HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1982 I II! I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,Port Angeles, Washington January 12, 1982 223 I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING ~Iayor Haguewood called the special meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. All members of the Council were present with the exception of Councilman Polhamus. The purpoae of the meeting is to conduct a view trip to the City Corporation Yard at 17th and B Streets. Manager Flodstrom and Public Works Director Jack Pittis ~~nducted the tour. u CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING Y.ayor Haguewood called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Duncan, Gerberding, Hordyk, Quast and Whidden. Members Absent: Councilman Polhamus Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye. J. Pittis, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, R. Orton, G. Booth, L. Glenn, D. Frizzell, M. Campbell and Firemen, Richard Dill, Boh' Jorrissen, Jerry DOyle,-ahd Planner carr. Public Present: D. Logan, R. Presho, A. Christiansen, H. ':Berglund, D. Price, D. Bragg, R. Cockrill, E. Tinkham and P. Ball. "I.V NINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the December 15, 1981 meeting. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 'I CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including vouchers of $l,292,107.7l and Payroll of $l65,274.03. Council- man Quast seconded and the motion carried. VI FINANCE None. VII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Dave Logan, 1738 West 14th, requested Mayor Haguewood and Councilmen Hordyk and Duncan to call for a vote of reconsideration of their December IS, 1981 motion approving the replat of the LBR Subdivision. Mr. wgan cited the cost of sewer relocation and the close vote on the motion as items to reconsider. Mr. Logan's request was denied as it was determined that no substantive new information had been presented. Ralph Presho, 1730 West 14th, also protested the Council's action on the LER Subdivision replat. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast - noted the Council's deep regret for the recent passing of former City Attorney, Judge Tyler Moffett and expressed sympathy for the family. Requested an update on the city's cost of snow removal and damage to City streets as a result of the recent storm. public Works Director pittis and Manager Flodstrom both reported briefly on the City's snow removal policy and the effects of the storm. Councilman Quast also requested the Council delay action on the WPPSS Mothballing Agreement pending receipt of the City of Tacoma's action on that issue. 224 VIII CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 12, 1982 .(~. ...._t:... LEGISLATION 1. Selection of Mayor for 1982-1984 The next order of business of the Council was the selection of Mayor from among its members to serve a two-year term-from January 1982 to January 1984. Mayor Haguewood read Manager Flodstrom's memorandum regarding Councilman ::n~,hamus' request to participate in the selection process though he was unable to attend this meeting. councilman Hordyk then moved the Council postpone the selection'of Mayor until 1/191-82 and appoint; Mayor Haguewood as temporary chair- man' for this meeting. ',- Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilmen I' DUi1canu and Quast opposed the motion indicating that in the history of the Council legislative business had always been conducted when a quorum was p:::esent. Councilman Quast also withdrew his name from consideration. On call for the question to postpone the selection of Mayor, the motion was denied with Councilmen Hordyk and Gerberding voting in favor of the motion. Balloting for the selection of Mayor then proceeded and Councilman Duncan received a majority vote of four votes on the second ballot. Mayor Duncan's first official act was ,to thank Councilman Haguewood for his leadership and ~~rvice as Mayor for the past four years. 2. Certificate of Appreciation - Outgoing Councilman Boardman Mayor Duncan awarded outgoing Councilman Carole Boardman a Certificate of Appreciation and thanked her for her service on the Council. 3. Certificates of Achievement - National Fire Academx Six Port Angeles firemen successfully completed training courses at the National Fire Academy in Maryland and were awarded Certificates of Achievement by Mayor Duncan; they were: Richard Dill, Jerry Doyle, Bob Jorissen, Mack Campbell, Mike Wells (not present) and James Merriwether (not present). 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS - BAKER REZONE REQUEST M" Douglas Baker formally requested this item be removed from the agenda: I 5. PUBLIC HEARING -:- 4th STREET VACATION FOR PICO Councilman Quast moved the Council approve the Planning Department's recommen- dation to continue the public hearing on the vacation of 4th Street between Peabody and Vine Streets to the February 2, 1982 meeting; Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 6. WPPSS Plants 4 & 5 - Mothballing ,Agreement Manager Flodstrom and Light Director Cosens briefly updated the Council regarding , recent developments on the WPPSS -Plan ts 4 and 5 mothballing agreements, indicating that imminent action was not required as the deadline is now January 22, 1982. Councilman Quast addressed his concerns regarding the mothballing agreements and Councilman Hordyk then moved this item be tabled to the January 19, 1982 meeting; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. The Council agreed to meet at 6:00 P.M. that evening to allow ample time for consideration of this issue. 