HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/2002 4587 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 15, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson. Staff Present: Manager Quirm, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, T. Smith, L. Dunbar, B. Kajfasz, G. Kenworthy, G. Drake, and C. Kochanek. Public Present: L. Lee, T. Price, C. Knebes, D. Kari, R. Ehm, J. Brewer, W. Cunningham, S. Storseth, and J. Fors. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Headrick. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, Mayor Wiggins presented certificates to the participants and Savings Bonds to the PRESENTATIONS AND winners of the Kaptain Kilowatt Poster Contest. Those participating in the contest were PROCLAMATIONS: Krystal Walter, Abigail Walker, Ben Grover, Emily Drake, Chelsea Drake, Ben Flowers, Kaitlyn Walter, Nick Beasley, Trevor Drake, Alex Walter, Dave Walter, Owen Kaptain Kilowatt Poster Kajfasz, and the overall winner of the contest, Troy Belveal. Councilman Braun Contest Presentation moved that the Council approve the agreement with Troy Belveal. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Sponsors of the contest included Bonneville Power Administration, Can-Do Construction, Dave's Heating and Cooling Service, Den-Ree Productions, Glass Services Company, and Mathews Glass Company. The overall winning poster will be used as a Utility billing insert that will include no-cost ways to reduce energy use. WORK SESSION: 1. Morse Creek Basin Watershed Plan Recommendations Morse Creek Basin Director Collins reviewed the items accepted by the Council at the January 2, 2002, Watershed Plan meeting and changes made in the interim. Director Collins summarized the major Recommendations recommendations, and consensus was reached on the following: Instream Flows: I. Not to proceed forward until after discussions have taken place between City, Tribes, and other agencies; there can be no absolute until the hydro issues have been resolved. II. Incorporated into I. III. City is in opposition, consistent with EMMT Water Quantity: I. There is serious concern due to possible cancellation of water rights; need to proceed cautiously and ask DOE to identify the water rights and water being -1- 4588 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 15, 2002 WORK SESSION: drawn. (Cont'd) II. DOE and Department of Health not in agreement, but it was agreed that EMMT and State have more work to accomplish on this item. The result may Morse Creek Basin well apply to the Elwha in the future. Watershed Plan III. City is primary supplier of water, but concern has been expressed about sports Recommendations (Cont'd) fishing regarding interbasin transfer of new surface diversions. There seems to be support for coordinated water system plan. Should not negatively impact City. IV. Accepted at last meeting, but there needs to be ongoing work with EMMT. Will return item to City Council when final proposed language is known. Water Quality: III. Agreed to reject. V. Agreed to reject. Habitat: I. & IV. Not supported by City. II. Suggested that "to the extent possible" be changed to "as opportunities allow". VI. Rejecting removal of bridge VII. ' Too broad; should be eliminated. VIII. Add "as opportunities allow" to language. X. Should place the duty on EMMT since they lack technical capabilities. XII. Need more information before acceptance or rejection XIII. Need more information before acceptance or rejection After further discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to approve the modifications to the Morse Creek Basin Watershed Planning as presented. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Director Collins indicated another work session on this matter at a future date. LATE ITEMS TO BE Carol Knebes, 134 E. 8t~ Street, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Port AngeleS Fine PLACED ON THIS OR Arts Center, extended an invitation to the Council, guests, and staff to attend the FUTURE AGENDA: January 20~ presentation by Jake Seniuk, Director of the Fine Arts Center, on the 15- year history of the Center. FINANCE: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Following a brief question and answer session, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1)Acceptance and Release of Retainage for Tree Trim Contract; 2) Contract with United Way for 2002 Human Services Funding; 3) Acceptance of Office of Community Development Grant for Comprehensive Plan Update; 4) Agreement with P.A. Chamber of Commerce for 2002 Tourist Promotion Services; 5) Bid Acceptance for self-contained breathing air compressor; 6) Purchase of three Police vehicles; 7) City Council Minutes - December 27,2001 special meeting; 8) City Council Minutes - January 2, 2002 regular meeting; 9) Check Register - January 10, 2002 - $942,806.49; 10) Payroll Information - January 9, 2002 - $441,929.42; 11) Electronic Payments - January 4, 2002 - $165,024.00. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ORDINANCES NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Rogers attended the UAC meeting on the renewal of the cable COMMITTEE franchise and also represented the City at the joint meeting of the Clallam County REPORTS: Economic Development Council and the State Community Trade and Economic Development regarding the Clallam Networks. Ms. Rogers also attended an Elected -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4589 January 15, 2002 CITY COUNCIL Officials reception in Seattle. