HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/08/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 83" Januarv 8, 19-5L ,"0. . ""~", ,,,,,.0 ,,,,,,.~., '''on.., m.. ... ! The Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present were ~or Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. j Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses the following were granted: Building Penni ts, Alfred N. lloyd Build Garage & Woodshed; Lot 4, Blk. 100, Townsite J T. H. Brown Utility Room on Existing Building; Lot 6, Blk. 380, Townsite Licenses: Club Cafe I' Club Cafe Club Cafe Officers 350.00 400.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink i Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was submitted by Frank C. Rich in amount of $75.00 for Lot 1, Block 415, Townsite. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the bid be accepted and property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids filed for purchase of Lots 3, 4, 7, 8, in Block 49, Townsite, weI'e as follows, Davis Agency, $2,300.00 OJ' $1,500.00 for Lots 3 and 4. Thos. T. Aldwell & Co., for Lots 3, 4, 7, 8, in Block 49, Townsite, $505.00 I per lot or $2,020.00. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the offer ~ Davis Agency be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Contract to furnish power for operation of the rock crusher plant was submitted by the Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 for a period of five consecutive years, beginning l~arch 1, 1951, rates as follows: 10 mills per kilowatt hour for first 100 K.W.H. per month per k~lowatt of maximum demand. 7 mills per K.W.H. for all K.W.H. thereover, Minimum bill as established hereundeI' shall be $43.00 per month. The contract was I referred to the Attorney and Light Supt. for approval and recommendations. Under the head of new business, the City Treasurer designated depositories for City monies for the year 1951 as First National Bank and Olympic State Bank. January 5th, 1951 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: As required by statutes governing, I hereby designate the First National Bank and the Olympic State Bank, both of this city, as depositories of all city monies for the year 1951, subject to your approval. Respectfully, Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurer. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that recommendation be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .. The Commission considered approval and payment of a Light Voucher in amount of $725.il.2 for a transformer ! ordered by the fonner Light Superintendent. It appeared that the new equipment was necessary to restore power service to a certain district, and purchase was in case of emergency, therefore approved by the Commission. The estimate for labor and material on Elwha River Contract by Owens Brothers, in amount of $11,948.28, as submitted by Rayonier, Inc., was held without payment for one week until further investigation. Edward J. Becker requested that the Commission approve transfer of his beer license from the First and Laurel Streets location to 1017 East First Street. It was moved by ~!ayor Feeley that the request for approval of transfer be granted subject to approval by the State Liquor Board. Motion seconded by Cemmissioner Robinson. Commissioner Taylor voted Nay. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor requested that a resolution be passed ~ the Commission provid~ng for transfer of $50,299.00 in the Water Fund Budget for 1951 from classification of Capital Outlay to Maintenance and Operation. The Attorney was instructed to draft a resolution providing for transfer of the same. Frank Fountain appeared regarding revision of lease between the Downtown Parking Association, ,Inc., and the City, for the East half of Lot 6 and the West half of Lot 5, Block I, Tidelands East of Laurel Street. There being no apparent objections to requested changes in lease, it was agreed that as soon as new lease is satisfactorily drawn and presented, the same will be approved and signed. The Clerk informed that the supply of bills for light and water charges and collections is. near exhaustion. It was moved by Commis sioner Robinson that call for bids to furnish the material be published and opened January 22nd. I.lotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1239 AN ORDINANCE fixing the monthly salaries, compensations, and wages of certain officers and employees of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. ;1 It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and I adopted. Seconded ~ Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I I i Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following two Ordinances were read by title and placed on first and second reading. ORDINANCE NO. 1240 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1951 and declaring an emergency. I ~ ,.. ~ 84 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19-51_ n... ""''', R.... ,..m.... '..m'. ..... ..... January 8th, contjnuedJ ORD INANCE NO. 1241 AN