HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/22/1947 310 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 22. 19~ :The Commission met in regular session at 10 A .M. and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of lofficers shmled the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permit5 and licenses, the following were granted: ,0 Building Permits: ";;< ~f& Charles R. Pangratz E. M. Smith William Loring H. \1. Tupper Build 2 Bedrooms & Bath; Lot 2, Elk. 2, PSCC 1,000.00 I Remodel Foundation of Home; Lot 14, Elk. 208, Townsite 400.00'1 Build Utility Room; Lot 9, Elk. 165; Townsite 390.00, Construct \10rkshop; VI 15' Lot 7, All Lot 8; Elk. 266, TOTlnsite 800.001 i ~ I Licenses: 1& '11m. Elwell Peddler, one day 10.00 ' IUnder the head of unfinished business, the hearing of objections and recommendations for or against Zoning I Ordinance No. 1167 was opened. Dr. L. D. Spawn requested an explanation regarding locations and provisions I of separate districts, to which Engineer Dodge complied by tracing lines of each district and reading parts )' of certain sections of Ordinance. Mrs. Radke suggested that schools should be protected from interruption 1i='Y traffic an,\ business establisljments which might be constructed near school buildings, and Commissioner Johnson proposed including a paragraph in Ordinance requiring that building permit5 for business construction be held over one week after application is read, before it is granted. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the District bounded by 5th Street on the North and "]"" Street on the West, and alley, between 5th and 6th Streets on the South, and TUl11\Tater Street on the East be changed from second business district to first residential district. Motion seconded by !!ayor Epperson. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The motion carried. A letter from Owens Brothers, requesting extansion of time for construction of sidewalks in L.LD. No. 148 :was read before the Commission and the Clerk was instructed to notify the contractors that request was I,granted, and, weather permitting, work would begin March 1, 1947, and be finished in 120 days. Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following was introduced: RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WIT:-!IN FUNDS iVHEREAS, IT APPEARS, Tha t requirements of certain departments for the year 1946, made necessary the expend- itures of sums of money greater than contemplated, and 1'rJillREAS, the amount provided for other items within the same legal classification have not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classification, and II I IrIHEREAS, Those requirements were not and could not have been reasonably fore-seen at the time of preparation' of the budget. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: WAR LIQUOR TAX FUND: 'Police Department: I' Insurance Juvenile Patrol Medical Care for Prisoners Juvenile Patrol Juvenile Patrol Juvenile Patrol Juvenile Patrol Juvenile Patrol Juvenile Patrol to Phone to Phone to Light to Light to Traveling Expense to Bond to fuel to Dept. Supplies to Radio Maintenance 40.00 3.77 50.00 32.00 1.36 5.00 24.50 7.73 .64 It was moved by Commissioner Steele thet the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by 'Com.1llissionar Johnson. All voted Aye. !lotion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the purchase of real property by the City, the following ,two resolutions were introduced: RE50LUTION animals; I \\1JERERS, there is need for further land adjacent to the city barn, and it is possible to purchase the property 'Inerein described at a reasoneble price and make the same available for both a dog pound and an addition to ','I' the city barn facHitie s, INOW, THEREFORE, BE :IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION that the City purchase: Lot Five (5) in Block Two I' Hundred Twenty-nine (229) of the Townsite of Port Aneeles, Clallam c9unty, Washington, from Elmo Curto and I ,Rosie Curto, his wife, for the sum of Seventeen Hundred ($1,700.00) Dollars casn and that the proper officers 'of the City be authorized to issue a warrant in payment for said property upon receipt of a warranty deed I and title insurance showing the same to be free and clear of all liens and incumbrances. RESOLUTION !I 'WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has no property Dr facilities for the impounding of dogs and other and VIHEREAS, the property formerly used by the City of Port Angeles for the dumping of garbage has heretofore ,become a nuisance to surrounding residents, and I' WHEREAS, the City did 'his wife, for the use , I heretofore enter into a lease and agreement with J. R. McDonald and 1iinnie H. !"cDonald, of the hereinafter described property as a garbage dump, and ,wm;REAS, after using said property for such use for a period of approximately three months, the City has 'found the same to be suitable and necessary for that purpose, I ,I 11NO~I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~~HSSION that in accordance with the option contained 10 said "lease, the City shall purchase said property for the sum of Thirty-five Humred ($3,500.00) Dollars in cash" 1 I I I ,I I I I I I I 311--' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington less all ~o issue from the Ii That the property referred to is described as follows: Thirty-one (31), North, Range Seven (7), W.W.M. 1 WJEGAL"~~~~~~~JT:;::~~w~ t .It was moved by Commissioner Johnson th~t ~he foregoing two resolutions be I': "'T'....:;, '"'''"''''' gh."" '1m' h;d, approved and adopted. Seconded Qy Connn~ss~oner Steele. All members voted Aye. ,: ~~'/~I /;j'; .