HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/1951 P"" 86 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .TAnll,(!7 '5r--- 1951_ '"<. . ,"""' ""n.. ."'_.... .""'"..." .... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 It.H., and was called to present were M~or Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney order qy M~or Feeley. Officers Trumbull and Deputy Clerk Carlson. The minutes of the previous meeting were correct with the following insertion: Commissioner.Taylor requested that "in order to correct a typographical error," a resolution be passed by the Commission providing for transfer of $50,299.00 in the Water Fund Budget for 1951 from classification of Capital Outl~ to ~laint enance and Operation. The minutes were then approved. Under the head of application for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Building Permits: DelGuzzi Brothers Dewey Landru F. .C. Waldron I Construct Dwelling & Garage; Lots 39-40-41, Perkins Addition Repair Front & Back Porches; Lot 13, Blk. 342, Townsite Chicken Coop; Lot 11, Blk. 396, Townsite 13,000.00 300.00 500.00 Licenses: Club Cafe Olympic Electri c Co. The Electric Co. Amusement Machine Master Electrician Master Electrician 24.00 10.00 10.00 Under the head of unfinished business bids to furnish for the Park Department Crouse Hinds reflectors were opened as follows: General Electri c Supply Corp.: 66 KL3607 C.H. reflectors @ Hl.OO, $1,188.00; cash disc. 2$, delivery at once. 42 KL3608 C.H. reflectors @ 24.30, $1,020.60; cash disc. 2$, delivery part at once, balance four weeks. Prices quoted are firm for acceptance at once. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.: 66 KL3607 C.H. reflectors @ 18.00, $1,188.00; cash disc. 2$ 42 Id,J608 C.H. reflectors @ 24.30, $1,020.60; cash disc. 2$ Shipment: four weeks from factory. I Commissioner Robinson moved the Commission recess and meet at 1:00 P.~I. at the City Hall, tomorrow, January 16th, to award bid. 110tion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. }lotion carried. One bid was filed for purchase of Lot 17, Block 128, Townsite, as follows: Louis A. Belongia, amount $100.00. Commissioner ToYlor moved that the bid be accepted. Commissioner Robinson seconded the motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried. A letter from the Board of Clallam County Commissioners was read requesting the City, if possible, to extend the city street lights west from "C" Street. Commissioner ToYlor moved that the letter be turned over to Light Supt. McLennan to present recommemation. Commissioner Robinson seconded motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor moved that the estimate for labor and material on Elwha River Contract by Owens Bros., in amount of $11,948.28, be paid. Commissioner Robinson seconded motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried. f( Letter from International Brotherhood of Electrical l'1orkers was received stating.. ."In view of the fact that we received no raise in salary for the year 1950 we feel that we are justified in petitioning you at this time for an adjustment over and above the $15.00 budgeted for 1951".. . and requesting this matter be given consideration. Commissioner Taylor moved that the letter be filed for further consideration. Commissioner Robinson asked if it would be agreeable to have another conference with representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the Commission and Attorney Trumbull present. All ~'ere agreeable. Commissioner Robinson then seconded Commissioner Taylor's motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Ednerson Lawrence spoke regarding the Civil Defense Program. Mr. Lawrence stated they needed additional equipment and would be incurring small expenses within thirty days. The Nelson Equipment Company of Seattle is willing to furnish a generator for radio station Cat the Police Station) at no cost to the City (though the Nelson Equipment Company will still retain legal ownership of same generator). Also the Civil Defense Committee have acquired from the C.A.A. a generator for auxiliary power for Police Transmitter and building, but would require a transformer, at approximate cost of $150.00, to use this generator. I'tr. Lawrence asked specifically if there were any objections to locating a transformer ~or the generator. The