HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/17/1940 JlI"'" 126 Proceedings of the City Commi~sion of the City of Port Angeles, Washingbm .Tenuary 17. 1940 19_ The CornmisRio~ met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the follo-"ing officers present: Mayor Bettle; Conrnissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applicctions for ~~ilding Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Angelo Gallacci, Construct Garage, Lot 2, Block 228,'Townsite Clyde C.' Tenny, Fountain Lu.'1ch n n " Soft Drink 100.00 5.00 5.00 I Under the head of Introduction of ReGolutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION EKTENDING ~.ND CONTBUING G~R3AGE DISPOSAL CONTRACT WHERE~S, It appe~rs that the present garbage disposal contract,will expire on Februar,v 5, 1940, Bld WHEIiEAS, J. R. McDonald, the ~resent contractor for the disposal of garbage and Her!".! Brown, his partner, have expressed a desire to have the present contract with all the terms and conditions therein, ccntin'J3.-j for 9 period of three years, and I WEEREAS, The City Conrnissio:! being satisfied with the tern;s s:!d conditio:!s set forth in said contract and the servi:e rendered by the contractor, believe that the beat interest of the City would be served by extending tIle present contract for the disposal of garbage for a period of three years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the present :ontract with J. A. McDonald for the disposal of garbage with all the terms and conditions ther2in contained be and said contract is hereby continued for a period of three years beginning February 4, 1940, and anding Februarl 3, 1943, s,d that Harry' Brown be considered and accepted as a co-partner with J. R. fucDonald in the extension of the contrect referred to ablove, and BE IT FURTHER RESOJ,VED, That the said J. R. ltcDonald and Harry Brown be required to sign an agreement to the extension of the said contract, a copy of ssid agreement together with a copy of this resolution to be attached to the original contrect for the disposal of garbage. It was moved by COll1lllssioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members votad aye. The Mayor decla~ed the motion carried. Under the head of Unfinished Businesss,- Corr~lissioner Lind submitted the name of H. A. Ferris as a caused by the resignation of Mrs. Jessie t. Webster. It appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Co6missioner Beano. Kayor declared the motion carried. member of the Park Board to fill the vacancy was moved by Mayor Beetle that the foregoing On roll call all members voted' aye. The I Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the follcwing ordinance was introduced, read in full and pIeced on its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE fixing the salaries, compensation and weges of certain officers and employeesof the C,ty of Port Angeles, Washbgton. Under the head of New Business,- The matter of the purchase of a new car for the Police Department as provided for in the 1940 budget came up for consider:<tion. Bids filed with the Chief of Police being as follows: PENINSULA !tCTOR CO. Olds;robil e !lodel #00, 4-door sedan 1080.00 TAX -.n.60 1101.00 Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan 530 .00 571.60 PORT ANGELES MOTORS Pontiac 4-door sedan 1032.00 Tax ~ 1059 .Oel I AllOWance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan 490.65 568.55 Pontiac 2-door sedan 986 .00 Tax ~? 1012.72 Allowance for 1936 sedan ~~ 522.07 SCHREINER-rYlE CHEVROLET CO. .1 1940 4-door ~aster Deluxe Sedan 9ffi .10 Tax ~ 946.66 Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan 425.00 521.66 1910 4-door Master #85 Chevrolet Sedan 902.10 Tax 18.04 920.14 Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan 425.00 495.14 GETCHELL'S SERVICENTER 1940 Deluxe Plymouth Sedan 1003 .00 Tax ~ 1023.06 Allowanoe for 1936 Plymouth Sedan __ 435.00 588.06 ~ .ranUOIT 17. 