HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/08/1947 ,.. 304 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19-A'L J anuarv fl, 1'he City Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call ~f officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Johnson and Steele, Attorney Wilson and Clerk ]taw. " Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Onder the head of applications "" Building Permi t s: Q I J, <;00 - Peter 1. Petersen i'r.. E. Giles Charles Pearman Jack DelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi ~ Licenses: A .bO Western Onion Telegraph Co. for building permits and licenses the following v;ere granted: Remodel dwelling; Lot 20, Blk. 105, Tovmsite of Port Angeles Remodel Garage; Lot 5, Blk. 17, Thompson & Goodwin's Add. Build Garage & Work Shop; Lot 12, Elk. 9, P.S.C.C. Add. Build 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 20, Blk. 255 j Townsite Build 5-Room Dv(elling; Lots 11-12, Blk. 2, Sub. of Sub. Lot 17 200.00 100.00 1,200.00 .; 6,000.00 6,000.00 I Occupational Tax License g).00 frnder the head of unfinished business, and pursuant to bids published for contract to furnish gasoline to City Depertments for the year 1947, the following bids were submitted: The Texas Company, .18 and .16j Shell Oil Company, .18 and .16j Standard Oil Company of California, .164 and .149j Richfield Oil Corp., .159 and .144; Tidewater Associated Oil Company, .158 and .145. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that ~he bid submitted by the Associated Oil Company of .158 for premium and .145 for non-premium gasoline be accepted. Seconded by I.:ayor Epperson. All.voted Aye. Motion carried. I ~nder the head of new tn>s~ness, Mr. Faussett appeared before the Commission regarding City contract with N. W. POI'ler.Company and N..W. Manufacturing Company, and was advised there is no existing contract. Mr. Faussett informed that he will take action to have fish ladders or hatchery installed at Elwha dams for protection of wild life. The report of Police Judge Taylor ShOlting 75 court cases tr.ied and $1,175.00 collected in fines was approved and ordered filed. A financial report by Vernon J. Robinson, C.P.A., showing the operation of the Port Angeles Transit Company for the first nine months of 1946 was read and referred to Attorney Wilson for consideration regarding Occupational Tax collection by the City. Dr. Benham spoke to the Commission and informed that a chest clinic would soon be held, for which he was seeking a suitable location. It was decided that ~essrs. Lean, Ide and Wolverton will co-operate with Wr. Benham for location and necessary power connection. Onder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following two ordinances were introduced and passed first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1175 I .aN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health andsafetYj QnfOr~Seen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an ordinance immediately effective. II requ~r2ng expenditures emergency making the ORDIlffiNCE NO. 1176 II I.N ORDINANCE fixing the monthly salaries, compensations and wages of certain officers and employees of the City of Port Angeles, Washington: It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing two Ordinances be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. ,. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following resolutions was introduced: '/iHEREAS, IT APPEARS, THAT requirements of certain dep9.rtments for the year 1946, made necessary the expendi-, tures pi sums of money greater than contemplated, and RESOEUTIDN FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WITHIN 1'\1 NDS I: . 