HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/19/1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 19, 1938 193_ ..... 561 I I I I I The Commission met in regular se,:sion at 10 A.H. and \"Ias called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll c?,.ll shone:1 the follorring offi~ers present: lio:v'or Davis, Commissioners Hens on and Masters, Attorney Conni~f and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes o~ the previous session ~ere read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted; M. A. Conrad, Build~ng House, Lot 9, Block 382, TOTInsite P. Masi, Remodeling House, Lot 18, Block 2~8, Townsite Sophie Carlson, Oak Rooms (10 rooms) Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read: Janua~'y 19, 1938 To the Honorable Mayor and City Com~ission Port An~elcs, washin~ton J.entlemen: 1,000.00 200.00 5.00 I herewith submit the third monthl;; estimate, Janmcry, of material furnished and labor performed by George Taylor, contractor, on the alterati ns of the city building. 90% compl e ti on 0 f contract pr i,)e of ~2906 ------------ --$<:615.40 Less Previous Estimate _____n_______ 17'f3.60 Amount due This Estimate -------------;; 8'11.80 Previous Estimates November -----------~ 871.80 December ----------- '871.80 Total --------------J1743.60 Very truly yours, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer It l':as moved by Commissioner Henson that the fo::>egoing Engineer's report be accepted and the City Clerk be instructed to issue a ",arrant In the sum)S71.BO tu George Taylor. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor decl~red the motion carrie~' Unaer the Head of Reading and Passage of Ordinance~, the follocing ordinanuG was read by title and plu~ed on its third reading: All O:mI1L',NCE amending 3ectivns 10 and 31 of Ordinance No. 971 of the City of Port ....ngeles, and ::'epealing Sections 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 4~. 11, 45 and 49 of said Ord inance No. 971 of the City of Port ,\ngelcs; and pl'ovid:ng tha t said amendments and said repeal shall be effective as of January 1, 1938. It \'IUS moved by Commissi,mer Henson tlv, t the fore'2;oinr;; ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Hasters. On roll call all members voted aye. The !.lai'or declared the motioll carl'ied. cuaREllT EX?ENSE FilliD: CLAII1S ALLO',IED u:m.;i( ElJ::C;lGEI\CY ORDI1lAUC;> NO. 1044 The Port An~eles Evening News Sound GrJcery Company Ruberg's Grocery ilivening Ne~s Press ~ogers Candy Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. tT. A. Hoare City Treasurer Paris Motor Co. D & B Battery & Electric Station CURREnT EX?E';':;;;: FlJllD: "---. Publica tion Peanuts, etc. Candy Tickets Halloueen Supplies Service ':Iood Water Anti-Freeze Battery City Treasurer City Treasurer Thos. T. AldYlell R. J. Reid Olympic 3tatiuners Trick & Hurray Ci ty Treasurer James Hard~are Co. Ci ty Treasurer City Treasurer '!lalklil1g Mo tor Co. Walkling Motor Co~ Glenn's Service Station Ci ty Treasurer K. O. Eriulcson The Den Sneddon Rebuilt Furniture Shop Thos. T. Aldwell '.1ater Assessments Insurance Supplies Dog Tags & License Pl~tes Supplies Stamps Janitor's Supplies ':Ia ter Gar Licenses Plymouth Coupe Heater, etc. Oil, etc. Box Rent & Car License Premium on Bond Supplie s Birch Rods Insurance q <( '{~ ~ 439.88 37.75 9.50 10.10 10.00 5.80 5.00 360.00 .90 10.95 360.00 21. 41 73.00 10.95 47.25 52.50 5.00 5.69 58.00 8.60 500.00 21. 05 3.00 3.~5 5.00 4.65 1.80 47.00 ..,jj I""" 562 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 19, 1938 193_ Il... H. T. S~anson Motor Co. George's Service Station N. H. Hawkins ~,b~ , " 400. 00 \" '1.25 1~.30 l.lotorcycle Repairs E:.;penae ..ccount OITY STRSET FUND: Antone Smith Grocery Howard-Cooper Corporation Lovell HcGoff, Jr. Port Angeles Iron '"orks Sal t Parts ~ruck hire Repairs 22.00 46.92 28.00 4.00 I' qil 00' I TIATER FUND: Hooker Electrochemical Co. Chlorine 14.86 LTGHT FUND: George Tay lor General Electric Co. Internat'l Assn of Electrical WestinghJuse Ele c Supply Co. TIestinghouse Elec Supply Co. Line Material Co. The Fehly Studio Frank Keso Autumotive Parts Service Remodel Office bldg. Transformers & Meters Membership Fi tting l!ia turials Rubber gloves Photographs Clcan Chimncy Lamps 1J 0' \10 871. eo 293.71 2.00 2.96 31.59 lfl.84 6.63 2.50 70.67 I Inspectors Under the head of ne~ business,- The term of Donald J. Lutz as a member of the Library Board having e:<:pil'ed, the Mayor submi tted h is name for reappointment. It was moved by Commissioner MaG tel'S that the foregoing appointment be confirmed. Seconded. by Comr.1~ssioner Henson. The J.l"o'or de- clared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordi!lanCeG the follol':ing ordinance ViaS in ~roduced, read in full, and passed its first and sec,nd readings: AN O:;D rUl:G:!: fixing the salaries, compensation and Vla,:>;es of certain officers and em- ployees of the Ci to' of Port Angeles, ':Iashin,ston; Under the in troduction of 1ecolutions the follo\'linG resolution vms introduced: I RESOLUTION RESOLVSD, That in the death of Robert Banderob, the City of Port ],ngeles has lost a most capable and efficient Chief of Police and an official ~ith ~hom it ~aG al~ays a pleasure for his associates to ~ork. RESOLVED FUrlTlI:<:R, That a copy of this resolution be sent to I,ll'S. Agnes Banderob, his widow. It was moved by Commissi0ner Henson that the foregoing :esolutiol1 be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Ilayor declared the motion carried. There beinG no further business, the Comm:ssion then 1~ City Clerk Mayor I I