HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/17/1957
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 17
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by l1a.yor Neer. Roll call of
officers showed the following present 1 Council1nen Smith, Sandison, Natthieu, Wolfe and 'Maxfield, J.I".anager
Vergeer, Attox;ney Severyns and Clerk Law. .
It was moved by Counc'iJ.man Wolfe that Il'.illirtes of the~reviOUs meeting be appro;"'d. SecOni~d ,by Councilman
Sandison a."ld carried.
Mayor Neer extended greetings to a group of visiting Gil;l Scouts and their loaders and introduced them to
I Cow;c~l m;mbers~ . Also PI",;,s:ntod ~ertificate of award t,o Polic: Sergeant Harold Wilcox from Institute of
TraJ..'lll1g 111 Mw1icJ.pal AdmimstratJ.on conducted by the tnternatJ.onal City Manager's Association, Mr. vlilcox
ihaving satisfactorily conrpleted an extension course in rfunicipal Police Administration. "
(lUnder the head ,of. unfinished- busine~s, Cptu;lc:i,l considernd accaptance of, ,plans and specifications for poll-
,ution control as prepared by Hammond, Co).lier an~ Isaac, Con~ulting Engineers, the same having been accept-
rj\ ed by the State Pc>l1ution Control Board. COUllCil will meet in special session JanUary 24th ,for further
I study of plans submitted. It was moved by Councilman vIolle that claim voucher in amount of $20,000.00 to
Iconsulting engineers for preparation of plans be approved and warrant issued in payment of same. Seconded
\lby Councilman Smith and carried. ,
lOne bid was received from Hugo Olson in amount of $370.00 for the purchase of !Alts 9 and 10, Block 155,
Tqunsite. It >.'as moveli by Councilman Smith that the offer be accepted., Seconded by Councilman Maxfield
jand carried. ". . I
IBids to furnish gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and lubricating oil during the current ye"; were received from
[the following companies: SHELL OIL OJ: Regular, posbd price ,less 1.5 discount. Premium, posted price
less 1.75 discount. Lub oil, Rotella SAE 10 to 50, (Heavy Duty) Max., .678 Shell X-IOO SAE (Heavy Duty)
,Max~, .758 ; E. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber, Fuel Oil, PS200, .:1.417 per gallon.
~THE.:rK<.AS CrnPANY.: Sky Chief Gasoline, Max, .2565 and .2615; Fire Chief Gasoline, maxi.mu:gl, .2295 and
.2345. Diesel Chief, maximum, .14, .145 and .15, less .015. Texaco Havoline Oil, .758 per gallon.
,Texaco Ursa Heavy duty oil .695 per gallong.
jUNION OIL COMPRiY OF CALIFORNIA: Royal 76 gas, .275 less .015. Union 7600 gasoline, .235 less .015.
'Don>3stic diesel, .145 less .01 per gallong. Lub oil (T5X lOW, .855) Unitec 10 W, .7605.
I ' ." ,
,GENERAL PETROWlM CORP: ~Iobilgas Special 26.4~ max:im1l;1, discount .016. M6bilgas reguJ.ar, 23.4~ maximum,
'discount .019. Mobilfuel Diesel, .143. maximum, discount .012. MobUheat Furnace Oil, .143 maximum,
Idiscount .012.
ISTANDA.iID OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA: Chevron Gas, maximum, .23. Chevron Supreme, maximum .26. Chevron
diesel fuel, "..aximum, .155, discount .01.
ICITY FUEL; Diesel fuel oil and P.S. 300 fuel oil.
'Diesel fuel oil, posted price less .01 per gallon.
I '
;McMahan FliEL COMPAtlY: PS 300, .10 per gallon on firm bid; PS 300, .093 per gallon subject 10 marl<llt change
'PS 200,.1ll4 Flexible bi,d. P S 200, .15 firm bid.
~ :
'PENINSUIA FUEL CCi1PANY: Fuel oil, (heavy) l'S-300, .006 on-off posted tank 1-'agon prices. CtU'rent posted
tank wagon price, .11 per gallO~.