7. General Service Electrical Rates Power Manager Greg Booth addressed the Council regarding the Light Department's recommendation to replace general service electrical rate schedules G-l and G-2 with SChedule G which would alleviate the difficulties currently experienced with rates G-l and G-2 as explained in his memorandum to the Council. He recommended the Council set a public hearing for its January 19, 1982 meeting to consider rate implementation on February l, 1982 and a workshop on January 18, 1982 in the Council Chambers for all affected customers advising them of the proposed changes. After Council requested further clarification of the proposed rate change, Councilman Quast moved the Council schedule a public hearing for January 19th for consideration of proposed schedule G and approve the proposed workshop; advertising both,..bv ,.leClal~and_block ads ."Councilman~Whip.den seconded and the motion carried. ~.. . 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Solid Waste Landfill Recycling Agreement Per staff I s recommendation, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authori.ze the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement for renewal of the salvage and recycling contract between'the City and the current contractor, Ms. Sharon Adamson. COuncil- man Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 9. Amending Criminal Code Attorney Miller briefly reviewed the proposed changes to the City's criminal code. Mayor Duncan then read by title Ordinance No. 2188, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2188 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles ,amending Chapters 9.04, 9.12, 9.l6, 9.24, 9.30, 9.34, 9.38'and9.42 of Ordinance No. 2129 and the Port Angeles Municipal Code, adding new sections to Chapters 9.01, 9.04 and 9.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and repealing Section 9.38.020 of Ordinance No. 2129 and the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hordykmoved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by titl~; COilllcilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 10. County Involvement in Annexations Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from the Planning Depar,tment regarding the County's proposal for a procedure to assure adequate County input during City annexations. After Council and staff discussed the merits of the pro- posal, Councilman Quast moved the Council refer this item to the Planning Commission for their consideration ,and recommendation. Councilman Whidden ,seconded and the motion carried. 11. Air Compressor Agreement Fire Chief Glenn briefed the COuncil regarding the Fire Department's proposed lease of an air compressor from Mr. Johnnie E. Sweatt. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement between the City and Mr. Sweatt for lease of an air compressor; Councilman Quast seconded,and the motion carried. 12. Lincoln Park IDnghouseStorage ~~yor Duncan read by title Resolution No. 1-82, entitled RESOLUTION'NO. 1-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angele~ establishing ,fees_and regulations for use of ,the Lincoln Park Longhouse for fall and ,winter dryland storage. ,Councilman Hordyk moved the COuncil adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title and Councilman Quast seconded. COuncilmen Haguewood and Gerberding questioned if the potential liability of providing this dry land storage would be worth the revenue incurred. On call for the question to adopt the resol~tion, the motion carried with Councilmen Haguewood and Gerberding voting "No". ',3. Meeting with Park Recreation and Beautification Board Councilman Quast moved the Council meet with the Park Recreation and Beautifi- cation Board at their February 4, 1982 meeting; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. l4. "Think Tank" - January 14, 1982 The entire Council will meet for the January 14, 1982 "Think ,Tank" special session scheduled with the Economic Development Council and other business and community representatives. 226 VIII CITY COUNCIL MEETING Janaury 12, 1982 LEGISLATION (cont . ) 15. Foreign Trade Zone , 'l:'he Council considered the Economic Development Council of Puget Sound 1 s request of the City of Port Angeles to endorse thepuget Sound Foreign Trade Zone appli- cation. