HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/09/1935 ~ 264 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 9, 1935. 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and Vias oalledto order by IJ:ayor lilavis. Roll oall showed the following officers present: J.:tayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz andUasters, Attorney Plummer and Glerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under headof New Bu?iness,- It was moved by Commissoner Masters that the ~ayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a oontraot for gasoline with the Assooiated Oil .60mpany for the year 193.'5 as of the date of Jamary 2, 19';15 as shoVIll in the oontraot. Seconded by Commissi oner Lutz. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz thatthe Mayor and City Clerk sign the agreement with the National Forest ~ervice granting said National Fm'''est Service the use of the City Light Poles for telephone serviee on the Mount Angeles Road and the City of Port Angeles granted the right to connect one telephone instrument to be located at the Morse Creek Dam. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I Under the head of Introduction Of "esolutions' the follO'Ning "'esolutioh was introduced: I RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE OF TRAKSMISSION LINES ON EDIZ HOOK. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Gommission of the C'ity of Port Angeles the wri tten agreement between the ~Iashington Pulp & Paper Uorporatiop and the City for the purohase of portions of an electric transmission line on Ediz Hook and containing pro- visions for the joint use of oertain transmission poles of the parties; The prioe of equipment and the terms of the agreement having been oarefully oon- sidered by the Commission, BOld appearing fair and reasonable; Th<l form and oontents of the agreemen t and the blue prints giving the details of property having been approved by the Superintendent of Utili ties and the Oi ty Attorney, and it appearing tha t the purchase and use of thi s equipmemt is for the best interests of the City and will aid in serving and furnishing power to the United utates Hydroplane Base on Ediz Hook; THEREFORE, m: IT RESOLVED That the Mayor and City Clerk be and the said officers are here by au thori zed to pro perl.;\' exeou te the sal dins trumen t on behal f of the ~i ty of Port Aqgeles and endorse and identi fy the blue prints accompanying the same. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Maste~s. On roll call all members voted aye. The ,Mayor declared the motion carried. The Oommission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn fo r same: I CURRENT EXPENSE Evening News Trre P~o. T~l ~ T~l G~. fiarran t Ca II Servioe " 3.15 4.00 3.75 1. 75 25.00 25.00 10.50 7.15 8.40 8.68 5.30 3.30 84.90 1.15 5.88 25.80 2.00 45.49 4.62 42.78 IG.l0 18.58 2.G5 248.43 134.55 25.00 13.75 68.15 154 . 4 8 11.47 2.00 30.00 11. 45 12.33 31. 65 3.90 1.10 3.35 135.00 36.30 10.50 70.75 152.32 1127.86 2.95 1. 