HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/19/1982
Port Angeles, ,1,'Jashington
January 19, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, HordyJ;:,
Polhamus, Quast and Whidden.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. carr, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R.
Orton, G. Booth and R. Morgan.
Public Present:
E. Ramierz, D. Stockert, R. Janssen, C. Ritchie, T. Sample,'
C. Hulse, E. Maybee, H. Ratzman, D. Price, D. Bragg and
M. Merrick.
I V.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the January 12, 1982 meeting. Councilman Quast seconded and
requested the word "unqualified" be changed to "qualified" on Register page 226,
third line. The motion to approve the minutes as amended carried.
COuncilman Bordyk moved the COuncil accept the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers of $169,337.73 and $112,433.27 and Payrolls of
,$259,044.80 and $113,581.00, 1981 and 1982 expenses. COuncilman Whidden seconded
and the motion carried.
1. Permission to call for bids
Councilman Bordyk moved the Council approve Finance Director Orton's request
to call for bids for the replacement of equipment and projects approved in the
1982 budget for the Equipment Rental Division. councilman WhiddeR seponded,and
the motion carried. ,",v 02UA "
: '.. "",NQ/.lq OF CAllfOR ~:LlS
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tnat sealed bid. fo, tne .ale 01
2. Permission to liquidate surplus equipment \ su'plu. equipment will be received by tne Cily Clerk, City of
Port:Ange'es, 140 West Front Street, P,O. Box 1150, PorI
Angeles, until 2:00 P,M, Wednesday, February24, 1982
Tne follawing equipment is offered for sale:
One {I) I97S Ford 050 garbage truck witn
Heil Tvlark Tnree 16 ya,d packer body 31 ,000 mi.
Councilman Gerberding moved the council appri
call for bids for the liquidation of ,an '80 ~
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carr;
. . J
The Council also cons~dered R. Oxton s reques,
fire truck. Councilmen Hordyk, and Quast favo::
emergencies and use in the "Sparky" program aI,
moved the City retain for the present, the 19!
Bordyk seconded and the motion carried.
OneIl) 1980 Dooge 4.door St, Regis. propane
powered 75,71B mi. $4,800,00
Vehi1:~es may be inspected .0' thE;l' City Service Garage ~ocated
at 17th and "B" SIreets between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM
weekdor.s, '
Vehh: es are to be sold "-as is" to the highest bidder. The city
of Po-rt Angeles will make no warranty about the operating
cOndition of any of this equipment.
Terms: Terms are aHe,ed only fo, purchose of tne Ford 050
truck. Contract terms ore .30% down poym&nt with the balance
in 36 equol monthly payments, at an onnual rate of interest of
All bids a,e la be in Ine form of 0 sealed I"tter 10 the City
Mayor Duncan read Finance Director Orton's men M~nall':' and musl include the no~e of tne bidder, equipment
" . I beIng bod, and Ine amount of Ine bod,
acceptance of the low fuel b1ds rece~ ved from The bidsshould be addressed 10 Ine City Cle~k, 140 West Front
d 0 1 D. t 'b t' Company of Port Angelel 5t,e.t, P.O, Box 1150, Part Angeles, Wasnlnglon 9B362, The
an oy e ~s r~ u 1ng ", outside of tne envelope snould be marked "Bid Opening _
No. 2-82, entitled Cil)' of Port Angeles Surplus Equipment 2:00 P,M," Tne name
and add,,,.. of tne bidder should also be included on Ine
outside of ttle envelope.
RESOLUTION NO. .. Pub,: Feb, 14,,19,11, 198? '
Fuel Bids 'for 1982
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing
the City Manager to execute petroleum fuel contracts.
Councilman Quast moved for adoption of the foregoing resolution as read by title
and Councilman Whidden seconded. After discussion of the fuel prices, the motion
I v.
Port Angeles, l'la.shington
January 19, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast and Whidden.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. Carr, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R.
Orton, G., Booth and R. Morgan.
