HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/22/1951 I- I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lJAnl],qry 2/, 19---5~_ '~"'. '""" """","'''''''' ."'"""~ "".~ I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and I . , . Minutes of the pre;vious session were read and approved. Feeley. Officers Clerk Law. Under the head of applicatiJ,ns for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Building Permits: ;;:300 - , Petersen & Craver Build a House; Lot 17, Blk. 257, Townsite . Fred T. Morley Construct Woodshed; Lot 6, Blk. 3!l3, Townsite ': E. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber Construct Service Stn.; Lots 10-11, Blk. 21, Townsite iHenry Huebscher Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 3, Blk. 291, Townsite K. E. Rudolph Remodel Existing Apt. House; Lots 8-9, Blk. 230, Townsite o~ 7,000.00 300.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 ~::i1 Patterson Hotel Audett Hotel Lloyd I s Cafe Lloyd I s Cafe i Port Angeles Hotel 11Marine Drive Lunch Marine Drive Lunch Har;i.ne Drive Lunch Ii Union Cab Co. DeLuxe Cleaners Log. Cabin Tavern Log. Cabin Tavern Log. Cabin Tavern Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Brickie I s Place Duck Inn Duck Inn The Hut The Hut Licenses: Hotel Operator Hotel Operator Restaurant Soft Dri nk Hotel Operator Restaurant Music Machine Soft Dri nk Taxi Cleaning & Pressing Amusement Machine Music Machine Soft Drink Cleaning & Pressing Amusement Machine Restaurant Soft Drink Restaurant Soft Drink 5.00 30.00 12.00 5.00 2!l.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 24.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 2CQo 112.00 5.00 5.50 2.50 Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was submitted by Remington Rand, Inc., to furnish two years supply of bills for the Light and Water Departments at $10.97 per thousand. It was moved by Commissioner 'Robinson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. The, Commission again considered purchase of Crouse-Hinds reflectors for the Civic Field flood lights. The , Park Board requested in writing that $430.00 be transferred from Equipment Purchase and Repairs to Flood- light Repair and Replacement, thereby enabling purchase of the 108 reflectors necessary for complete replace- ment. It was understood that the General Electric Supply Corp. has agreed to ship reflectors at bid quotation f.o.b. Port Angeles, and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request for transfer be approved if legality of the same is confirmed by the Attorney. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All. voted Aye. Motion carried. The Attorney having considered request for transfer, and found the same a legal procedure, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission reconsider motion of the previous meeting for purchase of a portion of required reflectors, and that the City accept the bid for 108 reflectors subject to delivery f.o.b. Port Angeles. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. I1otion carried. I The Commission discussed Light Purchase Order No. 7738 for purchase of 1249 poundsof No.6 wire. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that in as much as this is part of a back order and coils weighing 49 pounds 'over specified amount, also advance in price, this increasing the amount of voucher to over $500.00, that. I the bill be approved and paid. Seconded by Commissicner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission also considered request by the County COlllIlUssion for extenslon of light lines on 18th Street jwest from "C" Street. The Light Superintendent was authorized to make the extension as requested. Under the head of new business, Mr. Hubbard, County land agent, appeared regarding expansion of the County garage at 18th & C Streets, and assessments due the City on lots they wish to use, being Lots 1 to 13, linclusive, in Block 450, and Lots 1 to 3, inclusive in Block 455. It was understood the County controls lots by tax title and request that the City make concession regarding assessments and penalties. Commissioner Robinson infermed that if the City gets assessments, the neighborly thing to do is to cut off penalties. I It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the City abate penalties and accept amount of assessments if the County is willing to pay the ssme. Notion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. ~lotion carried. I Clarence B. Shane, Consulting Engineer, submitted a proposal to conduct engineering details for construction and, improvement to the water system. Commissioner Taylor admitted need for Engineering assistance I' eventually and is willing to discuss, as the Water Department is most interested. Also cited material on hand to be installed, and present world conditions. Discussed contemplated improvements above the Boulevard, reservoir storage, and distribution system. Mr. Taylor also informed of present contract with the late G. L. Geisinger, which has not been taken over. Also expressed doubt if the City should employ further Engineering semce until present problems are solved which might not be during his regime. The Commission will meet with Hr. Shane for further discussion after this session. Emerson La\<rence, Civil Defence Co-ordinator, informed the Commission that he had contracted the County Commissioners regarding Civil Defense and they are willing to participate with the City in cost of same. It was the opinion of Mr. Lawrence that the City's share would be approximately $500.00 and he was instructed to consult Attorney Trumbull regarding break down of expenditures. '. Dr. Keith ThompSon"on behalf of local dentists I association, requested that the City consider treatment of City water with sodium fluoride. Dr. Thompson informed that tests have proven up to 50% reduction in tooth decay and treatmer,t has been endorsed by health departments. Also cited cost of installation at about $1,000.00 and 17t per pound for salt. The Com.