HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/19/1949 I I ,"",' ~,- ...~; I' ~, I I Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 5151 January 19. 19~ n.. ""M",n"_n'~_'''' ,,,,, ~ II The COITmission met in re;;ular session at 10:00 A .M. and was called to order 'oy Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Robinson, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk LAw. r Mi~utes of the previous session were read and by motion of Mayor Feeley, amended to read that Counsel be hired for all court litigation in which the City IT.ay become involved. It was moved by Mayor Feele,' that the minutes be approved as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was also moved by li18yor Feeley that Attorney Wilson be hired to handle a special case now in Superior Court. Seconded by Commissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of appJi.catj-pns for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Building Permits: '/~..Jd - Jack DelGuzzi ""ild 5-Roorn Dwelling; Lot 4, Elk. 3, Hartt & Cook Add. Jack DelGuz.:i )}uild 5-Room DwellinSj Lot 14, dlk. 273, Townsite Licenses: 16t!- : Red's Taxi & Black & White Cab Co. Taxi Cabs 6,000.00 6,000.00 150.00 Under the head of unfinished business, the bids for premium and non-premium gasoline and diesel oil and ,stove oil were opened as follows: For gasoline: Richfield Oil Corp., $.206 and $.191, or Seller's posted price at time of delivery less :>.015 per gallon. Stancard Oil Co., $.211 and ;t.196, or Seller's posted price less l~ per gallon. Union Oil Co., $.221 and $.196 or Seller's posted price less l~ per gallon, but not to exceed ~.264 and $.233. Allan Distributing Co., $.236 and ~.221 or posted price less ~.012 and '$0138. Associated Oil Co., Seller's posted price at time of delivery, less l~ per gallon. For diesel fuel:' Standard Oil Co., posted price, less ~.005 per gallon for deliveries of 200 to 399 gallons, and le~s l~ for deliveries of 400 gallons or more. Union Oil Co., posted price, not to increase more than 25%. Allan Distributing Co., posted price less $.005 per gallon on deliveries not less than 40 gallons. Associated Oil Co., sellers posted price at time of delivery. Olympic Burner Oil Co., posted pri~e less ~.OOJ. per galloJl, not to increase more than 25% during term of contract. Peninsula Fuel Co., posted prioe at time of delivery. City Fuel Co., posted price at date of delivery. Stove Oil: Olympic Burner OilCo., posted price less !p.OOl. Peninsula fuel Co., posted price at time of delivery. City fuel Co., posted price at time of delivery. On motion qy Commissioner Fwbinson, the foregoing bids .all be tabulated and ,contract awarded at 4:00 o'clock. : NO"l.'ICE TO BIDnBBS . 'i wli;Ol(\~('(~i>~:hht'~~.~~I;.. t~~V~:I/Ci~r~i~r Uhe City of Pnrt AIII!:f'les, 'Vash., at lhe City H.'lll of said City, not later than 11) A. "f., F'ehrlJary 2, 1949, to f\lrnish for thi:! Light Department. 1000 ft. of 15,fl(lO yplt groullded neu. tral-500 '!\T C 'T nlrnlshPtl cambric l,':lfl "[In-fell cable. The Commission , ['eRerVes the rigln to rekct any or 11 . all b!d.~. Under the head of new tusiness, Supt. Lean requested that bids be published for 1,000 feet of 15,000 volt grounded neutral 500 MClI. varnished cambric lead covered ca ole. It was moved by Commis sioner Rooinson tl>l t the sa id bids be published. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All 'voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission discussed use of the City Garbage dump and certain garbage collec- tions.... After discussiDn~ the Corrunission approved enteri ng into .:3D agreement as follows: J. F.. Law. City Clerk. j Pullllshell JUlluary 2Q, 27. UHS. January 1, 1949 In the interest of the people of Port AI~eles for aidil~ in'the protection of their health and sanitatioJl) permission is hereby given Van Fredrickson until further notice, the authority to collect all restaurant contents and greens from all stores. Van r'redrickson agrees to keep the downtown alleys of the City of Port Angeles clean on Sundays and holidays. This permit is revocable at anytime by the City however until such time as this permit is revoked there will be no other similar permit issued to other person or persons. Vernon J. Robinson) Commissioner Frank A. Feeley, Mayor , , A letter from the Planning Commission was read before the City Commission regarding constrJction of a Police Station on North Laurel street and future use of the present fireball, if new police headquarters were ' provided. It was understood that oertain organizations were interested in using the present firehall when the City has no more need for the same. ,.layor Feelay informed that due consideration will be given the lmatter, and will try to make decision to 'Planning Commission by February 1st. 