HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/1936 ".. 358 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193__ January 15, 1936 The Commission met in reeular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Maycr Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff, and Ulerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read alid>approved. Under the head of npplications for Licenses, the following were granted: Claude ~. Carlson, Soft Drink W. B. Smith, Restaurant ~ 5.00 10.00 I Under the head of New Business, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Port nngeles is the owner of the following described property in said city, to-wit: Lot Three (3), Block Three Hundred Eleven (311), Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, which property has been acquired by the City on foreclosure of delinquent local improve- ment assessments under Chapter 275 of the "es!lion Laws of 1927, and VffiEREAS, one A. G. L~rOUREUX has offered to purchase the said property above de- scribed for the sum of Thirty and nO/lOO ($30.00) Dollars, payable in cash on delivery of deed, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount of the delinquent improve- ment assessments against same. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT~RESOLVED, That the said offer be aocepted and that the City sell the said property at private sale to said A. G. Lamoureux for the sum herein set forth, subJeot to any other valid liens thereon; that the City Rt;orney be instruoted to prepare a deed oonveying the property to the purchaser, and th~ CitW Treasurer be autho,rized to execute the said deed in accordance wi th the provisi ons of this resolution and ~hapter 275, session Laws of 1927. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On rollcall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I CURRENT EXPENSE: The "ommission examined and allovJed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: {[estern Union Wstern Union " 11 II t1 II Olympic Stationers " " " I I WATER FUND: James Hardware Co. 'puget Smund Navigation Co. Paris Motor Co. Edmis ten Machin e Works n ~ II Lincoln Garage Getchell & Gagnon Seattle-Port Angeles Auto Frgt. Co. WAllace Tiernan Sales Corp. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Antone S~ith Grocery Lysall 'lIelding & Forge [Iorks J. D. Schell " Y. A. Samuels on & o. Willson Hardwrae CB. C~ty Li*ht D~pt. iState Dept. Of Labor & Industries liI'm. Brennand ;Dayidson Tie Mill LIGHT FUND: ,Puget Sound Power & Light Co. PARK FUIID Johnson & Bork Grange Warehous e Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardwrae Co. ,Associated Oil Co. Tel~gram $ 12.54 I 2.88 " .54 " .30 " 1.08 Supplies 3.00 " 2.20 Binders S~ ~1 14.05 Columnar Books 23.10 Flashligh t .97 F'reigh t Charges 5.42 Gas and Grease 1. 78 Repahrs Me~er <: .25 1.00 Repal:rs - <:.2" Inspection & Lubrication .75 Freight Charges .88 Repa ir Valve 3.65 Chlorine 14 .31 Supplie s 1.84 Shop Work 4.35 Salary 73.00 I Repa irs Truck 1.56 Supplies 7.55 Gas & Oil 20.34 Lights at rteservoir '1"..... 9.59 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid I~~ '/ 16.83 Store Hent 12.00 Lumber 4.60 Power Bill I 8013.55 Varnish Seed To ols Tools Hardware Gas 5' /11 .... 8.62 10.64 58.25 17.20 10.05 6.75 ,P. A .:;:. RELI EF FUIID: W. Montelius Price Co. Electric Drills, etc. ! 41.25 W. H. Rodgers Salary '5 $ 74.25 There being no furthe~ busirress ,t,he Commission then adjOU~ne. )1 ~.~~ -C~ . Ci ty Clerk -L ~ Mayor , ~