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Coht'd) Councilman Headrick attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting on the Rayonier clean-up, and he discussed the level of arsenic found in the area. Mayor Wiggins suggested that Councilmembers e-mail committee reports prior to the formation of the agenda in order that others may formulate questions prior to Council meetings. All members concurred. Councilman Williams attended the Chamber of Commerce board meeting and commented on the hard work of the Chamber on the tourism marketing contract. Russ Veenema, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, thanked the Council for its support in the Chamber's endeavors this coming year. He indicated he would be submitting quarterly reports to the Council. RESOLUTIONS: Mayor Wiggins summarized the recommendation, and Public Works & Utilities Deputy Director Kenworthy responded to the Council's questions and expressed desire to Resolution Providing for support local businesses. Deputy Director Kenworthy explained the City's policy to Informal Bidding, Small rotate use of those listed on the Small Works Roster. Following further discussion, Works Roster, and Limited Mayor Wiggins read the Resolution by title, entitled Public Works Process Resolution No. 1-02 RESOLUTION NO. 1-02 A RESOLUTION of'the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the procedures for use of informal bidding and small works rosters to allow for a limited public works process as authorized by a recent change in state law and repealing Resolution 10-00. Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. OTHER 1. Reappointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees CONSIDERATIONS: Clerk Upton reviewed and explained the reappointments to City Boards, Commissions, Reappointmentsto City and Committees, following which Mayor Wiggins read the recommendation. Boards, Commissions, Councilman Braun moved to approve the reappointments to City Boards, and Committees Commissions, and Committees, as proposed and, further, to direct City staff to seek interested applicants to fill vacancies as identified, via news releases, paid ads, and the like. Couneilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Confirmation of City 2. Confirmation of City Council Committee Assignments Council Committee Assignments Mayor Wiggins deferred to Manager Quinn to review the Council Committee Assignments. The Council appointed chairs of the individual committees as needed and confirmed that the assignments were complete and accurate. Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:50 p.m. Recommendation from 3. Recommendation from Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Downtown Forward Regarding Conference Center Proposals Advisory Committee Regarding Conference Economic Development Director Smith began by reviewing and summarizing the Center Proposals background steps taken to solicit and approve a proposal for the Conference Center by those involved. -3- 4590 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 15, 2002 Recommendation from Mayor Wiggins invited members of the audience to speak on the proposal. Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Michael Leuhers, representing the Red Lion Hotel, expressed concerns that the Landing Regarding Conference proposal was less favored with regard to the hotel's involvement with the convention Center Proposals (Cont'd) center and asked the Council to proceed with caution. He requested that questions be answered regarding marketing programs which may take a greater market share from existing lodges and stressed the West Coast Hotels' interest in the proposal for the Landing project. Following a question by Mayor Wiggins, Mr. Leuhers explained the issue of the additional $150,000.00 cost involved in the Ravenhurst proposal. Councilman Campbell pointed out the committee's interpretation of the proposal, to include the fact that Ravenhurst would be the landlord and the City would be the tenant. Brian Pettyjohn, 518 South Liberty, spoke on behalf of the Cascadia Center for the Performing and Literary Arts and Conference Center. Referencing their proposal, he informed the Council that they are going forward with their plan to build the regional center. Cascadia will be relying on major donors; they will be creating a formal proposal for Council's review within the next two weeks which will include fundingfor their feasibility study. He ended by asking the Council for their assistance in realizing the building of the center. Leonard Beil, 3721 Park Knoll, Commissioner for the Port of Port Angeles, stated that he is happy to see the City has reached this point in deliberations, having taken the lead in development of the Port's property. He emphasized that the Port Commissioners will be very responsive to the final financial arrangements with either of the two properties and that he does not foresee any particular problems in