1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ 127"'ll I I I I I WALKLn:G If:OTOR co. Plymouth 1940 4-door Sedan Tax Allowance on 1936 Plymouth Sedan P1Jlmouth 1940 2-coor Sedan Tax Allowance on 1936 PIJ~outh Sedan V. A. SAFUELSON &: CO. 1910 Fcrd Deluxe Fordor Sedan Tax Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Ford V-8 Fordor Sedsn Tax Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan H. T. SWftl!Sml MOTOr. CO. :;\tuI'ebsker 1940 Champion Custom Sedan Tax Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1003.00 ~ 1023.06 450.00 573.06 984.00 -~ 1003.68 450.00 553.68 966.00 19,32 985.32 398.00 587.32 906.00 18.12 924.12 398.00 526.12 945.00 18.90 963 .90 275.OQ. 688 .90 The price of the Model #60 Oldsmobile 4-door Sedan being Plus Sales Tax On the recorrnnendation of the Chief of Police, it was moved by Mayor Beetle that the bid of the Peninsula J.~otor Company to furnish an Oldsmobile 4-door sedan #60 be accepted. Allowance for 1936 Plymouth Sed;m Balance 1080.00 21.60 1101. 50 ~.~ 571.60. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll cell sll ~embers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND - EI.IERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1068 The Cormnission examined and allOl'led the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: Larrick's C3fe D & B Battery & 11ectrie Station Sta te Trea surer Elk Drug Co. Flexroek Company V. A. Samuelson & Co. The Fehly Studio .~!lf;'eles Foundry Mulholland's Melody Shop Meals for Prisoners Reoharge Battery Ind Ins & Med iPid Lotion, etc. Resurfacer Repairs Supplies Backs for Fire Call Boxes Paint CITY ~~REET FUND - EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1068 R. M. Morgan D & B Battery & Electric Station Willson Hardware Co. M. R. "lleman St" ndard Oil Co. Schreiner-Kyle Chevrolet Co. Elk Drug Co. Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Port Angeles Iron Works Montgomery Ward & Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Oil f S Welding & Forge Works Middleton Motor Parts Go. Sig Larson Lumbe r A. L. Coil, etc. Battery, etc. L=ber Asphalt Parts Soap, etc. Parts Shop Work 1 Tarpaulin Cement Shop Work Tank rent", 15% Retained CURREllI' EXPENSE FUND Port Angeles Eveni:!g News Middleton Motor Parts Co. City Treasurer . " Publications Parts Street Lights Light & Water City Barn Freight Pipe Bolts, etc. Cement, etc. Olympic Peninsula Motor Freight Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. WATER FUND V. A. Samuelson & Co. Dempsey's Service Gethc ell & Gagnon Shell Station Truck Repair & Supplies Gas & Oil Truck Repairs I~ Iqf 49.70 2.40 2:3.56 1.70 98:55 1.69 7.58 6.93 3.01 ~f .",3 IV 33.33 2.44 2.39 9.70 2.68 15.57 .25 4.59 1.18 9.73 7.95 .92 2.04 8.91 1122.07 i~ ) ",0"" 64.40 .46 1066.55 2.69 2.43 246.61 8.31 11.43 82.44 .71 .79 2.35 ~ "... 128 .TanllRry 17 J 1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ p"'.....u"..v,..............not<!'M........u_.oo.oo ... Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Furniture Co. Union Oil Co. Filion Mill & Lumber Co. R. U. llorean Richfield Oil Co. State Treasurer Concrete Burlap Oil & Kerosene Lumber 11 Gasoline Excise Tax I LIGHT FUND Osta E. Eddy Dlabal r s Service V. ~.Samuelson & Co. Angeles Cooperative Creamery Line Material Co. It II Garage Rent Antifreeze TrUCk Repairs Cups street Light Parts H.;:irdware De cor at io ns Rope & Sockets Ga s oline Excis e Ta x Schlager Bros. Montgomery Warg & Co. Richfield Oil Co. State Treasuref' LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer Light & Wa ter PARK FUND City Trea surer Thos Iredale Elmer Williams Light & Water Repairs on Lswn Mowers Labor r,.I.D. GUARANTY FUND Harry LeGear Insurance "remiums There being no further businESS the Commission then ad.jcuned. 14- bl"" / 0.3 ,.'7- 31.69 2.04 8.20 5.53 26.16 37.20 417.03 3.00 5.41 7.60 2.96 .49 16.53 9.18 7.54 33.33 840.99 I I 10.27 18 13 .93 ').-t,.. - 5.25 3.60 14.39 7),~ , 7(/?~ City Clerk 1.1ayor I I I