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council give a: ",'qualified endorsement to the proposal; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 15. DNR Proposed Land Exchange The Real Estate COmmittee had been unable to convene due to Councilman Polhamus' I ~bsence. COwicilman Haguewood therefore moved the COuncil table the Real Estate'-~ Committee's report regarding'the ONR's proposed land exchange; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. ' l7. Letter from County Assessor - Lester Lancaster Manager Flodstrom commented on the County Assessor's response to the City's con- cerns regarding the lost taxes for 1981. ,After further discussion of this issue, Councilman Quast moved this item be tabled for consideration at the next meeting. COuncilman Haguewood seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting IINo". IS. 1982 Salary Ordinances Mayor Duncan read by;title Ordinance No. 2189, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2189 AN ORDINANCE establishing a position classification and pay plan, for the Police, Department employees, providing for the payment thereof for the year 1982 and declaring a public emergency. Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance, as read by title, I and Councilman Whidden seconded. Attorney Miller advised the Council that an ,emergency clause ha4-been added to all the salary ordinances due to the proximity of the next payroll period. on call for the question to adopt the ordinance, the motion carried. ~2YOr ~uncan read by title Ordinance No. 2190, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2190 AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Angeles, Washington establishing a position classification and pay plan for the Fire Department employees, providing for the payment thereof for the_year 1982 and declaring a public emergency. Councilman Whidden moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title, Councilman'Quast seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Duncan read by title Ordinance No: 2l9l, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2191 AN ORDINANCE establishing and setting salaries and fringe benefits for Administrative, Technical and Clerical Personnel (non-~nion} employed by the City of Port Angeles for the year 1982, providing for the payment thereof and declaring a public emergency. I Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinan~e as read by title; Councilman Whidden seconded. Manager Flodstrom advised the Council that this ordinance implemented a 6.5% salary increase -,1.5% above the amount proposed in the 1982 Budget. All union positions received an average 8.6% salary increase. On call for the question to adopt the ordinance, the motion carried. Mayor Duncan read by title Ordinance No. 2192, entitled . ORCINANCENO.2191 T e:h~i~~~I~lc~;~~~:~~~~I~:1 (~:n::~~~~' :~:r~~~:b~ tf~~n~~ty b:t;~~t' ~~;e~:s~~~I~~':;I:~ 1982, providing for t~. payment tll.real and declaring 0 public emergenc)'. WHEREAS, it Is nece$$ary tnot a salary and fringe benefit schedule be 8$tabllshed ot this time fer Administrati....e, Technical, and Clerical (non.union) personnel employed by the CUy of Port Angeles and providing for tne parment tnereof: and, WHEREAS, It 15 nei:essary that 0 clear delineation be made between the management group and union personnel; I ~~~~:~~~~:~=:.o~n:O;~~~ol~n1c~~~~ ~~: ~~7a~:e~f~:;1:11~~s~~a~i~:.I~::hf~~i:~d Clerical' (non.unlon) pe"onnel sholl be as set forth in SchedlJle A ottaclled to this ordinance and mode part thereof by reference. Section 2. All of the salaries sel 'ortn 1n Scneclule A shall be paid In bi-weekly installments to be as nearly eqlJal os the established accolJnting prcx:edure of the C1ty of Port Angeles will permit. and shall be paid wllhln five working days alter the close of the established payroll period for eoch month during the year, or (IS soon tnerecfter as the established occounting procedure of tile Clly of Port Al"Igeles will permit, 9xcept thot the 1051 installment snail be paid onst;~i~~~~::~~? ~a:s~~~r~~:~e~~rtn in Schedule A may be reviewed as of thr.., six or nine l mS~i~~er~~a~t;~~t~~~:~:;' ~f ~;2~1:h~~~~::b:~~t'i~: ~:vA~~rn~~irati"e, Technical and ~:dl:~ (;~~-~h~~:~lb~s~:;e~c~~ ~i~~:9~~~~~~t~n SS~~lr~~~~u~~t~~~d~tl~~h~~~~;:~~:t::~ st01e and federol government 01'1 retiremel'1t programs, sick lea....e. vocotion, medical. dental and optical insurence, and holidays. Sedion 5. That os of January 1, 1982, the c1anlfication plan, salary administration procedures and the job descriptions for the Admlnistmtlve, Tei:hnlcal and Clerical {non-lJnion) . personnel sholl be 05 set forth in Schedule C, attached to tnls ordintmce and mode a part lhereof by reference. Section 6. This ordinonce Is f1ecessary lor the immediate preservation of the public peaca, heolth ond !Iofety. ond to meet 0 plJblic emergency, and snail take efted upon adoption. \ PASSED by the CIty Council ot the CIty of Port Angeles at CI regular meeting of the CounCIl h.ld on the 12th day of January, 1982 Dorothy Ouncan MAVOR ATTEST Morlon C Portlsh. City Clerk APP~OVED AS 10 FORM Craig~ Miller,C.tyAttorney I: I CITY OF PORt ANGElES ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND CLERICAL P'ERSONNEL Scnedule A. Master Job Title Index 1962 35 35,5 36,5 39 .0 .2 AA POSITION TlTlE OUlce Assistant (S.c.) Conservation Aide Department SBcreiory CeplJty City Clerk legal Secretory Energy Analyst Executive Secretary Droftsman (Lignt) Eng!neering Aide No.3 (Lignt) Residential Conservation Coordinotor Senior Citizens Center Director Assistant City Attorney Progr\1m Specialist Swimming Pool Cemetery Manager Elei:tricol Engineer Office Engineer (P.W.) Assist. Superil'1tendCl"lt forWQter (4 mol enior Ac(ountont ~!list. Superintendent for Sewer S~er/Water Superintendent StrOot Superintendent Water Superi"lendent (8 months) Equipment Rental Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Parks Superintendent Ct,lef Building Inspector Personnel Director/City Clerk City Treasurer Cato Processing Supervisor Police lieutenant Fire Marshal Assistant Police Chief Power Manoger Assistant Fire Chief Opo-rations and EnglnHring Menager City Engineerl As:!.istont Director of Public Works Planning Director City Allorn_V" ~- --..