reaching those financial agreements. He thanked the City for its lead role in this matter and looked forward to future benefits for the community. Russ Veenema, 121E. Railroad Ave., Director of the Chamber of Commerce, thanked the Council and all involved for the progress on the convention center project. He acknowledged that this would be a difficult decision by the Council considering all matters involved. Mr. Veenema further mentioned the negative image of Port Angeles and his hopes that current ad campaigns and the completion of the center would work to provide a facelift to the community, thus the ability to attract more and larger businesses and tourism. In closing, Mr. Veenema expressed the support of the Chamber in the Council's selection of the Ehin Proposal. John Platte, 140 DelGuzzi Drive, Best Western Olympic Lodge, commended the City and the Council for the results of their work within the last three years. In his experience, the City is not facing issues that are not inherent in other cities in the State; therefore, the concerns regarding existing lodges are not unfounded. Speaking from his experience in the hotel business, Mr. Platte commented that no marketing plan will fill a hotel; the hotel fills itself through customer service. Mr. Platte expressed his excitement about where the community is headed, but cautioned that the community not dilute the existing businesses. Councilman Campbell commented on the competent and professional review team involved in this project and emphasized that what the Council is considering is not permitting the construction of a hotel or conference center, but that the Ehm Architecture proposal be put forth for the next stage of review to see if the project can be financed successfully, that the business plan is complete and adequate, that the marketing plan supports the business plan, and that the ground-lease purchase can be obtained from the Port / DNR, all to realize a viable business. He further emphasized that the Council is not rejecting any other proposals; all three, in some form, would be beneficial. He complimented the lodging representatives on their concerns and involvement in this process and stressed that the purpose behind this project is to bring people to Port Angeles which will raise the occupancy rates at all hotels. What the City -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4591 January 15, 2002 Recommendation from hopes to see is an increase in tourism and conference activities in Port Angeles and the Downtown Forward entire County. The community must continue to invite and encourage private Advisory Committee investment in the community in order to continue to grow and to attract private capital. Regarding Conference Councilman Campbell then moved to accept the recommendations by the RFP Center Proposals (Cont'd) Review committee, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, and the Downtown Forward Advisory Committee that the Ehm Architecture Proposal for the development of a hotel/conference center on the Oak Street Site is the "preferred proposal" and authorize staff to proceed with a 45-business-day "due diligence phase" during which the final review and negotiation of the Ehm Architecture Proposal should occur. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Following comments by Councilmembers Braun, Rogers, and Williams on the issue of the recommendation allowing only a review of the proposal, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. In response to the favorable vote, Randall Ehm addressed the Council and audience and expressed his excitement with this project. He also affirmed that Ehm Architecture's work on the project, in response to Director Smith's comments, has been with the idea of the possibility of the project, not the assumption. He thanked the Council for its support of the project and also City staff, Director Smith, members of the Port Commission, the Port Angeles Business Association, the Downtown Forward Committee, North Olympic Visitor & Convention Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, and Peninsula Daily News, among others. Following a brief review of steps taken to enter the "due diligence phase," design alternatives, promotions for the conference center, and proposed start dates, Mr. Ehm expressed his dedication to making this a viable project. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: Manager Quinn mentioned the Elected Officials Workshop that some Councilmembers will attend, the upcoming meeting with Congressman Dicks, and thc rescheduling of the Gateway meeting to the first half of February. He further directed attention to the City Investment Policy Certification, summarized by Finance Director Ziomkowski; an update on the Lauridsen & Race Street traffic signal repairs, explained by City Engineer Kenworthy; and the prioritization of the 2002 Council Goals. The Council then agreed to set a work session for Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 5:00 p.m., for purposes of orientation and further consideration of the Goals & Objectives. EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, M~yor B~cky J. IJl~, ~il~Clerk" - --' -5- 4592 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK