HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/19/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 1.9 19~
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lThe City Council met in regalar session at 7:50 P.M~ 8ld was ~lled to order by lJav:'r Smir. Roll call
IOf officers showed the foll~ present: Iilayor Smith, CouncJ.lmen Bro1Il, Neer, Salll:!J.son, olIe and
McFadden, MalHger Vergeer, Attorney Severyns aM Blerk Law.
, It _s moved by Councilman 'Brown that minutes of the previous meetings be approved. Secomed by CoW1Cil-
man Sandison and Carried.
Under the he~d of unfinished business, Manager Vergeer reported that lease betwa~ t~ City and Rayonier,
Inc., concerning building site for emergency pumping unit, is not satisfactory uth eJ.ther party and ,the
City is arranging for another location.
following having been received for approval:
, ,
Applications for taxicab l~enses were again considered, the
Red I S Taxi, by George .Vells, 6 cars
Port Angeles Taxicab Co.~nc., by G. p. Nelson, 3 cars
Olympic Cab Co., by Vernon G, Burton, 2 cars . no>. li t
After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman HolIe that CouncJ.l adhere to Y~J.na~ce, the app ca-
ion be approved end license for six cars is ~ued after the sixt? car has pas~ed reqUJ.red J.nspe ction by the
l1il.ice Department. Hotion seconded by CouncJ.~an, Neer and carrJ.ed.
Council considered approval of deed to property in Peab,?dy Gulch at Fifth S~reet o,"?ed by l>!r. a nd Mrs.
Burl Johnson, ac uisition of the same permitting'fill end contemplated opemng ~f Fifth Str~et ac:oss
jPeabody Gulch. ft 11as moved by Councilrna? Neer tha~ deed be app:oved ard the Clty Manager authorued to
close the deal. I!otion seconded by CouncJ.lman SandJ.son and carned.
,I Mr. John U. I-fright, Civil Engineer, having concluded survey of subdiviS~ons in Lincoln Height.s District,
Fifth to Eighth Street, I'fest of M Street, the same having been plotted J.n error, shO>led from sketches
exhibited Imere certain property lines are miscalculated as much as ten feet. It was nnderstood that
the only solution is for property ~ners to contact the City Engineer for inst:uctions as to procedure
in acquiring correct property descriptions. This, would require 100% co-operatl.on from all property o>mers
,: concerned, and 11ithout t;,at co-operation, the Council can do nothing further to correct desc~iPtion errors.
1"The Planning Commission submitted recommendation to allow variance in Building Co~+ t ~inth and Lincoln
Streets were application is pending for dental office. ,It is unders~ood th~t thJ.s :rarlBnCe. doe~ not
open the district to all bUSiness, only certain types which conform l'lJ.tn resl-dances J.n the DJ.stnch It
was moved by Councilman HcFadden that action by Planning COmmission be approved and variance granted.
ISecorded by CounCilman Brown and carried.
IAttorney Severyns reported on conference 11ith the Attorney General'regarding authority of the City to
'delegate POI'er of Attorney to Insurance Compa~ Representatives. It was confirmed that the City is
.'privileged to delegate, and former action on insurance policies is not invalidated. Mr. Sevezyns also
'l.nformed tha t 'he has received no favorable report from tlte insuranc e compa1V regarding claim for damages
to elevator' filed by the };asonic Association. CounCilman ~lcFadden told Council he had contacted the
'State Highway Department as to condition of South Lincoln Street and that Department is trying to keep
~treet repaired as weather conditions permit.
~Ir. Vergelrr received aseu'ranee from the J.lilwaukee Railroad that as soon as slidlis are removed from their
:nght-of-way, crossings 11ill be repaired as ..requested. Mr. Vergeer also informed that the approach to Turn-
water Trestle 1<ill be improved in near future.
r '
Urder the head of new business, Bertram Krueger, who will have attained retiremerIt age next April 1, re-
I quested in writing that his retirement be extended one year from that date. It was moved by Councilman
Sandison that request be approved. Seconded by Councilman J.lcFadden and carried.
