HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/21/1952 "" 216 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 21 52 19_ ,",,,. "~"'"'''~.'''''-''' ........ ..... .... :The C.mmisshn met in regular sessien at 10:00 A. M. and was called te order by Mayor Feeley. Officers ~present were: Mayor Feeley, Commisshners Robinson and Tlllf10r, Atterney Trumbull and Clerk Law. \ . . .... li1lnutes of the previous session were read and approved. I . IUnder the head .f applications fer City licenses, the fel1.wing was granted: I . LI CENSFS : . Leslie Stene' Master Electrician , 7 Mes. $ 6.65 I ,Under the head ..r unfinished business, bids for transfsrmers were submitted by the fellawing companies: I GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. Item 1, . 25KVA @ e 282.00 " 2,' 37~ KVA @ 369.42 " 3,' 50 KVA @ 452.14 " 4,' 167KVA @ 1,339.97- Alternate: 167KVA @ 1,194.74 ALLIS-CHALMERS RFG. CO. Item 1:' 25 KVA @ u 2 . 37! KVA @ " 3 . 50 KVA @ " 4 . 167 KVA @ WESTINGHOUSE "ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Item 1 . 25 KVA @ " 2 37~ KVA @ " 3 . 50 KVA @ " 4 . 167 KVA @ Alternate: . 167 KV A @ I . GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. I Item 1:' 25 KVA @ u 2 . 37~ KVA @ u 3 . 50 KVA @ I u 4 . 167 KVA @ R. E. UPTEGRAFF MFG. CO.: I Item 1 . 25 KVA @ 2 . 37~ KVA @ u 3 . 50 KVA @ u 4 167 KVA @ Alternate: 167 KVA @ DEMICK ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Item 1 . 25 KVA @ " 2 . 37~ KVA @ u 3 . 50 KVA @ 4 167 KV A @ 'LINE MATERIAL CO. Item 1 10 KVA @ u 2 37~ KVA @ "3 50 KVA @ u 4 . 167 KVA @ NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO. Item 1 25 KVA @ 2 . 37k KVA @ u 3 . 50 KVA @ " 4 167 KVA @ IGENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CORP. Item 1 . 25 KVA @ " 2 . 37~ KVA @ "3 50 KVA @ " 4 167 KVA @ $ 282.00 369.qa 452.14 1,340.06 $ 282.00 369.00 452.00 1,194.50 ' 1,339.50 282.00 369.42 452.14 1,339.97 282.00 368.00 451.00 1,250.00 1,1187.00 282.00 369.00 452.00 1,194.74 159.80 369.42 452.14 1,340.44 . 282.00 369.42 452.14 1,259.60 282.00 369. 42 452. 14 1,218.24 On rec$llDDendati.n by Supt. McLennan, it was mevell by C.mmissioner Robinson that the bioI for items 1 and 3 be 'awarded to the General El!ectric Cempany, and that the Westinghouse Electric Supply Ce. be awarded contract 'for items 2 and 4. MGti..n seconded by Mlllfor Feeley. All voted Aye. Mothn carried. I George Buck appeared to discuss the Ordinance pending, g..verning installation er antenna. It is his IIpinien ;that both radie and T. V. installati.ns will be affected and that amatuers sheuld be exempt. Mayor Feeley suggested that fee be paid fer first installatiGn and notificatiGn thereafter if alteratiens are made. ,The Attorney was instllIlctecl t. make necessary changes in Ordinance and present it at next meeting. Under the head IIf new business, G<!>rden Matthews requested pennission te .pen right ef way acress City prmp- lerty South Qf West 18th Street. The matter was referred t.. Mr. Davidson and the Engineer. I 'Fred Strange and .ther members ef the Planning C..mmisshn appeared with suggestion that the Cemmissi.n ,bring before the peeple at the March 11th election the prepesi tien ..r imprevement lif certain streets in the .City and issuance ef General Obligatien Bends for the same. Mr. Strange read letter .f recommendatien by the ~Board, eutlining pregram for streets, sterm sewers and payment, ala.. that the s,,"\e be put en the baUet. ) Other Board members expressed Gpinien that this waa the ..nly solutiGn, t. which ~.mmissi.ner Rebins.n agreed; land the l.nger the pr.ject is pClStpened, the more the cost. C"mmissioner Tayler was not in favor without 1 ,time t.. give thought and study, er knowledge ..f what the peeple want as he finds difference b epinien.f 'I ,.taxpayers. M"-i, Tayler alse informed that his ..ffice favOlred submitting the prepoaal at a former Electien and he did not now prop.se h bind the hands IIf new Offi ci.us. I .AI Lameureux advised that 11.11 candidates interviewed have indicated they faver street imprevement. C.mmissi- ',mer Rabinsen advised that it would not be go..d business not te make possible a vote on the propositiQn when "the same would be no extra cest to the City. After further discussion, it was meved by Mayer Feeley that the recommendation be filed and discussed agai n February 4, at which time a proper Ordinance will be pre- IPared for intnductien. Motion seconded by Conmiasioner Tayl..r. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I .... I I I I I I' 1 I ~ C:::.."~ -- Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, ~ashington January 21 (centinued) 19E- O' . ..... ''''M "'",.". .".".. ..... ..... IMayer Feeley moved that Nelsen Hartnagle be appeinted te serve on the Library Beard, and that the appeintment be confirmed. Seconded by C.lIlIIliss1oner Robinson. Anvoted Aye. Motion carrieel. 217 " The COlllIlissien discuesed a meeting with the Electrical Wnrkers and set date for same February 4, 7:30 P.M. at t he City Hall. L. E. Bergquist of 133 West 4th Street filed complaint regarding .ld bus being parked in the 100 bl.ck ef iWest Fourth. The matter wa.s referred to the P.lice Chief. The C.mmissi..n discussed request fnr a permi.t to construct buildings fer Dactctrs Clinics .n East Cardine Street, the same being in the First Residence District. The Planning Beard having filed rec=endatiGn for amendment to Z..ning Ordinance, the Att.rney was inatructed te prepare amendment permitting ccnstructictn ,ef Decters Clinics wen preperty Gwners waive .bjections. Under the head .r reading and passage ctI Ordinances the following was placed on third and final reading: OHlDINANCE NO. 1272 AN ORDINANCE stating the fact" ef ari emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience .f the City .f Pert Angeles; req~~e unfnesean expenditure .f funds; providing fer the issuance ef emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency. $ 50.00 131.07 168.17 413.00 expo chg., clerk 218.15 412.33 32.55 1.72 8.12 500.00 2.50 8.24 68.46 12.25 17.00 15.00 3.00 40.65 187.52 100.96 2,348.05 188.37 1.15 53.32 13.21 3.00 1.15 10.38 19.68 31.98 20.86 1,301.54 9.11 9.60 335.89 449.65 81/04 117.97 25.15 367.97 5.00 3.97 10.00 8.77 .55 ~ It was moved by C.mmissiener Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adepted. Sec0nded by Cemmissiener Tlllfl.r. All voted Aye. Mothn carried. The C.mmissiener examined and appreved the following claims, and eriu'" warrants issued in payment .f the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: /735, " Davis Agency MayGr I s Bend Pieneer, Inc. Treasurer's bonks Jerr.r Nelsen A~ency Bends Assn. .f Wn. Cities Service Ie.. City Treasurer Water, fire-pelice-mis., J . Lyle Beam, Inc. InSllranc e Evening News Press Reg. receipts Railwlllf Express Ag. Express chg. Pears.n Music Ce. Radi. repair Clallam C.. H\lllR.ne {I.ciety Animal control CITY STRE~T FUND: City Treasurer Penply City Treasurer AnDy- & "avy StGre 'E. A. Jensen Jerry Nelslln Agency PUD Ne. L J. Lyle Beam, Inc. R.l bert Mulligan Thes. W. Reeser Aiken Olds-Cadillac -1 g ~ '2.,'3 MX 1952 license and title Cerebbcke Water Gas cans, paint and brush Grease Bend Crusher p.wer Insurance Truck rental Truck rental Cab and chassis per bid jWATER FUND: A 7<1 ~r J. Lyle Beam, Inc. Fire insurance premium IMrs. M. R. Cashman Refund water rent H..ker Electerchmmical Cctmpany Chlarine Garl.ck Packing Ce. l' acking City Treasurer Cash for postage E. L. Spr>ncer Refund water charge Federal Pipe ancl Tank Company - Pipe bands LIGHT FUND: ;t.L.51. 3 S- Uni ted Janihrs Supply F1...r cleaner Zellerbach Paper Ce. P. O. 1114 Addressograph Sales Machine service J. Lyle Be:lll, Inc. Fire Ins. PremiUll 'Pierpoint Hadi" Hadi. supplies !Daily Journal ef Commerce Advertising Line Material C.. Tel>1s : Westinghouse Elec. Supply c... Thlls. S. W..d Wire, service Maximeter cable SANITATION FUND: J. Lyle Beam, Inc. Insurance CITY PARK FUND: 3<ti, /l--, iCity Treasurer Water IJ. Lyle Beam, Inc. Insurance Jerry Ne1s.n Agency B.nd \PARKIID METER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: jFry Drug Cabrctn tet CEMETBRY FUND: / 1'. 71 ICity Treasurer Water J. Lyle Beam, Inc. Insurance LID GUARANTY FUND: 'City Treasurer Documentary stamps "" 218 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington , .....-- ,T.annll.7 ?1 (conti nue.d) 193~ ,,<. . ."... .n."., ...."".. ........ ,.... ..... There being no further business the meeting was adjclUrned. I .0 G: X. a-<'l,r ~ :44'./ d'~ I () City Clerk / . Mayr . I , I I , I I I I , , I I ..... I