HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1944 r- 598 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 12, 1944 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. And was c AIled to order bf Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the follO'll'ing officers present: Ilayor Robinson, Commissioner Beam and "asters, Attorney Johnston and Cle,I: Hawkins. The minutes of the previoue session were read and aplToved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenees the following were granted: Wm. Gorsegner, Remodel ~ilding, put in six apartments, Lot 7, Block 54, 'l'ownsite I" II," 11 J II B n n lJ tI 120, Red's Texi, 4 five-passenger cars Under t he head of Reports from City Officers: 10,000.00 4,000.00 20.00 City Treasurer, Madge H. Nailor, presented the following: January 5, 1944 To the Honorable Mayor and City Co;missioners Gentlemen: As required b,y law I hereb,y designate the First National Bank of this City as a depository of City menies, for t he year 1944. Also the Chemical Bank & Trust Co. of New York City which is the fiscal agancy of the State of Washington. Respectfully yours, Madge H. Nailor City Tr2asurer It was moved b,y Col1lll'd.ssioner Beam that the above Treasurer's report naming the depositories for City funds for the year 1944 be approved. Seconded bf Comissioner Masters. On roll call all zmmbers voted aye. Chief of Fire Department, C. A. Wolverton, presented his annual report which was read and orderetl filed. Under the head of New Business: Mrs. L. D. Lowry having sold her business, The Shamrock Tavern to Wm. H. fiand and Barbara Steen, raquested in writing that her restaurant license #5199, Soft Drink Licanse #5200, Music Machine License #5198 and Amusement Machine License #16-2 be transferred to the said Wm. H. Rand and Barbara Steen. There being no objections the Commission instructed the Clerk to make the transfers as requested. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION WHER~_S, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired thk same by Treasurer's deed dated January 11, 1944, under and bf virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of I Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145, of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-wit: l~ts Sixteen (l~) and Sevent;en (17), Block Eighty-six (86) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and : WHEREAS, Dick Owens has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $75.00, and WHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property anQ is of the opinion that the oLer is fair value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the city that it should be accepted and the sale made, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOlVED that the s aid offer be accepted and that the City' of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Dick Owens for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to all}' other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said projli rty to the purchaser, and that the City "lerk of the City of Port Angelesbe and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the I/"'yor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is berebf instructed to countersign said quit clailr. deed. It was moved bf Comissio:ler Mesters that the foregoing res olution be approved aild adopted. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of ~ort Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, haYing acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dAted November 26, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remingtcn's Revised Statutes, Chapter 113, cf the L"~O of 192D, pago 565, to-wit: Lots Six (6), Block Two (2), (;ain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 21 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, The state of Washington, Division of ForestI"J, has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the eum of $100.00, and WHEREAS, The ~ity COlllJllission has viewed the salli property and is of the opinion that the off9r is fair value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should. be acoepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the aaid property at private sale to the said State of Washington, Division of Forestry for the sum hereinabova set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to pre- pare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Por~ Angeles be and he is herebJ' instructed to execute said quit claim dead, and that the Mayor of the City of I Port Angeles be and ha is herebf instructed to counter~ign said quit claim deed. It was moved bf Commissioner Masters that the foregoing res olution be ap,'roved and adopted. Seconded by 1/'.ayor Robinso". On roll call all members voted aye. The .'ayor declared the motion carried,. ~ I I. I 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 599~ January 12. 