HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 12, 1944 19_ 601~ I I I I I Ci vllian Defene" From Office Aselotance · Dept. Supplies Gas '" 011 120.00 ;19.05 50.00 To Extra Labor ft J41eoellaneouG Office :iupp1ies City Street From Oil Macadam, Street Grading, etc. n "" "n 100.00 800.00 200.00 . To Equipment Repairs ft InsurlUlce Equipment Rental Light Fund From Transformer. &: Parts ft . . To Janitor. Supplies " Insurance 100.00 1000.00 Water Fund From Storekeeper · Office Rent &: Supplies ft Hydrant. & Hydrant Repairs To 4 Pipe. Layers $8400.00 " Insurance State Taxes 100.00 250.00 200.00 Library Fund From Aut. Librarian · Periodicah ft Furniture ft Light '" Water · Up-keep of Grounds Traye1ing Expense Binding To Emergency Help Il BOOD .. .. 1.;; 145.59 3.25 19.12 2.;0 16.to 12.1; Offioe Supplies .. .. .. Park Fund - General From Recreational Development .. .. .. 100.00 20.00 To Seed, Shrub., Fertilizer. eto. Il Tools &: Hard'llaJ"e Park Fund - Playfield From Fuel Light .. .. To Hardware &: Tools .. Seed. Fertilizer, eto. Insurance 100.00 120.00 40.00 It was meTed by Co=1ssioner . Beam .that the toregoingresolutioD_be approved. and adopted.- Seoonded by Commissioner lIuter.. On roll call all members voted aye. The !.Iayor declared..the motion oarried.. There being no further budneas the Commi..ion then adjourned to meet Saturd~, January 15. 1944. at 10 A.M. ?7, /11-~-J1I:;~?~ City Clerk ~l dl~ Mayor January 15, 19L4 Pureuatn to adjournement the Commie sion met at 10 A.M. and _. called to order by Mayor Robinoon. Roll eell .howed the foll(\wing officers present, !.Ie.yor Robineon. COllllllissioners Beam and Master. and Clerk Hawkins. The Commis.ion examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrant. drawn for .wne. Cur~ent Expen.e Fund Street Department Polioe Dept. Pay Roll .. .. 115.00 ;7.50 .{9- yl -V City Street Fund Street Dept. Pay Roll 12:6.00 Park Fund Park De part. Stat!' ltid Filnd Pay Roll 150.00 Civilian Defense Dept. P~ Roll 25.00 Thare being no further bu.~ne.. the Commie.ion then adjourned. ?7.-l1-1.f~ ~J~ ""'-yor City Clerk ~