-.~ Fire Chief Police Chief .~. ~. .."oJ I ~L Recreation 8. Parks Director Administrati....e Services 0-lrectar . City light Director Public Works Director City Maneger ADMINISTRATIVE. TECHNICAL& CLERICAL PERSONNel MONTHLY SALARIES '.82 SALARY... . GRADE. 20 20,5 21 21.5 22 11.5 . 23 23.5 2A 24.5 25 25.5 26 :26.5 71 27,5 28 18;5 2'1 29.5 "" 30.5 31 31.5 32 32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 35 35.S 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 38.5 3. 39.5 .0 40.5 " 41.5 .2 42.5 A3 .43.5 << .....5 45 45.5 '6 Pub.: Jan.?O, 198'2. A .20 ..8 'fl4 1003 1033 1064 1096 1129 1163 1198 1234 17/2 1308 134. 1389 142'1 1.1170 1513 1556 160' 1650 1703 1753 1806 1858 1915 1972 2031 2090 :2153 2218 2285 2353 :2424 2497 2572 2649 2728, 2808 2892 2979 3068 3160 3255 3353 34" 3558 3665 377. 3887 '000l 4124 4248 's.""" , 9'8 .74 1003 1033 1064 1096 1129 1163 . 1198 1234 ' 1272 1308 1349 1389 1429 1470 1513 1556 1604 1650 1703 1753 1806 1858 1915 1972 2031 71>90 2153 . 0218 2285 7353 2424 2497 2572 264. 7128 2808 2892 297. 3068 3160 3255 3353 34,. 3558 3665 377. 3887 '000l 4124 . 4248 4375 C 97A 1003 1033 1064 1096 1129 1163 1198 1234 17/2 1308 134. 1389 1.:t29 1470 1513 1556 160A 1650 1703 1753 .806 1858 1915 1972 2031 2090 2153 2218 2285 2353 2424 2497 2572 264. 2728 2808 2892 297. 3068 3160 3255 3353 34SA 3558 3665 377' 3887 AOO' 4124 4248 4375 '506 . . . . . . . . . PROFICIENCY lEVELS. D E F 1003 1033 1033 1064 1064 1096 1096 1129 1129 1163 1163 1198 1198 1234 1234 1272 1212 1308 1306 1349 13019 1389 1389 1429 1..29 1470 1470 1513 1513 1556 1556 1604 1604 1650 1650 1703 1700 1753 1753 1806 1806 lasS 1858 1915 1915 1972 1972 2031 200 1 2090 2090 2153 7153 2218 2218 .2285 2285 2353 7353 2424 2424 2497 2497 2572 2572 2649 26-49 :2728 2728 2808 2808 2892 28.2 2979 2979 3068 3068 3160 3160 3255 3255 3353 3353 3454 3454 3558 3558 3665 3665 3774 3774 3687 3881 4004 4004 4124 4'24 4248 4U8 4375 4375 4S06 4506 4b41 4641 4780 ." 1604 1650 1703 1753 1806 1858 . 1915 1972 2001 2090 2153 2218' 0285 2353 2424 2497 2572 264. 2728 2808 2892 297. 3068 3160 3255 3353 34SA 3558 3665 377A 3887 '004 4124 4248 4375 A506 .641 4780 4923 ~NCE NO. 2190 ;lty of Port Angel.., Washington, Ilncatlon and pay plan for the Fir. :~~bYI~o:~~~;:!:.enf tn.reof for ITV COuNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT . ~sltlon classification and pay plan tmployees Is h....by adopted ef~ , ABC 0 22'-2 2287 2333 1690 1 n9 1890 2026 Ion and wages .holl be paid In such nl., equal 0$ the eltobUshed ac- ll~':.,~f~~rr :~~d :~1I t~rl:i:t ~ '982. :e is necessary for the Imm.dlote p~ca, haoltll and sof.ty, and to md shall tak.effeet upon adoption. ~~~ithe~~ty oa~ ~~t ~~eld~:t Df Dorothy DlJncon, Mayor '1- G 2A97 257~i 2649 2728 2808 2892 2979 3068 3160 3255 3353 34SA 3558 3665 :fl7A 3887 AOOol 4124 4248 4375 A506 4l>Al .-780 .920 5071 I I I 38 M nd 3 l ~ ~~ , .. 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"OldJ, 5U!PUDIS'HH~ '&l&6'lSP '05~$ '''did p"IDlnsu! fO ,S~ tH!M ")Id,lj ;:JJ-uoJcep o ~Ol"''''''l'o'3H ..Z~ '&5U'ZS~ "puao "OX" 'eIA" sad eel 'a)D,daJ!! aOOM 'SlO{,-lSt '05L$ 'P"pnpu! s..did Meu 110 'MaU a~!I 'eMIS NllllN"'~~ .~4;)iDCt-t;!O Clipat UO'.iUIfOr 0911 L -lgl1 JO OE9f'LSI1 SH3BlV NOllHVJ j'peJe^ljap JO ,I!d IV 'l'JIP 1111 unJ lId 'la^oJ6 pa ;uaans '~)OJ peysnn ,~)OJ Ufj)Jp paysoM ,load 'wool ^puos ~JDq ,UO!fo~!HlnoaB llOS dOl 030N31B , 'l689'l5~ 'w~nbbS" $9~96uv pOd 'p"'JadSL't$ 'wnWIlJlLu ~Ol 'l"ADJ~UnH'I!~ oSI"f "I!O$dol. ~saa .Q41 __"1:J1.L..............--"I.~.....".................._~ _. ,__ tOJ'80LS-lst '051'$ "pua, ..)x3 .'SJOOp piHDld 181P!U 41'M peSU! 'OldJ' nHSI~ '96&l'ZSt "JI'/lo IS"8 S9P01iS9J:)O II:> 'e^o,s pOOM a~'S!:I "J-GjJo .'5a8 'PUO:;l jX3 "iJ^OIS 6U!U061)-lI9S '3'!) snoeUOlla~s!w irS iP'" pe!!!"oi:> : o e~n noJ. U.aYM sa!uued JO, d!~SJ"pa"J, la 101 D 1,,5 nOA , 'l66t-ta9 ': puo, rn'il"D"8 'OOSI$ 'lIsqdwDJ '8 J"I~o)l ',nulDM 'oUD!d leu IdS 010 "~A 'ZZ6l'lSr 'Jelfo IS"'I JO O.Z$ "pua, pSl-'ed 'eSDO 41!M Jal!n5 Zlt'~~ '1H'o'W.,.A' '109t'OZ6 'OS~ :, 'JDH"5 6u!J1S 9 NOll'o'^O' '6 L6t'ZSt '009$ 'aOD' ~ L1HM 'UO!I!P9 AlCSJ9^,UU'i ' ':)!I'5no:)o 6u!J~!iO 9 'NOJlVAO' 'se^s 'ZSZS-tl& 'ON'o'ld 11'IfWS ~ual:t/llas lo~!snw LS: Sa^OIS/6u!fOeH 09 , L 91'9"&1/9 'pJO' OS$ 'aOOM3~" '!;08Z'ZSt o 6S~t-Z5~ 'pJo, 'I, ' '6006'ZSt 'w'd & Jell.,. &S Ja 'pJO' 09$ 'p9"'A!lep WJ!I OOSS 'xoq U! III's 'elqDI . 4IMOJ6_ PIO _03 NOSlf3S, _:~,J;':2~~_~J~I/"'0 ., -._ _._-__-__-.......-----a """""'-_ -- ...... ORDINANCE NO. 2189 1 AN ORDINANCE es'abUshlng 0 poslllon Clanlficallon and pay plan for Ihe Police Deportment Implayves, providing far , the payment the..af for ,he year 1982 and declaring a public emergency . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil Of THE CITY OF PORT ANGElES, os follows: Sect!an 1. The following poslllon classlflco'lon and pay pia" for the employ.... of the Pallce o.portmen,lo hereby adapled eKeeliv.. Januory I, 1982, ABC D E S..rgean' 2120 2192 Corporol 2006 2057 Poll'Olman 17~ 1Bl0 1860 1'lO9 1956 Idenl, Clerk 1S.8 1611 1676 1743 1813 Desk Clerk 1159 1223 1285 1350 1~12 Clerk DIspa'cher 1159 1223 12BS 1350 1~12 Me1ermald 1159 1223 1295 1350 1~12 Animal eonl, Off. 1363 1.3-4 1508 1583 1663 Section 2, All of the woges and compensa'lan shal' be pold in .uch Installments '0 be os nearll equal as Ihe established accoun'lng procedure of ,he City 0 PDrI Angeles will permll, and sholl b.. paid wl'hin five working days after Ihe close of Ihe es'abll.hed payroll period for ....ch month during the year, or os soon therealler as lhe eotabU.hed accaunllng procedure of 'he City of Pori An~les will permit, excep' ,he losl In, ~~~~en' shall be pold on ,he lasl working day of Dec..mber, . Section 3. Thl. ordinonce 15 necessary 'or the Immediate pr...rvo'ion af ,he public p....c.. 1.....1'1. ond .of..ty. and te> meet a public emergency, and shall lake eKeet upon adoption. J PASSED by thB City Council of the City of Pori Angele. 01 0 '<>1lulor' meellng of the Council h..ld an ,he 12'1. day 01 Jonuary, 1982. Dorolhy Duncan. Mayor Allest: Marlon C. Parri.h, City Clerk Approved 0& to form: Craig l. Miller, City Allorney Pub,: Jan. 20. 1982 ~J. . G .J;' :;- ~.5g 'sBAe zOst>' ZSt 'OOZI$ JOI lies 'OOOZ$ " ~EMO LfPOM 'su.aJOLli 'tpsd!l)f .Z~UDJOW 'Joeulj B'SDLld .r IIDM OOZ '03HHS H3dns ORDINANC~ NO. 2190 AN ORDINANCE at 'he City of Pori Angeles, Wa.h1nglon ..tobllohlng " poolllO,; c1anlflcallon and pay plan for Ihe Flr~ Departmenl employ..., pro"ldlnll tor the paymen'lh.reof for lheyeDr 1982 and declaring a publlcemerllency.' , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGEl~S. as follows: S""Ilon 1, The follDwlng palltlon cla.olllcal'an and pay!lan for ,he Fire Deportmenl employe.. Is h.r..by adaple et- fecllve January 1, 1982. ABC D Captain 22.2 2287 2333 Firemen 1690 1779 1890 2026 S""lion 2. All compensa'lon and wag.s .holl be paid In such Installments 'a be as n....'ly equal 00 lhe eslablished ac' coun'lng procedure of the City of Pori Angele. will pe,mit. e"c..pl 11.01 the 101' Inslallment shall be paid on the lasl working day of December 1982, Sectian' 3, Thi. ordinance Is n""...ory for Ihe immedla'e pr"ervotion of 'he public peace. health and safety, and 10 meel a public emergency, and shall take effect upan adopt;an, PASSED by Ihe City Council of 'he City ot Pori Angeles at 0 regular m9llllng of the Council h.ld on Ihe 1211. day of January, 1982, Attest: 'Marian C. Parrish. City Clerk Approved 01 10 form: Cralgl. Mllfe" City Atiomey Pub,: Jon, 20, 1982 ~: _,..- J ,\1'.;.< Dorolhy Duncan, Mayor 1_----,--. ORDINANCE NO. 2192 AN ORDINANC!; 01 the City at Port Angeles IIstabllshlng 0 p04ition clasolflcotlon an,d pay plan to' the City Employees, providing tor the payment Ihen.ollor the year 1982. and d..da,ing a public emergen<\" THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGelES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Tne following position classification for City employees is hereby odapled 10 take effect January 1, 1982. The positions designated below are rep,.s.nted by local No, 1619. . Washington Slate Council 01 County and City Employees, and subleCtto on ogreem.nt betw..n that agency and the City effecllve January 1. 1981, POSITION TITlES BY DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS SALARY RANGE Sr, Engln..r Specialist.. .. . , .. . . . .. ' . . .. , , ' , .. . .. . , , .. . , ' , .. , . , .. . , , ; .. 16,5 Engine., SpecIalist. . . . . . . . , , ' , . , . . , . , . , . . , , . . . . . . , ' , , . " , , , . . , , , . . . . . . . . , ' , . 15 Assiot, 8ullding Inspector, , , , , . , . , , . . . . . , , , , . . . . . ' , , , . , ' . . . . . , , . '. , , , . . ' , , , . , . 13,S Foreman",........",.., ""..." ":.....,.,,., "".. "..,....."".",13 leadman, , .... .. . . , , . ' , , , . ..... , , , , ' , . . . . , ". , , , ... . , . , . . , ' , " . . , , ' . . , , ..13 TP Chiel Operator.. , .. , , , .. .. . .. , , .. ' .. . .. .. . , , , , .. .. , .. .. ' , , ' . .. ' , .. . , .. .. 13 Engineering Aid No, 1 ",......""..,."..."".....,..,"',.,.,.,...,...., 13 Engineering Aid No.2, , , . . . . . . , ' , , . . , . ' . . . . , , , , . . . . , , ' , , , ' , , . . . . , . . , , , . . . . , 12.5 TP Operator. . ..... , , ' , .'" , , , , , , . . , . , . .." , ' , .. . . , , " , , , , .. . , . . . . , , , " . . , 12 Equipment Operalor, , ' , . , ' . . . , , . , . . . . , , ' , , . ' . , ' . . . . . . , . , , , . . . ' , , . ' . , , ' , , . , , 12 Operatar/Wate,Qualily Tech.... . . . , . .... . , , , . , , , ' . .. . , , , . . . . . ... , , , ... . , , ., . 12 TP Technician, , , , . . .. . . .... , , , , , ." . ' , , , . . , , .... . , , , . , , , . ," , , , . ' . . , ., , , , , 12 TP lob Technician. . . . . .... , , , , ..,. , . . . . . . , , . ... . . , , , . , , , ,., . . , , , . , . ... , , , . . 12 Gatbage Truck D,iver. . . . ' , , , . . , . , , . . . . . , , . . . . . ' , , .. , , . ' . . . . , , , . . . , . . . . ' , , . , . 