1VHEREAS, the amount provided for other items within the same legal classification have not been porti~ns of the said S1JlllS can be transferred within the same legal classification, and WHEREAS, those requirements were not and could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparation of the. budget. 'I NOW, ~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: WRRENT EIPENSE WND:. Mayor's Department: , Traveling Expenses O{fice Records & Supplies Treasurer: Publica tions Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Glerk: Telephone Traveling Expense Attorney: Traveling Expense Police: , 5 Sergeants 5 Patrolmen , 5 Patrolmen Fire: " 5 l<"'iremen 5 Fir smen Volunteer Firemen ...... i exhausted and ,I I to to Bond Bond to to Office Supplies Offi,ce Supplies $ 15.00 70.00 45.50 10.64 5.56 10.00 50.00 10.00 I to to to Office Records & Supplies Office Records & Suppliee Insurance to Office Supplies to to to Special Police Special Police 2 Patrolmen 1,187.05 440.32 74.68 to to to 1 Fireman Extra Man Extra Man 60.00 215.00 147.00 I I I I I 305--' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington CITY STREET FUND: . Handy Man . Street Improvement Street Improvement . Street Improvement Street Improvement . Street Improvement Street Improvement WA'fER FUND: 4 Pipe Layers . . Pipe Fittings & Equip. Pipe Fittings & Equip. Pipe Fittings & Equip. LIGHT FUND: Colle ctor . Meter Ectuipment . Meter Ectui!:&llent . Meter Equipment . Meter Equipment . Meter Equi!:&llent - Meter Equipment Meter &[uipment Meter Eql i!:&llent SANITATION liUND: . Insurance to . Insurance to Gas & Oil to Office Supplies to Supt. Expense to Misc. Supplies, Tools, etc. to , . State Tax to I LIBRARY FUND: I Repairs I' . Repa irs Repairs Insurance I Books Insurance PARK FUND: 'I: Park Ilepartment : i . Equipment Purchase . Equipment Purchase &[uipmeut Purchase Civic Stadium Dept.: Extra Labor Insur ance Replacement & Repair Replacement & Repair I ViM LIQUOR TAlI: FUJID: Fire Dept: ! Chief's Car Expense to Fire Dept.- Supplies Truck Operation to Fire Dept. Supplies . Insurance to Fire Dept. Supplies , Fire Hose to Fire Dept. Supplies Fire Hose to Phone Fire Hose to ~uel Fire Hose to Firemen's Relief Fire Hose to Office Records . Fire Hose to Garbage lilt ~s moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutiO~ be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. Iunder the head of intrcduction of resolutions far the sale of real property by the City, the following were , introduced: IAlexander E. and Ruby Uvila Undo it of Lot 8, Blk. 258, Townsite 37 00 , ICharles B. and Marjorie M. Pearman Lot 12, Blk. 9, P.S.C.C. Sub. of Townsite 175:00 II It ",as moved by Commissioner Steele that the foragoing two resolutions be approved and the property sold. '1"1 ,Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. The llIotion carried. The. Commission examined and allowed the follovring claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same,: CURRENT E!G'ENSE FUND: / SIl? /'1 Pioneer, U;ilc. Warrant Register Sheets Port Angeles Evening News Legal Publications City Treasurer Lights & Street Lights -The. Olympic Printery Envelopes and Dog Tags Middle ton Motor Parts Co. Parts Olympic Stat ioners Office Supplies Glass Specialty Ca. Car Repairs Firestone Home & Auto Sup .Store Seat Covers 'Allan Distributing Co. Gasoline Tide Water Ass. Oil Co. Motor Oil & Kerosene General Petroleum Corp. Gasoline & Mobil Grease !ITower Super Service 2 Tanks O"Ygen IDept. of Labar & Ind. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid CITY STREET FUND: / % 3b ,.s''l InePt.. of Labor & Ind. Olympic Stationers James HardT/are Co. I,Aiken Motors, Inc. II tlIo..... lOun.., ..n.......