HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/09/1950 ,.. 620 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 9 19~ II The Commission met in reeular session at 10100 a .m. and was called to order by !.!ayor ,'eeley. The ofIicers I present were: k;ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. II M~nutes of the previous session were read and approved. , Under the head of applications for buildine permits and licenses, the following were granted: BUILDING PERMITS I Dell Ghurch lll"s. Otto Iredale J, H. Eyre A, Ill. McIntosh Construct garage, Lot 15, Block 583, Townsite hemodel interior of existine dwelline, Lot 15, jjlock 25, N.R. SIT,ith Addn. Addition to existing dwelline Lot 14, "lock 286, 1'0.msite Construct 4-room dwelling, garage, woodshed, Lot 8, Bl.50, .Townsi~e $200.00 225.00 400.00 $1500.00 I LICENSES: Red I s Taxi and Black & White Harbor Tavern Taxis-4 cars 2 card ta bles ~i125 .00 5.00 Under the heading of unfinished :,usiness, bids to furnish a truck complete with body for the Sanitation Departr"ent were considered. Supt. Davidson recommended the Diamond T Truck with 5 speed transmission complete with GarVlood Packer body at $6,695.95 offered by the Tower Super Service. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the said bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. ~otion carried. Commissioller Taylor cited items in specifioations of Diamond T vrhich in the opinion of too Commission justified acceptance of this bid. Items Vlere gross vreight and correct frame dilTensions, all assembly being' done at the fac tory. I Pursuant to bids published to furnish concrete culvert pipe, the following vras sullllitted: Port Aneeles Concrete Products Company.; 56'" Standard reinforced, at $6.75 per lineal foot; 56'" Extra strength reinforced, at j!l7.75 per lineal foot. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid as submitted be accepted. Seconded by J.1ayor Feeley. All .foted Aye. Motion Carried. Pursuant to calls for bids on the sale of Lots 8,9, and 15, Block 4, Doyles Subdivision, the follovrine bid was received. William L. Hubner, $250.00. It was moved by Commissioner hooinson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Mtiyor Feeley. All voted Aye. ~otion carried. Commissioner Taylor reported he had contacted the County Conmissioners regarding assistance in control of erosion at Ocean Vievr Cemetery. The County Officials will instruct their Eneineer to co-operate with the City Engineer to determine what car, be dore. . Attorney Trumbull invormed the Commission regarding :Legality of Barber and Beauty operatore licenses. It was his opinion there is no question regarding constitutionality of license. That the operators are mis- informed, and t.hat the only part of Ordinance which could be unconstitutional vrould be the section fixing hours of operation, this being decided by a ruling of the U.S. District court. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following .,,;s placed on third readine:. ORJJIMNCE NO. 1220 All ORDINAIl:;E stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public health, peace and safety; requirine the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency "arrants and declaring an emergency. I It was moved by Mayor ~'eeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading, and adopted. i Seconded by Commissioner llobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following Vias introduced:. REtiULUTION FOR 11lANSFER OF' ITEIJS WITHIN WNlJS VIHEHE/lS, IT APPEAHS, That requirements of certain