65 .70 I CHy Treasurer ~strid Fredriokson Hugo Olson ~he Pac Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer 6ffice & EquipmehtCo. ~olten %rooery ~o. ~The Pao Tel & Tel Go. V. A. Samuelsoft & Uo. , enn' s Garage . qillson Hardware vo. ~resoent Securities Co. !EPperson & Sons 'l>.ngeles Gravel .LS1ipply lash~ngton P~lp ~ Pa~er Johnson & Bork - ,R. L. Fernandes .' arvin Auto ~o. " " Stamps & Envelopes Stenographer Extra Fireman Service Supplies J8:1 i to r' S Supplie 8 Bel' vi 0 e Repairs " Supplies Blue Prints Lumber - "0 Co;'p. n Supplie s Drift Bol ts Enam e 1, eto. Re pa irs " II Chmmber of Commeroe \r. A. Samue leon & Go. ,ill80n Hardware Co. \ssooiated Oil Co. lt "rt Powder Repairs Hardware & !fools Gas " I utomotive Parts Co. ~' . A. Samuelson & ~o. '.A. Concrete Produots Co. lillson Hardware "0. Howard-Cooper Corp! Kissner Motor Parts ~o. ~uba~s Drug Co. , ~ames Hardware va. ~oward_Uooper Corp. ngeles Gravel & SupplW Co. '. ysaH Welding & Forge .,'Iorks ~estern Tractor & Equipment Co. . . L. Fernandes lOlympio Forest Products Co. ~genes Co-operative Creamery Lowman & Hanford Co. I "" Parts , Repa iI'S Pipe. etc. Hardware & Tools Torch & Tank Lamps Films Hardware '" T091~ Hose & Couplings Gravel i'lelding Parts Tires Lumber Drinking Bups Supplies " ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ja nuary 9 , 1935. 193_ 265~ I I I I I. \'Iestern 'fractoI' & Equipme,n t Co. Washington Pulp & Pap er "orp. Rocker Arms Lime 'CURREN'!: EXPENSE FUND EME"GENCY CLAIMS ALLOWED UNDER ORDINANCE #1012 J. W. :E'ike W. D. llorrissey W. D. Ilorrissey Pete MoGoff I. C. Groves I. C. Groves Kissner Motor Parts Co. Ci ty 'l)reasurer James E. Safreed,. Standard Oil Co. Assooiated Oil ~o. J. R. MoDonald Olympio Printery Eubank Drug Q.uiok Print Banoroft & Vhitney ~o. Ellening NeVIs " ViA TER FUIID Lysall 'ilelding & Forge ',Works Richfield Oil Co. Hooker Eleotroohemioal Co. Soa ttl e Plumbing ;'upply .Co. V. A. Samuels on '" Co. Haugen Sheet Metal ,iorks Washingt@n State Bank Angeles Gravel & 0uppl~ vo. Vim. Brennand ,Paris Motor (;0. 11 fl Y " Q.uiok Print Central Machine 'iiorks IGity Light Department M. ". HllemsJlll ~illson HardwDre . ~uni on Oil Co. !Ange les Foundry Puget Sound Navigation ~o. ,Po ". Conorete Produots Co. 'LIGHT FUND ~ohnson Transfer 60. ~'Tobe Deutsohmann qorp. General. E1eotrio "0. ~he City ~leotrio Co. )Cissner Illotor Co. ~v. d. Sar:;uelson & vo. ~i' If Ii II 11 H !Northwest Heating & Plumbing "0, 'Byron Vlin ter IL. T. Guy ~Iashington State Bank ~ngeles Gravel & Supply vo. ~ort Angeles ~veningNews it>ao Tel & Tel Vo. Haugen Sheet Metal Works IS, chlager Bros. Ruick Print ~ixon's ~arking Garage !,i. H. Alleman ~. L. Aldwell & Co. ~. H. 'Ilhlllte lillson Hardware Co. , erron's Variety Store pwl Dru 3:;0. ITames Hardw~re Co. karris & ~chuller H. W. Bates b ty Treas:i1rer lssooiated Oil Co. fuget Sound Navigation Co. bi ty Treasurer ,,, 11 ity EI eo trio Uo. LIBRARY FUNIID Ci ty Treasurer The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Thelma Hall uget Sound News Co. .J. B/. Mathews Chilton C~. Reader's Digest Assooiation, Ino. Polioe Ser vio e Speoial Polioe If " M~al~ f~,r prisqtners Lamps Supplies & auto repairs ,Traveling Expense Gas Killing.& Disposing Dogs Supplies Fumigators Supplie s " Publication II' Val ve key made Gas Liquid Chlorine Supplies Repairs Fittings Rent Supplies Rent Tire Repair Repairs " Supplies Meter Repair Gas & oil Lumber Supplies Penetra ting Oil Supplies Freight Supplie s Hauling Poles Noise Locator Meters & Switoh Commissions, eto. Supplie s Repairs Servioes Supplies Wire JEn i to I' Servioes Rent Crane Servioe Shut Off Notioes Cervioes Meter Box Xmas Decorations Supplie s Pres tone Lumber Insuranoe Car Hire Supplie s Decorations Snrp lie s " \'Iire \'Iood Fee on Ediz Hook Lease Gasoline Brei@lt SUpplies, eto. \7a tel' Commis3 iihns. e to. Light & ~Ia ter Service Emergency Help Books 1 Door Closer Subscription " 13 Io+~ ~ ,,:I., +0 ~(lg ~ 37;1...7J. 73 '1"3'7 - 2.36 16.90 104.80 21.00 21. 