Public Present:
E. Ramierz, D. Stockert, R. Janssen, C. Ritchie, T. Sample,
C. Hulse, E. Maybee, H. Ratzman, D. Price, D. Bragg and
M. Merrick.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the January l2, 1982 meeting. 0'7
requested the word "unqualified" be changed to I ~
third line. The motion to approve the minut ~
::cilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the :
Agenda including Vouchers of $169,337.73 and $1;
$259,044.80 and $113,581.00, 1981 and 1982 expe
and the motion carried.
NOI! Ylit)llI:Jil
L permission to call for bids I i"
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve j ~
to call for bids for the replacement of equipm :
1982 budget for the Equipment Rental Division;
the motion carried.
2. Permission to liquidate surplus equipment
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council approve ,Finance Director Orton 1 s requ.est to
call for bids for the liquidation of ,an '80 Dodge and a '72 or '73 garbage packer.
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
The Council also considered R. Orton's request to liquidate the 1954 Seagraves
fire truck. Councilmen Hordyk and Quast favored retainage of the truck for
emergencies and use in the "Sparky" program and parades. Councilman Quast then
moved the City retain for the present, the 1954 Seagraves pumper; Councilman
Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
3. Fuel Bids "for 1982
Mayor Duncan'read Finance Director Orton's memo recommending the Council's
acceptance of the low fuel bids received from oil Heat Company of Port Angeles
and Doyle Distributing Company of Port Angeles. She then read by title Resolution
No. 2-82, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing
the City Manager to execute petroleum fuel contracts.
Councilman Quast moved for adoption of the foregoing resolution as read by title
and Councilman Whidden seconded. After discussion of the fuel prices, the motion
January 19, 1982
Mayor Duncan awarded Councilman Haguewood a plaque in appreciation for his past
service as Mayor, 1978 - 1981.
1. Planning commission Minutes of January 13, 1982
Mayor Duncan summarized the action taken by the Planning Commission at their
January l3, 1982 meeting and the following action was taken by the Council:
A. Del Hur Annexation petition
A petition in opposition to Del Hur's proposed annexation was noted and Councilman
Hordyk then moved the council concur with the Planning commission's recommendation
to approve Del Hurt s request to circulate an annexation petition for approximately
570 acres that included the Edgewood Drive right-of-way and the following conditions:
1.) That the area residents assume the ~onded indebtedness of the City, and 2.), That
the area be zoned RS-9, 9,000 square foot lots; Councilman Whidden seconded.
Planner Carr answered the, Council's questions regarding Environmental Impact Statements
and the two step process necessary to zone this property for industrial use;
Councilman Quast also requested the County's participation in the ,annexation process.
The motion to approve the petition request carried.
B. COnditional Use Permit - Friedman
Councilman Hordyk moved for the Council's concurrence with the Planning COmmission's
recommendation for the extension of the Home Occupation Permit for Friedman and
that the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning Commission minutes
of January 13, 1982. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
2. Public Hearing - General Service Customer Electrical Rates III
Light Director COsens recapped the City~s e~erience with the demand meter program ..
implemented in May of 1981 {the general service electrical rates were derived from
the EES cost of service study); stating that the proposed rate "G" is a further
refinement of an acceptable program currently underway. Power Manager Booth
summarized the workshop content held on January 18, 1982 and reviewed the proposed
rate schedule. Mayor Duncan then opened the public hearing and requested comments
or questions from the audience or staff. Clinton Hulse, president of uptown Business
Association, addressed the Association's membership's concerns regarding the demand
meter program and requested a credit rollback from May 1981 to January 1982 for the
demand meter charges, increase the KW's included in,the energy charge to 75, and
requested the Council delay a decision until February 2, 1982. Esther Ramirez
questioned an increase in her residential KWH usage and the council referred her
to Finance Director Orton. Mary Long, St. Andrews Church, favored the proposed
rate restructure. Mayor Duncan then closed the public hearing and Manager Flodstrom
advised the Council that rolling back the electrical rates and/or granting a credit
is legally prohibited as per Attorney Miller's memorandum to that effect. Council
questioned staff at length regarding the proposed :r:ate change:" 'demand meter program
and request for a credit roll-back. Councilman Hordyk then moved this item be tabled
for consideration at the February 2, 1982 meeting; councilman Polhamus seconded and
the motion carried. councilman Quast, voting "NO", opposed the'motion as further
compounding the pro,bl,em presently at hand.
