HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/19/1944 ,.. 602 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 19, 1944 19_ The CO!lll\isssion met in regular session at 10 A..;. and was called to or del" by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the followingofficers present: !.layor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the [J'evious session were read and "wroved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following was granted: E. .~ Stewart, remodel Garage, Lot 5, Block 550, townsite :WO.oo Chief of Police, R. O. Ide, presented his annual report for the year 1945, which was read and ordered filed. Under the head of New Business: A petition, signed qy Margaret Audett and others, petitioning the City to widen the alley westerly of Lincoln Street between 2nd and 5rd Streets to its full legal width and compel the removal of a~ obstruct- ions therein, was filed. The petition was referred to the City Engineer. Under the he2d of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOlUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is th9 owner of the following described re2l property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's Deed dated November 19, 1941, under 2nd by virtue of the authority of Section 9593 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot Nine (9), Block Eight (8), of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colo~'s,Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washi~gton Territory, and WHEREAS, E. L. Qlrren has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles forthe sum of $150.00, payable as follews: $15.00 as a down payment and ,SlO.OO on or before the 22nd day of February, 1944, and $10.00 on or before the 2200 day of each ard every month thereafter until paid in full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the bllbnce due Ilndpaid with the. month~y installments, a !XI WHERE~S, The City Commission has viewed the Mid property and is cf the op~mon that the offer is fair value and'at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port' &ngsles sell the , said property at privaf,e sale to the said E. L. C'J.rren for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the aame; that the City }ttorney be instructed to prepara a quit claim deed con- ' yeying said proplrty to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the {;ity of Port Angeles be and he is hereqy instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the J.!ayor of the City of Port !lngelss be and he, is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchas~ price and all accrued interest thereon ha s been paid in full. It was moved qy CCl!lJl'.issioner Beam that the foregoiag resolution be a pproved and adopted. Seconded by Comssioner !lasters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOlUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the CJ. ty Commission of the City of Port Angeles in regular session this 19th day of January, 1944, that, WHEREAS, Iladge H. Noilor is the duly appointed, gualified Md actine Cit;, Treasurer of the Cit,y cf Port Angeles. AlfD, WHEREAS, the United States Fidelity and Uuarenty Compa~, as surety, issued and filed with the City l Commission Bond No. 54e~55, for a period of one year beginning April 1, 1945, in the principal sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, wherein thesaiC lI'adge H, Nailor as principal, and on January 14,1945, issued and filed Bond No. 546015 for a term of three years in the principol sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars. THAT it is to the mutual advantage of the principal on said Bonds, the surety and the City of Port Angeles that one bond in tro principal sum of twenty thousand ($20,000.00) dollars be issued and d slivered in lieu of the two bonds above described. WHEREAS, the said City of Port Jngeles does consent that cne bond for $20,000.00 rr~y be executed and filed ~.r the same principal and surety to replace the ~'bonds 2bove described. NOW, T!1ER~FOP~, BE IT RESOl,~D by the said City CO~T.ission that immediately after the execution and filing by said Madge H. Nailc,. and the United states Fidelity and Cuaranty Company of one bond in the ;orincip"l SUI:l of twenty thousand ($20,000.00) dollars, bearing 110. 361549, that the same shall be considered as a 'I substitution for the two bends above described and that the liability shall at "n ti,nes remain in the suo of t20,OOO,OO and all liability as to claiL1s arising in the future, subsequent to said filing of said bond, shall be waived as tc t he two bonds above described. It was moved by Commissioner !.!aster5 that the fbregoing resolution be appro\'ed and adopted. Seconded qy COlllllissloner Beam. On roll call ..11 members VOted'iY'" The lJayo!' declared the motion carried.' The Commission examined am allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for s a:r,e , ~~U!!!!L Thos. T. Ald"ell & fo. I K. O. Erickson J. M. Davis H. H. Van Brocklin Port Ant;~les Ev~nir.g News Ass'r. of Washin~ton Cities City Tre a sure 1" n n Prcl:lium on Official Bond " " SO.CO 45.00 45.00 5.00 9.00 125.00 3.75 ,75 45.07 ~ Subscription Fee for Services Cash paid for car licenses l' tl II box rent Fir.::: Insur~nce 0- :,vb Thos. T. Aldwel1 & Co. ... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Janu~ry 19, 1944 19_ ""'IIIl 603 I I I I I CITY S'IREET FIIND Thos. T. Alewell & Co. ~"1j;J: Taos. T. Aldwel1 & Co. Hooker Electrochemicel Co. LIGHT FU 1lD City Treasurer II II Vlater Dept. Joe Keen To:n 0 I Neill ThOG. T. Aldwell & Co. H. P.. Vnn Brocklir. Fry Drug Store D & B Batter~{ Co. Hon!'e i< Heedrick Trick & ~~urray L1r..~ M2teriat Co. International Ass'n of Electricel CEt'ETERI FUND Thos T. Aldwell Co. LIBRARY FuND Thos. T. Aldwell & Co. The New York Times Seattle Post-Intelligencer II Times Deal!r PARK FlrI:D Angeles RAdi~tor ~hop rhos. T. Aldwell & Co. " , L.1.D. CUARANTY FUND City TrMsurer t.1.D. REVOHING FUND Ci ty TrC'l2surer " II Fire Ir.surance Ir.suranc~ Premiwn Chlorir.e '1" 54.75 64 /' 14.95 Stamps 1944 Truck License Water furnished ~t &~bstation Wood Plastering Insurance Premi~ Bond Bandag~s Bettery Track Repa ir Priding Supplies Dues Inspectors Fire Ir.surance fire Insurance Subscription " Repair Radiator Fire Insuran ce " Assessments Assessments " There being "0 further business the Commission then adjourned. Taxes 'l1.~IJ<A!)~ Ci t;- Cleli< 0'1 ~D4 --- ~ II D yl 12.88 .../ :10 .15 1.''''> 100.25 'Y 52.77 J ~./"" 24.39 I D -I 46.87 ~~ J J.~~yor <!S.4C 70.21 6.25 l.90 12.36 10.00 215.71 4.19 .95 9.97 5.55 51.15 15.07 6.CO 4.69 68,$ 17.00 11.90 15.80 124 .93 .....