00 3.00' 43.05 38.85 3.73 1.8.5 13.91 35.89 77.33 27;00 18.05 17,.5D 10.50 22.00 17.22 36.40 16.59 2.00 1.26 19'.75 3;;.09 21. 85 6.75 45.00 79;88 12.00 .50 1.60 66.62 n.7,5 .50 .23.60 17.28 .80 1. 68 5.40 6.45 16.00 12.00 133.97 96.87 124.98 110.03 1. pO 16.25 .90 7.90 5.00 85.00 29.75 :>.20 13.75 8.50 10.72 13.30 6.66 ;;.70 2.55 25.00 14.24 4.26 3.,50 7.90 .90 10.(')0 5.00 67.28 1. 99 3.68 1. 95 107.00 16.25 4.25 12.75 23.93 20.00 1.00 3.00 ..<ill r-- 266 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 9. 1935. 193_ Subscriptiun n Paoifio Pulp & Paper Industry new York :1\me'S Johnson & Bork Amerioan Library Ass'n. Parker-Joott Co. Gaylord Bros., Ino. IT II H King Art & Photo Shop Filion Mill & Lumber Go. Jennilu Norris IT If Dorothea Gagnon PARK FUND EMERGENCY CLUMS ALLOV/ED UNDER ORDINANCE #1012 Varnish, stain, etc. Subsoription Supplie s n ...'). ;u> 8 - Lumber Petty Bash Traveling Expense Extra Herp D, A. Masters C. LeRoy Sarff State Treasurer IT n Hose BH>b Filing Saw Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid " II II tI 1'0 ,.28 - Under the head of New Bus iness, the following Resolution vias .introduoed: RESOLUTION. NO. 148 4.00 12.75 22.80 1.00 3.25 41. 45 7.20 1.50. 6.24 . 7.35 . li:88'~' .75 .75 13.92 13.36 'iIHEREAS, the Gi ty ComClission of the City of Port Angeles heretofore adopted general plans and speoifioations for the reoonstruotion of the bridges on 8th street, in Port Angeles, ~ashington, over Valley and Tumwate7 Gulohes. .\::n Y,l:EREAS, the matter of the reconstruotion of the said bridges and the issue of bonds to aid in payment of the same was submitted to the eleotors of said City by Ordinanoe No. 889, and ratified and approved by said eleotors at speoial bond eleotion held pursuant to said ordinanoe, on the 29th day of .:ieptember, 1933. AND WHEREAS, liridge engineers, acting for and under the supervision of the V1ashingt on Emergenoy Relief Adminis tra ti on, have extend ed and. c omple ted the de ta il of said plans, and it is desired to seoure th e final approval of the same by the prope~ offioialB of the City of Port Angeles and by the "ashington Emergency Relief Adminis- tration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED, that the plans heretofore adopted by thS City Com- mission as oompleted and extended by the. '/ashington lIrrergenoy Relief Administration and said plans, are hereby approved and ratified as the plans for the reoonstruotion of said bridges. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor, City Clerk and Cit.y Engineer, be and said officors, are hereby authorized and instruoted to endorse and allprove the said plans and eaoh of the separate sheets thereof, on behalf of the saidl;ity. It was m'Jved by ~ommiesioner MastErs that the foregoing hesolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall all members vJDted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. o ?J11~4nd- 7f;~ Mayor:- Ci ty Ulerk. ~ I I I -I I