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Port Angeles, Washington
January 19, 1993
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen
Schueler and Wight.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, B. Coons, B. Henderson, and K. Ridout.
Public Present: B. Haselton, M. Derrington, J. Ulsky, J. Ralston, P.
Downie, L. Bell, K. Smith.
EXECUTIVE Mayor Hallett adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss a
SESSION: personnel matter for approximately 30 minutes. The meeting reconvened at 7:05
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:11 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by JoAnn Fredrickson's Camp Fire
ALLEGIANCE: Group. Members present were: Andrea Bruck, Lisa Fredrickson, Kala Fredrickon,
Chelsey Bowden, Laura Osterberg and Jessica Ruud.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: January 5, 1993. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
January 12, 1993. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried
CEREMONIAL Mayor Hallett introduced Mary Lynne Derrington who was present as the
MATTERS/ representative of the American Heart Association. Mayor Hallett read a
PROCLAMATIONS: proclamation establishing February as American Heart Month. Ms. Derrington
reviewed the various events scheduled to celebrate Heart Month.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Schueler, the City Council representative to the Visitor & Convention
COMMITTEE Bureau, reported on the VCB's current mission. He noted the VCB has a bigger job
REPORTS: than might be realized because of the large territory involved. Councilman Schueler
summarized the number of members in the VCB and reviewed various workshops,
trade shows and marketing efforts coordinated by the VCB.
Joanie Ulsky reviewed the accomplishments of the VCB; she distributed membership
kits to each Council member. The kits explain who the VCB is, what it does, and
some of the events planned for this year. Ms. Ulsky reviewed some of the past
events held and summarized what is being done to bring business/visitors to the
Olympic Peninsula. In addition, Ms. Ulsky reviewed the plans for marketing the
Veto Burton Center, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce. Manager
Pomeranz interjected the deadline for the Vern Burton marketing plan is May 31,
Jalluary 19, 1993
CITY COUNCIL Pat Downie, Vice President of VCB, provided a brief sununary of the search
COMMITTEE underway for an Executive Director. The Clallam County Personnel Department has
REPORTS: been overseeing this effort. It was noted there have been more than 200 applicants
(Cont'd) for the position. Mr. Downie also reviewed some of the VCB accomplishments, and
extended an invitation to the Council members to join the VCB in future discussions
of common goals and cooperative efforts.
Councilman Schueler concluded his report by advising the Council he will be
providing periodic status reports on the Visitor & Convention Bureau.
Councilman Braun reported on his attendance at the Utility Advisory Committee, as
well as the Museum Board. The Museum Board has expressed appreciation to the
Council for the funds committed to the Museum for 1993. Councilman Braun also
attended the special Council meeting with the County Commissioners concerning the
landfill issues. He participated in a Real Estate Committee meeting; there are some
property issues on this agenda as a result of that meeting. He also attended the Fire
Department Design Committee meeting, at which time there was finalization of some
of the plans.
Councilwoman Sargent officiated at the recent Chamber of Commerce installation.
The EDC Executive Committee met; Deborah Maher, EDC Executive Director is in
Washington, D.C. for the inaugural events. She plans to meet with our legislators
in order to share our concerns while she is there. The Growth Management Steering
Committee is still discussing urban growth areas. As an aside to that meeting,
Councilwoman Sargent and two other Council members met with Dorothy Duncan
regarding the Port Angeles urban growth area. Regarding the Fire Station, there will
be a meeting with the Planning staff because of a possible need for a rezone. The
downtown mural has been completed and is located on the side of the Carriage
House, which is Jackson Smart's business. He is one of the artists who created the
Councilman Ostrowski reported that he and Planning Director Collins attended the
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization meeting in Sequim. They
were able to get some changes to the wording of the Policies and Goals for the
regional airport so that it reads "all reasonable efforts will be made to minimize
hazards from wildlife".
Councilman Wight also attended the Growth Management meeting with
Commissioner Duncan. There will be more to report on this issue at a later date.