, ,
Claims paid Janmry 9, 10 and 16 were approved in amount of $24,013.90. It was moved by Councilman
I Brown that claims be apptoved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. <
The follo11ing reports of d<tpartrnents Irere filed for Council consideration: Utilities operation and work
reports, Police Judge report for December, City'Treasurer's report for December, Annual report of T:later
Department operqtions. It 11as moved by Councilman I;cFadden that all reports be accepted and filed. Seconfi.
ed by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. ;lotion carried.
,One request was receiv.ed for beverage license transfer as follOl's: From Don Feeley to Don Feeley, Inc.,
,Distributor. It was moved by Councilman Neer that transfer be granted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison
land carried.
l.council considered requests for autl1orization to publish calls for bids to furnish two cars for the
'Police Department, one car for the Fire Chief, a four yard dump truck with hosit, also pickup truck for
the Street Department, and sub-station for the Light Department. It was moved by Councilman ]'/olle,
that the Cit,y Henager be authorized to publish call for bids to furnish the equipment. Seconded by
founcilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
, ,
the Planning Connnission filed recommendation to grant petition for vacation of a portion of the all'V, .
;running ~rorth and South trhough .Block Three of Cains Subdivision of Suburban Lot Eighteen of tne Govern-
inent Townsite. The following Resolution was introduced and read in full, fixing date of hearing: .
A RESOLUTION fixing time for hearing on petition for vacation of the South Half (S~) of the alley
running North and South through Block Three (3) of Cain's Subdivisiort of Suburban Lot Eighteen (18)
of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles.
vlHEREAS, Alpha A. Brodhem and H.enry Brodhem, Mrs. E. K. Allan and J. Forhum and Elizabeth ForhUlll
have filed their petition praying that the South Half of the alley running North ard SoUth through Block '.
,3 of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 18 of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles, be vacated, and
I WHEREAS, it appearing that said petition is signed by the owners of all of the private property abutting
on the part of the alley sought to be vacated. c
,of March at the hour of 7:30, o'clock P.I-I. in the Council Chamber of the City Council at 120 North Oak Street
;be, and the same is, here'gy set as the time and place for the hearing Imen said petition .,j,ll be heard ard
,It was moved by COWlcilrnan Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Second~d by Council_
man Sandison and carried. <
Urder the head of introduction and reading of Resolutions, the follOwing were introduced a.,d re'ld in full:
,... 480
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Januaxy 19
,_.. '~M' '''m'....''_'"'. ...,,"'. ."" __
A IlES<ilLUTION extending the retirement of all\' emploYJile. to July 1, 1956.
liHEREAS, by' resolution d~ adopted the govenrmi.ent of the City of Port Angeles has indicated its
intention that the employees be given the opport).ll1ity to decide by .ele ction on }1arch 15th next whether
or not they care to avail themselves of the opportunity to adopt a Co-ordinated Plan of Social Security
Coverage, and . .
I l'iHEREAS, the benofitsof a favorable action on the part of the employees ""uld. be of substantial
I direct benefit to any employee subject to retirement prior to July, 1, 1956 ani
I ~IHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to give the employees of the City all possible benefits
available to them urder the Social Security Retirement system along with all\' other retirement nO". in . '
i affect. -.
j the City ..hose retirement by declaration of policy by the City. Council would be mandatory between this
1 dat " and July 1st, 1956, that all such retirements are hereby extended to the date of July 1, 1956 in
I' order that such employees that may be af~ected hereby shall have the. full benefit of Social Security
Coverage in the event of a favorable actJ.on by the majority of the CJ.ty ~ployees. .