'Mr. Buchanan spoke before the Commission regardin& extension of 7th Street next to A Street, and was I instructed to check with the Iingineer. Chas. Faucett requested information regarding Ordina,nce requiring prcperty owners to control grovlth of weeds and brush. The Attcrney was instructed to ascertain if there are Ordinallces gO'Jerning. The annual report of the Police Department was approved and ordered filed. The report of Police Judge Ta,"lor for the month of December showing 111 cases tried and $1,339.00 fines collected, was suhc.itted. Also his report for the year 1948. Doth reports were approved and ordered filed. I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances the follm.ing was passed third reading and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1207 AN ORDINA"CE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requiring expenditures unforeseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency making the ordiance immediately effective. It was moved by Commissioner Rooinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Uayor Feeley. .All'voted Aye. .Uotibn carried. . ! Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by I introduced: Samuel A. Palmquist and Ida Palmquist Lots II & 12, Elk. 354, Townsite the City, the followins was 116.15 ! I It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution oe approved and the property sold. Seconded by ~yor Feeley. All voted Aye. ~otion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims ano ordered warrants issued in payment of same: :2.1 L.l.D. REVOLVING WIll: 171.- City Treasurer Taxes and Recording Deeds 176.28 ,...- 516 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 19, continued, 19~ Co. 'f't- SANJ:TATION FUND: 111'- Clallam Adjustment Corp. Jerry Nelson Agency ~3 PARK FUND: .:P. ~ - LJerry Nelson Agency Insurance Premi= i:Zellerbach Paper Co. G. E. Globes "Ross & Beasley, InD. Cylinder Assy. PARKIN(; I,~TER & mAnIC CONTfW]. FUND: / g ~ ~ Clark & Edwards Lumber 'Jerry Nels on Agency Bond Premium 'City Treasurer Postage d CURHENT EXPENSE WilD: 1755- Jerry Nelson Agency Peninsula Herald Port Ange les Evening News John M. Wilson Assn. of Washington Cities The Ol,'lTlpic Printery Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. liNan li. P,nthony United Janitor Supply Co. state Treasurer CITY STHEET FUND: 1:< 71- !.'f Jerry Nelson Agency Fruehauf Trailer & Equip. Co. Fageol Motors, Inc. FUget Sound Navigation Co. :VlATER FUND: 91(, ! 3 '.City 1'reasurer IIJerry Nelson Agency 'Rallace & Tiernan Sule s Corp. Hooker Ele ctro-chemical Co. Park & Shop II ,.:<.. ILIGHT FUNll: Jfb 31 _ 'J. R. Bowen Clallam Adjustment Corp. First National Bank Peninsula Hera Id 'United Janitors Supply Co. ;Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 'V. ll. Haller Hardware Angeles l1ravel & Supply Co. G. ~:angano I General Electric Bonds aIld Insurance Premiums Legp.l l'ilblications Subscription, 1949 Court Cost Service Fees for 1:embership Dog and Cat Taes James Vibrator Auto Repairs Making Sheets for Car Registration Books 4 English Chamois Annual tees Volunteer Firemen's Helief Insurance Premiums Pump Assy, Spacer, Gasket Axle Shafts Frt. 10,000 Stamped Envelopes Insurance Premium Repairs Chlorine Soap State Audit and Expense Collection Expense Income Tax Withholding /ldv. Supplies Transformers Rope Sodium Chlor., Conc rete Alteration to Bldg. \'fire & Tape (Salary J.R.Bowen,~ State Auditor) Collection Commission Insurance Premium) Band Premium 51 CITY OF PCRT ANGELES FIRE & POLICE STN" STATE DEVELOfl1ENT FUND:"'.:{ I, IS;1, - Chiarelli & Kirk, A.I.A. Fee for Architectural Sarvices Brazier Construction Co. Second Estimate on Construction of City Fire Hall ,There being no further rusiness, the session was recessed until 4 :00 P.M. January 19, 1949 --- 4:00 P.M. 1,1l5.61 29.36 ., 12.00 1.00 406.00 87.55 4.40 18.38 6.00 21. 84 51. 00 1,128.S9 121.17 23.28 1.00 299.60 546.10 116 .25 53.87 1.05 157.56 5.55 10.50 2.34 49.62 3,369.03 l46.S6 576.44 56.88 157.14 loCO 177.44 74.00 126.81 21.42 7.83 5.00 .S3 472.42 20,680 .09 1'he Com:nission met pe r recess, declared'" and was called to order by !.layor Feeley. lifter due consideration it was moved by Commissioner hobinson that the contract for gasoline be awarded to Richfielci Oil Company at I posted price when delivered, less $.015 per gallon. That Allan Listriruting Company be awarded contract ' for Mobileheat No. 200 (Diesel Oil) at posted price less $.005 per gallon for deliveries of over 40 gallons. That the Peninsula fuel Company be awarded the contract to deliver ,bel Oil for the first six mDnths and ' City fuel Company the same for the last six months of 1949,bDthat posted price at tiJr.e of delivery. Motion seconded by Mayor ,'eeley. All voted Aye. ~Iotion carried. There being no further business the session was declared adjourned. r; e. ~. {I ..... City Clerk -~../ ,$ 4ft" Mayo r I I -I .1 I