3. WPPSS Status Report I
Light Director COsensbrifely updated the Council regarding WPPSS's' recommendation
for termination of Plants 4 and 5 and the contingency plan currently being considered.
At Director Cosens' request, Councilman Haguewood moved the Council go on record
as reaffirming their support of mothballing of Plants 4 and 5 in lieu of termination
and Councilman Gerberding seconded. During discussion of the motion, Councilman
Quast called for the City to more actively voice their concerns in future WPPSS
decisions. On call for the question the motion carried. '
.'::' ,...~.
.<..~'; -' .'
'1,"~;"~J ."..;.0 "
'the Port Angela City Council will hold a public hear.
'iilg on Jall1fCll'J 19, 1982, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon
,thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers, 134
West Front Street, to consider an ordinance modifying
the General Service Demand rate schedules in order to
exempt the first 50 KW of billing demand from demand
A worbhop will be held at 7:00 p.m., January 18,
1982, at the Council Chambers. City Light staff will
be present to explain proposed modifications and ans.
wer questions.
All interested parties may appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on this proposal.
I OilS ~
I~el t~e Pert Angele. Ctty
Ceuncil will ~old 0 public I
~eoring on Jonuory 19, 1982.
~ of 7:00 p.m. Of 05 $000 I
I~ereoft.r Os po...ll>l., In Ihe
, Council Chombei:s; I~ Wesl
tfront Str.el~ to.,~~"id.r Ort I
ordinance modifying the.
General Service Demand rote'
I !ictledvles in order to exempt j
Ihe first 50 KW of billing'
demand from demand
A work.~op will be held el
7:00 p,m., )enuory lB, 1982,
at the Council Chambers. City
light .tall will be present to
explain proposed
I modifications and -answer
I questions.
All interested pOr'ties may
appeor of the hearing and j
express their opinion on this
Dole: )onuery 13. 1982
MQrian C. Poni$h
City Clerk
Pub, Jon, 15,17,1982 I
January 19, 1982
4. Shillington Temporary street Use Permit
councilman Whidden moved this item be removed from the table. COuncilman H'ordyk
seconded and the motion carried. Finance Director Orton reported "no change"
from his December 15, 1981 memo regarding Shillington's lack,of payment of the
Temporary Street Use Permit fee. After discussion of the issue, Councilman Quast
moved the Council authorize staff to direct the Shillingtons to remove their
garage from the public right-of-way within' four weeks or pay the fee. COuncilman
Haguewood seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried.
5. Utility Tax on PUD Services Within the City Limits
Finance Director Orton's memorandum of January 13, 1982 recommended the Council
impose a utility tax of 3% against PUD sales within the City Limits. Councilman
Hordyk moved the Council impose such a tax; Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman
Hordyk pointed out that that the City imposes such a tax against its own utilities.
On call for the question, the motion carried. 0261' ---:
The Cily of Port Angeles I
~~:~~:i~~o!r:r~o.~~dr ~~~
COuncil and staff discussed Fire Chief Glenn's recommendation to bulance (cob, cha..is and \
ambulance as part of the reserve ambulance proposal outlined in h; body) for use in the Municipal
d Th emb f th C '1 . th' 1 - Fire Depo,tmenl.
memoran urn. , ose m ers 0 e ounc~ oppos~ng e 'proposa I Bid p,oposal wo,k.hee15
competing with private enterprise', complicating the dispatching SI and, specifiealian. ~re
, . , ' " available from Marian
respons~bl.ll.ty of the tax supported hosp~tal d~str:Lct. Proponentl Porrish, Per.onnel Direelor,
should have reserve ambulance service, the, Fire Department has tht City Hall, P,O, Box 1150, Port d
h . f h' , . 1 ' ft f I Angele., WA 98362,
t e attract~veness 0 purc as~ng ,this part:LCU ar un:Lt. A er ur1 Proposals will be ottepted
Councilman Quast moved the COuncil authorize, the City Manager and: until 2:00 p,m, on Wed,
. - nesday, Februal"'( 10, 19B2,
purchase the backup ambulance and CounC:Llman Gerberding seconded., Propasal. should be ad.