Mayor could not see any objection. Commissioner Robinson asked if the plan is for the City and County to both participate in expense. Commissioner Taylor said he would like to have an idea what the County will do, and then see what can be done. Mr. Lawrence reported he would go before the County Commission and report next Monday. I Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following were introduced: RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS WHEREAS, IT APPEARS that requirements of certain departments, and increases in certain commodities and supplies for the year 1950, made necessary the expenditures of sums of monay greater than contemplated, and WHEREAS, the amounts provided for other items within the same legal classification have not been exhausted, and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classification, and WHEREAS, those requirements were not, and could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparation of the budget, NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Attorney's Department: I From Court Costs and Expe ns e To City Matching Contribution $ 25.00 Police Department: From Meals for Prisoners To Gas, Oil, Repair 396.64 Chief's Car Expense Gas, Oil, Repair 64.80 Fuel Plumbing & Heat. Repair 200.81 Dept. Supplies & Equipment Office Records & Supplies 125.00 Janitor Supplies Office Records & Supplies 79.00 J ani tor Supplies Light, Hater, Garba.ge 46.80 Janitor Supplies Telephone 16.00 Radio Supplies Insurance 186.00 Fire Department: From Fi reman I s Relief To Fuel 3.00 ...... Traveling Expense Insurance 141.18 I 1/ I .T.::I.n1J~ry At.h, ~nnt.inllAd, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,..". "".... "",,. ...,'...... ........ ,,,.. .... LIBRARY FUND, continued: New Method Book Bindery Seattle Times Jean KaIT & Co. Pereonal Book Shop Puget Sound News Co. A. C. McClurg & Co. Doubleday & CO. 1St! '1-1 City Street Dept. Gasoline, Repairs Peninsula J1achine Shop Iron City Treasurer Light, Garbage, \Vater James Hardware Co. Nails, Prestone, Solder Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Cement .30 PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 1'1 - City Street Dept. Casoline M. .H. Rhodes, Inc. Magic Links Harris & Schuller Galv. Iron Cut to Order Newspaper Binding Subscription Books Books Books Books Books PARK FUND: of5 CEMETERY FUND: ::2 City Street Dept. Gasoline 85' 19.51- - 63.68 18.00 23.96 30.86 15.87 37.74 7.23 36.99 7.17 63.01 .5.67 37.60 10.56 1.68 2.06 2.45 12.00 44.00 ~/.oJ t1 ~1' MoYor I I ,. , , , I I , I i I I I I i I I I ..... ,,0 FIREHEN'S PENSION FUND: (;;L - J. C. Hay & Associates 1J0 I' ANIMAL CONTROL FUND: 'f-'I- Clallam Co. Humane Society 1 There being no further business, I I I I I \ Jan. Med.--Firemen Dog & Cat Licenses, Pound Fees the meeting was adjourned. /" .' ~~D. 4~ ~ City Clerk I I ~1"'-n': '1'1) nrmmu.:i ---.... l> i~o l ~~fll Li r}~~'r;;:~.~ i ~-.~~/' II \~ h ;:}I ~'! C~li ~~! ~~~~~~~il~~l~::~ Sit~.c 't!itl~O,ij;]I\~F%~~.t ~g,;~~~~~l:!'~[\:;~1~i:,:;~:':~~,'~f'~ .1!f::~\ nl l\'hlllJ ,juJJlkn.t.-e r...IJ,,1 "pot cal- tum ("U~t(;ll\crf' li.l{ht HilI] wakr uills ~~I :\!j~~ ~1l:'ll:li~~~r~~ I:IJ r'i~I~~'l:'C~ l!1.; r igh i ~ J\ulilislle(1/'f::;'U'~'I~.}\,;.:tJ:l n,Ir,{k. j I, 1 1 I I 87" Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington ,- '"~. ,"'"-". "."". "",'".... ,,,.-,.. ..... ... ! CITY STREET FUND: From Sewer Maintenance , Sewer Maintenance I Sewer Maintenance l LIGHT FUND: 1 From Groundman City's Matching Contribution Office Supplies Collection Expense Telephone Advertising Building Maint. & Supplies Buildi ng J.laint. & Supplies Fuel Legal & DalIBges Taxes Contri bution-Prior Service Advertising Street Light Equipment Street Light Equipment Street Light Equipment Laboratory Equipment Street Light Fixtures Office Equipment Radio Equipment Radio Equipment Buildings & Grounds Truck Purchase LIBRARY FUND: From Periodicals Records Repai r s SANITATION FUND: ..1 From Repairs, Tires, Upkeep ~ . Repairs, Tires, Upkeep PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: il From Paint, Repairs, etc. I Paint, Repairs, etc. I Commissioner Robinson moved that the Commissioner T~lor. All voted Aye. .TJ\mlAry 15th, ~nnt;nllp.9J To Gas, Oil, Tires Light, Hater, etc. Prior 3ervice To Line Crew Overtime Truck & Equipment Maint. Truck & Equipment 11aint. Truck & Equipment Maint. Truck & Equipment Maint. Supt. Car Expense Sub-stn. Maintenance Meter Parts & Repairs Purchase of Elec. Current Purchas e of Elec. Current Purchase of Elec. Current Purchase of Elec. Current Purchase of Elec. Current Meters Tools, & J1isc. Suppli es Line Material & Transf. Line Material & Transf. Line Material & Transf. Line Material & Transf. Sub-stn. Equipment Line Material & Transf. Line Material & Transf. Line Material & Transf. To Books Books Office llecords & Supplies To Gas and Oil Insurance To Insurance Traffi c Control 19u51_ $ 230.00 15.00 10.