I It was moved by' Councilman HolIe that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
I Councilman Sandison ard carried. _
A RESOLUTIOn finding it necessary for the safety and convenience of Use of First Street that a side-
I walk be constrncted in front of Lot 3, Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 8 ani Lot 9 of Block 34 of the Townsite
I of Port Angeles.,. I
I \\'HEREAS, the sidewalk has been constructed aHd is nO>l in use in front of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 4 ani Lot
10 of Block ';14 of the TOI""site of Port A>l5eles and the balance of said -sidewalk is not constrll.cted ani I
I said walk is not improved and it is .necessary for the public safety and convenience that a sidewalk ther~on
I be constructed.. j
, this day that it is necessary i:or the public safety and convenience that sidewalks be constructed in front
I of Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Block 34 of the Townsite of Port Angeles.. I
, BE IT FffiTHER RESOLVED that the cost and expense of constructing or recorntructing such sidS\lalk shall
I f,all upon the owners of the property directly abutting upon the respective portions of the sidewalk to I
,be constructed.
, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice shall be served upon the o,mers of the respective lots direct4r i
I abutting upon such portions of the sidewalk in accordance with the plans alIi sp ecifications as prepared
I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer shall prepare plans ani specifications for the cons truct-
ion of said sidewalks and that a copy of such plans and specifications shall be served with the notice
Ion each of the respective property owners. . .
. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said notice shall specify that said sidewall<s shall be constructed on or
I before the 1st da;y of April, 1956, end that ~ncase toe cr..mer fails to make the same in such time the City
shall J?roceed to make it through the office of the City Engineer and that the City Engineer will report
to the City Council 'on Thmsda;y the 5th da;y of April, 1956 on an a.ssessment roll showing the Lot or parcel
lof land direct4r abutting upon ard effected by said sidewalk im 'provement and on that date or one on
,which the same may be adjourned the City Council will hear any and all protests against said assessment.
lIt was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Resolutionbe adopted. Seconded by Councilman
WolIe and carried.
I-A RESOLUTION changing certin budget appropriations in the "Capital Outla;y" classification in the Light
Department Budget for the year 1956, transferring certain appropriations in order to provide for the
; installation of a 3750 KVA Substation in the West end of the City, and further to provide additional I
;apprOpriations to complete the City Hall Building Improvement and to add thereto the item "Furnishing", .
I' and changing the item in the 1956 Street Department Budget from nP,aving I, Street Hill" to. "Paving I Street I
Hill and Acquiring Right-Ortl~".
I rJHEREAS, the Light Department Budget,for the year 1956 as duly approved and adopted provides an
appropriation of $20,000.00 for Substation, Transformers, Capilcitors ani E'Iui]llIl3nt, and
WHEREAS, at the time' of the preparation of .the budget the Light Department had not yep,t experienced
, winter load conditions, particular4r through the months of November and December, and
~ WHEREAS, SUCH load conditions indicate and show the need of a qubstation of 37~0 KVA capacity to <be
constructed in the ilest end of the City, and appropriation as set forth in the budget is insufficient
for this 'size Subst<ftion and for the purpose of Ivhic,h the budget change is required, -and
loJHEREAS, it has met with the Council's approval that the service counters in the existing City Hall
be modernized to correspond to new counters to be installed uner en existing contract, ani
rJHEREAS, certain items of furnishings will be needed upon the occupancy of the new '1uarters and the
budget appropriation is slightly beloW these unanticipated increased expenditures, ard
lo1JJEREAS, a surplus appropriation appears under the item of nStreet Light & Lab. Equipment" end a
contract ras been du4r entered into for the Street Lighting Installation, am
r1HEREAS, the item in the Street Department Budget lif!led as "Paving I Street Hill" did not include the
acqu:i:ring of right-of-w~, ,vhich right-of-wa;y is necessary for'the paving of such street and was omiJited
, by error. .
, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the follOl-Jing transfers of budget .'appropriatiom in the particular
, categories be, and they are hereby authoriaed: '
1, F",m Street Lighting & Lab Equipment to Substation Transforniers, Capacitors & Equiprnent- ;')15,000.00
2. ,From Street Lighting & Lab Equipment to Building Improvement - $2, ~OO.OO, which item of Building
I Imprevement shall include such furnishings as are necessary to fully utilize ssid ne1< addition to the
City Hall.