\~(~P;~:;;~IIJ\ l~~":I;},t)~\~~~'i~':~li~ Motion carried. J:l):~;I.:l ~ l~i~I~' i ',I,t~>(~I'i:~,:, 0 !\.~\.i.rj 1~;!1~;:;1:~]'.'\~ i'~'~}}~~')t~'J7;~rll~~;f'II:~11'~~~:l';~t~:~' ~;~';'1\;:~~':~ Roy Pike, Supt. of Sanitation Dept. requested that bids be called for one garbage I ~\:~:~'I;'.lIh~~~;'II~ ('~.'N;t'(::~ h,~~l(:~ll:J:.~1 'if.~~ . truck arrl body, and it was moved by Mayor Epperson that bids be published for the . I ~:'.~:;li'al~::II~,~'.IlI~;:IIl:.\~I(ln~):l'rl~;n(ll~"I~~/I~~ purchase of om: truck separate, an~ o~e body mounted separateJ or truck, and ood~ 1 Illif'l"_ :-ipedfil-ll!ium' 11111." lw "ht~ill- complete. Motl.on seconded by Comnn.ss1.oner Steele. All voted Aye. MotJ..on carrl.ed. i:j"~:i~::_1 1\1:.'i',tl:'f<~itl-{;I::~ (\'il~\ S;~;;'lll: llr l~lll'- I I 'I'll!' ,'olunds:-:iuu l"1'~l'I'\I'H thl' righl The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants I t.~-d HI1\i)lj,]~tIL~~~~~' ('ily CI,-de issued in payment of same: J'uL!h;!lcd J.anual")' 2.. 21, lH7, ~ .. 5'2. I- 'CURRENT EXPENSE FU ND: .:z tJ~:? - I :City Treasurer Volunteer Firemen's Pension FUnd 45.00, Graham VI. Ralston Bonds 55.00 Thos. T. Aldwell &. Co. Bond 45.00 Nels M. Suther~and Bond Premiums 20.00 I ~he American City l~gazine Subscription 3.00 Pioneer, Inc. Warrant Sheets 21.62 I H. E. Dodge Travcling Expense 8.96 Union Bond &. Mortgage Co. Bond 5.00 I Jerry Nelson Agency Insurance 824.82 Port Angeles Evening News Advertising 21.24 Association of Washington Cities 1947 Service Fec 125.00 ~ohn J. Driscoll Examination Service 10.00' ~rt E. Sm~th Exaw~tion Service 10.00 'City Treasurer Express Charges 2.53 Wray & Raber Orie Servi Car 812.581' Moore fusiness Forms, Inc. Cash Receipts 42.591 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Photographinrr Supplies 10.18 I 4',2/ CITY STREET FUND: //.1/ 'City Treasurer Nelson Equipment Co. Uerry Nelson Agency Howard Cooper Corp. II ~ p!/' WATER WND: /.330. ~erry Nelson Insurance Agency Nels M. Sutherland ,Hooker Ele ctrochemical Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply CD. ,Treasurer of the United States Thl.. IIu...n............iP"._....rp.. I.n. ~ January 22. continued 19~ amounts paid as rental under said lease to date, and the proper officers of the City are authorized a warrant on the Sanitation Fund in payment of the purchase price upon receipt of a warranty deed mmers and title insurance showing the property to be free and clear of all liens and incumbrances. bGHT FUND: //?/::< 7 Schreiner Chevrolet Co. 'Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co. City Treasurer 'Deines Studio 'California Products Co. 'Vlestinghouse Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co. Home Electric Co. Jerry Nelson Ins. Agency Nels M. Sutherland Puget Sound Navigation Co. 'SANITATION FUND: .# /3 jlJ' p/ 'Nels M. Sutherland 'J. R. McDonald Quick Print 'Remington Rand, Inc. I ~ /5 LIBRARY FUND: '1//- Marian Cline 'Ca therine Richard ';The New York Times A. C. IkClurg & CD. 'A. C. McClurg & Co. American Library Assn. The MacMillan Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. I . . ~ LIBRARY lffiMORIAL FUND: --< 'Puget Sound News Co. , #!? 'IIPARK FUND: .:3tJ? 'School District No. 7 Jerry Nels on Agency I'G. & W. Fire Service ,~ ~ ~ WAR LIQUOR TAll FUND: .3S .Theo. A. Jensen &. Elizabeth Jensen Option, Lots 8 and 9, Blk. 167, Townsite IFlorence Pickford Option, Lot 7, Blk. 167, Govt. Townsite l ~ ~ II CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND CURRENT EJIT'ENSE: 3.3,)''1. )Chiarelli & Kirk, A.I.A. Architectural Services-Fire Station Lot Five (5), Section Thirty-six (36), Township Express Charges Shovel Parts Insurance Fuel Lines and Postage 4.20 ' 165.12 i 955.90 i 5.991 , Insurance Bond Premium Chlorine Pipe Generator 654 . 70 15.00 31. 72 65.44 563.621 13.4011 48.60 2.02 l.60~_1 6.7011 17.25, 178.05 19.84, 880.99 20.00 2.82 Tire Chains Carbon Paper Cash Payments Photo Flags Hardware Ilardwar e Tape- Insurance Bond Premium Freight Bond Premium Lease on Garbage Dump, Jan. Payment Signs end Filing Cards Modern Safe Kardex, Bases, Cards 5.00 50.00 18.05 1,325.381 Extra Labor Extra Labor Newspaper Eooks Books Book Eooks Books 27.00_1 12.75' 17.00 191.521 138.921 l.00' 9.2111 13.75' Book I 2.06 Recreation Program Payroll Insurance 6 Panic Bar Locks 85.00,' 7D.38 154.50 1 25.00 10.00 3,384.80 ~ ,.. 312 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 22, continued, 19~ II GUARANTY FUND:"'~ 'ff.7'r , City Treasurer Assessments Paid 249.841 252.56 REVOLVING WND: , City Treasurer ~ .3(. ""SA . Assessments Paid : There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. o. ~.~. Clerk {/ , \\ "ij-~' I} \-\~Of Mayor ~-j:"~/ -/ A ." ..~.~ I I I I I