HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/17/1945 :-- ,I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 17 . 1945 19_ ~ 73 ..... "M",_"~""_,,,."",, U"'_ ~ The Commission met in regular Session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call jl sho....ed the, following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters , At to mey Johnston, , and Clerk Hawkins. . " The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Under the head of application for building pennits and licenses the following were granted: [, James R. Gallagher, Remodel porches, Lot 15, Blick 421, Townsite, Olof ~cksel1, Build Garage, Lot 6, Block 5~9, Townsite, Mrs. George M. Ewing, Garage, Lot 7, Block 257, Townaite, J. E. Lindstron" Build Garage, Lot 5, Blick 2, Aldwell Subd. of Lot 5;, Ted Browne, Build Garage, Lot 12, Block 425, Townsite, I Felicie Ghesqiere, Build Garage, Lot 14, Blo ck 58, Townsite, CIlaa. Stroup, Build Garage, Lot 18, Block 58, Townsite, A. E. Ne,lson, Addition to Dwelling, Lot 15, Block 424, Townsite, Owens Brothers, Master Electrician, $ 150.00 125.00 200.00 75,00 200.00 190.00 190.00 200.00 10.00 Under the head of Introdiction of Resolutions the following Resolution was introduced: I RESOLUTION ' I WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired i the same by Treasurer's Deed, dated June 28, 1944, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9395 of ,I Remingtion's Revised Statutea, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, Page 565, to~t: , Lot Seventeen (17), Block One Hundred Ten (110) E. C. Baker's SuDd. of Suburban Lot 110. 19 I WHEREAS, Harry L. Fowlerflas offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $15b.00, payablesas follows: 115;;00 as a down payment and $10.00 on or before the 10th day of February, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the 10th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest at the ra te of 7% per annum on monthly balances and paid with the monthly installment, arid I WHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value, and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the Bale made. ,\ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said I' property at private sale to the said Harry L. Fowler for the sum hereinabove set forth, SUbject to an;: :1 other valid liens agaihst the same; that the City attorney be inetructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property 110 the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Fort Angeles be and is ; hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Andeles be and is : :~ hereby instructed to countersigh said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest '[ I thereon has been paid in full. i I I It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resoluti,on be approved and adppted. Seconded. by , Commissioner Beam. Mayor Robinson declared the motioJl carried. .;.~;od t;:lCi t I c. A. WOlverton, Chief of the Fire Department, filed his annual Report for the year 1944, which was read I' and ordered filed. .. I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims andJordered warrants drawn for same: , CURRENT EXPENSE FUND lJ.M.Da~- I H. H. VanBrocklin Bates Accounting Forms Co. J. M. Davis Port Angeles Evening lien Associatioh of Wash, tCi ties Bond for Comm. Masters Boud for Clerk Hawkins Accountiilg Forms, P.R. l~ Bond for City Treasurer S'ubscription Service Rendered in 1944 S1.1;- -;.. , SANITATION FUND Phyllis Raybone Montgomery Via rd & Co. City Treasurer Johnson & Bark Tower Super Service I Tower Super Service Tower Super Service Tower Super Service I WATER FUND ~r~ctrochemical Co. fClal1am Adjustment Corp. 'I LIGHT FUND Sunset insUrance Agency Westinghouse Elec' Supply Co. General Electric Bo. Westinghous' Electric Supply Co. General Electric 60. IlI>ternational Jes'n. of Elec' Inspectors , Clallam Adj us tment Corp. ,Interr~tional Ass'n of Elec. Inspectors I H. H. VanBrocklin 1'1 Remington Rand Inc. PARK ,FUND H:B. Lathrop Office Woak Rope & Canvas, License Plates for Trucks faint Diamond T Truck #614 Truck Body Hoist Truck Body Truck Body 1;- ..j. ~ p"", Chlorine COrrID. on Collections, Bonds for C.E. Beam and Elsie Stahl Meter Sockets Regulator Volt Meter Repairs Meter Sockets Equiprr,ent Repairs Dues Comm. on Collections C. E. Beam Dues. Bond for R. E. Beam Repair Bookkeeping Machine \ ,,11 lIP _ 4' Saw WAR LIQUOR TAX FUND Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Port Angeles Evening News First Aid Supplies Subscription ~')ol). I , 45.00 5.00 2.75 100.00 9.00 125.00 r ,I !I , I I I I 17.81 26.90 1.75 4.07 3255.27 489.25 303.65 303.85 \,~I 14.91 .80 15.00 2.00 55.35 41. 53 17.31 2.00 1.70 2.00 10.00 37.90 3.60 10.34 4.88 ". 74 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January,_J7_,_19A5_ There being no lfurther business, the meeting then adjourned. /) ,'- J :, I/~~ CITY aEIlK ~J or~ I I I I I ~ I