I 3. That the item Paving I Street Hill in the Street Department Budget be changed to read Paving I
I Street Hill and Acquiring Right-Of-\fa;y. .'
i It was moved by Councilman I'Tolfe that the foregoing R;eso).ution be' adopted. Secorded b7 Councilrnm
I Sandison am carried. '
I A RESOLUTION of the City Council providing that notice shall be given that in the next General Election
lof the City of Port Angeles the electors of the City of Port Angeles shall be granted the opportunity to
I vote filII or against the advancement of said City of Port Angeles from the Third Class to that of the
,Second Class. , ,
i WHEREAS, it is provided that whenever a city or tOl"" of the State of l'ashington, according to the
lofficial report or abstract of the 1sst proceeding state census, shows more then 10,000 inhabitant:s and
'less thatm.20,OCO inhabitents said city may become acHy of the Second Class, and
.... ~~
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 19 continued 19~6
".. , """''', ."'.. '''''-~", ........ ..... ....
I ,mEREAS, it. is shown by the report and abstract' of the last state census that Port Angeles did on
the 1st d~ of Jenuary 1956 have a population of 11,800 people, and
I WHEREAS, a General Election is to be held in the City of Port Angeles on the 13th day of Harch, 1956
for the election of cOlUlcilmen, and citizens of Port Angeles can be given the opportunity to vote on the
'question of the advancement of the city without additional expense, and the advancement of the city from
ithe T'nird Class to the Sedond Class will not reqUire any changes in personnel or nU1\IDer of councilmen or
:from of govemmnent,
'11by the J.layor that -at the , next ,General Election of the, City of Port Angeles to be, held on Tuesd~ the 13th
d~ of harch, 1956 the electors be given the opportunity to vote for or against the advancement and that
jballots therefor shall be pro~ded in accordance with the statutes in such case mde and provided.
,It lias moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconled 'by
Councilman l>lcFadden and carried. .
I '
IUnder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follOlung were introduced and read in full
for Council consideration:
;1 . '( ORDIlvAN::E No. i362' ,
r AN ORDINANCE approviflg replat and subdivision of suburban Lot ,Fifty (50) and the East Half (~) of
Suburben Lot Forty-nine (49) of the To;msite of POl't Angeles, Clallam County, \'fashington to be known as
lIt "as .moved ,by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Ordinence be approved and adopted. Seco~ded by Council-
man BrOl-lll and carried.
, , ORDINAM;.E NQ. ,lJ63 . (' .
AN OIlDINJ\loc;E,providing and authorizing the condemnation of a portion of Lots 11 and 12 in Block l40
of the TO'onsite of Port Angeles, being that portion of said lots lying qoutherly of the right-of-w~
of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railraod and minus the Southerly 18 feet of said Lots.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by, .
Councilman Brown and carried.
jA proposed Ordinance, providing for the regulation, control and. licensing of dance halls and cabarets ,was
tabled for further study.
Council considered notice of hearing on assessment roll for L.I,D. No. 169, Penn Street Area SeweI!.', . It
j'was moved by Councilman Brown that date of hearing on Asssessmenb Roll for L.I,D. No, 169 be set for
February 16, 1956. Motion secorded by Councilman Neer. All voted A:ye. J1otion ,carried,
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
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,2!:L- b
LEGAL PUBLICATION '1 1936 GM.C. 'PIckUp to be t.ra.ded tn
CALL FOR BIDS !1 ~f:J'J!l195~:O~;:::4~~~~ur ~~t
OO~~~~l~S 1rl_lt W~;:;~6~ '., g~~ Bfethtf~rf1P s~~~~ ~~~
t the, Offlce",I~~'Pit)' Clerk, 140 ;~- and .Tl,',re. 1 Beacon,Ray Revolv.'
