HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/14/1948 I I I II. II Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 41i~ ,,<(flUa ry 14. 19~ "_"~",_'~fi'__''',. ~ IThe Commission met in regular session at 10;00 A.M., and was called to order by llayor Epperson. Roll call of. officers shOlled the following present: "ayor Epperson, Comr.1issioners Steele and Johnsen, Attorney nilson and Cle rk Law. I Minutes of the previous session were read .and approved. Under the head of application.. for building permits, the following were granted: I Duildi!1f: Permit a : Dt'l. ~ ~~ ~ Ellen Ii. Helpenstell Move House; Lot 15, Blk. 575, Tovmsite 5,000.00 J.. T. Tisdale Build Garage; Lot 16, Elk. 319, Townsite lOO.eO I C.. C. Smith Build nouse, 4-Room and Attached Garage; Lot 15, Blk..57, C.C.Leighton Add. 4,000.00 [' Tony Fuchs Reshingle Present Dwelling; Lot 6, Elk. 85, To~nsite 150.00 ' James E. lIise Remodel Existing lRlellingj Lot 5, 3lk. 64, TOI'iIlsite 300.00 I Roland Stidwcrthy Move House-4-Roomsj Lot '7, Blk. 192, Townsite 4,500.00 lEd, R. Mathevrs fuild 4 Separate Cabins on Lot; Lot 11, Blk: 401, Townsite 2,000.00 , Jack DelGuzzi BUJ.ld 5-Room Housej Lot 17, 3lk. 346, TOI'lDs~te 7,000.00 I :IK.. E. Rudolph Build 4-Mom House; Lot 15, Blk. 110, E.C. Baker Add. \ 4,500.00 ,Ii Ernest Nailor Move Housej Lot 6, 3lk. 15, P.S.C.C. 4,000.00'1 Under the head of Utlfinished rosiness, and pursuant to calls for bids published to furnish lamps 4r the i Light Department the following were opened: The Electric COflpany, J. R. Leamon for Zellerbach Paper Company) and Willson Hardvrare Company. All bids being the same, it. ViaS decided to draw for contract award. \ 1'he ,I Zellerbach Paper Company, having been drawn, it was moved by Q"l'Jnissioner Steele that they be awarded the I contract, providing the City purchass lamps norr stocked by i7illson Hardvrare Company, which were especially I 'stocked for delivel"J to the City. Motion seconded. by Mayor. Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. "- 'Bids to furnish Fuel Oil at the Fire Station were: McMahan Fuel Company and Peninsula Fuel Company, both ibids the same, $5.426, or posted retail price at time of delivery. The COIlllllission rejected bids as I submitted . , I The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company requested permission to span the ravine at Vine Street with ,aerial cable instead of underground conduit, as previously proposed. The request was granted. l'Under the head of new rosiness, Mayor Epperson read an offer by the Clallam ,County Humane Society regarding ,collection of animal licenses, increasing fees, providing for collection, establishing a temporary Ilreceivine station, and providing transportation and supervision. The Commission decided to make no changes "at. present, and will continue to co-operate with the Society. . iJco:nmissioner Johnson informed that street signs recently installed, are being deliberately damaged, and an;\, I! I'pe~son ,rill be prosecuted if apprehended. ,. IUnder the head of reading and passage of ordinances, the follm'ring Vias passed third and final reading: I ORDINANCE NO. 1192 I 'AN.ORDIllANCE fixing the monthly salaries, cOr.Jpensations, and wages of certain officers and employees of the ,I' I Ci~y of Port Angeles, Washington. lIt was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing ordinanoe be passed third reading and finally II td~Pted. Seconded b;'l Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,,'I \Under the head of introduction and reading of ordinances, the following was placed on first and second jrepding: , ORDIllANCE NO. 1193 IAli: ORDINANCE setti:lg forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requ~r~ng expenditures Ilunforeseen,; providing for tile issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency, making the ordinance immediately effective. . . . It. was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing ordimnce be placed on fHSt and second reading. Seconded by I.'ayor Epperson. All voted AJ'e. Hotion carried. ,I . Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property qy the City, the folloYQng was I introduced: I . ,Ellen H. Helpenstell Lot 15, 3lk. 575, Townsite lIt: Vfas moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. :Seconded by Comnissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Eotion carried. I IThe Commission examined and approved ;.J !CURRENT Er.PENSE FUl!D: IIDb- 'Port Angeles Evening News 'Janish Motor Co. !'Dept. of Labor and Industries IJames Hardware ,Co. I City Treasurel' leITY'STREET FUND: '/.31 :17 'Angeles-Gravel-~Supply ,Co. 'Olympic Printery ICity Treasurer nept. of Labor and Industries .,Little Holm Tire Co. Shell Oil Co. !iTOVTer Super Service ,Johnson and !Jork ITower Super Service ~ Peninsula Plywood Corp. I L. 1. D. GE!:EilAL J1Ul;D: .. 7 - r" ''''''''' """~"' "~, Publications Auto Parts lndustrial Ins. '" tedical Aid Push Droom Lights, St. Lights =.001 I , same:,1 59.54 4.44 86.24 , 1.50 I 975.76 I the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the Sand, Cement, Cable One Disoatch Book Application for Permit lnd. Ins. I< /.led. Aid Tires, 'l'J.bes, Repairs Anti-Freeze Parts Paint Oxygen and Acet;j'lene One Load Core Wood for Refund of !~otor Fuel Tax 54.27 .62 .50 68.76 215.30 66.09 26.70 .62 12.87 8.24 , 2' Publication 27.50 ~ ,... 412 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ ".m~n ...';',n. '!<Co r:>.. ;.:.tate lreasurj3r ;Stan Foster Angeles Radiator Shop Department of Labor I< Industries Angeles l:achine &. ',felding ',Torks Port Angeles Evening News Peninsula Herald 'LIGHT mND: :{C,71!<f liD &, D Battery & Electric Station Little-Holm Tire Co. Rem,ingto n Rand, Inc. Olympi c Printery liJcMahan fuel Co. IState Treasurer 'Port Angeles Everting News Radio KOHP Wray & RaDer General Electric Co. "llestinghouse Ele ctric Supply Co. Tooker Motor Freight Peninsula Electric Co. Li<le Ji.aterial Co. General Electri c Supply Corp. Dept. of Labor and Industrie s Harris & Schuller of[ ,SANITATION FUND: Fa.. Tower Super Service Dept. of Labor & Industries ,Chittim Bros. Service Olympic Printery LIlF~Y FUND: -<-II ('I ,City Treasurer ,Facific Telephone & Telegraph Co. IGaYlord Bros., Inc. ,Remington Rand, Inc. The Olympic Ele ctric Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Olympic Stationers Jennilu Norris Eppers on & Sons United Janitor Supply ce. Eve ning News Pre s s ,New Method Book Bindery, Inc. 'Doubleday & Co., Inc. A. C. McClurg & Co. yf PARK FUND: 10.( P ~ Dept. of Labor and Industria s Builders Supply Store IVillson Hardware Co. C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad ,eo. F. T. Drewe & Co., Inc. City Light Dept. Cit~r Treasurer PARKING METEJl & TRAFFIC CONTHOL FUND: Dept. of Labor and Industries The Olympic Printery Minnesota !!ining & Mfg. Co. City Treasurer January 14. Taxes Ditching Hepairs Ind. Ins. and 2.:ed. Aid Shop Work Adv. Printing Parts RepP.irs Daters Printing fuel Oil Taxes Adv. Adv. Key Transf. !}iaphgm. Charts Freight Tape, etc. Hardware, SVlit ch Lamps, Meters, and Sockets , Ind. Ins. and Ued. Aid Copper One Hanger Support Bolt lnd. Ins. and l.ied. Aid Overhaul Carburetor Office Supplies Light, Water, Garbage Servi ce 467 Printed Govt. Postals, Library Supplies Pamphlet File s, Catalog Cards Lamps, Starters Service Towels Office Supplies Postage Stamps Book Shelf & Record Cabinet Borated Hand Soap 250 La tterheads Binding Book 300ks Ind. Ins. and !.led. J\id Lwnber Shackles, Handle Freight on Playfield Equipment lIenee Posts Labor and llaterial at Civic Stadium Light, Water, Garbage Ifc' r- Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid Office Supplies, Enve lopes Sales Tax on Scotchlite Recd.--5ee Light s LIBRARY MEIJORIAL FUND: iff!" Evening News Press A. C. McClurg &Co. NeVI Method Book Bindery, Inc. Puget Sound Nel'fS Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Swindland's Music & Radio Shop I ,I 'There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. o ~ g ;;l~. .... Blank Envelopes Books Books Books Books Phonograph Records City clerk , {t;,~ Voucher No. 211 /,,() ~'.J... 925.021 105.00 ' 5.86' ec.71 45.221 2.66 8.45 I ,8.38 ; .1.05 1.34 58.74 38.191 1,939.02 4;18 47.25 .77 7.03 10.65 1.00 1.59< 156.69 561.94 70.95, 5.09! i .55 54.55 4.64, 40.65 10.15' 7.54 25.751 16.17' 9.27 5.23 4.22 2.50 107.00 1.241 7.99 5.68j 1.40' 7.20 25.25 1.10 2.66 41.75 560.00j 357.85 59.73 4.97 59.70 .99 1.061 2.06; 21. 89 3.57, 10.11 6.00: 1.15 ""~ Mayo r I I I I I