departments for the year 1949, made necessar;, the " expenditures of sums of more y greater than contemplated, and WHERE/IS, the amount provided for other items within the same legal claasificatio n have not been and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classification, and WHEHE/lS, Those requirements were not and could not have been reasona bly foreseen at the tilTe of of the budget; NOT, THEREFOfiE, BE IT R~S01.'rill, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-Ylit: Treasurer's Department:: Traveling Expense I exhausted, I ,re",,'''M I CURRENT EXPZNSE FUND: to Offico Records and Supplies 75.00' I Police Department ,. Meals for Prinsoners Chie f' s Traveling Expense HadiD Supplies ~uel Fuel ilond LiGht, Water, Garbage to to to to to to to Auto Hepair, Gas, Oil, .t 11; tit n 11' Office Records & Supplies Telephone Insurance Dog Pound Supplies 465.00 120.00 90.87 25.00 15.00 2.58 2.94 I CITY SmEET FUND :: City's ~mtching Contribution City's ~futching Contribution to to Uas & Oil Insurance 500.00 I 200.00 100.00 , WA TBH Ji'UNIl :: Taxes to Maintenance, Road., LIGHT FUl<1l: Taxes Taxes Taxes to to to Insurance ',Va tar Purchase of Current 500.00 50.00 8,000.00, llANITATION FUND: City's Matching Contribution City's l~tching Contribution to to Gas & Oil Office Records & Supplies 550 .00 5.00 ~ I I I I I 621--' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .....~.w""'...IU.Tt\,a"ftU_~..~...... I&?'j"e ~ PAllKIIlG METER & THJ\FFIC CON'j'ROL FUND: Insurance January 9 continued 19~ to 50.0QI I Seconded by Conunission'er It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Robinson. All voted Aye. Yotion carried. GaS', Oil, Car Expense Mrs". Hampton, news reporter, q.1 estioned the Commission regarding a letter to the Prosecuting Attorney, req\1estine postponement of discontinuation of pinball machines~ Mayor l<'eeleJ' and Gonur.issioner Robinson infbrmed ~hat the letter h~d been sUbmi,tted but" Com:nissioner Taylor was not informed" of the same. AttorneYj Trumbull informed the Comnusswn that tne deClSlcn of the State Supreme "ourt reearcilng legahty of pinball mecr.ines has been appealed to the U.S. Supremeu Court and would not predict outcome until final decision is submitted., The Commission suggested that a business tax might lJe imposed to replace revenue lost, and discussed possi~ility of collecting Occupational Tax from the P. A. Transit System now in arrea~s This was referred to too ~ommissioner of Finance. I The' Commission er.amined and approved the following cla ims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the I same:: CURRENT EXPEIlSE HJND:: Olympic Stations Office supplies 209.11 'I De~t. of Labor & Irulustries ~ Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid 109.15 Olylnpic 1'ribune ~I Publications 31.20 liichfield Oil ~orp 1\. Gasoline, Motor Oil 759 52 "~I Janish Motor Co. \~'v Brake Cable 5 :02 :1 Headrick Itepair Service Parts & Labor 27.92 ' Peninsula Herald Subscription 2.50 Family Shoe Store 2 pr. rubber boots 19.57 Tom dirk Drug Co. 2 first aid kits 8.28 Jam'ss Hardware Co. Axe, Putty Knife, punches 5.56 I G & L Paint Supplies Pa int, linseed oil 4.70 ! Hazel's Care Meals for prisoners 160.68 , Olympic Printersy Supplies 145.88 City Treasurer Post Office Box Itent 3.00 I Eastman Kodak Co. Film and fixing sol. 6.80 I Headrick Hepair Service Gar Repair 28.88 Fitchard's Ass. Ser. 1 tire, car repair 54.12 R. O. Ide Car mileage for Vecember 26.32 J.C. Penney Go. School Patrol Jackets, Cap ~rame 23.27 Seattle Radio Supply 2 Vibrators 9.85 Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Dry Cleanine & laundry 23.57 Tower Super Service Acetylene 5;61 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Telephone service, 4408 15.55 CITY STREET FUND:: Dept. of Labor & Industries Anton Smith r s Urocery Olympic Stationers Johnson & Bor k Ole ss Specialty Co. raylor Heating & Flumbiqg Co. Peninsula Pl~"ood Gorp Automotive parts co. Janish Mot> I' Co. Anffeles Radiator ohop i Tpwer Super Service I Little Holm Tire ~o. "IIATER 1UND:. De~t. of Labor & Industries , He~drick Repa ir Service Janish Motor Co. I Automotive Parts Service Olympic Stationers .1 Western Utilities Supply Co. Olympic iDrihune State Treasurer Anffeles Machine & Yielding llorks lticMield Oil l.orp. , LIGHT FUND:: I' Clallam County P. U .D. No. 1 Olympic Stationers , Claj lam Adjustment Corp Dept. of Labor & Industries State Treasurer Richfield Oil Gorpn. D & B Battery & Elec. Stn Truck & Equipment C017,pany P.A. Evening Ne\"1s City Hleld Co. 4; Ij) \ \" 1\ . SANITATION lUND:, Dept. of Labor & Industries Johnson & bork Loop Auto Wrecking P.I<. lllarin6 Ways and Supply Olympic Tribune Port ~ngeles Motors Pierce Trailer & Equip. Co. Tacoma-Port Angeles Auto }i'reight Lincoln Welding G & L Paint Supplies Janish Motors Little Holm Tire ~o. Automotive Parts Service " \1 'V ",i\ Ind. Insurance & Medical Aid 6'1 bags salt Time books, pad Paint, bfush Repair Window & Door 81ectric Heater 1 Load c ore wood Pa rts Wrecker Service Boil out and repair radiator Parts Tire & Repairs 66.19 62.11 1.75 142.65 15.58 105.01 8.24 9.65 '1.50 19.51 12.79 ' 45.52 I i.i f \> Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid Itepairs Oil Parts Supplies Itepa ir clemps Advertising Taxe 5 Shop vrork ~as & Oil I 105.24 I 42.85 2.06 ~ 12.58 15.4) 15.46 5.18 985.65 81.5'1 65.16 December power Ink Collection Commission Indlistriel Insurance & Medical Aid Taxes Vasoline Spark Plugs )(epairs Advertising Fuel Oil 28,572.30 7.46 2.26 107.45 2,249.46 119.10 ' 1.01 45.13 11.54 , 48.1'1 ,,'" '\" \ Industrial Ins. t~ Medical Aid Glass, Putty 4 sheets steel Steel Hail Notice to bidders Re-Grind Crank Shaft Parts Freight Weld Throttle Link Paint~ brushes) etc. Piston Assembly, diaphram, tie rod ems Parts I< Repairs Parts 46.93 2.65 5.15 11.12 I .90 ' 15.45 I 54.29 2.50 1.05 I 26.18 I 18.28 10.83 3.11 ~ 622 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, WashingtoD 'i PARK FUNlh James Hardware Co. P.A. Auto Supply Fredericks Electric r~ Angeles J!.achine & Yielding Works :,.,~ Eklund Lumber Co. r Dept.-Labor & Industries Pac. Tel. & Tel. Go. Ross & lJeaslej', Inc. Willson Hard"are Go. City treasurer PARKING l!ETER & TRAFFIC CONI'ROL FUND. Dept. of Labor & Industries 'I~ G. & L. Paint Supplies 1); / Johnson & Bork Y -L. 1. DUARAII'l'Y FUND:. I l,.-I. Revolving l'\md "I <j,D '/ L~ 1. D. REVOLVING FUIID: OJ.ympic IJ]ribune 't~ \ / L..1. D. GENERAL FUND: Olympic Tritune \<j1~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIhE AND POLICE STj\TION, STATE DEVELOPlJEN'l' FUND, Durell Prod uc ts l,::tY January 9 continued 19~ Tools & Hardware Parts Repairs Worm gear for spri~ler Lumber, nails . Ind. insurance and Medical aid Service 3851 Parts 1 Blow torch light, Via ter, garbage Ind. Ins. & lJedical Aid Paint, etc. ' Paint He-im\:Jursigg Revolvine Fund Notice of sale Publica tions One louver inserted 1'here being no further business, the meeting "as then adjourned. (j E: L. () City Clerk ~/-4.<i ~1' 26.94 9.50 8.50 15.97 44.96 19.09 5.09 56.05 9.22 71.26 I 14.07 9.89 .82 80.80 1.26 18.78 62.32, I I I I I I