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L J//#// 0J'i' 1l;'~' , . : : ~~~v ~~~#C c.c~'-v' fll/~~, ~ C~~~da7/Afi~~H/6d : , 'i~/~;;Z;Z/~cO...47 /2&c.e..c~az~,z~/Z-zv~z-~<Y-4 ~/(h'f--c.c/ff&-~ ,.- [,'. l!ua On~H~f4Uan~ ~?P-77' ~~//4L tlr~~~ .i II d'I/r . ',(U, e-c/. il 'j/ < /7 _u_ Z d '# g-:-/.~- Ii . {A/ ~?--v' rt7'~...p06C//'-4.-z-=.-~ C7~~ ~a ~~ ~~~~/~r-~- . {7--~,r-b~kcjc///Ld-dd~~VdJYM'-[/ . :1~~-/tfad~~<Tr~d~C/~~. ,I :, ~ 'I --,' .:i IJ~ /?'~-rz/ ~ ~~~7~,a.-2/~;z;:;e..~-- 1!~~d~~~r~7/~~' L .." . '" ..' ... ,".' '~","' ~ 393 !2=d:'7"'1'n&, "?;7f=_<~/Jf~}}~/ /?~/y#,p,(en'h~;"'d) / . ;/ -/ ) .' We earnestly ask you to give consideration to the fact that our contract for power from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company will expire within the next eight (8) years and we may then be faced with the proposition of developing our own power. . To do this so as to insure cheap power and light to you, we must build up a suitable load to justify the expend- iture on a plant. Gas competition wonld tend to make this problem more difficult. The best interest of the City are to be served by having municipal ownership of all pub- lic utilities. If it is essential for Port Angeles to have gas, there is nothing to prevent thc City from having its own plant. Should the Natural Gas Corporation be granted a franchise, yon will pay for their plant. In the future if gas seems desirable, let us pay this money to ourselves by having a City owned plant. Do you know what the gas rates are to be or that main extensions in the outlying districts will not be constructed free? Do you realize that the City has absolutely no jurisdiction over the rates cbarged for gas? IN THE INTEREST OF YOUR CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT VOTE NO AT THE COMING ELECTION IN WHICH THE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION OF WASHINGTON IS SEEKING A FIFTY YEAR FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A GAS PLANT. THE CITY LIGHT DE- PARTMENT IS YOURS. TAKE CARE OF IT AND IT WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. YOUR CITY LIGHT & POWER, By Clifford Cowling, Supt. r--- SH4 ifr~d.-~/"ih~1I~~fl-~r /;7</r'/~ (~~) 4rzNv~~'Z/~~~tjX4dC~ 4~~r&~~ 7 4La~,nv;Cj ~/e://f:~~~7 ~~~ftn/~~~~/h~br/fr=V~~-~7Pu~. 7/k,/~ 1fg~/c! ~ /.~cL A-_~ d ~4/r'-d~~ar/~r~~; 1,~~~d74~~-e;~~/U~?4Ldk~;.&_H~~/fl~ r7~"4 ?tC//f ~/C7v' f.e-~az~gWN<'~ . i4-f~-ZH~a-=/g~1~-r/ ~~c<- ~a/'a//2e~<x;-=;~~L~- 'ft-~~~~~N#~'i~/~c~~tf~? / ~d (/h'~..d4-cz/ ~~U/ k~~~.-r~' a4/Ai~~~A?~~ >>-u;;f 3::~~7~ {'7?~0 u/Z/a-d$ *}/~,~=L~ i/~ th~~ !~~7.47~ek(/z-UC~~pCn--, ~~~~~""""~~ .. ji ~/ (/Uffz:;U~'7 ~~=r~~/ ~/&" z4 q ~6 /Fn4<2~ ~~~4;r~~~~d/vuY~~7~~7- , i a ~~..;;'p dcc/.d ~~ ~rPZ~~bYL.4~4-;?~U'~/ . L / . 4 "'./ ~~/7;?d-p:~~ ___ P/J c/v i~ ~~~ ~ ~YE_~ 4/".H/ 7u/ehd~.. 9-:rnAY p~#?/?/oU~0e-.r' .. ,. 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