,TJllEWATE:R OIL COMPANY: Flying A Gasoline, posted price less .026 per gallon. Flying A Ethyl, posted. price
,less .029 per gallon~ Maximum prices as of current date, .224 and .252. Flying A motor diesel fuel,
-'posted price less .015 per gallon. Maximum as of current date .14. Tydol motor oil .695 per gallo!ll'
Tydol HD Motor Oil .695 per gal1o~' Tydol HD-S-l motor oil .7715 per gallon.
\' It was moved by CounciL-nan Smith that offer by Tidewat~r Oil 'Conrpany for gasoline, The Texas Company for
,diesel and lube oil, and Mcl1ahan Fuel Company for heavy ruel oil be accepted. Seconied, by Councillnan
,Wolle and carried.
I ' ,
jUnder the head of new business, Roosevelt P.T.A. requested in vriting that Section 31 of Ordinance No. 673
restricting sale of tobacco products to minors, be amended to, conform with State regulations. It was moved
iby Councilman'volfe that request be tabled, thereby parmitting tinre for study of existing Ordinance. Second-
led by Councilman Sandison and carried. I
P. S. 300 fuel oil, posted price less .01 per gal.
Stove oil, posted price lees 0)1 per galloll;i. '
Claims paid January 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14 were approved in total amount of $75,250.02. It was moved by ,
'Councilman Matthieu that claims be ll>>proved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
!It was moved by Councilman Smith that calls for bids be published to furnish for the Part:ing Meter Dept.,
lone panel trucl<, also a conveyor belt for tbe rock crusher. Motion seconded by Councibnan Matthieu and
IAs per Statutes go',erning, the City Treasurer designated as depositarie s for City funds during the current
'year, First National Bank and O],ympic State Bank, recommending that the same be approved. It was I'lOwd by ,
Councilman Smith that recommendation be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison end carried.
t:The term of Nelson Hartnagel having expired, - the Board 11embers recommended that Mr. Hartnagel be 'appointed
'" ,to serve another term on the Library Board. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that appointment be approved
~ iand confirmed. Seconded by Councilman l1axfield and carried.' ' 'i
IBertram Krueger requested in witing, that his time of service with tha City be extended for six months. Mr.
Vergeer reminded that Mr. Krueger has had a one-year extension and if Council approves request, he has no I
objection. Council members expressed opinion that extensions should be approved only in cases of necessity ,
lor emergency and policy previously adopted should be considered. It was moved by CoWlcilman Wolle that
lreque st be denied as matter of policy. Seconded by Coul'lcilman }latthieu and carried.
lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the City Treasurer's financial report for December, thEo Library report'
'for December and the annual report of the street Department be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by ,
I CouncilJt>.an Matthlm and carried.
IThe Plenning Commission submitted recolll!lBndations as follows: Sanitary sewers and drainage in Lincoln Hts.
'area, A Street to M Street and south of 12th Street to the Boulevard. Recommended that due to scope and ,
'I:terrain of contemp'hted iJ1Iproveroont, the City make application for Federal Loan to pay cost of prel:ilninary
survey. It was moved by Councilman Wolle that Council concur with recommendation and make application to
secure fund for preliminary survey. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 17 continued 19~
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St~ Matthews Iuther~ Urofc~ 11: aving requested varian;'" in Zoning Ordinance for addition to existing
bU11ding, the Plarnung Cd1lllllJ.ss~on recormnended CO~l1l1se, and permission granted for setllack of 15 feet
stead of 25 feet as provided by Ordinance. It was moved by Councilman ~101fe that alternate plan as sub-
!'litted by the P12.nning Cornmision be approVed., Seconded by ,Councilman Sandison and carrip.d. ,
Council discussed possibilities and cost of determining ground water conditions in this area also cost of
filteration compared to pumping system, . Mr. Vergeer informen. that he had contacted consu1t.~ engineers
and survey could be accomplished at approximate cost of $500.00. It was moved by Councilman Smith that
Council authorize survey at approximate cost stated. Seconded by Councilman Sandison ~_'1d carried.
Council accepted petition requesting that the area between Vine and Race Streets North of Front Street be
included in the contemplated irnproVl!ment East of Race Street and North of Front. It appears that the num-
ber of signatures are not adequate for Council consideration, hO'WeVl!r, petitions will remain aVailable
for .otters Nishing to sign.