~_ ......11... Ill.??. ~ January 8, continued 19E- - 50.00 550.00 1,0&l.00 700 .00 200.00 100.00 50.00 20.00 150.00 500.00 125.00 4.00 75.00 550.00 &l.00 100.00 75.00 410.00 550.00 1,000.00 100.00 540.00 ,60.00 19.00 85.00 20.00 720 .00 . , 1.64 , 98-.50 5.00 56.45 25.81 .42 11.00 100.00 60.00 5.00 15.00 2.50 15.70 to to to to to tc to Extra La bar Sand & Gravel Gas & Oil Equipment Repair Tools & Hardware St. Signs & Paint Office Supplies to - to to to Mechanic Truck Operation Office Rent & Supplies State Taxes to to to to to to to to to Stenogra phe r Supt. Expense Truck & Car Operations Fuel Telephone Janitor's Supplies State Utility Tax Tools & Misc. Supplies Wire, POles, Line Ma terial Garage Rent "LA~J Road Construction ( jc ~. - - , Road Construction Road Construction Road Construction Road Construction Road Construction to to to to to to Upkeep of Grounds Binding Office Records & Supplies Office Records & Supplies Periodicals Phone to to to Telephone Car Repair, Gas, Oil Garbage ColI. to to to to ,caretaker Fuel Hardware Light & Tools 109.00 50.00 120.00 &l.00 47.00 195.00 51.00 40.00 12.00 6O.0~ !I 27.90 I 916.55 79.62 I 17.85 \ 4.64 11.29 ' 10.25l 111.94 , 99.i83 I 170.57 ' 11.54 " 6.10 ' Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Tracing Paper Tools & Hardware Nuts, Bolts, shiftying Lever 30.52 I .51 I 9.99 I 5.95 ! I I I ~ "'-306 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 1941- ,'CITY STREET FUNll. continued: 'Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Montgomery Ward Angeles Machine & Welding Co. Rayonier, Inc. Angeles Radiator Shop Glass Specialty Co. Willson Hardv(are Co. Middleton Mctor Parts Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply ,Co. D. & B. Battery & Electric Station Angeles Tire Recap Service Automotive Parts Service '1:2. WATER FUND: ?6?- Dept. cf Labor & Industries City Street Dept. Palmer Supply Co. Angeles Radiator Shop Automotive Parts Service Janish Motor Co. Glass Specialty Co. Olympic Printery State Treasurer Middleton Motor Parts Co.. James Hardware Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. .]1 LIGHT FUND: .;l ~ 3? f - Dept. of Labor & Industries I.City Treasurer IIClallam County P.U .D. #1 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 'D. & B. Battery & Ele ctri c Sta tion Angeles Radistor Shop Automcti ve Parts Service Samuelson Motor Co. Olympic Stationers Olympic Printery United Janitors SUpply Co. State Treasurer Wray & Raber I,Gene ral Ele ctri c Supply Corp. ;The Ele ctric Co. . Line Material Co. . Willson Harm.are Co. 57 SANITATION FUND: ,;l.;l.~ Roy Pike Dept. of Labor & Industries City Street Dept. James Hardware Co. Kenneth Owen Grandview Service I:l;unt's Battery Service ID. & B. Battery & Electric Station Olympic Stationers Port Angeles Autc Supply. Co. Willson Hardware Co. Tov(er Super Service Angeles Tire Recap Service 73 LIBRARY FUl'ID: 355' ,City Trea surer Fred Mayo Holl Stark IMari en Cline icatherine Richard Port Angele s Evening News Peninsula Electric Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Library of Congress David Chambers, Agent J. B. Mathews Glass Co. New Metho d Book Bindery, Inc. The H. W. Wilson ';0. Hertzberg's Washington Bindery LOI'flllan & Hanford Co. l,olyinPic Stationers <Jennilu Norris , fl PARK FUND: /'/1. Epperson & Sons Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries !fBuilders I Supply Stores James Hardware Co. Angeles Millwork & Iunb er Co. City Stree t City Trea surer Port Angeles Evening News Clallam Grain Co. ,King & Folk Music Co. ... January 8, continued Parts Tire Weld Tooth in Gear Discarded Belting Repair Radiator Lights & Gla ss Installed Enging filters Gilsket Seal Sand, and Special Gravel Acct. Parts Tire, Tube, Tire Repairs Parts Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Gas & Oil Pipe Repairs Repair Parts Light s for Truck Repairs Office Supplies Tams Repairs 1.lantHs Cable Glo bes Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Cash Payments December