HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/09/1978 .1 I I 417 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 9, 1978 I CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting was called to order by Clerk Parrish at 7:30 P.M. II OATHS OF OFFICE TO RE-ELECTED AND NEW COUNCILMEN Clerk Parrish administered the Oath of Office to re-elected Councilmen Sam Haguewood, and John Hordyk, and to new Council members Carol Boardman and Dorothy Duncan. III ROLL CALL Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Haguewood, Hordyk and Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney walrath, Clerk Parrish. C. Caso, D. Frizzell, J. Honnold, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton. Guests Present: R. parrish, L. Sunny, G. Ensign, M.' Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. V. Basom, P. Rasler, K. Rasler, D. price, L. Watts, T. Root, L. possinger, L. Buck, F. Backwash, B. Love, J. Anderson. IV SELECTION OF NEW MAYOR The first order of buesiness of the new Council was selection of a Mayor from among its members to serve a two year term of office from January 1978 to January 19S0. According to the City's records of Ordinances and Resolutions passed by the Council, apparently the Council have never specified or adopted any official "Rules of Procedure." Attorney Walrath advised the Council that when no formal procedures have been adopted by the Council,any court reviewing actions of the Council would apply Robert's Rules of Order, the only modifi- cation being that the Mayor must be selected by a majority of the Council. Attorney Walrath then recommended that the Council adopt a formal procedure for selecting a Mayor at this time and that the procedure include a selection of a balloting method and perhaps a seating arrangement. He also suggested that perhaps the council should direct the Staff to prepare some permanent rules of procedure for the Council to consider and perhaps adopt for future use. Councilman Wray then moved the Council proceed with the selection of a new Mayor using a secret ballot method of voting without prior nominations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Councilman Buck then moved the Council defer consideration of Attorney Walrath's recommendations concerning administrative procedure until such time as the new Council is reorganized. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. Ballots for selection of a Mayor were then distributed to the Council members by Clerk Parrish. After two ballot counts, a majority vote had not been a- chieved. Councilman Anderson moved the Council recess for five minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilmen Boardman and Haguewood voting "NO." Following the recess, the meeting reconvened and the balloting continued. Councilman Haguewood was selected by the Council to serve as Mayor for the next ,2 years on the fourth ballot with a majority of four votes. V LEGISLATION 1. COUNCIL MEETINGS The Council discussed the possibility of Changing the regular meeting dates of the City Council with Manager Whorton. Councilman wray sug- gested the Council meet on Tuesday nights, and pointed out that this 418 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 9, 1978 V LEGISLATION 1. Cont. would enable the Council members to review the agenda packets over the weekend. Following further discussion between the Council and Manager Whorton, during which time Councilmen Anderson and Buck also indicated they favored meetings on Tuesday, Councilman Duncan moved the Council change the regular meeting dates of the City Council from the second I and fourth Wednesday of each month to the first and third Tuesdays of each month, effective February, 1978. The motion was seconded by Council- man Buck and carried. Ordinance No. 1957 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance Nos 1967, l878 and 1911 of the City of Port Angeles establishing the time, date, and meeting place of the City Council. 2. MEETING WITH DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY RE AIR QUALITY The Council discussed with Manager Whorton the arranging of a meeting with representatives of the State Department of Ecology to discuss air quality in Port Angeles. Approximately two weeks ago DOE representatives met with the County Commissioners and discussed air quality in Port Angeles. Councilman Hordyk recommended a meeting be set for late January. 3. DATA PROCESSING STUDY Manager Whorton informed the Council that Finance Director Orton is now ready to present the results and recommendations on the Data processing study to the Council, and requested the Council set a date for discussion of this matter. Manager Whorton also suggested the Council reserve the Council Chambers on all Tuesday nights of the month for any regular or I special Council meetings or work sessions. Councilman Hordyk concurred with Manager Whorton's suggestion and recommended the Council schedule one night a month for work sessions. The Council then set a work session date of Thursday, January l2, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers for discussion of the results and recommendations of the Data Processing Study. 4. A.W.C. MEETING Manager Whorton informed the council of a Friday, January 20, 1978 A.W.C. meeting at Sea-Tac on insurance risk management programs. 5. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Mayor Haguewood reminded the Council of the need for replacement of Mrs. Kennedy on the Library Board, Mrs. Boardman on the Planning Commission, and Mr. Ed Bedford on the Park and Beautification Commission. At this time Councilman Boardman moved the council request the Staff to prepare any information which would assist the Council in selecting Board and Commission members. This information could include a summary of which sectors of the City are presently represented, and a list of questions which the Council could ask prospective applicants to make sure there is no conflict of interest. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. I 6. PORTLAND LAWSUIT Manager Whorton advised the council that Attorney Walrath will be attending a meeting on Thursday, January 12, 1978 in Portland to discuss strategy in regards to the lawsuit brought against the Bonneville Power Adminis- trator by the City of Portland. Both Manager Whorton and Attorney Walrath CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 9, 1978 419 V LEGISLATION 6. Cont. stressed the importance of the outcome of this lawsuit and the serious economic impact it may have on the State and the City and recommended at least one Council member attend the meeting with Attorney Walrath. 7. 911 EMERGENCY SYSTEM I At this time Councilman Hordyk commented on a recent local newspaper article which stated that, due to various reasons, the local ambulance service is not available through the 911 emergency system. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council instruct the City Manager to set a meeting date with the Chief of police, the ambulance service owner and the Council to resolve this matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion Manager Whorton informed the Council that a tentative meeting had been set for Wednesday, January ll, 1978 with Mr. Littlejohn, owner of the ambulance service, and that he would report on the meeting at the Council meeting scheduled for January 11, 1978. On call for the question the motion was passed by the Council. Councilman Hordyk informed the Council that the Clallam County Governmental Conference meets on wednesday, January 11, 1978. Outgoing Councilman Ross was Chairman of the Conference, with Councilman Hordyk as alternate. Councilman Hordyk then requested the Mayor remove him from his assignment as alternate to the Clallam County Governmental Conference, and appoint new Council members as the City's representatives on the Conference. Mayor Haguewood will see that a representative for the City will attend the January ll, 1978 meeting. VI ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M. I ~/~// r!1. ~-h',./h City Clerk --d~~~ I