HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/10/1934 / I I I 1 I' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 173"l1ll January 10,1934 193_ The Commission met in regular.isession at 10 a.m.and Vias oalled to order by Mayor Davis.. Roll oall showed the fOllowing offioers present.Mayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Masters,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and lecenses,the following were , granted,.., '~\.- ~, ,~ ,L~ '}r.! If . ~.:' Buhler Motor Go. ,remodel office, Lot 9 Block 30,N.R.Smith's Sub. L.E.Stark Dance Jan.6,1934 at I.O.O.F.lIa11 George Shields Shooting gallery,l week lil.F'.Jarmuth,Wliol:,esalee1icensel'ltoesell beer and wine ,~-:~- .:., ;;;150.00 5.00 7.00 50.00 Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the' following ordinances were read by title and placed on their Third readings,- An Ordinance , fixing the salaries,compensation and wages of certain officers and employees of the City of Port Angeles,Washington. An Ordinance Relating to the use of the public streets of the City of Port Angeles to the parking of vehicles thereon; Providing parking regulations for certain types of vehicles; providing a penalt~, for the violationsof said ordinance,~nd declaring an emergency. It was moved by ~ommissioner Masters the foregoing Orihnances be p-.Laced on their final passage and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner nutz. On Roll call all mem- bers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. , Under the head of unfinished business. 1 (',1..1,1. P()lt IIIDS t ! NOTl!'!!.: [!-j HER1';UY' GIV8X. That l<e(t]~!l 11111<; will 1,,; 1,."C"ivect h~' 1h(' Clt~. Ckrl;: of 11\r' CI L,\' or pr'l't AIlfl"(>lcs, ".{\SI1IIl~tull. until .TlIllllnn' 10th. 1!134. fit 10 a.m., and \_ ~:?~r~rt~~l' /h~~ ~~it,~ft:Cj'o~.ft ~.~l~g-~i:~J \VlI,;]1l:1CIOll. . l To fUl"llhh H"CitJs 111Hl lllultiple ){mw. 1~lI.mp~ QII l;ll' 'Ji\~i!l of i $J:100_0/1 l1('t ,":l.Iuo [01" the- vm:iouf l CI~Y tlt'Jlanm<'llts fol' lh~ flsenl_ I ~'~H of 1!l:14. '! 1'1~~;~t~ t;i;'~j~~~~Il~~~~S~~I~ ;\~~~~rITs_t~le II N. ~f. I-fA WKl:\'S Cit~. Clerk j' Pull. .Tnll. r. an(1 G. , 1: Bids were opened to furnish Lamps for the various departments for the year 1934. The Bids being as follows: Willson Hardware Gompany,- 27% discount off of billing price of Standard Packages. 17%." II 11 II "" Brol,en Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. . C. \1. Alexande.r,- 27~ discount off of billing pr~ce of Standard Packages. .17% 11 "" Tf 11 Broken Packages. 2% additional-if paid within 10 day~. Arthur K. Knudson,- 27~ discount off of Billing price of Standard Packages. 17%." "" II "" Broken packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. Kissner~otor Parts Co.,- .1:770 discount off of billine price of "tandard Packages-. l7%." "" " 11" Broken Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. The matter of awarding the contract was deferred for further cons{deration. 19/ \ I/g"", The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn ~for same,- Current Expense Fund Conrad "ervice Station 4 4Western Wractor & E~uipmeRt Co. Wills'on Hardware Co. Wilson Hardware Co. Pine Hill Service Station V. A. Samuelson & Uo. Union Oil Co. P.A. Concrete Products Co. Angeles. Gravel & SUpply ~o. Eakert Shoe & Repair James Har(lware Co. M. R. Alleman Crescent Secmrities Co. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph va. Evening. News The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Lee Gafe Glenn's Service Statmon Walkling Motor Co. City Treasurer City Treasurer . The Pac. '['e1. & Tel. Co. The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Willson Hardware Co. Zellerbach Paper Cpo The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Sta te Treasurer Kerosene Grader Part Hardware & Tools Hardware & Tools Tire Repair Repairs Gas Pipe Lumber ,Boots Hardware Lumber Blue Prints Service Publi~a tio ns Service Meals for Prisoners Repairs Repairs Cert. of OwnerShip Stamps Service Service Lamps Supplies Service Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid . ~~ 'If '!