ORDINAI'ICE confinning the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1951, and fixing tax levies for said year as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission of said City meeting and sitting for such purpose on the 6th day of October, 1950, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing two Ordinances be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same' /0 /~53 - CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, Fred C. Strange Goss Stationery Peninsula Herald Robt. B. Owens Automat! ve Parts Service Butts Texaco Service Bussine Office Supply City Street Dept. vloodie's Harley Davidson Port Angeles Motors The Texas Co. Fitchard's Ass. Service Hazel's Cafe ;Iillson Hardware Co. Peninsula Machine Shop Eastman Kodak Stores R. O. Ide Olympic Printery City Treasurer Olympic Stationers CITY STREET FUND: 1.513:? The Texas Co. Richfield Oil Corp. Aiken Motors Wash. Saw Filing & Grinding Works Automotive Parts Service D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Dobson Auto, Electric Tooker Motor Frt. Peninsula Machine Shop Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Pharmacy Harris & Schuller Clallam Co. Highway Dept. City Treasurer Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Eklund Lumber Co. Clallam Grain Co. 51 WATER FUND: ::UG'f ~ Olympic PrinterY Eklund Lumber Co. Automotive Parts Service H. T. Swanson Motor Co. Nailor Lumber Co. Harris & Schuller City Street Dept. Johnson & Bork Peninsula Machine Shop Willson Hardware Co. Western Utili ties Supply Co. State Treasurer J. P. Surace Construction Co. LIGHT FUND: .;2{, <jSd -:/ Clallam Co. P.U.D: No.1 Bussing Office Supply Olympic Printery Clallam Adjustment Corp. State Treasurer City Street Dept. Automoti ve Parts Service D & B Battery & Elec. stn. Willson Hardware Co. Maydwell & Hartzell General Electric Co. SANITATION FUND: Earl Davidson City Street Dept. /J? 1Ft, - /3 LIBRARY FUND, 57 tJ - Peninsula Fuel Co. Ci ty Treasurer Demeo Library Supplies Gaylord Bros., Inc. Olympic Stationers Bussing Office Supply Lincoln .:elding J. Lyle Beam, Inc. Traveling Expense Office Supplies Subscription Assistance Making 'State Reports Parts 2 Tubes ,Stopleak Office Files & Supplies Gas, Oil, Repairs Parts & Repairs Tires & Tubes Gasoline Car Repairs & Tires Meals for Prisoners Fuses, Glue, Lamps Fix Drawers Photography Supplies Car Mileage for Dec. Supplies Express, Light, ,later, Garbage Mucilage 12.50, 23.16) 2.50 10.38: 41.171 l.03 385.84, 133.06' 60.69; 124.79l 173.21 119.83 238.34 25.781 1.55l 38.38) 25.48i 60.60' 74.40~ .41 Gasoline, Kerosene Motor Oil 1 Mai n Leaf & Aux. Filing Saw Parts, Tools & Hdwe. Machine Hork 1 Gal. Lockheed Fluid Freight Iron, Steel Tools & Hdwe. First Aid Supplies Pipe, Ells, Sheet Iron, etc. Equip. Rental Light, l,ater !!upplies Lumber Salt 800.20 42.86 12.85 3.09 59.81 l.55 4.02 l.30 9.731 64.28 ~:~l 360.00 15.91 23.24 66.221 36,001,. 24.93 5.72 6.64' .61l 4.37( 5.20' 102.53l 30.52 4.58~ 10.18 2.37; 1,017.74 949.121 23,387.88j 6.59j 25.44 1.50; 2,552.07j 102.06 5.20' 11. 94' 7.00, 126.07, 725.12, I 30.17, 156.011 I 38.92,; 21SA~ 4.45 66.61.1 4.90 33.22 3).48 169.6]} Offic e Supplies Lumber Parts Lens Lumber Sheet Iron, etc. Gas, Oil, Repairs Paint, etc. Iron, Steel Tools and Supplies Parts Taxes Cont ract Nov. Pm<er Office Supplies Electric Permits Collection Exp. Taxes Gas, Repairs Parts for Trucks Parts for Trucks Screws, ete. Line Material Transformer Car Mileage for Dec. Gasoline, Oil, Repairs Fuel Oil Light, Water, Garbage Suppli eS Suppli es Supplies Repai rs Rail Insurance I I I I I I~ I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"''' . '"""" ""'u, .m.w,n "."" "'"' .,.., LIBRARY FIllID. continued: New ~lethod Book Bindery Seattle Times Jean Karl' & Co. Personal Book Shop Puget Sound News Co. i A. C. McClurg & Co. Doubleday & Co. 'l-f PARK FUND: ISO- City Street Dept. Peninsula Machine Shop City Treasurer James Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: I City Street Dept. M. ,H. Rhodes, Inc. Harris & Schuller f-5 CEMETERY FUND: :2 - City Street Dept. FIREHEN I S PENS ION FUND: 1;;Z - J. C. Hay & Associates ANIMAL CONTROL FUND: tf'f- Clallam Co. Humane Society .Tan.l1:lry Bth, cnnt.i nued, 19-5L Newspaper Binding Subscription Books Books Books Books Books Gasoline, Repairs Iron Li[;ht, Garbage, Water Nails, Prestone, Solder Cement So It/- ~ Gasoline Magic Links Gal v. Iron Cut to Order Gasoline ,,0 Jan. Med. --Firemen ~o There being no further business, the meeting'was adjourned. Dog & Cat Licenses, Pound Fees ~~-d'~~. , ~ City Clerk _ l'o'O"'Jl"I.~'T'O II1nO~~HS LJ1J'sOl~~flll~ bl~_\;l'T~~'~~i~~~f'tlL>~ll ~}, c'!i:~li r~ {\!~i~~117~t(~:~: ail~K(} <;Jit;:oll~li\~r~;~~~ E,K;~~~/~~1~~i1:;:(~~;E;~;;f;~~ ,!"~&~ ~al wllll!: <llIlJlh'tt~ r..ldl'r! spot car. hf):n euHrmlcr,~ liJ{IJl allll "-Rlf'!' bill!> l~1~e1~~ttll~t:lf;;~,~~f:II'j'i7i~~<;~~e~ 1111' TlgJlt j L!'~"2i';,,"dJi"J;;u;',:\',;,G::,: ;~~ I. :! "~J tJ. ~Jt n__~ 85 6J.68 18.00 23.96 JO.86 15.87 37.74 7.23 36.99 7.17 6J.Ol '5.67 37.60 10.56 1.68 2.06 2.45 12.00 44.00 Mayor I , 1 i I ] I I , ! ~