HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/11/1933 I 1 I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 11,1933 193~ ;o,co< ~ ~U~"'V, ....,....... "r'T'OH.n~, ""NT~"" ."..~ The Commission met in regular session and w~s'called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of unfinished business,- LEG.4.L PUBLIC~~TIONS 1'. o _~ CALl, FOH HID,';; Xotice i~ hcrelJY giyen., Ih.<Lt ~ ~r.)ftll'd hh's will l,f' rCcei1:cd l).Y:, tIll:'> Clt~, Clel';{ of the car of Port \m,crcll. "V:H;Jlln~ton; unt.il .JfL1l"/' ,~at~~., lit li~~' '~~f:~f' :J'ot"l~t~rlc~~~ i 'Jel'k o[ POl't .\ngdc!', "\Trl~hil1!;". I lon. . : To rurn':"",11 1'If'ries flllrl I1ll1ltI.]JIC. ' trect .Lamps on a b[lf;i~ of ~1200.00 n;Js. yalut' for thl' fi~clLl yc~r of I 'rhe Ci ty C'Jl1.ll11 iSl>ion, j'f:!HlI'YC.!! 'I .!~(l I'ight to reJ('('t nny rind ...11 ;,-,Ifls. h " X.:lI. If:\.'YKJXS, I ~ , f';. _;: I, ~A+,. u Cjt.v Clcrl( ..........--~ (J -r"" "'133 Bids opened to furnish Street Lamps for the year 1933 Pursuant to the foregoing call the following bids were submitted. Willson Hardware Co.,- , 2'Z~"discount off of billing price of Standard Packages. , . 17%. n """ n" Broken Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. Claililam Hardware,Inc.,- 27% discount off of billing price of Standard Packages. . 17%" """ "" Broken Packages. 2~ additional if paid within 10 days. Olympic Electric Co.,,- . . . 27%. discount off"of billing price of Standard Packages. . 17% IT "IT" "IT Broken Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. Electric Appliance Co.,- . 27%. discount off of billing price of Standard Packages. . 17%" """ "IT Broken Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. Byr.on Y1inter,- . 27%. discount off of billing price of Standard Packages. . 17% IT "" n "" Broken Packages. 2% additional if paid within 10 days. was moved by Commissioner Beam that the contract to furnish street Lamps for the 1933 be awarded to the Willson Hardware Co. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business the following Resolution was introduced. RES 0 L UTI 0 N VffiEREAS, tne State of Washington owns a triangular strip of land in Port Angeles being that portion ~f Block 386 in said City lying south of the Olympic Highway, which said ,,' tract is under the supervision and control of the city until it may be required by the State, and VffiEREAS, the Michael Trebert Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, has made application to the City for permission to improve and beautify the said tract and to place a memorial thereon, such use not to interfere with the paramount right of the State of Washington to use said land in any manner desired. I~ appearing to the City Commission that the proposed improvement to the said property is beneficial and instructive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Michael Trebert Chapter,Daughters of the Amenican Revolution, be and the said Society is hereby granted the right and privilege of improving the said tract of land and erecting thereon a memorial to Capt. Francisco El]za, the. discoverer of Port Angeles harbor in 1791. Said Grant and privilege shall be exclusive to said Society but subject, however, to the.paramount rights of the State of Washimgton. Nothing in this resolution shall be construed or understood to grant any right of possession of said property adverse to the paramount right of the State of Washington and its.Highway Department, which paramount right is hereby and at all times recognized by the,City Commission of the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by mayor Davis that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Secondec by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared.the motion carried. U~der the Haed of Introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinance was introduced read in full and placed on its First and Second Readings,- An Ordinance Relating to the rates and service charges for the use of water supplied by the.city; amending Sections 14 and 40 of Ordinance 778 as said sections are amended and modified by Ordinance 916; and providing for and declaring an emergency. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for.same,- Park Fund James Hardware Co. City Treasurer Hardware Light $10.95 1.52 I r 11;.7 """IIIIl 85 ., ~ r-, 86 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 11,1933 193_ Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Johnson & Bark Ulmer Office Equipment Co. James Hardware Co. Walkling Motor Co. Lee Cafe Calvin Martin Auto Parts & Accessories F.'L.l'lUllllller Eandel:'son"Safety Supply Co. James Hardware Co., Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Associated Oil Co. Washington state Bank Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Evening News Bancroft-V~itney Co. Antone Smith Grocery Laura Burne Johnson & Bork Willson Hardware Co. Harold T.Caven James Hardware Co. Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Western Union Tel.Co. Lee Hotel Lysal1 Welding & Forge Works M.R.Alleman Lamoureux Service state Treasurer state Treasurer Montgomery Ward Co. Puget Sonnd Power & Light Co. puget Sound Navigation Co George's Service Station Harold T.Caven V.A.Samuelson & Co. City Treasurer Associated Oil Co. Ulmer Office Equipment Co. McGraw-Hill PubliShing Co. Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Blackburn printing Co., Byron Vlin ter Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Washington Stat.eBank Calvin Martin S.T.Eddy City Treasurer Clifford Cowling Wedel Company Willson Hardware Co. Line Material Co. Pacific Lamp & Supply Co., Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Pacific Lamp & Supply Co. A.Keys Line Material Co. r! 11 Graybar Electric Co. Fobes Supply Co. E.F.HcTarnahan J.L.Uoffey Electrical Engineering Co. General Electric Supply Corp. " >> II 11 Fobes Supply Co. II Graybar Electric Co. Pacific Lamp & Supply Corp. Armstrong Appliance Corp. C.R.Stewart Puget Sound Navigation Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc., Evening News Port Angeles Shopping News Lysal1 Welding & Forge Works City Treasurer state Treasurer ~ Current Expense Fund Service Paint Supplies Supplies Repairs Meals for prisoners Wood Alcohol etc. Typewriting,etc. Lungmotor parts Flashlight etc. Service Gas Rent Servic e License plates & dog tags Publications 1932 ,Remington's Laws of Washington Salt Rent Green stain,etc. Hardware Repairs Powder & Tools Gas Service Service Entertainment Repairs Lumber Repairs Med Aid & Ind.Ins. IT IT IT If Tires Police Dept.} Street Dept. } Light Fund Power bill Freight Repairs Repairs Repairs Car Licenses Gas Supplies . Subscription ( For "Power") Supplies Supplies Lamps Service Service Rent Wood Rent rlater Expense Fil teretts Sockets,screws,nails,etc. Brackets,Heads,etc. Solder & paste Refund l'lire Cedar poles Dead ends Cross Arm Braces Wood pins Potheads Insulators Repairs to clock It " Delco Eccentric strap Thor parts Coils,etc Terminals ,etc. Range coils Speed coils Range units Range switch Hea ter Coils Heater Hea ter coil Thermostat Repairs to coil Freight Insurance Advertising Advertising Repairs Federal Tax Med.Aid & Ind.lns. ~t\ t ~ ~ ~ ' -\' ,\ L '1-~ " ~~ 3.30 2.50 .70 1.45 4.25 14.00 1.50 2.70 20.00 9.89 1.95 7.60 61.60 50.00 1.25 44.20 39.41 70.50 25.00 10.00 8.60 20.66 5.60 16.25 135.52 4.25 .90 10.10 9.00 19.31 1.65 10.50 20.60 7.38 6301. 59 6.67 3.18 25.25 19.47 5.00 56.21 2.00 3.00 3.75 7.25 213.54 5.75 8.25 50.00 1.50 3.00 1.95 2.75 7.79 20.01 51. 64 10.17 24.21 26.95 155.00 34.35 45.97 13.45 46.20 11.45 4.00 2.50 5.14 .40 5.37 4.81 14.56 22.74 8.88 2.79 3.11 6.22 1.58 3.61 .95 .45 6.55 33.30 15.88 .70 410.14 2<:.89 I I I 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 11,1933 193~ 87 ", I I I I I Water Fund Ida J.Morse Paris Motor Co. Associated Oil Co. Garvin Auto Co. Antone Smith Grocery Gehrke & Johnson Johnson & Bork James Hardware Co. Crane Co. Willson Wardware Co. Trick & Murray Quick Print Seattle Plumbing Supply Co., Lysall Welding & Forge Works Rensselaer Valve Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. t!. R.A11eman Grange Warehouse Co. State Treasurer Rent Repairs Gas Reapirs Oil Kerosene Paint Brackets Union,nipples,etc., Paint,nails,etc. Filing Cabinet Supplies Wrenches Repairs Valves Freight Lumber Sacks Med Aid & Ind.Ins. 10.00 1.22 23.10 10.04 .20 9.00 1.70 1.20 29.89 5.36 153.00 20.50 10.24 5.00 519.53 1.42 5.43 ..-!- .24 ?~_....... 20.36 Gaylord Bros.Inc., Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. Paoker-Scott Co. Bellingham Bookbindmuy WaShington Bindery The Hertzberg Bindery Jennilu Norris puget Sound News Co. 11 IT/ " Library Fund Supplies Service Supplies Binding Binding Books Petty Cash Books Books Boo]{s Freight & oartage L.I.D.General Fund ,,'-I ?-11 1.95 4.25 8.00 96.11 99.47 4.00 10.61 26.64 34.16 10.55 1.30 Hurd Transfer Co. State Treasurer Med.Aid & Ind.Ins. ( Engineer Dept.) Cemetery Fund Tools 7.06 James Hardware Co. 4.10 There being no further business the Commission then adjouned. ,1)~":;J1 J ,-j j . ,/I~ )~ ~~ /\f~ Ci ty Clerk Mayor ~