Power Truck Parts Spark Pluge Repairs Truck Parts Tru ck Parts Paper & Repairs Office Supplies Janitor Supplies Taxes Keys Repair Drill FUse Plugs FUses and' Transformers Lamps & F/Light Car Mileage for December Ind. Ins. & Med. :nid Gas & Oil Cable Clamp Garage Rent Gas, Windshield Blades, Brake Fluid Truck Hepairs Truck Repa ir s Office :Supplie s 1 Trico Motor Tub and Wire Ca bl e Oil & Parts Truck Repairs Lights, Water, Garbage Extra Labor Extra Labor Extra Eabor Extra La bo r Legal Publications Lamps Servi oe 467 Office Supplies Renewal, Seattle Times Repair Door Binding Book Binding Legal File Office Supplies Postage Stamps & Dust Cloth lumber Starter Switch Ind. Ins. & hied. Aid Lunil er One Roll Fuse Luniler & Nails Gasoline, Oil & Kerosene Light, Water & Garbage Legal Publications Lime Album of Records 15.251 25.20 I 10.56 15.50 " 29.87 I 59.50 9.56 1.25 1,450.79 I, 24.50 80.09 ; 91. 97 22.71 56.60 28.08 I 2.58 51. 56.1' 2.52 9.91 10.15 608.87 I' 11.54 .881 .87 .' 1.55 I ~6:~~ I' 18,795.90 1.29 8.44 10.50 56.02 I 9.65 I 9.89 I: 12.51 , 24.42 1,719.10 1.08 29.04 I 65~:~~ I! 52.08 52.54 13.44 65.50 .52 50.00 6.09 2.06 10.56 1.55 4.14 40.25 7.84 10.50 20.14 12.50 21. 75 I 55.25 I 15.58 2.24 5.54 8.50 10.21 28.80 4.12 78~90 2.25 19.05 I 87.08 2.48 1.54 6.89 I 1.08 6.46 I 10.88 I 1.55 2.59 14.92 86.50 2.58 8.50 5.42 I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 307 ., .T~nn:lry Al l":ont.inued '".....'"'"._,-~--''".,'''' - WAR LIQUOR TAl :FUND: / f ..( / 8'1<' 'Dept. of ]!;abor & Industrie s ' R. O. Ide Hazel's Cafe Columbia Rib bon & Carbon Mfg. Co. Sunrise Service Station 1'he Electric Co. ;uget Sound Navigation Co. 11ray & Raber Puckett I s Radio Service Aik~n Motors, Inc. The Olympic Printery Automotive Parts Service D. &B. Battery & Electric Station Port Angeles Evening News Ci ty Treasurer Willson Hardv;are Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Middleton Motor Parts Co. McMahan Fuel Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. IUnited Janitor Supply !Co. Kenneth Owen Hazard Insulated Wire Works ~oyal Typewriter Co., Inc. Gene I s Service & Renair Co. ~he Electri c Co. . Smith Ice & Bottling Works Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Epperson & Sons Irm.n & Johnson ~he Dei ne s Studio Johnson & Borl< ~ames W. Caven Plumbing & Heating ~arold Hibbs PlumJ;ling & Heating CEMETERY FUND: <3 ~. City Street Dept. Gasoline ~ARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: /IY f' 3 Dept. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Hazard Insulated Wire Works Wire U,arguerite Vane Extra Labor J ofUlson & Bork Paint 194L-. Ind. Ins. &!.1ed. Aid Car Iiileage-December Meals for Prisoner s Carbon Tire Repairs One Socket Freight Dup. Keys; Auto Supplies & Repair Car. Parts Parts & Repair Work Office Supplies Parts Auto Repairs Advertis ing Lights, Water, Garbage, Postage, Box Rent, Lamps, Whisk Broom, Flashlight, Batteries Laundry Grinding Wheel, Cement, Parts FUel Oil Tubing, Motor Janitor Supplies Garage Rent wire One Typewriter Heater Hose ~ Hose mamps One Pull Svri t ch Tissue and Paper Towels Gas Lumber Service call, fuel pump Film Paint, Turpentine, Brushes Pipe, Labor Nipple & Coupling Aid GUAIlANTY :FUND: 3 f ,;<,3 Gi ty Treasurer J>- REVOLVING FU NIl: .<;1,,_ City Treasurer I U. S. INCOME TAX mlillOLDING FUIUl: City Treasurer Ii There being no further rosiness, the session was declared adjourned. II (lC~. Clerk (j Taxes Paid Taxes Paid dU /f't/.z - Withholding Tax for December car Reg. Cert. .@=t -tJ Mayor 29.54 26.11 174.89 4.62 2.58 .21 5.36 6.21 8.69 65.92 25.50 5.00 6.26 21.92 57.61 21.17 24.65 7.75 551.48 8.06, 91.95 50.00 705.17 155.15 1.56 .77 8.76 4.88 2.57 7.67 .65 9.90 95.51 .45 5.40 1.75 100.00 14.08 5.80 , 54.23 22.52 1,842.00 ~i /0~_A-J . :1 I[ I ] ~ I 'I ...j