HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/11/1939 r- 18 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ll... January 11,1939 19_ TO"'" ~ Nu""". .'''IU!.~UAT'''''''~'. PR'H~". gg40Q The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis.. Iloll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits the following ware granted: Sig Larson, Construct store room, S. 60' of Lots 1 & 2, Block 268, Townsite Earl Knapp, Repair house, Lot 4, Block 2, Cain's Sub. of Suburban Lot 18, Townsite Riggs & Middleton, Repair dwelling, Lot 20, Block 72, Townsite 2000.00 500.00 500 .00 The annual report of Chief of Police R.O.Ide WaS read and ordered filed. Mr. Fausette appeared before the Commission and presented a Federal Housing Authorities proposition to undertake slum clearance and projects to provide dwelling accommodations for persons of low income. The matter was referred to the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvement and the City Engineer to be checked up as to feasabili ty. The following applications for Amusement Game Licensss for the period ending June 50, 1939 were approved and the City Clerk instructed to issue licenses to the applicants: Ruby Amusement Co. The Den Street.Shop The Recreation at 114t E.Front Street Li ttle Brick Tavern "Larricks" Harrington & Giles The Marina Brickies Place Olympic Recreation Distributor's License Location License 11 11 ." 187. 50 18.00 18.00 18.00 . 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Under the head of reading and passage of ordinances the following ordinances were read by title and placed on their third readings and adopted: AN ORDIN1iNCE repealing Ordinance No. 1018 of the City of Port Angeles, entitled, to the-rates and charges for the use of electric energy and water of the City of an emergency," and declaring an emergency. It was .moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call sil members voted aye. The mayor declared the motion. carried. "An Ordinance rejLating I Port Angeles and declaring I I AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1028 of the City of Port Angeles, relating to the use of electric cunrent furnished and distributed by the City of Port Angeles and prescribing and fixing charges and rates for the sale of the same; providing a discount for the prompt payment of bills for electric current used; providing for the termination of service for non-payment for electric current used; providing for and declaring an emergenC"',{; placiIlg this ordinance in full force and effect after its lawful publication. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion. carried. An ordinance relating to rates and service,charges for the use of water supplied by the City; repealing Ordinances No. 867, No. 976 and No. 983; amending Sections 14, 59 and 40 of Ordinance No.-778; and providing for and declaring an emergency. It WaS moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on. its final reading and adopted. Seconded 'Oy Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The M~or declared the Motion. carried. The following ordinance was read Oy title and placed on its second and third. readings and adopted. An Ordinance for the purpose of protecting the water supply of the City of Port Angeles, defining the property and territory constituting that part of the Morse Creek and its Tributaries Water Shed over which the City of Port Angeles is seeking to exercise authority and jurisdiction, declaring an emergency and providing that this ordinance shall ta.1;:e effect immediately after publication. It WaS moved Oy Commissioner Henson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded Oy Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the. motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the followiIlg claims and ordered warrants drawn for same; CURRENT EXPENSE FUND - EMERGENC~ ORDINANCE NO. 1054 R.O.Ide Olympi c Peninsula Motor Freight Co. Olympic Printery Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Walkling Motor Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. I. C .Groves Hooker Storage Garage Crescent Motors Richfield Oil Co., Western Union Automotive Parts Service Au tomoti ve Parts Service Richfield Oil Co. Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Willson Hardware Co. C.L.Sarff Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Ci ty Treasurer Expense account Freight Supplies Service Service Repairs Oil Meals for prisoners Oil,etc. Oil Gas Telegram Flash lite, etc. Pyrene Gas Repairs Hardware Filing saws Lumber Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid (" ? I J- ') 5.15 1.97 1.50 2.75 3.85 34.93 1.15 38.50 2.60 .70 55.10 .93 4.00 7.56 15.84 5.00 2.05 2.50 5.46 19.72 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""II 19 JanuaI'Y ll. 1939 19_ CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ,-,.'- Supplies 14.25 Kerosene 14.04 Cardium Compound 2.31 Anti Freeze & oil 54.73 Oil I {, 20.48 Ind Ins & Med Aid '):3-1 - 2.10 Ind Ins & Med Aid 26.50 ~'._:",: LX' .w_ Car expense 52.40 Repairs 2.01 Screw driver .61 Lumber 1.16 Kero Sene 6.89 Shop work ~ S 1;' 14.53 Supplies 4.50 Repair phone line 70,:05 Med Aid I 17.04 Repairs 3.54 Ribbons 5.10 Repair relay 14.16 Insula tors 56.40 Supplies 27.02 Offioe supplies 59.94 Meters & parts 231. 51 Lumber 11 6.24 Power bill p~+ ---- 8575.60 Med Aid 5.16 Coal - - ... 33~75 Repair parts for power mower 46.50 Ind Ins & Med Aid S31...l 6~67 I Olympic Stationers TidevTster Associated Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Department of Labor & Industries Department of Labor & Industries WA TER FUND I C.F.Cayanus V.A.Samuelson & Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Epperson & Sons Union Oil Co. Port Angeles Iron Works Willson Hardware Co. City Light Department Department of Labor & Industries LIGHT FUND V.A .Samuelson & Co Kee Lox Mfg.Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co Westinghiuse Electric Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. Olympic Stationers General Electric Co. Epperson & Sons- Puget Sound Power & Light Co Department of Labor & Industries LIBRARY FUND Johnson Tug & Barge "'Co . PARK FUND I Willson Hard..-are Co. Department of Labor & Industries There being no fUrther business the Commission then adjourned. ,)7~~ ~.€)~ /,\," City Clerk Mayor t:'::, I I ..oIIl