11 i Maintenance Man No, 1 . ' , , , . , . . . , . . . . . , , , . . . . . . , , . , , , . . . . , . , , . . , ' . . . . , , . . , , 11 ~~~~~~i~~~'.-;':~~: ::::: : : : : : : :: : : :::::: : :::: : :: : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : ~: Droltsmon ""...... , , , . . . , . , . , . ' , , , ' , . . . . , : . . . . , , . ' . . ' , , ' . , , , . . . . , , . . , , ' 12 Maintenance Man No.2, , . .., , . .... . , , , ','" , . .... ' ,', , ..' , . , . . , , , .. .. , , . . , , . .. 10 Sonltatlan HlOlper. . . . , ' , . ' , . . . ' , , , . . , , . . . . . , ' , , ; , . . , . , . . , . , . . . . . . , ' , , , ' , . . , 10 PARK, RECREATION & CEMETERY leadman. , . ' . . , . , , . , . . . . , . . , . . , , , , . . ' , . , , , . . . . , , . . . ' , , , . , . . ' . . , , , , . . . . , . , 13 ealltak..,, .". , , , . .. .. , ...' . , , ' ,.". . , , , . . . , . , . .' . , , ' . .. . , . .. , , , ... . , , " , 10 Malnt..nanc. Technician, , , , ' , , , ' , , . . . . . , , . . . . , ' , , , ' . ' , , , . . . , . . , , , , , . . . , ' , , , ' 10 Cuotodlan. . . . . . . . . , ' . . ' , . . . .., . . , , . . . . . . , , ' , ' . , . , . , . . , , , . . . . , . . . . , , ' , . . , . . . 9 liGHT DEPARTMENT . CI.rk.Typist . , , ' , , . , . . , . . . . . , . , , . . , . . ' . , . , , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , , ' , , , . , . . , . . . . , , .5 ADM1NISTllATIVE SERVICES DEPT, Accaunl Technician' . . , ' , , . . , , , . . . . . , , , . . . . . , . . , . . , ' . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . ' , , ' , , . ' , 12 Senior Meter ReadlOr . ' , . , , . ' . . . . . , . , , . . . . , . , , , ' , , ' . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , ' . , , , ' , . 12 Compute, Operator I ,.... . . . . . . .. , , , . ' . ' . . , , ' , , , , . . . . . . . . , ' , . . ' , , , ' . , , , . . . . 11 Senior Clerk. . , , . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . ' , , , . , , ' , . . , . , , , , . . . . , . . , , , ." . . , , , . . . , , . . . 1 0,5 Oeputy Tr"".u,"r. . . . , . . , . . . ' , , , . , , , . . . . , . . . . . , , , . . , . , . ' . , , ' , . . . . , , . . , , , ' , , 10.5 Mot.., Rllader . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. , , .. . . .. .. , , , ' , .. .. , .. .. , , .. .. , , .. . , , .. ..', 10 Computer Operalor II, , , . ' , . . . , , , , . . , , . . . . . , ' , , , ' , . , ' . . , , , . . . . , . . . . , , , ' , . , ' . 10 Cashter. . .. . . . . ,.' , , . . . .....' , , , . . . .' . ",' ' , ,.. .. . . ... , , , .,. . , , , . , , , ... , , .7,5 PLANNING DEf>ARTMENT Anillant Planner, . .. . . . .. .. , , ' , .. " , . . , , , . . , . . .. . . , ' , , . .. , .. ' , , , .. .. . .. . , . . 13.5 Sec!lon 2'. I PAY STEP PLAN 19B2 SALARY 5TEf> STEP STEP STEP RANGE A B C D 1.0 1189 9.5 1000 1070 1.5 918 972 1036 109& 2,0 '/.15 1000 1070 1126 2.5 972 1036 1098 1156 3.0 1000 1070 1121> 1185 3,5 1036 I09B 1156 1213 I 4,0 1070 1126 1185 1241 4,5 1098 1156 1213 1274 5.0 1126 I1B5 12.1 1305 5.5 1156 1213 127. 1339 nt 6.0 1185 12~1 1305 1373 . 6.5 1213 1274 1339 1406 1. 7.0 1241 1305 1373 14.1 7.5 127~ 1339 1406 147B 01 B.O 1305 1373 1.41 ISIS B,5 1339 1.06 1.7B 1553 of 9,0 1373 14.1 1515 1590 01 9.5 .1406 1.78 1553 1631 10,0 1..0 1515 1590 1671 10,5 ,.78 1553 1631 1714' S 11,0 ISIS 1590 11>71 1756 11.S 1553 1631 1714 lBOl to 12.0 1590 1671 1756 1844 12,5 1631 1714 lBOl 1890 ur 13.0 1671 1751> 1844 1935 47 13,5 171. ' 1801 lB90 19B4 75 1..0 1756 lW 1935 2033 1..5 1801 1890 1984 2084 31 15.0 lW 1935 2033 2135 73 15.5 1890 1984 2084 2188 16.0 1935 2033 2135 2243 16,5 1984 2084 218B 2299 17,0 2033 2135 2243 2356 . ,r Sect~Ori 3. Hourly employees ore to be ,paid not n;tbfe than th.e :same hourly rot" 05 ,'arting monthly rate lor t~. clas.lllcal1on. ' Employees ..III be ....vi..wed aher being In each .t.p one year. A written review .hall be made of ....ch employee by hi. Department Head whenever h. is eligible for advancement. If an increos. I. net recommended. Ihe reasons shall be dlscus.ed wllh Ihe Cily Manage" If ne concurs with the Department Head, tt.1I decision m"st be discussed wilh the employ..e who .hould be laid 01 his ne~t ,,,,,Iew date. Decisions can also be ,.viewed by Ihe employee wilh thll City Manager "pan written request olt~. employe... Atth.dl.c....tlon of the Department Head or City Manager, a n.W review dale 013. 1>.9.0'12 months moy b. designated wn.n on htcreas.e 1s refused. SeCtion.. All of the salorl..s .el forth above .~all be paid in bi.weekly in,loUments 10 be os nearly ..qual as the established accounting procedur.. 01 the Cily 01 PorI Angeles will permit, and shaU be paid within five working doys alle"ho close of Ihe e.toblished payraU period for each month during the vear, or os. soon thereafter as the e$.toblis.hed accounting procedul'"e of the City 01 Port Ang..les will perml'. ."c..pt thatlhe lasl instaUment shall be paid on the last working day of Decemb.r 1982. .- Section 5. Thll ordlnanc& is. necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace. health and .ately, and to mellt a public em.rgency. and sholl take eff.CI upon adoption, PASSED by Ihe City Coundl of the City 01 Port Angeles at 0 regula, meeting of Ihe Council held on th.12th day 01 Januaty. 