HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/20/1932
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
January 20th
M. and was called to order by I
present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners
The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.
Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers
Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
under the head of Applications for Licenses the following were granted:
Continental Baking Co. 1 truck $2.50
Rockwood &: Co. 1 truck 2.50
H. .0. Dibble 1 tl1lck 2.M
Union Oil Do. of Calif. 3 trucks 17.50
McHugh &: Peterson 1 truok 2.50
James Hardware Co. 1 truok 2.50
Palace Bakery 1 truck 2.50
Pegram Eleotric Co. 1 truok 2.50
Puremaid Dairy 4 truoks 10.00
D & H Hattery &:oElectrio Station 1 truok 2.50
Economy l7rooery 1 truck 2.50
Chas. D. Hudson 1 truck 2.50
Packing House Market 1 truok 2.50
Under the head of Heading and passage of Ordinances the following ordinance was
read by title and placed on its third reading: An Ordinance enlarging the duties of
certain employes of the City of Port Angeles; discontinuing certain positions; provid-
ing for certain salaries and for an emergency.
It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinance be plaoed on its final pass-
age and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll oall all members voted Aye.
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinances the following ordinance was read in
full and plaoed on its first and second reading: An Ordinanoe authorizing the issuance
and sale of looal improvement bonds for Local Improvement District No. 139 to pay the
oost and expense of the improvements in said district as ordered and provided for in
Ordinanoe No. 941, approved May 13th, 1931, entitled "An Ordinance ordering and provid-
ing for the improvement of Peabody Street from the South Margin of First Street to the
North end of Peabody Creek Bridge, a total distanoe of approximately 560 feet, by
grading and gravelling said street and treating the 40-foot roadway with asphaltic oil,
all in acoordanoe with Improvement Resolution No. 139 of the City of Port Angeles, creat-
ing Local Improvement Distriot No. 139 of the City of Port Angeles, providing for the I
payment of the same to be made by special assessments upon the property within the said
district, payable by the mode of "Payments by bonds" all in acoordanoe with said Improve-
ment Resolution No. 139, and the maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City
Engineer and approved and adopted by the City Commission."
The Engineer presented a report Showing the amount of L. I. D. work done during
the year 1931. The number of miles of ooncrete sidewalk in the City, also the number of
miles of sewer in use. The report was read and filed.
The Commission sxamined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants
drawn for same:
J~dge H. Nailor, Treasurer
- Library Fund -
Light and water
- Current Expense Fund -
P. O. box rent
Equipment and supplies
- Light Furid -
Maintenance servioe
Cedar poles
~ck Lioenses
- Light Investment Fund -
Purchase of Warrant
3?-~Jf 5~:~~
Madge H. Nailor, Treasurer
Minnie A. Crossley
,;;,_. '1;-
S. T. Eddy
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.
J. R. Bartlett
W. M. Phillips
Trick &: Murray
~&~ioJa f~11g~i T?g~~li?~?
Madgs H. Nailor, ~reasurer
No. 1372 L.I.D.#142 $4,843.60
Water' Department
- Municipal .Water Works Repair Fund -
There being no further business the Commission
then adjourned.
J(,?71, 7~
City Clerk