HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/19/1961 Proceedings of tne Ci~ Commission of tne Ci~ of Port Angeles, Wasnington JANUARY 19 19~ I..llt_'"l NUN.TIN.. eo. p.UU4 ..... I The Port Angeles City Council met in regular session a~ 7:30 P.M. R?ll call of Officers revealed the following present: Mayor Maxfield, CounCllmen Smith, RJ.chardson, Thorne, Randall. Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected as follows: Councilm~n Richardson,mov~d ,that Del Guzzi Construction Co. be paid the 15% retained for r~servolr c?nstruction In lamount of $47,202.36. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Councilman Randall Irequested that the record show Manager Slankard stating that the control switch for street Ilights will be manually <operated until defects in automatic switch gear are corrected. It Iwas then moved by Councilman Thorne that the minutes be approved as corrected, Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Ilunder the head of unfinished business, the following bids to furnish one pick-up truck for the Park Dept; were received: Swanson Motor Co" 1961 Studebaker Champion, $1,867.60 net. Anderson Ford Co., 1961 Ford 6 cyl., $1,854.84 net; alternate - 1961 Ford Ranchero, $l,872i,00 Inet; alternate - 1961 Ford Flareside, $1,896.44 net, Murray Motors, 1961 Dodge Dart, 6 cyl, ., $1,928.16 net, Robertson-Gray Motors Co., 1961 GMC, V6, $1,995.00 plus tax. Bob'Bolter Chev, Co., 1961 Chev., Model C1404, $1,802.54 net. It was moved by Councilman Randall tha the low bid by Bolter Chev, Co. at $1,802,54 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne I land carried. The Council considered a contract between the City and Fire District No.2 for a 120 day .extension of fire protection. The Manager read the contract which the Attorney stated is I'the exact wording of the previous agreement. It was the opinion of Councilman Caldwell that 120 day extension having been requested and the area was protected. the agreement IShoUld be dated from January 1st, not the 5th, and the City furnishing five days protectio' ,without charge would be, subject to legal criticism. C,ouncilman Ra. ndall also qUestioned, ~ limaking a contract retroactive. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman Rich- ardson that the Council approve the agreement as of January I, 1961 for 120 days, and authorize that the Mayor be allowed to enter into the contractural agreement. Seconded by, ICouncilman Caldwell and carried. IThe Planning Commission having met and considered the request by John Goneis that improve- Iment of Second Street from Peabody to Chase Street be included in proposed L,I.D., the :Commission unanimously passed a motion recommending that Second Street from Peabody to iChase Street be included in the pending L.I.D. and that a gradient be adopted that will ~est serve the abutting property. Councilman Randall questioned the extent of the added !project and if a Iill would be necessary at the expense of other property owners, The :/City Engineer assured that no fill would be required. It was moved by Councilman Richard- Ison that the minutes of the Planning Commission be approved and adopted inclUding the IClarification requested by Mr. Randall. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. 'Construction of reservoirs and connections having been completed. the publication of call !fOr bids for installation of pipeline from Morse Creek to Reservoir No. 1 was discussed. The Manager read a summary of completed construction and work yet to be done. Plans and specifications are now ready for pipeline and other installations at estimated cost of '$843,582,58. Contingencies at 10%, $B4.358.25. Engineering and inspection at 4%, $37,117.60. Total $965,058.46. Available in Water Construction Fund, $1,250,000.00. Recommended i 'February 13th as opening date for study and tabulation of bids by Engineers, Construction Ito start about March 1st. Contract to require that Contractor maintain water service at all time at contractor's expense. Councilman Haguewood questioned necessity of a Chlorinai tor at the large reservoir and was informed that the installation is required by the Healtn Vepartment. The Manager advised that it has been determined locally, ,if sufficient funds I femain unused in completing the installations, such funds should be used to install a by- I~ass around reservoir No. I, thereby delivering water to the large reservoir and, at the I~ame time, clean reservoir No.1 without service interruption. It was moved by Council- ~an Richardson that permission be granted to publish call for bids for installation of the Irew wate~ mainline from Morse Creek to Reservoir No.1. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood II Iland carned, ~ INext considered was appointing architects to prepare plans and specifications for construe, ,tion of a swimming pool. The Mayor cited several Engineering and Architectural firms whic~ have been contacted and pool problems discussed. In view of previous discussions, it waSIl ~oved by Councilman Haguewood that the firm of McGuire and Muri be obtained by the City of /port Angeles for the purpose of building the indoor-outdoor type swimming pool as provided by the $300,000,00 Bond issue as passed by vote of the people. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Melvin Bondelid asked if a price has been set. The Mayor replied that charges ~ill be typical of architects fees or 6% although no contract has been drawn as yet, Mr. i I~ondelid expressed the desire that as much as possible of the money be spent for pool !construction. He also cited the United Pool Builders Associated of Saltlake City with , I'offices in Tacoma and stated that they are willing. when ground is obtained, to send Engin-! leers and architects to test the ground for ability to hold a pool of that size. They will IEervice the Community in construction of the pool, draw blue prints, furnish the Engineerig IPnd have available architects willing to do all the work and no charge to the City. Therel lore asked the Council to withhold motion for appointment, get location desired and give this Firm a chance to be heard. r: illiam Schultz inquired if $300,000.00 is total amount of cost and bond interest included uhe Manager replied that bonds will be issued in this amount, perhaps twenty year bonds, i;and sold. The interest would be above this amount. Councilman Haguewood ci tedthe Firm j ~f McGuire and Muri experience as being many years, also their ability in construction of pools and other buildings, and considered this a very legitimate and capable firm. The :Ruestion was called for and all voting Aye, motion carried. ~ouncilman Thorne commended Mr. Bondelid and Committee for excellent job done in connectio, ~ith pool construction. I ~he Manager recommended that'a meeting be scheduled with all owners of property which migh~ ~e suitable for location of pool. Also that the Manager present fhe Council a financial I :statement as to the City's Funds that might be available to purchase a portion of the Bonds ~nd to do a number of other things necessary to 8et this project under way. He further , i I II I, I I I ., 59 60 Procee~ings oftne City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Washington (Continued) JANUARY 19 19-B 1, litH PRINTINO eo. P.Z.:... ~ !irequested that preliminary rough plans be made available for the Council to study. ~r ;Under the head of new business. permission was requested to negotiate and purchase property Ifor gravel supply for the Street Department. The property being adjacent to the City gravel I ,pit at Morse Cree k, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Manager be authorized tdl I,Qegotiate for purchase of the property, amount not to exceed $5,500.00. Seconded by Coune,il- " I man Smith and carried. Ii IClaims for payment, 1960, were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $8,341.34. Water !I IFund, $1,665.51. Pipeline Fund, $89,900,63, Light Fund. $28,728.67. It was moved by Iii i Councilman Ri chard son that the claims be paid as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman Thorrt'e and carried. . I Claims for 1961: General Funds, $14,549.72, Water Fund, $2,030.64. Light Fund, $89,175)08. It was moved by Councilman Smith that claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilma~ Richardson and carried. ! It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the following reports be approved and placed ory file: Police Dept., Police Judge, Light Billing, Water Billing. Motion seconded by Coundil. man Smith and carried. II Glen Peters having requested that minimum be set on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 357 and Lot~ 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 314, Townsite, the Mayor appointed Councilmen Randall, Rich- II ardson and Smith as appraisal Committee to investigate and recommend. The Mayor acknowledged I the presence of Kenneth Cameron, recently appointed Fire Chief, replacing Clay Wolverton, II' retired. ' ,It was moved by Councilman Randall that the Council commend all Departments and individua~s I contributing assistance during the recent flood eme.rgency. Motion seconded by Councilman II Haguewood and carried. ' Mr. Bondelid questioned concerning inquiries by persons desiring to sell property for i, I swimming pool location. The Mayor advised that such inquiries should be referred to the 1'1' I City Manager. The Attorney announced that pursuant to lawsuit of Maloney Electric Co. versus the City, ~e 'was successful in getting the Court to sign Judgment in favor of the City on January 13th!! and apparently there is no chance for appeal. ' I Under the head of introduction and passage of Resolutions, the following were introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO. 3-61 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the expenditure of State Motor Vehicle Funds. , , Seconded by I" 'I I 'I II III' It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Resolution be approved and passed, Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.' The City Attorney reported for the Committee appointed to examine details of a Franchise 'I Ordinance as submitted by the Natural Gas Transmission Co. of Washington permitting in- , I stallation of gas distribution lines within the City. The Attorney considered it advisa-, ble to contact the Public Service Commission of Washington State. He also stated that the, Committee had gained lots of knowledge but no decision, and advised that an informal publrc meeting be scheduled at which representatives of the Transmission Co., Local Gas Co., II Industries and any others interested could attend. The meeting was set for Thursday, I January 26th. I I Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: I ORDINANCE NO. 1466 I i. i1 It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried, 'I I i I i i , It was moved by Councilman Smith that the Resolution be approved and passed. I\councilman Caldwell and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4-61 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, provi- ding for the issuance of bonds of Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 179 in the principal sum of $224,000, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles transferring funds within the various budget divisions of the 1960 budget for the C~ty of Port Angeles, and providing for an emergency expenditure. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Q. r:. ~a-v.r (/ CITY CLERK Yf~~ 1AA~/:~ ll...... I I