North Front o!Itrer.t,' Port Angeles.~ ~L;Fiht mounted .em foof tn-
WMJlingt~), on "~ following vc~1t: - stalled. 1 12"Volt Siren ,Model 30
h~itiL :~SC~~i1 =~:t Ji~:! ! ~~c~; ~%f~;, ~cF.li)~rn~~'
l~~ll ~~:.~~ ~~~c;~~ ~~~~I b~d. 2 pa&;. C?PPC seda~,
mQunt of trade-in allowed. Clity rt'~ 'l"w'o (2) :New 19M' M9delc; 6 OyL
el'\'BS the rlgl::.~ Sedam SpEclf1catlons to include:
~J,'eOI~l:i~l ~~Sin-etuJar1ty .on gH~ji.n~!~~l SJgnal LlghtB
or awards. A fjve per cent { Grode One Heare"
dCpo&l.i shall accompany all bids. Defroster .
1 (New) 1956 34 Yd. Dump TrUCk'l Back Upl.lght.,' .....
10000 QV.W. Rating. "1 Heavy Dul;y .Front Seat
6 C'rl. rated: H.P.-:-130 or more, 1lwO~Spot Light
speed rear end of low ratio, oil Window Washer
fll~r replElccable,cartrldge type~ Spue WJ1eel ,and ,'rire
Wheelbase sul~ble tor wn foot, Heavy Duty :Battery - 60 .Ampere
dump body. ___..' Hour
Tire'S 8.25x2o.10:"~' mghway, 5Cl Amp Slow Speed. Deleo Alter-
'I'rc:>.r.1 }'I.'ont, a~HD. 10 P1.vI nator . ,
'l'l'Rction Type R"tifl" , ~ Arm &eat (Fr:ont Bea.t)
Optional. 900X22-10 ;Piy HighW!lY'. Vi~or~
'I'l'!ad Front 9OO~. liD. lQ Pl~T &n I, Covers
TractioufI\ Type R.car ('rube-less),' Ash Tnw
~;~ ~~k~at~~ &~Uonal Slg.: ~::~~. Ef~ioU€d -
na1s for, eand -art.. I::'. Volt SYIiWln'1 HO,',",'!::, 'er 125 or ,ave, r
~~~ll~ir~.t1;~i~~~~ If~c 1~~~b~~ :~~neC~~ InstallaL01i
}MH-(;1'Y, I r"JI all eQufpmfllt ~tncludJng Police
=~~~k~uderc~ted. CoIO:-~ S~B~4~d Red Lights. police cq~~~
red.. . , nl('nt''fr r&, cxccpt.iug
~~W;, Da-~: 1\?proX1mat~]y thirty ~rn~ _ VE. I
,.i~. rrl'(lcle 111 .co~ of two '(2) 1953
DumS, ~od d Hols~ to be 51i"..e~ Chl'"Yrolet four d60ll' 5 e d a, ,Dri 1€"3~
. o:no'ldM e. i70 Hoist Tntcit1'~P?J1ce equlpmellt. Both may be' fiC~Ij.
~~a~L tlt~l1t~l T~)Ga~ .10 the Pb~FY~<t~~A~'ANGELES"
TTip. I g.t~. ;;~~::~r.
Clearance. L1t~~d !l&p3 :to' lib' Jan. 27 Pcb G 1956T
~~~etc~r.-i~iU'~g~, . . , - . .
Delivery rla,t& mately th1
(jays. .! '
1 1940
1 /rr".....,) 19 - . Up 'rruck
~. Cyl R8 .-i ,.. or more, 01
11ltet l"Cplaceable cartlidge Type
Tirf'<!'i Factor'! -6 PlY,. Tlroo. .spa
whe:} and tire. f'r~ Air Rea
Dtrtctiona.I ~lgna1s fore and a.f
DU,aJ S, wipes,' WI~ h1eld" was~he!'Sl
r..iVhter. .Body. to.be undercoated
near Bumper. COlor,'red. Delive