HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1953 I I I I January 12 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ '"'" . """, om". ''''''''M. '''<H'' m.. .... The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in special wession at 7:30 P. M., and was called to order by Ma,yor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilman Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe, and McFadden, Manoger Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Under the head of unfinished business, bids as submitted at the last regular session, for purchase oftlio dump trucks for the. Street Dept., and one panel truck for the Light Dept., were considered by the Council. Manager Vergeer advised. that after careful Study and consideration from all information available, it is his opinion .that the dump trucks offered by "uddell Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. is the best offer and recommended purchase .of the same. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that bid be accepted, as recommended. Seconded by Councilman McFadden, and carried. Mr. Vergellr then recommended that the bid by Schreiner Chevrolet Co. for panel truck at $1,383.85 be acc!,pted. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid for Chevrolet panel be accepted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. I Motion carried. Under the head of introduction. of Resolutions, the following were introduced: RESOLUTION-FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS I WHEREAS, IT APPEARS, THat requirements of certain departments for the year 1952, .ade necessary the expenditure of sums of money greater than contemplated, and I WHEREAS, The amounts provided for other items wi thin the same legal classification have not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1277 was adopted by,the City Commission during the year of 1952, providing for increase in salaries and wages of personnel in the Light Fund, and WHEREAS, THose.requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparation of the budget, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the follOwing transfers of funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND City Manager Dept. from Travel Expense 1/4iscellaneous ~ePt. I From Insurance & Mi~C. Expense Police Dept. From .special Polic e From Travel Expense" From Dept. Supplies Equip. From Prisoners t Meals To C .E. R. Matching To Ass 'n of ~lashingtonCities To Janitor To Contr. Prior Service To Auto Repair, Gas, Oil To Auto Repair, Gas, Oil Fire Department From Radio and Fire Alann From Truck Operation From Truck Operation From Truck Operation I I Civil Defense-: IFrom Special Defenese Equipment CITY STREET FUND From Extra Labor From Truck Equipment & Repair From Small Tools & IIdwre. To Dept. & Office Supplies To Dept. & Office Supplies To Vol. Firemen I S Relief To Travel Expense To Telephone and Telegraph To Five Truck Driver To Gas, Oil, Grease To Tel. & Miscellaneous Office Expense WATER FUND: Frollt Extra Labor 1 O. T. From Insurance From Office Rental jFrom Misc. Supplies I LIGHT FUND (From Radio Technician iFrom Radio Technician IFrom Radio Technician IFrom Radio Technician 'From Radio Technician jFrom Radio Technician From Radio Technician 'From Radio Technician :From Travel EKpense 'From Sub. Station Maint. From Sub. Station Maint. From Purchase of "1.ectric Cur. To Deputy Treasuer To Office'Supplies To Utility Charges To State Utility Tax To Sub Station ilectrician To Line Foreman To Tru ck Dri ver To Apprentice Lineman To Meter Accountant To Billing Clerk To Ass I t Met er Accountant To Meter Reader To Truck, Car & Equipm Opr. & Maint. To Street Lights and Signals To Adv. & Mis cellaneous To Taxes SIiNITATION FUND From Extra Labor :From Extra Lahar I LIBRARY FUND ,From Records To Foreman To Three. Helpers To Periodicals P ARK FUND From Repair and Haintenance to Building & Gds. To Insurance, Pub., Misc. Supplies &. 19.24 1.00 14.01 137.13 545.00 900.00 178.00 80.00 2.00 .12 268.91 42.58 713.13 74.38 33.92 93.91 337.86 2,315.83 197.13 406. 60 152.94 161.91 263.99 1I5.33 220.00 188.69 241. 66 181. 54 108.39 2,836.63 9.28 193.04 6.07 154.55 ,It was moved b.r Councilman Wolfe that. the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by . Councilman Brawn. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i I' RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, THE CITY ODUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES did, on the 2d day of October, 1952, pass Ordinance No. 1288, creating Local Improvement District No. 161 of the City of Port Angeles for the ,;purpose of improving certain streets and alleys in said city by the laying therein of certain trunk and ..'lateral sanitary sewers and providing for the payment d: the cost of such improvements by the issuance 'and sale of local improvement bonds in the amount 01' $50,000.00; and 1 WHEREAS, said Council did, on the 18th day of December, 1952, pass Ordinance No. 1291 of the City of Port Angeles, authorizing the issuance and sale of such bonds in the amount of $50,000.00; and ~ WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles subsequently called for bids for the purchase of the bonds ':and warrants issued pursuant to such ordinances, and upon such bids being received and opened the bid of I 299 '1 .... ,.. 300 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington J2RU~ 1? rnn+jnllRrl 19--53_ '"", . 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"""" ..... .... of Metcalfe and Thompson of S.eattle, Washington, was held and adju,dged by said Council to be the lowest and best bid and was accepted by said Council; and wtJereas, it is necessary that a special fund be created and established in the Treasury of the City of Port Angeles to receive the proceeds of. the sale of such bonds and warrants and to disburse the funds so received to defray the cost of such improvements; now, therefore, I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: That there be, and there is hereby, created in the Treasury of the City of Port Angeles a special fund to be known and designated as Lo cal Improvement District Construction Fund No. 161, and that there be paid into such fund all of the proceeds from the sale of bonds and warrants issued to pay j;he cost of the improvements authorized by Ordinance No. 1288, of the City of Port Angel~s, and that all of the costs of such improvement and of said District be paid by warrants d~awn on said fu~d and not otherwise. It was' moved by Counciiman Brown that the foregoing resoiution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council man Powell and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following was read in full for consideration by the Council: ORDINANCE NO. 1294 AN ORDINANCE relating to the sale of. electrical energy by the municipal Light and Power Sys tem of the City of Port Angeles; prescribing monthly rates, terms and conditions of the sale of such energy and the ,furnishing of electrical service, amending Ordinance No. 890 of the City of ~ort .ngeles and repealing certain ordinanc es and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council man McFadden and unanimously carri ed. Claim for payment of labor and material furnished for construction of jail and police station was filed as follows: Certificate No.8, Del Guzzi Bros. Constractors, $$,759.38. G. C. Field, Architsctural services, $175.19. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claims be approved an:! warrants issued in payment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The Council considered request for minimum to be set for sale of Let 10, Block 440, Townsite, It was moved by Councilman Brown that the JllJ.ndmum of lil.1,O.oo be fixed for sale of the said lot. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Y",tion carried. No further business appearing., the meeting was declared adjourned. (). & c ;t a-w-. Clerk #~~ Ma,yor .... I I I I