1941 19_ I I I I I RE50LUTION WHEREAS, The Gity of Port Angeles is theownsr of the followL~g described real property, to-wit: Lot Sixteen (16), Block '!Wo (2), Doyle's ~bdivision of Suburban Lot ~o in the Townsite of t'ort Angehs, Clallam County, Washington; AND WHEREAS various persons have indicated their desire to purchase said real proper~; and ViHER:::A!i, The City Commission of the City of t'ort Angeles believes it advisable and fpr the best interests of said city to sell said property for its fair value; NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESoLVED BY THE CITY COMl:ISSIm; OF THE CITY or POBT ANGELES tnat the a bove described real property be sold to the highest and best bidde:o therefor, provided that the City Commhsion reserve the right to reject any and all bids for said property; provided that all bids for said property must be sealed bids accompanied with ten per cent (10%) of the amolll1t of the bid, and must be filed at the orao" of the City Clerk not later then ten o'clock A.U., January 26,1944; and the City Clerk be and he is herebf instructed to cive notice of saia sale by publishing notice thereof in the Port Angeles Evening News two times prior to the 26th day of JanUllry, 1944. It was moved by Commissioner l!asters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded bf Commissioner Baa.'T.. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the moti')n carried. Under the head of Reading am PassaRe of Ordinances the folloYling ordinance was placed on its final reading' and adopted, AN ORDIN~CE fixL~ the salaries, compensation and wages of certain officers and employees of tho City of Port Angel<!S, Washir,gton. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and.adppted. Seconded by Co~I~ssioner ~asters. On roll call all membe:os voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dram. for same: CllRR&~T EIPENS E "F<JND Amst?riam Printing & Lithob~'phin& Co, Middleton Motor Parts Co. Anastasia S. Cooper Joseph H. Johnston Olympic Sta tioners IT fI Ec:::;.o:o: ~:iJlo.oniz Stenogra pher Office ~pplies Paper Supplies 1 Diaphragm Shop Work " . Parts & Labor Supplie s Repairs Parts & J..abor Parts Paper Towels Meat Inspection Fees Stova Pipe Elbow & Finger Oil . Placards Cotton Tubes & Starters L'ld Ins & Med Aid 18.84 .95 25.00 14.00 1.49 6.46 5.76 17.61 6.70 6.95 1.05 41.61 19.40 11.18 12.56 7.50 7.45 16.54 5.60 .56 4.64 40.20 Harold Hibbs 'Plumbing Co. Frank Yacdonald & Sons D & B Battery & Electric Co. Olympic Stationers George's Service Station II 11 II Middleton Motor Parts Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Dr. R. L. ui11iam Harris & Schuller City Transfer Co. E\reniw News Pre s s, In c . Owl DrUg Store The Electric Co. \ Sta te Treasurer Pr int Frame s 3'1 ./ ~1 CITY STREET FUND 0 D & B Battery & Electric Co. Automotive Parts Service Howard;"Cooper Corp. Middleton Motor Parts Co. I' << "" Parts & Labor n 10.19 Parts 24.84 100.02 Rental on Tanks 5.60 Parts ),"')/ 1.86 Parts ,,;>)-1 / 7.70 Ind Ins & Mad Aid 86.01 Autemoti ve Parts Service State Treasurer WATER E!l!ill. D & B Battery & Ele ctric 5tation lJiddleton Motor Parts Co. v. ~. Samuelson & Co. Federal Pipe & Tan" Co. State Treasurer State Treasurer v; 13.26 1.17 2.65 195.20 625.27 19.72 Battery Car Repairs Truck Repairs Pipe Excise Tax Ind Ins & !.led Aid gO LIGHT FUND Cbas. E. Beam P. A. ~venir..g News D & B Battery & ~1sctric Station Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Westinghouse Ele ctric Supply Co. Paget Sound Power I>: Light Co. State Treasurer Car Expense Adv. Truck Repairs Transformers & Supplies Meter Sockets Power for Dec. Excise Tax Ind Ins & Ved Aid . 19.10 2.00 5.59 196.41 55.10 13555.67 1580.24 41.65 11, -- l~\D ~ l LIBRARY FUND Jennilu Norris Olympic Stationers James Y. Sneddon Pet ty Cash Typewriter Ribbon Repair Chair 6.75 1.05 5.67 Cont. next page ..... .... 600 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ January 12. 