HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/17/1934 "'lIl 177 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington January 17,1934 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Masters,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under thc head )f unfinished business. (~,\I.L JPfl'~ lnfl<;; NOT1CP. lR ITgnF:IlY GlVlr:K I i~'~~Il~h~C~~ff(~' 1~~1~1'1;vl\lilll11)r t~:8(,\\~';';; i (lily Df ,T;lnimo-, 19H. aL H.I ~'do('k n.m.. ;1110 loot Jato. nnrl O))[lIH"1 h~' UHl Cib- C:o",mi!;:sirlll at ~r1i(l lilliI' Tit/> !"ni,' bid!': ,,'.'Hl hI' frw tJw sal(' nn'l <1,-.li",'l'Y of the rollowin~ 111([- ~ tCl;iNr I~in. ft of Gill. C01;'Ct'otc I: - !;{'\\"f'r llJlJe. , .( , 127/1 ~~il1. ft. {If ~in. COIH'\'I't,,\ l-;e;6~ l~~I~I}',vn~>i. _ I ~~C~I~.l'\8y,1:.Y~J;nrL ; 110 Sn{'lHI r('menl. 4!iOIl r:oII 'lllnll Brirl(!'\, 24 "Stno'lnrrl l\fanholr> Step!:. . ~ ~~;n~f;~';l C~~~ll~~)~~mlJ~~~~; ;1M tn::\~~II[~-;' l",'I:.~1, 1\0. 1 Common ];'11'1' 1.\\l1Ih(>1' , 1 ],f't:; (10 p('nny S\lil~I'~, f.;al(l IlHltl'r1nll-< ill'l! ~oJ' thl> ('on. , . ~Etl'llclion of :l HIleri'll fl,'wer ill Jm' J,I'ovemel1t 1Jjfllrict Nfl, 10\7 nnrl::ll.r: In be ,lclivel'crl on tho" onlcl' of tho I Clb' l':ngilH'nt' nnd ~uh.i<'ct tl~ his 'l1.1)proY:1.1 nnil :H'r.eplnlwl', [Hl.'"illl'llt to lJ~ TlI:Hle Ul101l WlI.rJTlllls ,of the: ~~~~.~~st:1iitml~\ :~cr~~'l[~~l\~(' c~';,~,h 1~:~: \ ~ll11'f'r. I A c('Ttifi~r1 ch.cc\;:pr ;, PCI' C~\\t nf thr. illlHllllll. l,~,l mll"'t llCl'Ol1lpnlO', ': :~~,~I:l 1~~~:\1l'~] I t 0111~:~," ~ll;~~p ir"r1 b~):-~lll; ~ ~ I' I ~'\\'\~i~ll~.i(>n<:~~.I~'I!l~tl(:ll~h~I;;ltr j{?l;,\~= I 11'''''f nny ",. :11] lllt]:'. : r, 1\1l~'(1 tl,i::J 12th ,]rl~' (If .Jnn\l:u'~'. j 'Il!\~'l. ,.-~.., )1:~ rL\-Wln~~.-~' City Clcrl, nf the Cltr I ,:-'~an. '/2_~';:l't ,\llg'('l~'T I I ITEM No. ITEM Bids were opened to furnish material for L. 1. D. No. 147. The Bids being as follows: QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1140 Lin. ft. 231' $ 262.20 1270 Lin. ft. 33( 419.10 20 1.00 20.00 30 1.40 42.00 14 Cu. Yd. 2.50 35.00 100 Saoks .91 Paper Sacks 91. 00 4500 18.00 81.00 24 .30 7.20 3.5 C.Y. 7.95 27.83 5 12.50 62.50 2500 F.B.l>.\. 27.50 68.00 100 Ibs. 4.25 4.25 50.00 TOTAL $1,170.08 I 10 I 11 12 13 I (Concrete (Sewer Pipe (6 inch (Conorete (Sewer Pipe (B inoh (6x6 Y1yes (and (caps (6x8 \lyes 4, (and (caps 1 "" t. 3 5 Sand 6 Portland Cement 7 Briok Class C (Manhole 8 (Steps (Standard 9 Conorete Class C (Manhole (Rings and (Covers (Lumber (No.1 (Common 6 in. Spikes Fixed Estimate The undersigned agrees if this proposal is aooepted to furnish the material within four da;,s after signing the Clontract other\'1ise to be governed by the stipulations of the aooompanying artioles of oontract. The undersignGd agrees that the acoompanying certified Check shall become the property of the City.of Port Angeles, Washington, shou ld he fail or refuse to exeoute the oontract or furnIsh the bond called fOe" in the specifications \"Ii thin the .time pro- vided. (Signed) Port Angeles Concrete Products Company. Fred C. Strange, Presfudent. ...... r- 178 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 17, 1934. 193_ II... ITEM: No. IT3M QUANTITY UlHT PRICE AMOUNT 1 (Concrete (Sewer Pipe (6 inoh (Conorete (Sewer Pipe (8 inoh (6x6 IIUes (and (caps {6x8 Wyes (and {oaps Sand Portland Cement 91.00 1140 Lin. ft. .23 $ 262.20 2 1270 Lin. ft. .33 419.10 3 20 1.00 20.00 4 30 1.40 42.00 5 14 Cu, Yd. 100 Saoks (paper sacks) 2.50 .91 35.00 6 7 Briok Class C 81.00 4500 18.00M 8 (Manhole (Steps {Standard 7~20 24 .:30 9 Conorete Class C 27.83 3.5 C.Y. 7.95 10 Manhole Rings and Covers 62.50 5 12.50 11 (Lumber (No.1 (Common 68.00 2500 F.B.M. 27.