Gerberding and Whidden voted "Yes" and Councilmen Haguewood Hord, dressed 10 Mr. David T,
, ' ; Fladslram, CIty Manag..r,
voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted "Yes" ill P,O, Box 1150, Port Angeles, d.
" I Washinglon 98362, and
, should be <Iea,ly marked
7. Proposed Tennis Facility at Erickson Playfield "Ambulance Bid Opening, 2
I p,m.. F..brual"'( 10. 1982,"
Proposals sholl be opened
Parks Director Frizzell summarized the content of his January 15, I on Februal"'( 10, 1982 and a
h " d' d' f h recommendation mad.. to the
to t e CounC1:l regard:Lng the Park Boar s recommen at~ons or t e~ City Council al ils regular <
proposal. Councilman Quast moved this item be tabled for considel meeling held onf..bruol"'( 19'1'
. hI' h h k . f . . ,19B2.
February 4, 1982 meet:Lng sc edu ed W:Lt t e Par ' Beaut~ ~cat~on aJ DavidT,Flodst,am
Board. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. t ,CilYManager
Pub,: F..b, 1. 19B2
, _ _ ,_' ,_ _----.-----J
The council noted the presence of Mr. Bennett who had attended the meeting with
intent to address the Council. Mr. Bennett opposed the proposal as creating a
parking problem for the neighborhood and was invited-to attend the February 4, 1982
Reserve Ambulance Proposal
8. Ordinance Adopting Port Regulations
Mayor Duncan read by title Ordinance No. 2194 entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adopting regulations of
the Port of Port Angeles regarding traffic, parking, and tres-
passers; and adding new sections to Title 9 and lO of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title,
CO\IDcilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
9. Noise Ordinance
Mayor Duncan read Chief Cleland's memorandum regarding the updated noise ordinance
and read by title Ordinance No. 2l95, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adopting by reference
Washington Administrative code 173-62 as now existing, and
all future amendments, additions, and new sections, adding
new section to Title 10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
and repealing Ordinance NO. 1667.
J~nuary 19, 1982
pllq aAl. 03e S1(lUow Al.aJ vI
Iup(OOI s'olua I aJaqA\. aJUJO s'\
councilman Whidden moved this item be removed from the table. CoUItl.lJUIiltI1PlIIlI"P3.Illl83JSBJ
seconded and the motion carried. Finance Director Orton reporteddedsA\.au a3ed-\llIJ 04\1 SSO.!J\
from hi s December l5, 1981 memo regarding Shillington I slack _ of p!'Jll 3up(OOI a!!ltA\. s'\lUr:~B.lo
. f Af d' . f h' I 'lapow IIlU01SS3JOJ ,
Temporary Street Use Perm t ee. ter ~scuss~on 0 t e 1ssue, ,tAl. aqs se s,~ '!IImnBaq pUt
moved, the Council authorize staff to direct the Shillington!l to qA\. 'a~ s'W :ASav lIV:!IG 1
garage from the public right-of-way within four weeks or pay the I
Haguewood seconded and after further discussion, the motion carri!OlatpOOUJnOs'~~,UP~OmqoS,~
1OO1palllom PJ1IS ApoqO N
I DOs' JOJ dqaaqa {BJlsS,qd V
5. Utility Tax on PUD Services Within the City Limits _ i1IaalllJoA;'Oos'JoJ3uJla1l111loi
1I~ ST'l JOJ 118Y 'am Ol PTl
Finance Director orton I s memorandum of January 13, 1982 recommendJIon\l.llSlUJ .mos' aq~JS;)~~
impose a utility tax of 3% against PUD sales within the City Limi,alJUod aq s'81II ~~!J ~oq-;'
. , ,88 31ll 100 g,.- -. ~
Hordyk moved the Counc11 1mpose such a tax; CounC1lman Quast seco\s, a.lo8q '1SJ!A :WOW lIV:!IG
Hordyk pointed out that that the City imposes such a tax against ia
On call for the question, the motion carried. IQoJdS!llIWV'pllQoslaaJI
Shillington Temporary Street Use Permit
6. Reserve Ambulance Proposal
Council and staff discussed Fire
ambulance as part of the reserve ambulance proposal outlined in his January
memorandum., Those members of the Council opposing the 'proposal considered it as
competing with private enterprise, complicating the dispatching service,and being the'
responsibility of the tax supported hospital district. proponents felt citizens
should have reserve ambulance service, the, Fire Department has the manpower, and cited
the attractiveness of purchasingthi~ particular unit. After further discussion,
Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize the City Manager and Fire Chief to
purchase the backup ambulance and Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilmen Quast.
Gerberding and Whidden voted "Yes" and councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk and Polhamus
voted "No rr . Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted "Yes" and the' motion carri.ed.
7. Proposed Tennis Facility at Erickson Playfield
Parks Director Frizzell summarized the content of his January l5, 1982 memorandum
to the Council regarding the Park Board's recommendations for the Tennis Club
proposal. Councilman Quast moved this item be tabled for consideration at the
February 4, 1982 meeting scheduled with the Park, Beautification and Recreation
Board. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
The Council noted the presence ,of Mr. Bennett who had attended the meeting with
intent to address the Council. Mr. Bennett opposed the proposal as creating a
parking problem for the neighborhood and was invited to attend the February 4, 1982
B. Ordinance Adopting Port Regulations
Mayor Duncan'read by title Ordinance No. 2194 entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adopting regulations of
the Port of Port Angeles regarding traffic, parking, and tres-
passersi and adding new sections to Title 9 and 10 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title,
Co~mcilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
9. Noise Ordinance
Mayor Duncan read Chief Cleland's memorandum regarding the updated noise ordinance
and read by title Ordinance No. 2l95, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adopting by reference
Washington Administrative Code l73-62 as now existing, and
all future amendments, additions, and new sections, adding
new section to Title lO of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
and repealing Ordinance No. 1667.
January 19, 1932
~T:WN (cont.)
9. Noise Ordinance (cont.)
Councilman Quast moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title;
Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
10. Indemnification Ordinance - Draft
Mayor Duncan read by title the draft of the indemnification ordinance and the I
Council questioned Attorney Miller regarding potential liability for public
officials. No action was taken.
ll. Administrative Consultant for Self-Insurance Health Plan
Mayor Duncan summarized Finance Director Orton's request to hire an administrative
consultant to conduct a self-insurance health plan review. OOuncilman Quast moved
the Council approve this request; councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion
l2. Boards and COmmissions - Expirin9 Terms
13. Council Work Sessions
14. Planning Commission and council - Joint Meeting
15. 'city Council COmmittee Assignments.
The Council concurred with Mayor Duncan's suggestion to cover the above items
during a Council work session and scheduled the meeting for Tuesday, January 26,
1982, '7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers.
1. DAR Proclamation
~~yor Duncan proclaimed the month of February, 1982 as American History month
per the Daughters of the American Revolution's request.
Councilman Quast -thanked all those who attended the tourism "Think Tank".
, Councilman Hordyk addressed the proposed "jail bill" before the state legislature
as it could directly impact the City.
,,~yor Duncan reviewed her schedule for the weeks of January II and January 18
for the COuncil's information.
Councilman Haguewood suggested the loading and unloading zones in front of the
Lee Hotel be changed to general public parking as the building is empty.
Manager Flodstrom directed 'the Council's attention to several items in the
information packet.
Councilman'Gerberding asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Charles LUkey
~or his analysis of the Lawson Report.
The Council adjourned to an executive session at 10:10 P.M.
The Council returned to open session and adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
1P.d/r~.1 ~. Idhk-U1~
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