HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/1953 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JallUaIj' 15 d~ '"<. . '''''', """., .'m~... ,..,,,..,.,,.. .... ' The City Council of the City of Port Angeles ,met in regular session at 7:30 P.M" and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, ?andison, Powell, Wolfe, McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the regular meeting January- 2, and the special meeting of January 12, be approved as received. Motion. seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted 'Aye. 1 Motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing for Improvement District No. 163, being Arterial Street Improvement, was opened. Mayor Smith requested Fred C,. Strange, Chairman of the Planning II Commission, to explain in detail the proposed improvement. Mr. Strange informed that streets most used were designated as arterials and sb.ould be first considered. Explained the metb.od of raising I funds for improvements and b.ow limi,ted by State Statutes. Also cited kind of material and wb.ere the same will be used. Described division by zones as required by Statutes, and ratio of cost proportioned according to positions in blocks. Tb.e room being filled, and more interested property owners desiring to hear and be heard, a recess was declared and meeting adjourned to the High. School Auditorium where tb.e meeting reconvened and Mr. Strange repeated explanations for benefit of all, after which the meeting was opened for discussion I and questions. Following said discussion, protests and objectio,ns were filed for record as follows: G. W. McGrath, 501 E. Stb. St. moved that in as much as the meeting place has been changed, the same is invalid and registered his Rrotest. Francis Brennand, 602 S. Race Street Emma Brennand and Bernice Garster, daughter, 604 S. Race W. W. and Doris L. Bocamper, No. Ennis Street W. F. Hendricks, 320 E. 6th St. James E. Maxfield, 522 S. Race St. Mrs. H. R. Downs, 522 S. Race Mrs. E. 6. Jack, No. 100' of Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 269, Townsite It was moved by Councilman Brown tb.at the hearing be closed the City proceed with proposed improvement. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. ,All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The following Ordinances were tb.en introduced and read in full for consideration by the Council: ORDINANCE NO. 1295 AN ORDINANCE of the Gity of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of certain streets by the installation of cement and asphalt concrete pavement and storm sewers and by doing all other work incidental thereto and necessary in connection therewith, all in accordance ~~th a resolution of the City Council passed and approved December la, 1952, creating a local improvement district therefor, and providing tb.at the payment for said improvements be made by special assessments u~n tb.e property in said district payable by tb.e mode of "payment by bonds." It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. On roll call, all members voted Aye. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1296 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance and sale jOf general obligation bonds of the city in the principal sum of $400,000 to provide funds to pay part of the cost of capital improvements to certain of the main traveled arterial streets in the city as more specifically provided in Ordinance No. 1275 of the city, passed and approved February Ill, 1952, and as authorized by the qualified electors of the city at a special election held therein on March 11, 1952, providing the date, form, terms and maturities of said bonds, for annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount to pay the principal and interest thereof, and creating a fund for their payment. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. On roll call, All voted Aye. Tb.e Mayor declared the motion unanimously carried. Under the b.ead of new business, the Council received reports of claims paid as of January 14, 15, 16. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claims as listed be allowed. Seconded by Councilman Isandison and carded. Reports of folice Judge Reynolds for the month of October showing $2175.50 fines collected and for Ithe month of December, showing $2117.50 fines collected, were approved and ordered filed. Police Chief Ide filed b.is annual report for the year of 1952 of the Police Department. It was moved by Councilman Powell that the report be accepted and filed. Secollled by Councilman Brown. All ~voted Aye. Motion carried. IEmil Scb.ilke requested in writing that a minimum price be fixed for purchase from the Cityof Lot No. 47, Townsite, being a ten acre tract at loth and N Streets. The request was referred to the City Manager. I Wendell I"<eCain requested tb.at the Council consider replacement of the stairway at First and Laurel IStreets, citing advant<<es by installation of the same. The Council agreed to consider requested replacement. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the folloWing was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. A Resolution requiring the construction of ~ks, curbs and gutters by and at tb.eecpense of tb.e property owner on certain streets in the City of Port Angeles, Washington. I WHEREAS, conditions prevailing on ~ce Street between Front Street and First Street in Itb.e City of portAngeles, require the improvement of said street by the construction of sidewalks, 'Icurbs and gutters along the easterly margin of said street from First Street nortb. to the southerly lmargin of tb.e alley running througb. Block Twenty-two (22) in Norman R. Smith'sSubdivision of the ITownsite of Port Angeles for the immediate preservation of the public welfare, safety and convenience; am! I WHEREAS, tb.e City Council of tb.e City of Port Angeles has determkled tb.at sudh improvement !shall be required to be constructed by tb.e owner of the property abutting on such improvement, which lproperty is described as Lot Ten (10) in Block Twenty-Two (22) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of Ithe Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County; Washington; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES that the owner of Lot Ten 1(10) in Block Twenty-two (22) of Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam, Icounty, Wasb.ington, be, and he is b.ereby, required to improve tb.e street upon wb.ich said property abuts, to-wit: llunice Street in tb.e City of Port Angeles, by the laying and construction thereon along the easterly margin thereof from the nortb.erly margin of First Street to the soutb.erly margin of the alley running through. said Block Twenty-two (22), cement concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, lac cording to the specifications of and on the grade and in the location established by the City Engineer I 301-' ~ 302 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 15 continued 19~ ,.<. . ""''', ""',", m,,~..., '....m ..... 41>- of the City of Port Angeles~ ~uch laying, construction and installation of such improvements shall be entirely at the cost and expense of the owner of such abutting property and shall be cOlllllenced within 30 days after tb.e date hereof,.. and shall be completed within 45 days after the commencement thereof. That if such improvement and construction is not undertaken and canpleted within the time herein specified, the City of Port Angeles will perform or complete the improvement and assess the cost tb.ereof against the abutting property and the owner thereof. That a public hearing will be held. upon tb.is Resolution on Thursday, the 5th day of February, 1953, at the Council Chamber of tb.e City of Port Angeles at 215 South Lincoln Street in said city, at tb.e hour of 7:)0 P.M.. for the purpose of Bearing protests of an objections to said improvement and pro- ponents thereof. That said b.earingmay be pestponed from time to time to a definite date until final hearing is held, at wb.ich time th e Council will b.ear persons who appear for or against the improvement, and will determine whether it will or will.not proceed with the improvement and whether it will make any changes in the original plan, and what sucb. changes shall be, if a!\y. That the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles is hereqy directed to prepare plans and specifications for such improvements, and to establish the grade and l<Jll.tion thereof and to have available in his office and to furnish to the owner of the abutting property upon demand 10 days after the date hereof such plans and specifications and such grade and location ~t was moved by Councilman Wolfe tb.at the foregoing resolution be approved aM adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjouraed. (). G. (J ';t:aur Clerk _ '. 11 ,..n~ : t~~ ~R;I~ ~~~~i(~J;)~:1 ~~;rtrl r~.,i~~i ~; ;t'l~ J:h:'~~t;;P g 1,'" II t"ll:1 J'~' ;" ; !J;,:I, n t t h t" {~ll~ Iltlll i1 ( 14!1 \\'u:;t Fl"l'"ml f-:tr('l't III f<,dd l'lt..., for th~ hnpr'lv'-.ml'nl (,f l'IHLlIllfl'l",~ I !'>1T('bl fl"um th," al]r',i" l'dw,-.'tl I~Hl'''- , !illl: n.ll<l CuhlmhLl !{~I'{'(.li<, :\'ort!hl'ly tll C"lumt.jfl ~tl f'N. IUld j 'oltllnhill. StI','{'l from 'l point :lPlJr"ximlll,'I~' iiI) {('(ot \.'.','''t or Ch[LllIil~'r8 Str,-,.! ~'al'l- I"rl",- to '-l J.ninl .Q'IJt<>:;:irl1ull']Y :l]11 f....t ('!1st or (,"!L1Hnl>{",,,, Stll"'l 11\' tlll- I ~lf~,II~.~l i: lt~~t~ ~ EI~~;:~; l;~~,~ 'I~;::l~:~:}~!; ~~:~. ~ t; . Ht~;lt~~~;~<Xr"tl-(;I~;' :If'('om''nnll'o lw i. ~~ ;:~\':,I:{:jl~~' ~~~:l:' l;r~1 ;:Ii'(i:;: ,;:~!t:~:,:) i :~~ ~!1~ I :~~t:~h,~r'~t~J~lt ACI~1~:1~~.l':\\:~~:~'I;117~t~;;~ 'Jr lh~ hkl "'" l'IW( h;. ('''fl~ld'''I'pd. A , Boud (If 'lI1[),~u''IIt'tl'i,.1 1]()tI) 1'.')' e"nt i of tilt' ;uI.lliUI1t nf lh., f'lln:I'[\l'l pl'kt' 1111J:<1 IH' rllrlJi1<hl:J' h:).' tilt- >llu'('1,s"ful ~:,4~f)~~~1 n,~tt~'~"~:n\':"f~i~:f~ lh.:l~;'/l'; C!l.rk UI10ll d('i,mitinl( 111l' l'um of $f,.(IU, \\"I\:('h sum will 1>(' r..rUII.l!'11 r :.~.t :IJ:.~; ,.~I~l(:l~ h~l lit?) ,.~\~" I;: ,ri.\':_"~ il'l:~~ I ii/I~; nl'(' (JjH-:llt;d . 'rlH' City ('dUllell rf's"ry<'s lhl" ril"}Jt II to ll'j..ct nll~' Ol' all Ilir1.<;, I'll h.: :~ a I;:;' ~~~A~~'.'b.::j:~ '\'1 ~~,1~(:1'~~ l . . ~~~ Mayor I I I ) II