<:0 12 13 6 in. Spikes Fixed Estimate 4.25 50.00 100 lbs. 4.25 TOTAL $1,170.08 The undersigned agrees if this proposal is acoepted to furnish the material within four days after signing the contraot ptherwise tp be governed by the stipulations of the aocompanying articles of contract. The undersigned agrees that the aocompanying certified check shall become the property of the ~ity of ~ort Angeles, ~ashington, should he fAil or refuse to exeoute the contract or furnish thebond oalled for in the specifioatiuns within the time pro- vided. (Signed) Angeles Gravel. & Supply Co. E. R. Johnston, Seo'y. The Bids were referred to the ~ity %ngineer fJr cheoking. The Engineer reported back to the Commission that the bids were alike indetail alld totals. , ' It was moved by Mayor Davis that ~he bid of the Port Angeles Concrete Products Oompany be acoepted and that they be awarded the contract for $1,170.08 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be instruoted to sign the ountruct upcn the filing of a satis- factory bond approved by the City Attorney, Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On Roll Call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The folloWing Resolution was intr9duced. RESOLUTIOn F,,~ TRANSFER UF BUDGET ITEJ,lS. ~~EREAS, in the 1933 budget of the ~ity of Port Angeles~ Under the item "Interest on Registered lIarrantsll, there remains unexpended the sum of ~694.~4 for the year 1933 which will not be re~uired for said period, and ~~EREAS, on accuunt v.f a special bond eleotion conduoted by the City, the budget for .Ileleotionsll re~uires the sum of :.li650.00, THEREFO:<E, BE IT RSSOLVED That the sum of .,i650.00 be and is hereby transferl'ed from the olassification 8 .Intc.r(!sJ;, on'~egistered r/arrants" to the olassification of "Elections" It vias' moved, by'Uayor\,Davis' that the'. foregoing Resoluti()l1~:be apJJroved and ,adopted. Slloond~d, by) Co'JIllIlissioner Masters. On Roll call 'all members voted-Aye. -.The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The following Petition was presented to the Commission. To the Ron, Mayor and City Commission City of Port Angeles, r/ashington. Gentlencn: Comes now pe ti tiol:er, Sohool Dis triot No. 7 of Clallar.J COUll ty, and respeotfully petitions the City Commission to vacate the following described portion of an alley in the City of Port Angeles, to ~it: I .1 I 'I 1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 179"'l1l January 17, 1934. 193_ I I I I' I r That portion of the alley between First and Seoond 8treets running through Blook Twenty-eight (28), of Korman H. Smith's Subdivision to the Townsite of Port Angeles, abutting upon Lots One (1) to Six (6), inolusive, and Thirteen (13) to Eighteen (18) inolusive, in said Block Twenty-eight (28). That the names of the owners of all the lots and blocks abutting upon the portion of the alley so petihonl'lo. for vacation are as follows: Sohool Distriot No.7 of C:lallam County, Viashington, owner of all of the said lots so abutting. TIHER~FORE, Your petitioner prays that proper aotion in accordanoe with law be taken by the said City Commission to vacate the said alley and that on the final hearing the alley be ~aoated and set over to the abutting property. .Dated this 15th aay of January, 19:54. Attest: SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 of Clallam County, Ed. B. Taylor, Pres. C. Stanley, Seo'y. After duly oonsidering the foregoing petition, the following Resolution was intro- duoed. '.. RESOLUTION FIXnm TIME FO'1 HEA;UNG TO VACATE PORTION Q}' ALLEY. "liEREAS, School District No.7 of Glallam County, Washington, has made and filed its petition ~ith the C\ty Commission requesting the ~acation of the following portion of an alley within the ~ity, to wit: That