~ ! 1.90 23.79 7:11 27.60 1.00 8.65 161.85 24.70 . 79.83 5.95 9.85 20.51 8.92 1.25 17.99 6.45 32.20 3.45 2.30 .50 1.00 2.75 1.05 5.98 1.40 6.95 27.36 .j....J- }rY~ - " .~ "... 174 January 10. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193L \lATER FUND V. A. Samuelson & Co. Standard Stations, 1st & Race Mathews ::>ash & Door Factory ~ames Hardware Co. James Hardware Co. Lysall Welding Works M. R. Alleman Federal Pipe & Tank ~o. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Willson Hardy/are 60. J. B. Mathews . Francis st. Groce~ Lowman & Hanford Co. Evening News Quick Print Mrs. A. Glas Johnson Transfer Co. Uillson Hardware 00. ,,'amily ;)hOe Shop James Hardware The Leader Department Store The Toggery Montgomery Hard & Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Company Ida J. Morse puget i:Jound Havigation Co. State Treasurer Labor Gas Lumber Rope Hardware Bolts Lumber Pipe Bands, Staves, etc. Hardware Lumber & Labor Oil Supplies Notice to Water Users Supplies Truck Hire Truck Hire Hardware Boots Rope Rain H~ts & ,Coats Coats Hats & Boots rlrenche:8 ,r. '~..; .~ ......."~,. ~ . Rent .' . '. ~ " Freight Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid :;)ts. LIGHT FUND Robert Price James Fredericks Puget Sound Navigation Co. Union Oil "'0. McHugh & Peterson V. A. Samuelson & Go. Standard Oil Co., 1st & ~ace Ulmer Office Equipment Quick Print Blackburn Printing Go. Quick Print Co. Burroughs '~ding Machine Co. Willson Hardware Al Race H. Stanley & E. Stanley Thrift Jtores O. E. EddY" The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. The Paa. Tel & Tel. Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Willson Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Elks Drug Co. J. B. Mathews James Hardware Co. Line Material Co. Ulmer Office Eq~ipment Co. Graybor Elec. Co. City Treasurer Floyd Barnett James Hardware Willson Hardware go. Graybor Eleo. Co. G. E. Supply ~o. Seattle Hardware Co. Forbes Supply ~o. Forbes Supply Co. Forbes Supply Go. J. Lloyd Aldwell Inc. The Leader Dept. Store Evening Nel'ls Willson Hardware Co. Blackburn Pr~nting Puget Sound Navigation Co. Mrs. A. J.' Hartzler State Treasurer Lablilr Labor Freight Gasoline Repairs Repairs Alcohol Supplies Supplies Supplies TYllel'lri ter & Adding Machine Service Street Lamps Vlood Wood Matches Rent Service Service Transformers Hardl'ial'e Paint & Varnish Calcium Chloride Lumber Hardware Supplies Xmas Decorations Supplies Federal Tax Hiring Hardware " Supplies " Hard war e Supplies " Insurance Ribbon Advertising Stove Polish Sta temen ts Freigh t Refund Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid LIBRARY Fillm 3.65 2.40 2.m 1.35 14.25 8.80 61. 97 597.41 125.49 19.31 2.80 1.00 138.64 22:40 5.50 24.00 29.50 37.74 7.90 3.67 7.66 18.30 5.86 ", -'~., .ZN' 'i.~:;t "',_","'1:' ',"" ' ..,,: : .;-- ,"', rt"v..i" , .M """--76:07 1,?7 I 58.84 I I e~ 7-~ 'j ~ - 3.75 16.00 2.93 166.95 34.00 .75 5.00 5.70 19.25 41. 25 283.75 7.75 53.65 9.00 3.00 .25 3.00 8.25 10.45 1,414.88 11.56 .65 1.50 3.19 6.70 11:0.91 .40 6.29 24.11 25.00 .95 .25 8.16 158.58 13.87 45.25 25.39 16.47 2.91 1.40 40.05 .10. 9.25 3.25 5.00 22.53 I I I 1...\ 3 ~t r 69.47 1.00 162.00 4.05 9.45 3.15 5.38 9.00 14.53 91. 36 5.60 9.50 4.25 . The Puget Sound News Co. Harris & Schuller The Hertzberg Bindery Jennilu Norris Gaylord Bros. Gaylord Bros. G. E. Stechert & Co. F. C. Millington City Treasurer Washington Bindery Zellerbach Paper Go. Seattle post-Intelligencer The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Books Repairing Fountain Books Petty Supplies Supplies Books Subscription for Seattle ~imes Light Binding Supplies Subscription Stl'rvice II... Proceedings of the Ci.ty Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 175~ .Tanuarv 10. 193L ,I I PARK FUND State Treasurer Ind. Ins. & tied. Aid 4.64 The Commission then adjourned to meet on Friday, January 12th at 10 A.M. 1 ?; ;?7J/J~ ~ity Clerk ~~ Mayor I I ~