1982. 'I Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Marlon C. l'arrlsh, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Miller. City Attorney Pub.: Jon, 20, 1982, J ORDINANCE NO. 2192 , A~ ~Rpl~ oJ tile City 01 Port An ole. establl.hing 0 position c1assilication and pay UJ91U1M '.t9/lZ/l nJI.14 poo6 'S.e.'Pd oHo ".Sl; SJ9~I!j JSIDM DUn) t flO ,.st 'sapOSS8) .,'1 '8 sdwncl lSIOM SQln~ '685.'l5. 'l&HO l'Soq JO ~8$ 'dn .~oo~ 1I0q 'so~o,q "Ole 'el -)(C lonp 'J8110J" IN~Wdln03 'tll5'CS'I'olxO lonp 'B^PP Old . JepD~udS:/Jaz!l!' 'Ja~ "-191 "I ~ . JB~OLU l'Or 'd~ C 'II!JP el04 150d ..6 '!\ SIDOe C8 NOI1YJI)11 & "()99S-tlC . J9UO JO '08 oSS '..u!od 9^UOWOlno PIOS 'swn,p 'loS SS'Z 'S9JH ozxOOL L pesn t 'slJod JOI U!suo:>S!M !)^ '15!01l ':Jele eSl)4d C '1 l ''SJ9punAJ -IHPtJO! J!p1DJp^4 e60ls t ,,96 Mc:HJ z: 'JOIOW esol/d Clio' 0.. 'd~ O' 'epolq ep!qJo) 1.I.j.!M MI)'S ID!PDJ 'dll t./l1. ID!J5snpul V1130 ..9L 'eBl8'ZS. 'OSZl$ 'e'!l!"OS '0061$ 'MeN '~Ipepad IpU8JM l!D ..I suny 'J/.. D u041 S'S61 p8'Sn 'PUO) PBfJBcl 'Jen:9JdwO) J!O 'Sofi 'd4 II puo~ lOSH3~NI '5u!.(J1 d...~ B9I'l:'l:96 'OOS$ '81xD wepuDI .. JIJI luowd!nbe 1H~13M1H~I' .tlI8-~ 'osd 'S~JOM &1.41 ',...9U 1ilI'lt!l 'AeIlOJ~ 6upoaq lIoq 9JOOW '!l;)8J ,Sl UOlolddy 'loA-OZZ "ql 000'1 '.51[04 U!04:J :Jp~:>a19 'ONI11HM '9l6E'CS'I'puo, poo~ 'loUO!1 'OUJa~U~ 99, ')pnJ~dwnp 'p.( S 'l&llC'8U 'OOSl$ "1 OC "u9Jd 6u!Joog 'OO8l$ "ql 000. 'eUOJ> dOHS 'O^tJa aU!JDW otb '531S3 '~J !OdBJ puo spod W04Sn:) 'pe^ow~u spn~s N:I)lOllB juawd!nb3 6L ID!JjSnpUI '~ IC'ZS. 'OOO'Z;t$ 'S8J!~ M-&U E '$'l1JOj 601 ~ .cnpnq '&u!6ua ~IOJlea [S-t' JepDoOI U06!LP!W VSL I IUawd!nb3 6u!6601 aL '9606'E99'J9HO&)f,OW''SJJ. L_fl_l_~~&!~~., '~D~~ ~ _ 8.. ~I ~ juawd!nb3 WJD~ ~L 'l109'EB9 'AllD:J!UDLpeW poo6 eq .Isnw '''pnJI 9x9 '1 %l: JO Jl'xt 'j, 'Ill SnldltnS 'OSI6'lS~ 'UOJ! dOJ:Js 'SJD~ >IUR! '~u.UJ .d!nbo 6u!660, 110; HS'IQ 'B51I1'lS' 'S9Q\e)U1S "d04S OVO!d S!015u01.. ON\lld llnO.l.lIo; HS'IQ 1539 IUS'~ .l.UN\lA1nNWM 'OSlE-lSt" '8^OW9J 8M 'sMpd dOl 8lolosQV' 'c~UH '5191)(0 e-W04 3'~90W 'w'd 9 Jello 19LZ'ZSV 110) 'MOJJDH 8JnlSDd >lun NIVH) '8Z8l-CB9 ''S&IOld esu9:J!1 ep!"'lBh OIOIS uOISU!~SOM 6~61 ~013S , 1960'~BC 'elo>5 6u!6uD4 AllIonb IOpJ&WWO, A.H,odc:) 8JOW JO 'sql OOl"OS 'lBCC'~ , 7'19C)(,a 'SJOOp ';)ldJ~ S'S'Y1!) 'CI'9C'9U ''!;ZC-ZS. 'uell3 "0~10i> AlINll31YW '06l6'S8~ se.e "09l'~ze: GAop '450:1 ).od 111M' SIDeP pooS JOI SU!~OO' '''lIPIJOj '8 sAoq MOl/SUO.... ''iIOl1 'S)lJm:ll '9l~&'LStr 'Jel1!io~OJ IJO J9MOWUMCI.. 600_ .M_'\oI':IloI.~ ------- - .----.,.--...,....- ......=- - ~-. ORDINANCE NO, 2193 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angele., p,oulding for on adju.tment in the wage. of the employee. .epresenled by IBEW loool 997 In the light Oeparlment and the Equipment Rental Division of "he Administrative ServlclK Department for t'h. period 01 Apr1l1, 1981 through Man:h 31. 1992. and declorlng 0 publiC emo'gency. WHEREAS, under authority of RCW 35A.33,l05, the City II authorized to make on annual adjustment 1<< .mployee. of the Light Department olld Equipment Rental Dlvis1on; and . WHEREAS, pulluont to theprovl.lon. of the 197'1-1982 Labor Agreoment between tho City of Port Angeles and the City of Port Angeles Employees' Local Union No. 991, Illtamo'lonal Brotherhood of Elect,.leal Workers, Article I, 2., such an adjustment Is provided for: and, WHEREAS; .uch an odJuotment lor Iheyeor 1981,1982 I. in the be.t Inte.e.t. of the City: NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AS FOllOWS: ' Section 1. Effective April 1, 1981 through O&cember 31.1981, Including and retroactive to that dote, the wages of the 'oHowlng designated positions ore Qdiust.~ 0$ follow$: pOSition Percent of lineman Bose Per Hour Un. Foreman 112.5-;, 15..'" lineman .. 100~0. 13,75 Apprentlcellneman 1st Step 2nd Stop 3rd Step .th Stop 5th Step 6th Step ~~:~~:~~l;~~tor Groundman Inspector Meter,Journeyman Warehouseman EQUIPMENT RENTAL DIVISION Mechonlc 81 ". 11.14 MalntendnceMan 65.2,.. 8,97 Secfion 2, Effective January l, 1982, the wages of the following designated positions ore adju.ted os follows: LIGHT DEPARTMENT Position Lir... Foreman lineman Apprentice lineman htStep 2nd Step 3rd 5tep 4th Step 5th Step 6th Stop ~:::~~~~~~l:~~tor Groundman 1 nspector Meter-Jour"'~ymCln Warehouseman EQUIPMENT RENTAL O!VISION Mechanic 81 % 11.25 Maintenol"tCe Man 65,2'-0. '9.06 Section 3. This ordinance Is necessary for the Immediate pres.r:vatlon of the pvbllc peace, heolth and safety, and to mHt G public emergency, and sholl toke effect upon adoption, PASSED by the City Council 01 tho City of Porl Angele. at 0 regular meeting of the City Council held,on the 12th doy of Januory, 1982, AnEST: Morlan C. Parrilh, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Miller. City AHorney Pub,: Jon, 20, 1982, 75"'", 78", 81". 84". 90"-_ 95% 89,5% 92,S". 18% 100% 1-00% 81'"'" Percent m li nemon Bose 112,5% 100,._ 75% 78% 81-;' 84% 90'-. 95% 89.5% 82.5'l'. 78-1. 100% lOll.;' 81% '09UJ-LS" '.,nJB I10J 'J8^t!S 'Plo'!) 'spuowol0 ,JoJ HSV:> Ane 01 palUDM lL '16c\;'Z~' . JOflO lseq . J8!do"OIO~d YlIlHSOl luawd!nb3 e~!uo OL 'l09C'9Z6 'OSI$ '.'!'^I p.'n 's..ooq 6 ez!s Sucw 2 1;:&lod ''Si6u!pulq U! dels 6.loqoJ 'S!