HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/13/1937 r'" 460 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washinglon Januarv 13. 1937 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor ~avis. Roll call showed the follo~ing officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, At~orney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previmus session were read and approved. Under the head of Unfinished Business>; Commissioner Masters submi tted the appointment of H. E. Dodge as City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets. It was moved by MaYDr Davis that the ,foregoing appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll ca~l all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Commissioner Henson submitted the following appointments: Madge II. Na ilor, Ci ty Treasurer Stewart H. White, Superintendent of Utilitiee It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing appointments be confirmed. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business, C. A. Wolverton, Chief of the Fire Department, reported that at a regular meeting of the Port Angeles Fire Department, Frank E. Hickom and Douglas A. ~ort~r were elected into membership of the Department. There being no objection, the ~ommission approved and confirmed the election of the above named members, subject to an examination by the Fire Department Physician. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants to be drawn' for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 6.00 26.70 3.75 7.75 7.50 1.75 R. D.' Kilmer R. E." Davis Vim. Schrader Kearns Motor Co. County"'uditor Pine Hill Service Extra ]<'ireman Expense Account Filing Saws Repairs Election Supplies Repairs ( 5'>)'+/ WATER FUND 18.00 17.07 19.00 17.78 119.62 5.09 .82 8.30 10.00 12.37 1.02 2.04 8.22 Light Department " Atlas Packing & Rubber yo. Howard-Cooper Corp. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Light Department Union Drug Co. V. A; Samuelson & Co. American Water Works Ass'n Paris Motor Co. C. II.- McDonald Shell Service Willson Hardware Co. Gas & Oil Tools Hose Fi ttings Valves Lights at Reservoir First Aid Material Truck RepUrs 1937 r.tembership Auto RepUrs Kerosene " ~; ."q , ')- Suppli es LIGHT FUND 1.45 1.75 2.01 50.27 7334.00 1! 2.95 -" .64 '1'1-1"' 75.45 I 4.23 puget Sound Navigation Co. , C. H. Peach Water Department General ~lectric Supply Co. Puget Sound power & Light Co. Atlas Packing & Rubber Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Automotive Parts Service Herrons Variety Store Freight Car Service Water at Substation Material & Supplies Power Bill Rubb er 'J:ape Supplies Lamps Xmas Variety Store GUARANTY FUND 71. 64 Epperson & Sons Plate Glass LIGH T INVESTMEN T FUND Warrants Purchased 3148.87 City Treasurer The Commission, under the provisions of the Resolution recorded in Vol. 19 of Commissioners Proceedings on page 442, creating Marine Drive Construction Fund, in- structed the City Treasurer to make the follmwing transfers: From Suspense Fund to bmr.ine Dr~ve Constr~ction Fwnd From Current Expense Fund to From Port Angeles Emergency Relief Fund to 403.91 3609.30 232.74 F. W. C. Brauer having made application to use Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 320, Townsite, for ~~r~:~i~~v~~b;s~~~missioner Masters that the said F. W. C. Bra~~rdbehgrant~d ~~~~i~~ion ~~S~s~fs:1~ai:t~ff~~;~E~~!i~~~e~~:~~!~df~~e~;;~:~~~~::~~~iir~: ~:ti~~:f~~:~i~~ ~~~- ~1~~~' ~~~~0~h~~c3~~ed by Maymr uavis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the C~mmission then adjourned. ~' rfj / [, i ?79?11~ Mayor City Clerk ll... 'I I I ,I I