HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/13/1943 I"" 480 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 13. 1943 19_ ~_ ~ ...-.... U'T"'~ ..-... -....'_~T!... 08.0.0. ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Rotinson, Co~~issioner5 Beam and Uasters, Attorney Johnston and Acting Clerk Q'Day. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the follovnng were granted: Robert Fowler, Build garage and remodel house, Lot 8, Block 261, Townsite R. M. Avery, Build garage, Lot 10, Block 99, Tow:lsite J. F. Desler, Build garage, lLot 3, Block 417, Townsite Port Angeles Recreati.oa, 50ft Drink Port Angeles Recreation, two billard tables, three pool tables Port Ar~eles Recreation, six bowling alleys Port Angeles Recreation, two pin ball machines Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read: Chief of Police, R. O. Ide, presented his annual report which vras read and ordered 'filed. City Treasurer, ~adge H. Nailor presented the following: To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners: Gentlemen: January 12, 1943 150.00 200.00 100 .00 5.00 50.00 60.00 48.00 P.s required by law, I hereby designate the First National Bank of this city and the Chemical Ba~k & Trust Co. of New York City as depositories of city funds for the year 1943. Respectfully yours, Madge H. Nailor, City Treasurer It was moved by Commissioner !lasters that the aloove Treasurer I 8 report naming depositories for City funds for the year 1943 be approved. Seconded by Co~~i8sioner Beam. On roll call all mem~ers voted aye. The Ma~ror decla red the motion carried. Under the he{ld of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinances was introduces, read in full and placed on its first a rrl second reC'ldi:1gs: AN ORDIN~.KCE seLting forth an emerge~cy effecting the public health and safety; requiring eKpenditures lli'1foreseen; providing for tlle issuance of e:nergency warrants; and declaring an emergency making the ordinance L~~ediately effective. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following ordinance passed its third reading and was finally adopted: N, ORDINANCE fixi~g the salaries, compensation and wages of certain officers and eDployees of the City of Port ~ngeles, Washin~ton. It'was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded ~y Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the moticn carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following clai~s and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT E~PE~SE FUND Olympic Stationers City Fuel Go. School District No.7 Pacific Telephone g. Telegraph Rhe~eck I s Den The Electric Co. Larrick I s Cafe Jiontgomery Ifard & Co. D " B Battery & Electrio Station George's Service Station Mulholland I s Radio Shop Pacific Emblem & Mfg. Co. D & B Batter & Electric ctation Schreiner-Kyle Chevrolet Co. loop Auto Wrecking Go. Eureka Fire Hose Division of U.S.Rubber Co. Dr. R. L. Gilliam State Treasurer Standard Oil Co. Olympic Printery D & B Batter & Electric Station The Electric Co. Leader Department Star e CITY STREET FUND . D & B 3atten I} Electric <itaticn Loop Auto Wr~cking Co. Turco Products, Inc. State Treas'Jrer Y>'AT.B;R FUN~: City Street Dept. Ol;ympic Stationers State Treasurer State Treasurer Compa ss Flle 1 Oil Power & Light used at Swimming Pool 'Service 1627 Holster Switcr. Meals for Prisoners Switches Rech~rge Battery Repairs 1 Radio Jut tons Wire & Switch Shop Work Parts Badges 1~eat Imp ection Fees Ind. Insurance & Medical Aial Gre.a s e Supplies ~Nire Flurescent tubes Electric Fixtures Shop Work 2 Fan Assem'blye Cleaners Industrial Ins~ & Med. Aid Gas & Oil Blueprints State Tax Industrial Insurance. ~ 4,"'0 <. 9.06 194.58 25.00 4.40 5.55 1.55 41. 2 5 .80 1.03 81. 