Supplies ~6 pI" 3")- /bg- 1.84 4.35 73.00 1.56 7.5b 20.34 9.59 16.83 21. 75 24.75 3.04 15.11 6.25 1.59 1.00 7.00 5.80 49.60 1. 77 98.24 5.63 6.00 4.00 12.75 75.04 30.00 2.25 5.40 5.63 64.96 4.25 82.75 .10 22.60 13.05 18.50 50.00 12.64 49.00 677.12 2.52 8.42 190.95 92.25 4.80 Report of C. A. Wolverton, Chief of the :hre Depar11llen t,for the year 1935 was read and ordered filed. Under the head of new Business,- Mayor Davis submitted the appointment of Wm. J. Conniff as City Attorney. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ap~ointment be confirmed, Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call allmembers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. . Under the head of Unfinished Business, the following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that in the sudden and unti~ely death of Frank L. Plummer, the City of Angeles has lost a most capable and efficient City Attorney, and an official with it was always a pleasure for his associates to work. RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mrs. Mary L. Plummer. The above ResolutiOn was offered by Mayor Ralph ~. Davis and unanimously adopted by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles. Leo W. Brick ~aving submitted a request in writing to have his license No. 3712 for operating a restaurant at 113 E. Front St., transferred to George Davison, and there :appearing to be no objections, the Commission instl'ucted the City Clerk to make the said transfer as requested. Port whom There being no further business the Commission then adjOUrn~d' (~~ / 77 )m/--lUv?~ . I City Clerk. May or. ~-tn..-.t :. 't<i!>\LO..~"~ ......<t--r--,j)(, ....