HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/10/1945 r-70 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 10, 1945 n_19___ The Commission met in regular s'lssion at 10:00 A.I.!. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, COJll'1lissioners Beam and Masters and Clerk Hawkins. The minut,:s of the previous session were T..ad and apPToved. UndeT the ',lead of reading and passage of OTdinances the following OTdinance WM read; by tiile and placed on I its third reading and final passage: An Ordinance fixing the saJEries, compensation and wages of ceTtain officers and employ~es of the City of Port Ang9~es, Washington. It WaS moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its third reading and fin.iJ.ly adopted. 'Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll c?~l all members voted A;{e. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ~ Under the 'head of IntroductiDn of Resolutions the following Resolutions were introducedi RESOLUTION WHERUS, {he Cit~' of Port Angeles, is the owneT of the following described real property, ~aving acquired , the same oy Treasurer's deed dated Dec9nIDer 26, 1944, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Reming~onls Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-Wit: Lots Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Tvrenty (20), Block Three HWldred Four (504), Townsite of Port I_.;gele';, Washington WHEREAS, T. A. Conrad, has 0 ffered to purchase the abeve descTibed real property from the (;i t,' of Port Angeles for the sum of $125.00, and WHEREAS, -Ehe City Commission has viewed the aaid property and'is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and'that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, T'rlERtFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer 1,e accepted and that the City 'of Port Angeles s"U the said property at private sale to the said T. A. ConTad, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instrncted to pTepare'a quit Claim deed co'!- ve;;'i.ng Mid property to the purchaser, an<! that the Cit~' CleTk of the Cit:\" of Port Angele~ be and he is hereby instructod to emcute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be ani he is hereby :e,.ctructed to countersign said quit claim deed. It was moved by Commissioner Masters M.t the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded ,by . '~YOT Robinson. Mayor Robinson declared the motion carried. I I RESOWTION I FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS I'IITHI!! RINDS WHEREAS IT APPEARS, Thllt requi:r<'!ments of certain departments for the j'ear 1944, made necessary the expendi- tures of sums of money greater than contemplated, and WHERUS, The amounts provided for other items within the same lagal classific"tion ,:ave not bcen exha~st,!d , and !>orti~ns of the s"id sums can be transferred within the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, ~ose Tequiren:ents could not have bean reasonably foreseen at the time of 'prepamtion of the ,buqget;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of funds be ","ce, to-wit: CURRENT EXPENSE TI1ND Treasurer's Department From Publications to Ofi'ice Records & Supplies $ 47.02 ~neer's Darertment From Insutance to Cias & Oil 26.00 Police GoUrt From Office Records & Supplies 5.00 to Bond Miscellan~o~s. From Street Lights 'I ' Fire J:l.~~tment Frem Office Girls Office Girls il Poli ce Dep~rtmcnt ., From Spac:UlI Police to Fire Hydrants 100.00 to 5 Firemen @ $2,580.00 to Extra }Len 20.00 1,4pO.OO, to 2 Patrolmen @$2,400.00 400'.00 LIGHT FUND' "Light D~rtment : From Extra Labor Transformers & Poles Wire, Poles & Line Material to St".te Audit to Office Records & Supplies to Insurance 700.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 I I I I I ,I. I Janu"X:LIQ. 1945 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angele~, Washington .,~"'".. ""...~v. ....T..........__ ......,_. 1..770. ~. CITY STREET FIIND Street Department FrurL Oil, 1!9cadum, St. Grading, etc. fl tt ft n tt to Ashphalt to Cement, Sand & Uravel to Tccl~ & ~2r~r,are to Truck Repairs to Equip1lent Rep~i'rs il i PARK FUND Par~s n n " " " " I Froni Insurance to Phone PARKS Play"field From" Insurance " I, " ! WAR 1IQu OR TAl: FUIJD I Poli'ce Deuartment I From Traveling Expense " " to Hardware & Tools to Replacement & Repairs cf Equip. to Seed, F:rtilizeT, etc. to Meals for Prisoners to Telephone to Insuran ce to Light I LIBRl\RY FUND , Library Department I' I From" Light & Water " Books to Binding to Periodicals 19_ I $ 100.00 1 200.00 5,500.00 300.00 \ BOO :00 ' , , I Ii 5.00 I 10.00 , 150.00 , 50.00 I I' 50.00 5.00 95.00 45.00 i 21.59 45.50 , 1'1' It v{as moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. Ma;,or R.obinson declared the motion carried. vi Red ,-s Taxi i Under the head of ApplicatiiJ.1 for Licensss and BuildirJj; Permits the following were granted,' v 5 - 5 passenger cars ",~i '-_ddn, Build Addition to