1944 LIBRARY FUND(Continued) Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. Willson Hardware ~. Larry Steuer 1 s Office Equipnent Service The Library of Congress A. C. McClurg Co. New Method Eook Bindery, Inc. Washington Bindery Eldridge Entertainment House, Inc. PARr. FUND Owl Drug Co. James Hardware Co. Harris & Schuller fl II tt Peninsula Fuel Co. State Treasurer VICTORY TAl FUND City Treasurer STATE AID FUND Johnson & .llork Union Oil Co. vnder the head of Unfinished Business: Can 0 f Cleaner & Service 8.08 Light Globes 6.27 TYPewriter Repair 9.79 Catalog Cards 0 7.17 Books V 3.15 Binding 107.16 " --AI", 158.84 Books 2.79 IOdine .41 Hardware ll.87 Stove Pipe & 1llImper 'Ij.., 1.80 Shop Work q-) 2.58 Stove Oil 10.61 Ind Ins & Mad Aid 18.72 To correct error in tax withheld 7.66 ..,'i Labor y'-' I ./ 145.17 Gas 74.80 " 25.80 I I RESOLUTION BUDGET TRANSFERS WllEREAli, ,It ..ppears the.t requirements for certe.1n departments for the year 1943 made necessary the expenditure of SUlll.S of money greater than contampl..ted, a.nd \'MEREAS. The amounts provided for other items within the so.me legd cl....Uication h..ve not been exhausted and portione of the s..id SUlll.S csn be transferred within the SflJlll'l leglll classifications, and', l'mEREAS. These requirements could not have been reasom.bly foreseen at the time of preparation of the bud- get. I CURRE1'IT ElU'EBSE FUND I NOW. THEFEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of firnds be made. to-wit: Tr~asurer'. Department From Publioations n 'n Attorney From Court Expense Poll ce ~ourt From Offi ce Records &: Supplies Polioe Department From; Patrolmen 1702~.OO n 2 Sergeants 4800.00 ; Patrolmen 7020.00 Offi ce Supplies Dept. Supplies n' Telephone Medical Care for Prisoners Trs~ling Expense SchoOl 'BoyFatrol " n n n Signs Fire Department From. Chief Paid Sleepers n n Telephone Firemen's Reli~f Fund Offi ce Supplies Dept. Supplies Convention Expense Water Light Dept. Supplies Street Department From Insuranoe Civilian Defense Next Page ~ To Office Records 10 Supplies n Traveling Expense 20.00 5.00 To Office Records &: Supplies 30.00 To Bond 5.00 " To , Patrolmen 16480.00 n Special Police n " 85.14 1234.17 85.83 54.5, 90.15 19.19 75.00 21.58 107.<]2 24.07 22.06 I Keals for Prisoners " Auto Repair. Gas & Oil " fl "" n 'II 1< Radio Maintenance Light " To Fire Can Volunteer " n n " I n Extra lien " Truck Operation " . n 19.10 244.90 50, .10 9.34 8.00, 6./.j2. 2.05 5.50 9.&> 8,.87 43.08 n n " n Insurance " To Telephone 10.00 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 12. 1944 19_ TR,C< A ..U"..~. ."TTL~ B"TION~"". PR,m,... "l)~"" I Civilian Defe".. j From Offi ce Auistance To Extra Labor 120.00 It Dept. Supplies II Misoellaneous ,79.05 II Ga. &: Oil II Office ~upplie. SO.OO City Street From Oil Macadam. Street Grading, etc. To Equipment Repairs 700.00 II II II II II II II Insurmce BOO.OO II Equipment Rental 200.00 Light Fund From Transformers <I: Parts To Janitors Supplies 100.00 II II " II II Insurance 1000.00 Water Fund From Storekeeper To 4 Pipe. Layers $8400.00 100.00 It orft ce Rent <I: Supplies II Insurance 250.00 It Hydrant. <I: Hydrant Repairs II State Taxe s 200.00 Library Fund From A..t. Librarian To Emergency Help 7." It Periodicah .. Boob 145.59 It Furniture It .. 3.25 It Light <I: Wator Office Supplies 19.12 Up-keep of Grounds II " 2.,0 It Trayeling Expense 16.60 Binding 12.13 Park Fund - Generd From Recreaticnal Development To Seed, Shrubs, Fertili.er. etc. 100.00 It II II II Toole <I: Hardware 20.00 l Park Fund - Pbyfield From Fue 1 To Hardware &: Tools 100.00 .. Light II Seed. Fertili.er. etc. 120.00 .. " Insurance 40.00 I I I I I It _s moved by COIlIIliesionerBeam ,that the toregoingresolutlon.be approved and adopted.. Seconded by Commissioner lIasters. On roll call all members voted aye. The lIayor declared.the motion carried, There being no further business the Commiesion then adjourned.to meet Saturday. January 15. 1944, at 10 A.M. ?7,~~ City Clerk ~l dl~ Mayor January 15. 1944 Pursuatn to adjournement the Commission met at 10 A.M. and was called to order bf lIayor RobiMon. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Robinson. Commissioners Beam and lIasters and Clerk Hawkins. The Collllliasion axamined and allowed the following olailll& and ordered warrants drawn for sBIlle. Cur,ent Expense Fund Street Department Police Dept. Pay Roll n " -rfl- yl -V- 175.00 37.50 City Street Fund Street Dept. Pay Roll 1255.00 Park Fund Park Depart. State lid Fund Pay Roll 150.00 Civilian Defense Dept. Pay Roll 25.00 There being no further "u.~.nees the Commission then adjourned. ?1..01';'~ ~J~ Mayor City Clerk "IIIIl 601 ~