95 77.20 15.70 4.25 5.98 2.33 21.89 6.18 29.29 4.98 2.93 5.48 13.55 129.77 ~/ \9'/,~ ~y 1\.0 5.83 5.09 16.79 64.78 29.05 2.73 543 .14 14.01 I I I I I ~ 481. January 13, 1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ - T""" .: ~""A'. '''TTl.lO. ITAT'C.'." ..,.".... 0;1".00 LIGHT FUND D & B Battery (; Ele ctric Station State Treasurer State Treasurer Charge Battery Eta te Taxes Ind 6 Insurance LIBRARY FUND I Olympic St?tioners Willson Hardware Co. Edwin Allen Company Wilcox & Follett Co. SuppEes Hardware Books Books PARK FLllffi: Chenoweth's Nount Ver~on Nursery State Treasurer Flowers Ind. Insurance & Med. Aid. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: I RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFERS OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS WHEREAS IT APPEARS, That requirements of certain departments for the year 1942, made necessary the expenditure of sums of money greater than contemplated, and q+ /' )l'V .77 1,279.91 32.26 7.47 3.26 I' P .16 ~\ /' 68.22 1)( {1 '/ 55.62 2.16 WHEREAS, The a",ounts provided for other items within t.he legal classification have.not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, Those requirements could not have been reasona'Jly foreseen at the time of the preparation of the budget, CURRENT EXPE1:SE FUfI'D NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: Treasure~1 s Department: Frorr. Office Records {; Supplies To Ins ura nc e Clerk's Department: From Publicacions To Office Records & Supplies I ~iscellaneous D8partme~~~ From Election Rent Recreational Project Ranta Is To Election Supplies Recreational Project Supplies Fire Deoartment: From Sleepers 11 II To Pipemen, 2nd Year fI Volunteer Firemen fI Extra l~en Truck Operation Water 1000' of 112" Hose Lig!'it " Fire ~larrn and Redio Supplies Fuel 500' of 3" Iioee I:1sura.nce Department Supplies " " Convention Expense It II Office Records & Supplies Telephone .. 1000' of 2f" Hose I Heal th Department: From Sanitary Inspector To Part Time I\Turse Street Department: From Insurance To Light & Water for City Barn I LIBRARLFUND: Library: From Emergency Help . Ligh~ & Water n 11 To Janitor Fuel Office Supplies " Repairs Bind ing II Up-Keep of Grounds Insura nee Periodicals PARK FUND Parks: From Caretaker Jessie Webster PArk Recreational Development " To Extra La bor Tools & Hardware Insurance $25.00 25.00 100.00 175.00 30.00 42.00 183.05 52.77 .40 1.00 3.24 17.91 4.15 .54 10.84 2.89 4.78 7.50 454.02 20.00 22.80 9.06 8.53 739.;09 96.98 4.25 55.29 6.50 259 .74 252.14 152.13 ~ r- 482 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington J anua ry 13, 1943 19_ To JLights 26.85 n Miscalla neous 7.16 To Hardware & Tools 109.19 Replacement & Repair of R.tuipment 145.00 Water 29.95 I To Concrete Pipe 43.95 Gas & Oil 292.38 ~Il " 136.27 Equipment Repair 258.74 Insurance 154.76 I Miscellaneous 360.50 ... From Recreational Development II " " Park - Playfield From ],ights II n CITY STREET FUND Street Department From Dust Palliative Cement, Sand, & Gravel Tools & Ha rdv'are LUmber LIGHT FU@ 1i~t Depar:tment: From Wire, Poles & Line Hardware I' Tools, & .:iscellaneous Supplies 'Ii Transformers Buildbg Hepairs Repairs to Building Truck & Car Ooeration !l i. II State A.udi t Superintendent Expense Substation Supplies ~ ~ >> Car Expense Fuel Telephone " Building Reoa i rs To Purchase of Current 2806.06 1054.22 5'l88;~T 109.72 793.55 2.17 720.87 41.32 500.00 173 .44 363.81 29.12 6.55 15.96 246.00 80.14 9:67 42.40 209.87 I '" Office 5upplies Janitor Supplies Eamps & Street J,ight Fixtrues 11 n State Water Meter n Taxes at Substation Repairs n .. Insurance It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all ~em~ers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. q2:JC;I" 'M"' ~ f O(~ .:ayo r I I