house, Lot 16, Block 274, Tm'lllsite Guy Bellanger, Sr., Build garage, Lot 13, Block 72, TownSite I Ivan Bishop, Addition to Oarage, Lot. 7, Block 95, Townsite H. (r. W. Keetz, Move house from Lot 15 to Lot 12, Block 6, P.S.C.C. A. J:. Goerg, Move "ork Shop to Lot 9, Block 204, Townsite Subd. 15.00 160.00 190.00 200.00 150.00 150 .00 PoliCe Chief, R. o. Ide, filed his annual report for. the year 1944. The report was read and ordered I filea. Plhmb bob & Line Supplies Publications Lt. & Water at City Barn . Std. Fams Street Lights Publication Postal Cards Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. I nte 'Commission examined and ~llowad the following claims and ordered warrants dra'IID for same: 'I I CURRENI' EXPENSE :FUND Will'son Hard1lllre Co. Olympic Stationers P. Jl. EveniDg News Li8ht & Water Dept. Qlas'. R. Badley Co. Light Dept. P. A. Evening News Quic\( Print Statll Treasurer CITY STREET FUND I Standard Oil Company H. T. Swanson lIotor Co. Automotive Parts Serv. I Tower Super ::>er. Union Oil Co. Tower Super Ser. Automotive Parts ::>erv. Tower Super Service Peninsula lIotors Middleton Motor Parts Co. City Treasurer Asphalt . Parts Car Parts Ox;ygen-Acety lens Gas Steering Arma. lietainer. DEIIlur. ear Parts Axle ::;hai't - Steering Am lIotor Parts 1 qt. clllllent Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid WATER :FU ND Kelly & De Vine Automotive Parts Service , Willson Hdw. Co. State Treasurer State Treasurer I Tire Repair Equipment liepa ir Parts Dry Cells Utility Tax Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid. h LIGHT .:FUND I City Treasurer l\')J \,' _CI,' 40 % ., 0 ~'\' 1\ Union Oil Co. Middleton Hator Parts P. A. Evening News Johnson & Bork Quick Print Clallam Go. P.U.D. #1 State Treasursr State Treasurer Income Tax withheld on Bowen & Bartlett,State Examiners for Oct. & Nov.l944 Gasoline Fuel Pump Reward Ad Painting Interior City Hall Supplies POII'er for Dec. 1944 Utili1;y Tax Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. Co. \,i''\ (6 \" ,5 71" .82 1.05 51.43 6.37 , 2.06 816.75 5.88 I 2.85 9.75 9.36 , 6l.5l I 26.00 I 8.05 236.80 [, 15.21 , 17.30 2l .02 II 3.14 1 .77 56.94 1.1 .52 16.72 2.06 546.42 17.49 I , 117.89 52.00 1.96 I 2.20 459.55 , 6.70 I 13,862.75 I 1.528.59 22.55 I ; ., I .... ,)} ,\,"0'- 'J ,... 72 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasrnngton Januau.-l9..-.l~4_5_ 19 _ LIBIWlY PUND The Library of Congress Gretchen llarquardt Walter Holm GertrUde Church Willson Hardware Co. New Ilethod Book Bindery, !no. A. C" MoClurg & Co. Johnson & Bork Jennilu Norris Zellerbach Paper Co. Gaylord Bros. Ino. Li8ht, & Water Dept. PARK F1JND Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Li8ht & Water Dept. James Hardware Co. Epperson & Sons Light' 8< Water Dept. Epper'son 8< Sons Pccock Radio Service State Treasurer Printed Catalog Cards Extra Work Janitor Work Extra La bor Light Globes Binding Books Labor & Material Petty Cash Publio Service Towels Office Oupplies Light and lIa ter ,,\ "I' '}--'J Rear Spring Light 8< water at parks GlObes, Files Lumber Light & Water at Phyfield Bldg. lIaterial (Playfield) Record Pla)'llr Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid ,?,\'r \~ STATE AID J ohnsCm 8< Bork City Treasurer Wills'on Hdw. Co. Hoare' & Headrick General Petroleum Corp. Mulholland Radio Shop F1 ra Applianoe Co. Automotive Parts Service Olympic i:ltationers O~pio Printery Light & Water Dept. WAR LIQUOR TAX City :i:reasurer Willson Hdw. Co'. . Mulholland Radio Shop Penin'sula Motors Wray & Raber Repair "hop Geor~ '.s"ervice Olympic ~ationers Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Olympic Printery Thompson Studio Nelson's Cafe R. O. Ide Automotive Parts Service Union Oil Co. Nelson's Cafe Middleton lIotor Parts Co. Larri'ck 's Care J ohnsiln 8< Bork General Petroleum Corp. State' Treasurer Paint 1/5 Light & Water at Fire Hall Department Supplies Labor on motor Gas Tubes 8< Light Extinguisher Fluid Car Parts Supplies Supplies Light and Water ,;;1\ \'J "J' 1/5 Lights at Fire Hall Soil Off Distributor Suppressors Anti-freeze Dup. Keys Parts & Labor Bates Refill , Car Door Handle Orfice Oupplies Films Salad & Mustard Car lIileage for lJee. Bearing e Gas & Oil Meals for Prisoners Head Lights lIeals fpr prisoners Enamel - Turpentine Gas Ind. Ins. & 'Uad. Aid I ;) ,-,"! ''f.J'v VICTORY TAX City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer Withholding 'l'ax for Deo. 1944 Victory 'l'ax - Oct. & Nov. for Bartlett 8< Bowen , VictorY Tax ?II( \\:>q'l' II Thsre' being no further business the Commission then adjourned. '?7llJ1:NCl<S7~ ~ f ~, City Clerk -Ydr . ~r ..... 10.35 5.00 7.ff) 4.25 5.40 148.11 5.35 12.57 6.27 5.20 15.60 10.05 I 5.56 25.91 3.99 9.72 40.32 57.54 55.48 8.60 I .72 15.80 19.42 4.12 25.20 9.32 14.16 16.50 10.67 5.93 15.40 13.80 1.24 1.25 9.89 .72 52.74 .77 '.52' 2'.ll' 1.56 4.12 lli.60 1.04 75.71 50.28 .68 90.07 4.22 36.00 25..65 I 1,557.45 ll7.89 22.20 I I