-:dssion ordered request filed for future consideration. " I Anna Paris requested that the Engineer be instructed to investigate and ascertain cause of water accumulation in the basement of her building at First and Cherry Streets. Also that the Engineer submit to her a copy of written report regarding cause of flooding. The request was referred to the Engineer. ' I I Administrator G. I. Stringfellow of Davidson-Hay Hospital, informed by letter regarding the acute parking problem in the 300 block on West First Street, suggesting that an investigation be made to determine I plausibility of parking meter installation. This was referred to the Police Chief. I 89 ., ~ P'" 90 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington J..anuary 22, continued, 19_>L '"<. . .".... .."" ....,_.. ."..... ..... .... Renewal of contract to furnish Mazda Lamps for the City Departments for the year beginning February 1st was discussed. . It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that call for bids be published for the contract and opened February 5th. Hotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Elctension of the bulkhead on Ediz Hook was also discussed and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that call for bids be published for construction of approximately 1,4eO feet of pile and plank timber bulkhead, bids to be opened February 5th. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in p~ent of same: tf;1.&7 9.! LIGHT FUND: /5':<:<; ,p7 Addressograph Sales Agency Jerry Nelson Agency Syd To"ier Ins. Agency N.W. Public Power Assn., Inc. United Janitors Supply Co. McMaster-Carr Supply Co. Line l1aterial Co. (Seattle) Allis-Chalmers Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Line Material Co. Graybar Electric Co. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. :2..1 SANITATION FUND: 3 W - !,uvaas Tire Retread Service J. I.Yle Beam, Inc. Syd Tozi er. Ins. Agerlcy Jerry Nelson Agency I ':-0 3 ,f0 PARK FUND; __ - Port Angeles Motors Pick-up Truck PARKING HETER & TRAFFIC CONTRDL FUND: ifS~.z City Treasurer Postage on Heter Parts Syd Tozier Ins. Agency Insurance CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Assn. of \'/ash. Cities General Appraisal Co. City Treasurer J. C. Penney Co. Port Angeles Motors SYd Tozier Ins. Agency J.,Lyle Beam, Inc. Jerry Nelson Agency Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co. CITY STREET FUND: S.:<.Y? 7'0 SYd Tozier Ins. Agency Jerry Nelson Agency Port Tie & Lumber .till Luyaas Tire-Retread Service Wash. Machinery & Storage Co. Puget Sound Express, Inc. 3/(" :1._'-1 Samuelson l1otor Co. Luvaas Tire Retread CITY SHOP FUND: Service :zS;- WATER FUND: ;300:1..- Syd Tozier Ins. Agency Jerry Nelson Agency Owens Bros. L. 1. GUARANTY FUND: If 11 , City Treasurer ,,2 L. 1. REVOLVING FUND: .:2 0 - City Treasurer e' ANHlAL CONTROL FUND: 500 - Clallam County Humane Society Service Fee . Valuation Survay Postage, Box Rent, License 15 School Patrel Jackets Pontiac Sedan, per bid Insurance Premium Insurance Premium Insurance Premium Phone Services Insurance Insura.!)ce Lumber Tire, Tube Repairs Belt Conveyors, etc., Frt. per bid Parts Re-treads Ins. Premium Ins. Premium Contract, Elwha Jetty (Flnerg. Ord. 1232) Service Addressograph & Graphotype Ins. Premium Ins. Premium Subscription Jan. Supplies Bits; Inv. 1215720 Insulators Line Transformers Line Transformers Arm Braces Trans!., Wire Socket Adapters, Meters, Cleaner, Cur. ,Pot, Line Transr. Re-treads, Repairs Insurance Insurance Insurance Taxes and Costs Taxes and Cos ts There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Per Budget Appropriation O. G. :LdkV' (j City Clerk ~~<</ d ~/r f. -~~(:)~I~I~;~;'I);~Yg'n~ll~I~~;;~li~:c~Cd " --..... X(~"'lh; 'J'.o nJlHmll~ llid~ wll\ b" r('~(dVl'd by th(' 'City ~l>Lle" II< hcr'el;y ~i"l.'tL tllllt l1t:n!ed r'!c;'], of the Clt~' 'JL POt't An,l::"<':lo.s, :t~;l;' \\~P t::~ ~y~\?i;'Sdp~;r~ t.~~~:;;~~~: I. ",a~,h]J1KIf)n. at Ill!' l.lty JIlll] ,)f "alii ~\\'. I' lA"t I U - ;(1 10'00 'llll Ff"l)I'u- W~;~fi~:!~:i;~:}:o'ri)~r::> :tj::;~~:gi~~20:fi' ,"{f:;ik;i.~A\~~jIl\i::;~:\i)~;>W;,:N:i!f.~, ! 1)).1; '.Uld, ~Illlb~,~ '!.JIl!lk hull;:.II(~.l(.t: .311(1 I f ;r.UU.I)U lWt \':llu,', rlUI'inr; tIll' ~'Nlr i ~~~l~tt,{~~~~~~~f~ f~~:i(;lt},i:~E7iwrr~f~~: ~; ~E~'~Jr ~~(~ ~~~?i~rJl~~\~I~ jt~\;~ : ~;.\f i~:3m g~ :Slllll 1'.'111, IHl l'(,rU1Hl(!({ it the plfins f~I?"l;trl~j~::~I/,IJ~I.~~,~~~e n'tl1rJl€'d bc_ J,jZ;~t" t~~-~~j~~t~::;~~.~~~l~lr'i~f(\'~:!'~ the' ,f; 1-1, LA n' City CIerI,. Pllhli'da.d' .1:1111111"'- "I,. Ft'!JI"\]:\n'?, I ~I, I .... ! 40e.00 1,066.4e 13.50 76.94 1,326.00 796.15 339.22 201. 50 40.17 1,878.24 91.99 66.11 84.69 3,115.75 3.12 173.48 142.76 711. 58 342.39 ll,948.28 25.76 95.53 875.00 260.00 24.12 ll.86 41.13 3,060.91 3,137.96 105 . 04 3,730.33 3,853.83 71.23 101.00 149.21 22.77 1,503.80 1.03 43.99 19.94 20.62 .. 500.00 Mayor I I I I