portion of the alley between First and Seoond S~reets, Peabody and Vine Streets whioh abuts the following desoribed Lots, to wit: Lots One (1) to Six (5), inolusive/ Lots Thirteen (13) to might~e*(l~) ,in~ olusive, of Block Twenty-eight (28), of Nonman R, Smith's Subdivisiop to the Townsite of Port Angeles. ,ffiEREAS, more than two-thirds of the private property, to-wit: all of the private property abutting the portion of the .alley which is sought to be vacated, is ovmed by the petitioners, B~ IT RESOLVED That Wednesday, the 14th day of February, 1934, at 10 o'olook, a.m., of said day, at the City C:ommissioners' room of the Fire llepartmcnt Building at Port Angeles, ,iashington, at the regular meeting of samd Commission, be and the same is hereby fixed for the hearing and determinatiJn of the said getition, at which time all persons having any interest therein may appear or m~ke and file any objeotions thereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instruoted to give twenty days notioe of the time and olaoe of hearing on said petition by poating as re~!ired by the laws of the ~tate of Washington, inoluding Seo. 9297 of Rem. Code. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing Resolutio~ be appr.oved and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On Roll oall all members voted Aye. The ~~yor deolared thc motion oarried. Under the head of unfiniched business. Commissioner of Finanoe Lutz, submitted the appointment of Stewart H. TIhite as Supt. of Utilities. It wasmoved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing appointment be oonfirmed. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On Roll oall Mayor Davis and Commissioner Lutz voted Aye, Commissioner Masters nmt voting. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. At. this'.time Clifford Cowling tendered hiS resignation to take effeot on the evening of January 17th. It was moved by Mayor gavis that the foregoing resignation be aocepted, Seoonded by Commisoioner Lutz. On Holl oall MaJyor Dav...iJs: artd';'C'OniI\\iasioner :GU::tz 'votEll -ay:e~,rColnrrtiBsion:e'rHlIaa'ters'_cn{l,t voting. The mayor deolared the motion oarried. .The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same. CURRENT EXPENSE Fm~D Garvin Au to Co. James Y. Sneddon Evening NeVIS Vlestern Union County Treasurer Repairs Repairing Chair Publioations Service Eleotion Costs 'II .pJ.S} I 251.58 1.50 56.98 2.16 1,141.48 WATER FUND Port Angeles ,Iron Works Paris Motor 1,;0. Port Angelcs Light Dcpartment Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. George's Servioe Station Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Paris Motor Co. Labor and material Repairs Labor & Materials Lumber Gas & Oil Lumber Rent of Truck \-v .". '30 22.14 48.83 171. 33 39.68 13.75 5.39 2.00 LIGHT PUND Puget Sound Light & Power 6Q. Westinghouse EIeotric Supply Co. ~ II 11 II " 6,672.47 11. 59 .17 ""V'V . 92 ,\0' 24.01 I.. .56 .50 December Power bill Uni ts Door Knobs II II Washington Stove Works Seattle Hardware Co. Central Machine Shop Kitohen Heaters Hardware Labor ... r" 180 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 17, 1934. 193_ T"JOK...UA..T..unu..Tu'ot/K.......'Hf.... ...os ~Y FUND I Johnson & Bork puget Spund News Co. J. :B Mathews James Hardware Co, Kaufman Leonard Co. Ed. B. Taylor , Willson Hardware Co. Amerioan Library Assooiation James Y. Sneddon J>pperson & Sons .~ ~ PARK FUND G. E. MoDonald Merohandise Books Lumber Varnish,eto. Supplies Repairs Lamps PeriodioalsJ Repairing Chains Lumber There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. Hauling Wood 'l!~ (;ity Clerk. 6~.93 20.83 26.66 6.95 3.97 1.35 3.99 ,j> 8 1. 00 5'(,. 7.00 20.80 I 3.00 x?~ ,. / I Mayor. I' I I .../'