HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/16/1950 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 6231 I J a nlliLO"-ln., 19~ ....-. ..y....................__.... 1&17. ~ 'The Commission met in rogular session at 10:00 /l.lL., and was called to order by Ii.ayor feeley. uf:'icers preuent were: ?fayar :Ii'eeley" Commissioners Robinson and 1'aylor J fl.ttorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. i V:inutes of the previous session were read and approved. , . I Under the head of applications for huildine permits and licenses, the following were approved:, .:: Uui:lding Permits: .:<' -i () 0" ,Fra,nk PolloY( l:ove House; Lot 15, 81k. 1, Hartt Ie Cooke Sub. !\alph I~awrence !temodel Garage; Lot 6, iHk. 286, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Remodel Existing Storeroom; Lot 8, Dlk. 16, N.R.Smith Add. Dellluzzi Bros. Xemodel Store Front; Lot 1, lJlk. 10, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-l'oom Dwelling; Lot 15, Lllk. 207, Townsite Van Kettel Construct 7-lloom Dwelling; Lots 52-55-54, Perkins Sub. 1,000.00 400.00 4,000.00 600.00 7,000.00 9,000.00 Licenses: ~ If ~. Vlijinie 's Dress Shop Holmer I s Cafe Holmer's Cafe Second lJand Dealer, 6 Mos. Hestaurant Soft Drink 7.50 12.00 5.00 IUnd~r the bead of unfinished business, t,he Commission again considered bids submitted for purchase of a shovel and backhoe for City Departments. CO!lliJlissioner Taylor informed that after thorough study and ,consideration it is recommended by the Engineer and ITater Supt., alsp his opinion, that the bid submitted :'by Bow Lake l>quipment Company for a Standard P. & H. 150, at 1,\1l,Bll.00, including lB" crawlers and backhoe, sho\lld be accepted. It was therefore moved by Commissioner Taylor that the said bid be accepted. Seconded i; by Commissioner Robinson. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The 1isyor declared the motion carried. ~ I:undcr the head of new business, the re,ports of Police Judge Phillip',; showing November collections ",1,4~2.00~ :and December collec Lions $1,4 7~ .50, were approved and ordered filed. Also the annual report showing total I icollections, $15,273.00, was approved and ordered filed. I The annual report of Fire Chief Wolverton for the year 1949 was submitted, approved, and ordered filed. I Correspondence from J. C. Claypool, Distnct 1ngineer, instructing that the City is authorized to voucher the State Higlnvay Dept. for costs of labor, materials snd equipment t:.sed in connection with Jcb No. C-405, I Primary,State highway tlo. 9, and not to exceed $1,000.00, \Vas read before the Commission. This pertaining to traffic signals, the matter wss referred to Light Supt. McLean. I Commissioner Taylor reported on the condition of the road on Ediz Hook, bu/:(;esting that the Commission I ! negotiste with the Coast Guard and Army Engineers reqt:.esting co-operation in repair and preservation of the road. Commissiolwr Taylor was authorized to.proceed with negotiations. 'Lou Ydszak~ operator of the Port Angeles Transit System, spoke before the Gowaission regarding condition of streets used for his routes, also Uccupational tax due. It was his opinion that if streets were improved ,he YlOuld have less parts and repair expense and would be better able to pay tax. That the system being locally owned and operated, should be tax exempt. Commissioner Taylor informed that the City is coing all possible to keep atreets open, and could promise nothing during the present emergency. Also that the City , has a Franchise contract, and tttat all parties concerned sbould comply Ylith the same. Commissioner Robinson' i suggested a meeting of the Cor.lmissionJ Attorney" and Mr. KiszakJ at which time records would be exa'llined and' la satisfactory plan worked out. funder the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: I HESOWTIOII ruR 1'AANSJ'ER OF IT1'MS ~VITHIN }'UNDS IYIHEIiliAS, IT APPEIIRS, That rc,<uirements of certain departments for the year 1949, made necessary the expend- litures of sums of money greater than centemplated, and IIDfEHEAS, the amount provided for other ~tems vnthln the same legal classification have not been ey..haused, land portions of the said sums can be transferred within t he same legal claosification, and 'NHEHEALiJ those requirements Viere not and could net have be8Il reasonable foreseen at the time of preparation of the budget; ,NQ)'I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESULVED, Tbat the following transfers of funds be made, tewit: CURHEN'l' EXPENSE FlIIID: Police Department: City's matching contributions City's matchin( contributions Department Supplies 70.00 30.00 70.00 to Office records end supplies to Insuranc e to Insurance Fire Department: li'iremen IS relief to Truck operation 5.00 CITY STREET FUND: Equipment rental to Insurance 25.00 WA TER FUllD: '1'ools, hardT/are, ete. to Road maintenance, dam, 100.00 LIGHT I'VND: Telephone to Insursnc e 100.00 SANITATION FUND, Suptls car expense to Insurance 50.00 PAliK ~1JND: Equipment purchase to Cityls matching contrirrlltions SO.OO Equipment purchase to Tools and hardware 5.00 It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. E.obinson. All voted Are. Motion carried. Seconded by Commissioner I ~ .....4 ,..- 624 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 16. continue~, 19-.15SL I;rhe Commission examined !CURRENT EXPENSE l'U NIl: 'Davis flgency Jerry Nelson Agency ,Assn. of "ii"ash. Cities ,Art Burnside & Co. J'uget Sound stamp !Iorks ,City Troa surer hTY STREET FUND: "Jerry Nelson Agency :Nailor Lumber Co. , 1:1- I'IATER FUND: / j" - Jerry Nelson Agency Water Works gngineeri,~ Little-Holm Tire Co. /0 LIGHT liUNIl: .:;; ~ 0 ,Jerry Nelson Agency 'Renshav{ls Service Air Reduction Pacific Co. 'Air Heduction :-acific Co. Tooker ~otor Frt. '"Hillson Hardware Co. Joslyn Pacific Go. ueneral Electric Co. Line Uaterial Co. Internat 11 Assn. Else. .lnsI=€ctors, and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 17 8'0(, - Bond Officials Bonds Service r'ee 20 Cas LTun "hells Bike Lie ens e Pla te s Postage 50.00 130 .00 40B .00 22.66 175.51 20.00 /tJ:2. Bond Premium 500' --2x4 Lumber 5.00 ' 14.42 I Bond Premium Sub. Hepairs 10.00 4.00 4.12 Bond Premium Fan Belt Frt. Chgs. lias t'rt. Chgs. St. Light Lamps Tool J1eters ;'lire Dues 10.00 1.34 1.07 4.43 1.55 ~6 .37 76.4B ' 22.B2 439.04 7.00 I SANITATION :FUND: ~ ~ ~ / Jerry Ilelson Agency Olympic Printery Bond Premium Supplies CONTROL !"UND: :; ~ :3 Bond PremiillIl Pos ta ge 5.00 17.41 PARKING .iE:TEl' & TRJW, Ie Jerry Nelson Agency City Treasurer 5.00 .53 There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. V G. ;;t~ (J City Clerk ~ d ~.t?d / Mayor I I I l