He also attended the Utility Advisory Committee meeting. The Real Estate
Committee had a fairly interesting and extensive meeting; there are several issues
which should be discussed, for informational purposes, at the end of the agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wight requested that the first four items on the Consent Agenda be
considered separately; the remainder of the items could be considered as a group.
The Council was in agreement.
(1) Request for Councilman Schueler to attend the Tahoe Summit Conference on
Privatization in Incline, Nevada on February 10 & 11
Councilman Nicholson moved to send Councilman Schueler to the conference on
privatization. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilman Wight
- indicated he felt it timely for someone to attend a seminar on privatization; he
suggested that a staff member attend, if not this seminar, one in the future. It is
important to gain as much information as possible on this subject. Councilman
Sehueler noted that Councilwoman Sargent had expressed interest in the AWC
sponsoring a similar seminar for its membership. Councilwoman Sargent related
there is no such seminar on the immediate horizon; however, smaller cities currently
being established would be extremely interested in such a workshop. She indicated
she would submit a request in this regard. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
(2) Request by Mayor Hallett to take a trip to Victoria
Mayor Hallett reported he has been invited to address the Victoria Hotel and
Restaurant Association on January 27 concerning Victoria's recent decision regarding
primary and secondary treatment. Mayor Hallett will share with them what the City
of Port Angeles has done in this regard.
January 19, 1993
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wight moved to authorize Mayor Hallett's trip to Victoria, B.C.
(Cont'd) Councilman Niehoison seconded the motion. In the ensuing discussion,
Councilman Wight cited this as an excellent opportunity to diffuse what may be
perceived as a strained relationship between the two entities. He expressed the
opinion that whatever Victoria is doing does not have any measurable impact on the
City of Port Angeles. Council members were in agreement, and a vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
(3) Equipment List for approval of advertising for bids or purchase from state
Brief discussion was held concerning the means by which the City acquires the
various pieces of equipment. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the larger items
are generally not available on State bids in accordance with the City's needed
configurations. The other items could be obtained from the State bid. In response -
to a question from Councilman Wight, Director Pittis indicated it is not
recommended to modify factory made equipment. Councilwoman Sargent moved
to authorize the Public Works Depariment to make the equipment fleet
replacement and additions per the City's equipment replacement policy and the
1993 Budget. Councilman Wight seconded the motion, which carried
(4) Approval for PERFORM to become the third party administrator for prescription
drug coverage
Councilman Nicholson moved to authorize the Human Resources Manager to
sign the amendment to the contract with Concept Administrators to enable
PERFORM to provide prescription drug claims processing and related services.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. A brief discussion followed and
Councilwoman Sargent queried as to whether costs would rise because of an increase
in the number of providers. Human Resources Manager Coons explained the nature
of the agreement and felt the costs should be balanced. Manager Pomeranz advised
the Council there should be a savings realized due to some of the cost saving features
in the agreement. Additionally, the advantage of employees being able to select their
own pharmacist was cited. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
The remaining items on the Consent Agenda were then considered: (5)
Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (6) Wire transfers for
December, 1992, of $1,582,660.33; (7) Concept Administrators through December,
1992, of $756,631.03; (8) Voucher list of January 15, 1993, of $102,145.95; and (9)
Payroll for January 15, 1993, of $322,204.28. Councilman Nicholson moved to
approve Consent Agenda Items 5 - 9. Councilman Schueler seconded the
motion. Brief discussion followed, and Councilwoman Sargent inquired as to the
status of the Fair Caretaker salary, particularly since the County has taken over the
full management of the Fair. Parks Director Brodhun indicated the Parks Board has
discussed this issue and feels it worthy of further review. The Council supported this
review and asked for a report back at a future date. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carded unanimously.
Mayor Hallett reported that he has received several calls complimenting the City on
the great job done in maintaining the streets and sidewalks during the recent snow
Evaluation of City Performance Evaluation of Manager Pomeranz
Mayor Hallett reported the City Council had conducted a performance evaluation for
City Manager Pomeranz during the Executive Session. He explained how the
evaluation was conducted and complimented Manager Pomeranz on the excellent job
he has done. The Council has a summary of goals and objectives, and Mayor Hallett
cited the City Manager's consistent effort in seeing that these goals and objectives
are carded out. Because of his fine performance, he is eligible for a 5 % increase
in salary.
Councilwoman Sargent agreed with Mayor Hallett on the excellence of Manager
Pomeranz's job performance. She moved 1hat Manager Pomeranz receive a 5%
salary increase. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried
January 19, 1993
Solid Waste Bond Ordinance and Bond Purchase contract relating to sale of solid waste bond
and Purchase Contract -
Ordinance No. 2737 Mayor Hallett revie~xt ~the information provided by Finance Director Godbey, who
reported the bond was priced today at very competitive rates. Director Godbey
reviewed maturity rates and indicated the average yield is 4.6 %.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting and specifying a
plan for making additions and betterments
to the solid waste utility system of the
City; authorizing the issuance and sale
of solid waste utility revenue bonds in
the principal amount not to exceed
$3,410,000 for the purpose of providing
part of the funds required for acquiring,
constructing and installing certain additions
and improvements to the solid waste utility
system of the City; providing for the payment
and sale of said bonds; and providing the
covenants, terms and conditions under which
such bonds and future parity bonds shall be
Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and
authorize the Mayor to sign the Bond Purchase Contract relating to the same.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilwoman Sargent complimented
and thanked the Staff for the hard work that went into this project. Councilman
Wight felt it advantageous that this is a short-term bond which will result in lower
interest rates. Manager Pomeranz agreed, adding that it will result in a savings to
the rate payers.
Director Godbey introduced Forrest Walls, Bond Counsel. Mr. Walls explained that
this Bond is similar to the one in 1990, in terms of its covenants and structure. He
explained the role of Bond Counsel who makes sure the Bonds are valid and tax
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE Manager Pomeranz reported there was a need for an Executive Session at the end of
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ the meeting to discuss a matter of potential litigation.
CONSII)ERED OR George Dollar, 314 E. Front Street, commented on the terrible way the City
PLACED ON A sidewalks are maintained during snow emergencies. He cited several specific
FUTURE AGENDA: examples where homeowners and businesses failed to shovel at all even though there
is a City Ordinance requiting the cleating of sidewalks. The sidewalks are covered
with ice and are very dangerous. Discussion followed and it was agreed the public
needs to be educated as to the requirement that sidewalks must be cleared within 24
hours of a snow fall.
Leonard Bell, 3721 Park Knoll, agreed that the City did an outstanding job keeping
streets and sidewalks clean. However, he noted the bridges have been extremely icy
- for pedestrians and some sand may prove to be helpful.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Public Hearings 1. Rezone Request
Rezone Request - REZ 93(01)01 - Ralston, Park and Porter Streets: Request for a rezone of
Ordinance No. 2738 approximately 4.5 acres from RS-9, Residential Single-Family, to RS-7,
Residential Single-Family.
Mayor Hallett reviewed information provided by Planning. He opened the public
hearing at 8:45 p.m.
John Ralston, P. O. Box 1405, 850 Church Street, is the applicant for the rezone.
He requested that Council concur with the recommendations of the Planning
January 19, 1993
LEGISLATION: Commission and offered to answer any questions.
Councilman Wight moved to approve the rezone as recommended by the
Rezone Request - Planning Commission, citing the following Findings and Conclusions: Findings:
Ordinance No. 2738 (1) The request is to rezone Lots 1-4 and 17, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts
(Cont'd) from single family residential RS-9 to single family residential RS-7; (2) The site is
identified as suburban residential which encourages single family development on lots
ranging in size from 9,000-14,000 square feet. A number of Goals, Policies and
Objectives have been identified as being most relevant to the request. They include
Goals nos. 1, 3 & 5; Residential Policies Nos. 2, 4, 5, 11 & 19; Circulation Policy
No. 3; Social Objectives Nos. 1, 2 & 3; and Land Use Objectives Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5,
6 & 7; (3) Surrounding land uses include a convalescent center and vacant property
to the north, single family homes to the south and west, and a BPA substation to the
east; (4) There is a variety of lot sizes in the vicinity, ranging from 9,000 s.f. to one
acre; (5) Lot 17 is bounded on the west and east by lots developed for RS-9 and the
south by developed lots which range in size from .22 to .50 acres; (6) A
Determination of Non-Significance was issued on December 15, 1992 by the City of
Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official; and (7) The site is not contiguous to any
existing RS-7 zoning; Conclusions: (A) The rezone of Lots 1-4 is in the public use
and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning. The rezone of Lot 17
would be inconsistent with the large lot development surrounding it on three sides;
(B) The rezone of Lots 1-4 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies
and Objectives identified in Finding//2 above. The rezone of Lot 17 would be
inconsistent with Land Use Objectives 2 & 6 and Social Objective No. 2; and (C)
Circumstances have changed since the property was zoned RS-9. The convalescent
center has begun expansion toward Park Avenue. Many of the one acre lots in the
vicinity have been further subdivided and developed on lots as small as 9,000 s.f.
The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sargent and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property rezoning property
located on Park Avenue and Porter Avenue
from RS-9, Residential Single-Family, to
RS-7, Residential Single-Family and amending
the Official Zoning Map.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Zoning Code Amendment 2. Zoning Code Amendment
Retail Stand Regulations -
Ordinance No. 2739 ZCA 93(01)01, City of Port Angeles, Retail Stand Regulations
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He
then opened the public hearing at 8:50 p.m.
Planning Director Collins addressed Council, and offered a proposed change to
Section 17.87.040 L to read 'Support equipment and accessories must not be placed
in front of the cart and must not extend in total more than three feet from the edge
of the cart as long as the overall length does not exceed a total of eight feet. The
Council was in agreement with this change.
Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 8:51 p.m. He read the Ordinance by title,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending Section 1, of
Ordinance 2471, and Section 17.87.040
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Wight moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, incorporating
the reconunended change, citing the following Findings and Conclusions:
Findings: (1) The City Council has directed staff to review the City's Retail Stand
Ordinance; (2) A Determination of Non-Significance was signed for this project on
December 24, 1992, and there was no correspondence received by the Planning
January 19, 1993
LEGISLATION: Department during the written appeal period, which ended on January 8, 1993; (3)
(Cont'd) Many stands have been approved and are in operation, including espresso carts which
are in compliance withYtbe current size and location requirements for retail stands;
Zoning Code Amendment and (4) In accordance With RCW 35A.12.160, the City Clerk shall publish the
Retail Stand Regulations - ordinance by summary; and Conclusions: (1) The amendment to Section 17.87.040
Ordinance No. 2739 L clarifying the allowed location of support equipment is consistent with the purpose
(Cont'd) of the Retail Stand Ordinance; (2) The current maximum length for a retail stand of
five feet when combined with the provision for an additional three feet of support
equipment is adequate for a retail stand. An increase to ten feet would be
inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Retail Stand Ordinance and could be
potentially hazardous to the public health, safety, and welfare; (3) The ten foot
minimum distance required from a building opening is necessary to ensure adequate
access to the building and any reduction of this requirement could be potentially
hazardous to the public health, safety, and welfare; (4) A more extensive review of
the Retail Stand Ordinance should be conducted after the completion of the revision
to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Sargent. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which
carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Sclmeler abstaining.
Zoning Code Amendment 3. Zoning Code Amendment
Ordinance Nos. 2740,
2741, 2742, and 2743 ZCA 93(12)05, City of Port ~4ngeles, Housekeeping Measures:
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information concerning the various proposed
housekeeping changes in the Zoning Code. He then opened the public hearing at
9:01 p.m.
Planning Director Collins pointed out that there were some corrections to the
ordinances, but they were of a very minor nature. There being no public testimony,
Mayor Hallett closed the public hearing at 9:03 p.m.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending Section 20 of Ordinance
No. 2222 and Section 16.04.200 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the ordinance as read by title, citing the
following Findings and Conclusions: Findings: (1) Consistent with recent practice,
the City has periodically reviewed it's development codes for housekeeping purposes;
(2) The Planning Department has identified several minor amendments to the zoning,
subdivision, short plat and parking ordinances which serve to clarify, reorganize,
eliminate duplication, or otherwise improve specific sections of these ordinances; (3)
On January 13, 1993, the Planning Commission conducted a duly notified public
hearing in conformance with the requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code;
and Conclusions: (A) The amendments are in the public use and interest; (B) The
amendments are minor in nature and are consistent with existing policy direction, and
therefore, are not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and (C) The
amendments improve and clarify ordinance provisions. Councilman Nicholson
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, making numerous minor wording
and clarification amendments to the Zoning
Code, Ordinance 1709 as amended and Title
17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings 1 - 3 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth above. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
January 19, 1993
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Zoning Code Amendment Washington, making numerous procedural
Ordinance Nos. 2740, amendments and adding a sidewalk require-
2741, 2742, and 2743 ment to the subdivision ordinance,
(Cont'd) Ordinance No. 1631 and Chapter 16.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings 1 - 3 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth above. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
revising off-street parking requirements
and amending Ordinance 1588, as amended,
and Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by rifle, citing
Findings I - 3 and Conclnsions A - C, as set forth above. Councilman Nicholson
seconded the motion, which carried unanimonsly.
Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 9:08 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:25 p.m.
Business Hours for City B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings
Facilities -
Ordinance No. 2744 1. Ametutment of ordinance prescribing business hours for city facilities
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office. He
then read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, prescribing the dates and
hours of operation of city offices and
amending Section 1, Ordinance 1249 and
Port Angeles Municipal Code Section
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was
taken on the morion, which carried unanimonsly.
Street Restoration 2. Ordinance and fee resolution revising street restoration deposit policy
Deposits -
Ordinance No. 2745 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public
Resolution No. 3-93 Works. He read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising the permit fee and
deposit requirements for certain work
within City rights-of-way and utility
connections and amending Ordinance 2181,
2166 and Chapter 13.32 and 11.08 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Nicholson moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. Following a brief discussion, a vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimonsly.
January 19, 1993
LEGISLATION: Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled
(Cont'd) ? ~ RESOLUTION NO. 3-93
Street Restoration
Deposits - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
Ordinance No. 2745 City of Port Angeles, Washington, re-
Resolution No. 3-93 vising fees and deposits for various
(Cont'd) Public Works permits and services and
amending Resolution No. 9-92.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to pass the Resolution as read by rifle.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Resolutions requiring public comment
Leases at D. Resolutions not requiring public comment
Communications Sites -
Resolution 4-93 1. Authorizing Police Chief to sign leases at communications sites
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. He then
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
delegating authority to enter into leases
for space for placement of communications
equipment in City owned communications
site facilities.
Councilman Schueler moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Intent to Reimburse 2. Resolutions declaring intent to reimburse:
Solid Waste and a. Solid Waste Bond Issue
Wastewater Bond Issues - b. Wastewater Bond Issue
Resolution No. 5-93
Resolution No. 6-93 Mayor Hallett reviewed the information supplied by the Finance Department. He
then read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, regarding the
issuance of Bonds to fmance the acquisition,
construction and equipping of improvements
to the City's solid waste disposal facility.
Councilman Nicholson moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, regarding the
issuance of Bonds to fmance the acquisition,
construction and equipping of a secondary
sewage treatment facility.
Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
January 19, 1993
LEGISLATION: 3. Adopting Clallarn County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Solid Waste Division. He
Comprehensive Solid then read the Resolution by title, entitled
Waste Managengnt Plan -
Resolution No. 7-93 RESOLUTION NO. 7-93
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the
Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste
Management Plan.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. In the discussion that ensued,
Councilwoman Sargent inquired as to whether adoption of the Solid Waste -
Management Plan commits the City to a solid waste district. Public Works Director
Pittis responded the intent of the plan is to create such a district; however, it is not
legally binding. There are still many issues which need to be addressed before firm
commitments can be made. Manager Pomeranz indicated the concept appears to be
in the City's best interest at this time. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Planning Commission E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
Planning Commission minutes of January 13, 1993
Councilman Schueler moved to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission
meeting of January 13, 1993. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Request for F. Other Considerations
Homeless Shelter
1. Serenity House request for Homeless Shelter
The Council considered a request submitted by Dave Sands, Program Director of
Serenity House, for use of what was formerly the Hospice House for an emergency
shelter for the homeless. The building could house 10 to 15 people for a period of
30 to 60 days, and Serenity House employees would be on site 24 hours a day to
monitor activities. This request had been considered by the Real Estate Committee
who asked the Property Manager to determine what might be neexled in order to
make the building liveable. Councilman Wight explained certain items had been
removed from the structure and it was necessary to determine what needed to be
Property Manager Ridout reported on the condition of the building. It would require
a great deal of electrical work, as light fixtures, switch plates and electrical boxes
have been removed. Fire exits for the upstairs are not available. There are no
smoke detectors. In general, the building is in disrepair and would require a great
deal of repair and replacement work. Given the condition of the building, it is the
recommendation of both the Fire and the Building Officials that this building is not
fit for human habitation.
Lengthy discussion followed, and it was suggested that Serenity House might look
into having volunteers do the repair and clean up work to make the building
habitable. The question was raised as to whether the building is insured, which is -
not likely. Insurance would need to be arranged by Serenity House.
Kathie Smith, an area resident, urged the Council to act positively on this request.
She indicated there are many families in need of basic shelter; she expressed hope
this would be developed into a shelter for the homeless as opposed to a parking lot.
Councilman Wight discussed the history of the property and the lease with Hospice.
A question was raised as to whether such a use would required a Conditional Use
Permit. Planning Director Collins responded he would need to review the Code; it
is possible this may require such a permit.
Councilman Nicholson asked if liability could be transferred to the Serenity House,
and Attorney Knutson responded this would be the preferable approach.
The Council was in agreement it would like to pursue this issue and try to fred a
January 19, 1993
LEGISLATION: means by which the Serenity House can be assisted. It was agreed that Serenity
(Cont'd) House will be informed of the condition of the home and a determination made as
to how they might ~s~ in r~solving some of the problem areas/issues identified.
Request for The issue of the costs involved must be addressed.
Homeless Shelter
(Cont'd) Discussion was held concerning the requirements for parking in order to meet the
needs of the Veto Burton convention center. It was agreed the needs of the homeless
are far more important than parking, but additional plans would have to be made if
a shelter were needed beyond the 60 days indicated in the request.
Therefore, staff will contact the Serenity House itemizing the issues which must be
addressed to include repairs, repair costs, insurance, utilities, and land use
requirements. Planning Director Collins, in the meantime, had researched the land
use issue. He advised the Council the zoning is Office Commercial, which permits
single-family residential only outright; therefore, a Conditional Use Permit would be
required. This process could take 30 - 60 days, which extends beyond the time
frame indicated in the Serenity House request. The question was raised by
Councilman Wight as to whether this would be a permitted use of City property.
Attorney Knutson indicated that the City is allowed to donate property to the poor
or infirm and that Serenity House would qualify.
Extend Meeting Beyond Councilman Braun moved to extend the meeting beyond 10 p.m. Councilwoman
10:00 p.m. Sargent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Amendment No. 2 to 2. Amendment No. 2 to Washington State Energy Code Administration
Washington State Energy Agreement
Code Administration
Agreement Mayor Hallett reviewed information provided by Public Works concerning the
proposal to authorize the Director of Public Works to sign Amendment 2 to the
Agreement and all future amendments to the Washington State Energy Office for the
implementation and enforcement of the Washington State energy Code.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the authorization as presented.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Following a brief discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Coast Guard Lease 3. Interim lease with U. & Coast Guard for moorage
Mayor Hallett reviewed information pertinent to the need to extend the U.S. Coast
Guard lease for moorage at the City pier. The old lease has expired, and City staff
is working on a new lease which should be ready in February.
Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor sign the lease extension for the
interim period until a new lease agreement can be finalized. Councilman
Schueler seconded the motion. It was pointed out that one reason the lease is still
being worked on is due to some dredging needs. In addition, staff has been
instructed to determine current market value of the lease and is having difficulty
obtaining comparability figures. Deputy Director Ridout reported bid costs have
been received on dredging which can now be factored into the new lease. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Asbestos Report 4. Asbestos report on City-owned buildings
- The issue of asbestos is City-owned buildings was reviewed by Mayor Hallett.
This item was deferred to the next meeting, as one of the structures referenced is the
old Hospice building.
Expiring Terms - 5. Terms expiring on City boards and commissions
Boards & Commissions
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information identifying vacancies on City boards and
commissions. There are three resignations from the Planning Commission, and one
person is eligible for reappointment. There are two openings on the Board of
Adjustment. The Senior Center Advisory Board has openings as well. It is
recommended that City Council make reappointments and advertise for vacancies as
listed. It is intended that the Law Enforcement Advisory Board will be fully
constituted at this time.
Councilman Nicholson moved to reappoint Bob Philpott and Pat McDonagh for
January 19, 1993
LEGISLATION: the terms noted; to appoint Betty Longshore, Lawrence Starr, and Don Woods
(Cont'd) to the Senior Center Advisory Board also for the terms noted; that all vacancies
be advertised in block ads as well as the City newsletter; and that all those who
Expiring Terms- are being replaced be asked to retain their positions until successors can be
Boards & Commissions appointed. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Brief discussion
(Cont'd) followed, and it was pointed out that most of those leaving cannot or will not be able
to remain on the Committees until replacements are found. Councilman Schueler
added the recommendation that Louise Meyer be considered for the Planning
Commission opening. Clerk Upton indicated that Ms. Meyer has already submitted
an application. In addition, Carl Alexander has again expressed an interest in the
Planning Commission. The motion was amended that the advertising and
interviews be accomplished as quickly as possible. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Legal & Display 6. Contract for legal and display advertising
Advertising Contract
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by Clerk Upton.
Councilman Nicholson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with
Peninsula Daily News for legal publications and retail advertising at the rates set
forth for the year, 1993. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Gambling Taxes 7. 1993 Gambling taxes
Mayor Hallett and Manager Pomeranz met with some representatives of several
establishments in town regarding the gambling taxes. This meeting was held in
response to a few phone calls and letters protesting the increase in gambling taxes
(punchboards/pulltabs) which was made a part of the 1993 budget.
The Council considered whether it wished to compromise by decreasing the tax.
Some of the Council members felt that the increase to 4% was fair and should be left
as it was. Councilman Braun expressed the opinion that a compromise would be in
order. Councilwoman Sargent moved to retain the 4% gambling tax.
Councilman Schueler seconded the motion. After brief discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Mayor Hallett and
Councilman Braun voting in opposition.
Status Goals and 8. Status Goals and Objectives
Mayor Hallett asked that this information be made widely available to the
Manager Pomeranz felt that by making these available to the community and the City
employees, everyone would gain a greater understanding as to the priiorities of the
Council. The suggestion was made to include this report as an insert in the City
Brief discussion ensued concerning the request lbr a homeless shelter, and
Councilman Nicholson asked that consideration be given to the possibility of using
the old City Hall for this purpose. This consideration will be included.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:45 p.m. to discuss potential
EXECUTIVE SESSION: litigation for approximately 15 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 11:10 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.