HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/22/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 22. 1936 193__ 359 ., 'I I I, I I The Commissiun met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed llie following officers present: Mayor Davi~, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Connitf and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Licenses the following was granted: Royal Taxi Co., 2 Taxi Cabs 10.00 Under the head of Introduotion of Ordinances the following Ordinanoe was intro- duoed,~read in full and placed on its first and seoond readings,- AN ORDINANCE, fixing the salaries, oompensation and wages of oertain offioers and employees of the City of Port An~les, rtashington. Under the head of Unfinished Bus iness. the following Resolution was introduced: RESO LU'rION TO EXECUTE BILL OF SALE \/HEREAS, The budget for the year 1936 provided for the purohase of a new oar for the Polioe Department and in aooordance With the said provision in the budget, the Depart- ment purohased a 4 door DeLuxe Pl~mout~ Sedan of C. H. Peaoh, and turned in as part payment on the purohase prioe, a ~hrysler Sedan, and WHEREAS, under the lal'l it is necessary that a ~ill of Sale be exeou ted for the said Chrysler Sedan, passing the title to C. H. Peaoh, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor be, and he is hOTeby instruoted to exe- cute the aforesaid Bill of .:iale on behalf of the City of Port "'nge1es It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Uavis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND James Safreed C. H. Peach City Treasurer F. D. Sheffield H. G. Hammond Sohwabaoher Hardware Co. Nettleton Lumber Co. Car Hire Plymouth 4 door DeLuxe Sedan Stamps Engineer's ~ervice Labor Hardware Lumber I) -- /3 ,.,. 25.00 684.60 6.00 40.<::0 67.50 4.79 484.64 WATER FUND City Treasurer Seattle Plumbing Supply Go. L. Stevens Roofing ~o. Ci ty Treasurer Pioneer, Inc. Federal Pipe & Tank Go. n "II II rr Dues American Ma terial Repe. irs Roof Cash Pa~men ts Report Forms \'Iood Pipe Pipe Bern. Water Works Ass'n 10.00 30.33 15.00 1.12 36.90 98.90 7.84 oj p.so LI GHT FUND Knudson's Variety Store Duncan & Hanley General Electric Supply Co. City TreasUrer Pioneer, Ino. Harris & Schuller Line Material Co. Mght Globes Poles Swi tch Miso. Payment s Repo rt Fo nns Repair ~'urnace Conversion Tubes I.a')~ 115.64 304.20 3.25 2.51 39.45 385.50 183.04 GUARANY FUND City Treasurer City Treasurer .;. ,<i L.I.D. Assessments Taxes 9.58 20.42 There being no fUrther busineso the Ccmmission then adjOUrned~ I Ii.' ,,8~ , / Mayor ?7ln1~ Ci ty Clerk ..olIII