~S iI!~u,^oP W1S^lllt 091 OSSC-~S~ 'sunS t.SB'l JO 61DS JOJ 81qD~ lOOd ,8 'ZI99'C99' IIOZ'&ll9 'd04S Url~ ,.(,eUE;:I^ W!nbaS JO 6u! ,enl9 un~ olnsu!u-ed ...sauu $H ~O J!DdeJ '8 'ON13n19 NnQ '9l'S'ZSO ;cx;st ':)!lDwoano !WEtS . tb )I'H 'S61~-lS. 'OOlS .~8'JOH9:1:JV .sql ;9'OS 'MOq punodwo", HV:J8 '~1I8'CS'I 'S6CS 'M8U 8)j!1 'wnu5ow t9Z; 'Ol lepow 't98Jd 113153H)NIM 'Sl ! '~! 'CI AllYn1l93~ ',1,9 '1130 NOWlYS 1N3W111\ld30 3111~ 11331N010A ^ Y9 .1.113 'AO)SIO 3H1 ;0 Sll3NNIM 3H1 01 S3ZIlld 3S!ONYH) -1l3W OS 113AO SOld . HSY) a~v M3~ OOS9$ I 'EClB-Z~. 'Ho'S " 8JI L-V ..,.,p~rO:l :'$!P IOl 9'50:> '$9Z!<;. L"'ltjod JeIU!M ~N11l1l3H N3Z011~ , ,-f&8~);~ w, OZZ 's6-i '5'9[' 'puo, pooS U! 'I~s Z>I '8 POOH '~ 'Il 82!S ')xa tsjooq yjl1ttON '109C'9Z6 'OSZS 'Jnq!lD> Z~ SOL lepow \11131139 'w'd C J911~ S~S~'Z~. , 'OS$ 's81od 41!1'^ 'liiooq j .~.!t$.I~'l-_AJluno3 $~J3~~ I I 10,31 10.73 11.1. 11.55 12.3B 13.06 12.31 11.3~ 10.73 13.7S 13,75 11.96 Per Houl' , 15,63 13.89 'I IO,~2 10,83 11,25 11.67 12,50 13,20 12,43 1,..6 I 10,83 13,89 ' 13,B9 12,00 Dorofhy Duncan MAYOR VIII I IIX I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Janaury 12, 1982 '"''"'.... L.L..i LEGISLATION (cant.) 18. 1982 Salary Ordinances (cont.) ORDINANCE NO. 2192 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a position classification and pay plan for the City employees, providing for the payment thereof for the year 1982, and declaring a public emergency. CoU'lcilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Duncan read by title,Ordinance No. 2193, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2193 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, providing for an adjust,ment in the wages of the employees represented by IBEW Local 997 in the Light Department and the Equipment Rental Di-' vision of the Administrative Services Department for the period of April 1, 1981 through March 31,'1982, and declaring a public emergency. Councilman Gerberding moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Quast ,seconded and the motion carried. 19. AWC Workshop Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding and Whidden are eligible to attend the AWC Workshop for Newly Elected Officials in Tumwater on January ,23, 1982 and will contact Manager Flodstrom regarding arrangements. LATE ITEMS Councilman Haguewood requested information on proposed ordinances prior to their drafting or inclusion in the council packet. Councilman Whidden questioned Manager F1odstrom regarding the status of the economic forecast on increased charter boat -activity in Port Angeles. Council- man Hordyk stated'that the Council had previously opposed commercial use of the Civic Pier and Councilman Quast suggested the input of Dr. Jim Walton and the Peninsula College economist in any future consideration of this issue. Mayor Duncan requested each councilmember's thoughts regarding work sessions. It was determined a date for a work session on council procedures would be scheduled at the_next meeting. Pearce Property Request Manager Flodstrom advised the Council of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce's objections to the $2/square foot sale price for that portion of Lot 15, Block 129 which they had requested to purchase. Councilman Whidden moved the Council refer this item to the Real Estate COmmittee for consideration. Councilman Quast seconded and the mction carried with 'Councilman Hordyk voting "No". Planning Commission Resignation Manager Flodstrom advised the Council of Mr. R. Colin Bennett's written resig- nation from the Planning Commission effective in March. Council requested an update on applicants for the Planning Commission and other upcoming appoint- ment expirations at their January 19, 1982 meeting. Councilman Gerberding questioned staff regarding the proposed noise ordinance included in the Information Packet. Councilman Hordyk questioned if there were any new developments on the proposed ambulance service and the status of the bottom fish habitat project at the City Pier. Manager Flodstrom also stated that the Olympic SpOrtsman's Association had obtained 30,000 additional coho salmon which will be penned at the Civic Pier and released in June. ,Councilman Hordyk thanked Manager Flodstrom and Public Works Director pittis for the tour of the Corporation Yard. 228 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 12, 1982 IX LATE ITEMS (cont.) Hayor Duncan reported on the proceedings of the January II, 1982 EFSEC ':n~eting; the hear'ings were not reopened and completl.on of the process is scheduled for January 27, 1982. Councilman Quast requested staff look into garbage pickup complaints received over the holidays. He also reported that Tacoma City Council voted 6 to 2 against mothballing of WPPSS Plants 4 and 5 at their meeting this evening. x ::~MS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Hattie Berglund, City resident requested the Council audit the monies appro- priated to the Chamber of Commerce. ~DJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned to an executive session at 9:50 P.M. ::n RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at 10:15 P.M. .?hJ. 0 - _ L":id.ArI--~> c:. ~ Ci~y Clerk JItd. ~ Mayor ~ ' , L____ I I I