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 400.00 250.00 100.00 10.00. 420.00 380.00 600.00 175.00 26,190.00 1,500.00 190.00 1,000.00 550.00 3,350.00 400.00 500.00 1,400.00 15.00 480.00 3,800.00 3CO.00 1.91 3.09 10.97 185.00 130.00 foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. .Motion seconded by Motion carried. 20.00 30.00 RESOLUTION 1\'HEREAS, in the budget for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1951 there appears in the section of said budget devoted to the Water Department, on page 69 of said budget, an item for renewal of mains, services, meters, etc. in the amount of $50,299.00; and loJHEREAS, said item was by inadvertence and mistake budgeted under the classification of Capital Outlay, whereas, the items for which said sum is to be expended are in fact Maintenance and Operation, and said item should have been classified as Maintenance and Operation; not<, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: That said item of $50,299.00 appropriated and budgeted for the renewal of.mains, services, meters, etc. in the ,later Department of the City of Port Angeles and inadvertently classified as Capital Outlay be, and the same is hereby, transferred to and the classification thereof changed to J1aintenance and Operation. Commissioner Taylor moved that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Motion seconded by .-Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the introduction of ordinances the following were placed on third reading: ]. ORDINANCE NO. 1240 . I I AN ORDINANCE approving and adopted the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1951 and \ declaring an emergency. Commissioner Robinson moved that the above ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Motion . seconded by Commissioner T~lor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1241 AN ORDINANCE confirming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1951, and fixing tax levies for said year as heretofore made and levied by the City Commission of said City meeting and sitting for such purpose on the 6th day of October, 1950, and declaring an emergency. I Commissioner Robinson moved that the above ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Motion i seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The revision of the lease between the Downtown Parking Assn., Inc., and the City, for the E2 Lot 6 and wf : Lot 5, Block 1, Tidelands East of Laurel, was again brought up. Attorney Trumbull stated the main change in the lease were pr<!lvisions so that the Parking Lot Assn. moY make a charge. However, merely as a matter I. of policy, Mr. Trumbull suggested the Commission have the lease modified so that they have control of charge. Commissioners Robinson and Taylor thought it a very good suggestion. Mayor Feeley moved that the : matter be taken up tomorrow at 1:00 o'clock, when the meeting is reconvened. Motion seconded by Commissioner j Robinson. Mayor Feeley stated he would contact Frank Fountain of the Downtown Parking Assn. regarding the I meeting. All voted Aye on the motion. Motion carried. ~ "'88 lil.. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 15th, continued, 19~ '"". . "".0,. K""m "'........ ...".. ..... .... Commissioner Taylor moved that a call for bids for one new 1950 or 1951 model Department, bids to be opened January 29th, specifications to be made by City Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. coupe for the Engineer's Engineer. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor moved that the Owens Bros. contract on Ediz Hook be extended to take in an extra 1,400 feet of piling, if that is within the legal right of the City and subject to approval by the City Attorney. ~w. Taylor stated there is approximately $4,000.00 available for this work, and the Owens Brothers would drive piling at same rate . listed in contract, plus extra charge for bull dozing required. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson.. All voted Aye. 14otion carried. City Attorney Trumbull reported that lI~ry Kochanek's claim for damages had been turned down by the Insurance Company. Mr. Trumbull stated that the claim could be compromised. Commissioner Robinson moved that the Attorney take the matter under advisement. Commissioner Tqylor seconded the.motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~I Commissioner ToYlor reported complaint of logging trucks parking on parking strips on Pine Hill. Police Chief Ide was asked to look into the matter. The C",mmission examined and :tProved the follqwing CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: ,,~~ Peninsula Fuel Company Olympic Stationers claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 41.18 20.96 4.12 64.68 8.64 1 25,097.31 5.6i 29.23 24.00 17.00 20.00 2!). 08 3.17 9.94 1.24 4.35 35.73 229.31 Fuel Oil Records Books, Thinner CITY STREET FUND: Harris & Schuller /).. If- Galv. Pipe & Ells j:L. i'lATER FUND: 73 - : Rensselaer Valve Co. Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 Hyd. Barrell Electric Service 15 LIGHT FUND: ~.../ li:< - Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1. Luvaas Firestone Service Line Material Co. ..- SANITATION FUND: ifl- Peninsula Fuel Co. Little Holm Tire Co. 51 LIBRARY FUND: 10:3", Peninsula Fuel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Composi tion Products Co. Port Angeles Public Library Goss Stationery Olympic Electric Co. King & Folk Music Co. Dec. Power Tire Repair St. Light Shades Fuel Oil Parts & Repairs Fuel Oil Telephone Service r\ys tik Tape Supplies Supplies Repairs Records Sf ,<t:l.9 ... Steel Pipe PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Pacifi c \Vater 1'Iorks Supply Co. Commissioner Robinson moved the meeting be recessed until 1:00 0' clock tomorrow, January 16th, at the City Hall. It,otion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 110tion carried, and the meeting .was. negessed until 1:00 P.M. tomorrow. January 16, 1951. I' The lJIeeting re-convened at 1:00 P.M., JanuaI"J 16, 1951, at the City Hall, and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Tqylor, Attorney Trumbull and Deputy Clerk Carlson. Under the head of unfinished business Mayor Feele.y moved that the Park Department bid for Crouse Hinds reflectors be reduced pro rata on each type of bid s'" that the total ~ount of bid did not exceed $1,800.00. ~lotion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Hayor Feeley then moved that, as General Electric Supply Corp. stated delivery of KL36C7 C.H. reflectors at once and KL3608 C.H. reflectore part at once, balance four weeks, their bid be accepted, as qualified by the previous motion. Commissioner Robinson seconded the motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Waino Saari, representing the Downtown Parking Assn., appeared before the Commission regarding revision of lease. The Hayor felt that there should be included in the lease provisions either limiting amount that could be charged to same as city charges or charge subject to approval of City Commission. Mr. Saari could see no Objection to charge subject to approval of City Commission, though the intention of the Downtown Parking Assn. is not to charge, only so that people do not abuse their priytlege. )/'"'. Saari stated that he would talk the matter over with the Downtown Parking Assn. and report to the Commission at a future date. Commissioner Robinson moved that the Attorney and Downtown Parking Committee work out detail and submit it for further consideration. Motion seconded by COll"JIussioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. ~ e ;ia-w-" tI City Clerk -~IiLr I M~or LEGAL PUBLICATIONS XtJ'I'll'I'~ 'I'~t IlIUUI.;II.... X(]lil'p"i~' 11P["l'!lj" l,:"ivt'1l lhnl h,-,a"~,l hill:-< will he n.ct'iYt-rl l)~' the ; 'it." Ch~IJ., {)( \llt' elly of 1'(0["1. _-\Il~(.>k_'l. '~~i~~;jl~~ :[~~~)l~'~~~~: ~:~;.;~E~~~~ill;;1 :j;~~::~Y~l; or J!}"l 1Il1)(lel ,'DUll", 1 i fli~~;~1! (' :,\;,{,ll~e 1:~~"{'~I::.lJ~~:li;flo ~f'~;H~ l;~'~ ~~~li~f~lii;~'lt~~t~rir~~i(~~~~:i~\:~,;:1'?il~;~ ~~ ~:~;::,1;:~1!i~:!~u ~Il~~: .::'~~;~~~; ~>>Il~ ~~,. t t