HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/23/1950 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 625 _----.Janll,q ry ~?l, 19~ i The Commission, met in regular session at 10,00 A .M. and was called to order bJ' kayor yeeley. Officers present were: N.ayor .F'eeley, Connnissicnszs Robinson and 'l'aylor, Att..orney 'l~rumbull and Clerk Law. I; Binutes of the previous sessiol! were read end approved. ,Under the head of applica;~ons for building permits and licenses, the follovring were granted: Building Permits: 7 :36{) - DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-l\oom Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 334, Townsite Thompson Studio Construct Partition--Lark Room; ),ot 8, Blk. 16, N.R ..5mith i1aa. 9" 1:2- - 7,000.00,1 300.00 I Licenses: Crovm Zellerbach Cafeteria Restaurant 12.00 ,. Crown Zellerbach Cafeteria .'usic lcachine 12.00, Crown Zellerbach Cafeteria Soft Drinlt 5.00 ,Hestern union :'elegraph Co. Occupational Tax 55.80 1/ under the head of new business, the I.ee dotel requested in vlriting, permission to operate a dine and dauce in connection Vlith the Lee Cafe. It VIas moved by],:ayor ]<'eeley that the re4uest be granted, subject to I approval by the "tate Liquor Board. 5econ:led by Commissioner hobinson. Commissioner Taylor voted opposed' to motion. The motion carried.. !A letter from K. O. Erickson informed that he is donating to the City his Uld Indian Collection, with proviso that said collection be displayed in the City Library, kept in good order, and accessible for I I public inspection while the Library is open to visitors. It VIas moved by Commissioner Robinson that the donation be accepted and letter of acceptance and appreciatlon ~e vlritten to ~ir. Erickson. l,jotion seconded I I by liayor Feeley. All voted Aye. J.:otion carried. ! ~ Correspondence from City 1:.anager l!;drJund !i. h'.eis€nhelder J III, of Fernandina, Florida, requesting information. ',regarding control of fumes from paper mills causing damage to health, vegetation, etc., was referred to I' :1 Commissioner Taylor for imTestig~tion. 'rhe annual report by Chiei' Ide for the Police Department for the year 1949 was approved and ordered filed. The ~ommission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issuea in payment of same: ]<1)NJJ: F 7 ~(; Inc. CUliliEtiT t;YJ'ENSE The Stationers, City Treasurer State Treasurer Stencils, MimeD Ink i>xpres8 Charges Annual Fees Volunteer ~'iremen 's Relief 29.731'; .92 57.00 12 : CITY STREET ]<VND: / G:J. - 'I Peninsula Sand & Gravel Clallam Grain Co. Sand Salt 81.37 I 80.75 , (,,;<. <j ~ J Co. LIGHT l'llND: Zellerbach Paper City Treasurer Unique Hfg. Co. I ueneral Electric Supply Corp. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Janitor Supplies Cash Payments Furnace Hardware Wife 27.54 ' 6.57 21.24 93.52 480.34 There being no further business, tOo meeting was then adjourned. I . {It Xaur. (/ City Clerk /~ /I /7- Mayor