HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/23/1935
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, WashingtoD
January 23, 1935.
The Commission met in regular session at 10 a. m. and wlls called 10 order by M~or
Davis. Roll call showed the foll owing offic ers present: Mayor Davis, Commiss ioner s
Lutz and l.Iasters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head 0 f Readi ng and Passage 0 f Ordlnan ce s, the follow ing Ordim n:J e was
read by title and placed on its third reading:
AN ORDINANCE, fixing the salaries, compensation and wages of certain officers and
employees of the I;;i ty of Port .dngel es, WashingtJn.
It was moved by Commiss i oner ~1as ters that the fo re going Ordinance be placed on its
final reading and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On noll call all members voted aye.
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of Intr.oduction of Ordiro.nces, the following Ordinance was introduced,
read in full and placed its first and second reading:
AN ORDINANCE providing for the supervision and control of property on Ediz Hook,
held under lease from the United Sta te s to the "i ty of Port "ngeles; setting forth and
defining acts of trespass and other unlawflill acts upon said property; providing penalties
therefore and declaring an e~ergency.
WHEREAS, the iJity of Port .'ngeles, by lease from the United States Government, da-ted
'the 17th day of .\ugust, 1914, took possession of the pO"Ttion of JOdiz Hook belonging tothe
Government which lies south-westerly from the Light Home Reservation, which tract is
more fully described in said lease, and,
rmEREAS, bill Ordinance No. 48,3, the ~i ty ratifi ed the said lease, assumed cOntrol of th
same and made':a portion of the "ity, provided for streets, roadways and industrial sub-
divisions of the same, and,
WHEREAS, it is necessary and important for the pre servaion an d maintainancie of the
highway along Ediz Hook to protect the shores aildother property from trespass, injury,
destruction and other unlawful acts, and necessary and important to regulat~ and control
the use of the property for proteqtion against epidemic and fire and for the safety and
health,of the inhabitants of the "ity of Port Angeles.
The iJommission examined am allowed th~ following claims and ordered warrants
drawn for sacae:
State Treasurer Busi ness Tax fror 1934 3,358.64
State Treasurer Bus ines s Tax fo r 1934 2,581.50-
There being no further busiI)ess the GOfli!lission then adjourned.
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City Clerk.