, location of houre trailers within the City was discussed, also requirements as provided by Zoning Ordinance.
This will be referred to the Planning Comndssion for reconnnendations.
louis E1terich reque sted in m-iting that he be permitted to sub-let contract to Caven Plumbing and Heating
Co., a portion of his contract for installation of Morse Creek water main through Peabody Gulch, sub-
contract being the making up of joints and fittings. It nas moved by Councilman ~lo1fe that permission be
granted for the sub-contract. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions the following ~rere introduced and read:
A RESOLUTION authorizing the calling for bids for the construction of the joint storm sewer in accordance
~,'ith the agreement entered into between the City of Port Angele s, Clallam County, and School District No.
17 of Clallam County.
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman ,Tolfe and carried.
A RESOlliTION establishing a Se,rer Construction Fund to be utilized for the construction of a joint storm
sewer to be paid for jointly by Clallam County, School District No. 17 of Clallam County and the City of
Port Angeles,_and authorizing the bOrTowi!!g~e_sE!"~or..$~,QQQ.2Q,.2r.2.u~a~y~ ~~e.=.s'!:Y...io
establish said ;Seller Construction Fund, from the ,Vater Department of the City of Pa:- t Aii&eles to be ,repaid
I-as..fnnds_are.availabJ.e__in.said'set";erConstrucfion FUndtherefor. ~, - _. -- --' ~-- -
It ,,'as moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Matthieu and carried.
A RESOWTION authorizing the treasurer to borrou the sum of $1,000.00 from the Current EKpense Fu.'1d for
use by the Animal Control Fund, and providing for the repayment.
It was moved by Councilman I.fa.tthieu that the foregoing Resolution be adopt/d. Seconded by Councilman Wolle
md carried.
A RESOLUTION providing for the payment of the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (4,500.00) from
~'p_r2pr.ia~~ Re.,,-e:rve.5.E1.the 14~_Dl:op~ment covering an installment on the purchase contract of the
__PMY. Hall Building.il-t 1li~ront Street.
It was moved by Councilman Sandison that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman
Smith and carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following uas read in full anrtplaCed on
first reading:
AN ORDINANCE fixing annual license fees and rates for the operation of motor buses within the CH;jT of Port
Angele s, and amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1147.
It was moved by Councilman Wo]j'e that the foregoing Ordinance be passed fjrst reading. Seconded by
Councilman ~laxfield and carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
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City Clerk
JANUARY 24, 1957 S P E C I A L S E S S ION
City Council met in Special Sessiona:. 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by liayor Neer. Roll call of off- I
.1 icers revealed the following present: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu and Maxfield, l'f..anager Vergeer,
Attorney SeVl!ryns and Clerk La,,'. -n\
llayor Neer declared the meeting opetn, the same having been scheduled to examine and analyze plans and
specifications for pollution control. Also introduced Consulting Engineers Collier and Isaac, Richard
Thorgrimson, Bonding Attorney, members of the Plar>.ning Commission and Comndssioners of Clallam County
Sewr D;.strict No.1.
Mr. Collier explained in detail the engineering project being divided into three units: A, Francis St. t.o
, llarine Drive, B- Pumping Station at foot of Valley Street, and C, Outfall line and lifting station to
~ Strait West of Crown Zellerbach, total cost estimated, $7ll,500.00.
l!r. Isaac cited size of pipe to be used on units, recommending (corrugated galvallized iron, treated by
asphalt process.
William Gwynn questioned elimination of pollution by depositing outside Ediz Hook and suggested installat-
ion of processing plant, ~rith industries responsible for their pollution control.o
CounCilman Sandison also expressed doubt that outfall lOould eliminate Harbor pollution and inquired as to I
disposal of waste fro!!. the Rayonier l1ill.
Attorney Thorgrimson cited Statutes governing cities and towns and procedure of financing projects by V
general obligation, L.I.D. or ReVl!nue Bonds. Mr. Thorgrinson recommended Re~ue Bonds as t~is, is possib~
lrithout election, the project having been declared emergency by S4te Pollut~on Control Comm~ssJ.on. He I
also cited State regulations as permitting cities owning and operating >rater systems to comb111ll sewage