HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/24/1957 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 17 continued 19,~7__, '531~ no.. """", ""~,""."" ,,,"U,, ..... _ St. Matthews Iutheran !:hurch having requested variance in Zoning Ordinance for addition to existing building, the Planning Co'rnmission recol'l!llended compromise, and permission granted for setilack of 15 feet in- stead of 25 feet as provided by Ordinance. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that alternate plan as sub- Jllitted by the Planning Cornmision be approved. Seconded by Youncilman Sandison and carried. Council discussed possibilities and cost of determining ground water Conditions in this area, also cost of fil teration compared to pumping system. . Mr. Vergeer informed tbat he had contacted consulting engineers and survey could be accomplished at approximate cost of $500.00. It was moved by Councilman Smith that , Council authorize survey at approximate cost stated. Seconded by Councilman Sandison 2.nd carried. Council accepted petition requesting that the area between Vine and Race Streets Nort.h of Front Street be included in the contemplated ilnproV<lment East of Race Street and North of Front. It appaars that the nwn- ber of signatures are not adequate for Council consideration, hOWllwr, petitions will remain a'vailable for ot.he rs lrishing to sign. Location of house trailers within the Cit.y was discussed, also requirements as provided by Zoning Ordinance. This uill be referred to the Planning Commission for reconnnendations. Louis Elterich requested in writing that he be permitted to sub-let contract to Caven Plumbing and Heating Co., a portion of his contract for installation of Morse Creek water main through Peaboo;v Gulch, sub- contract being the making up of joints and fittings. It uas moved by Councilman Wolfe that permission be granted for tha sub-contract, Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions the following uere introduced ano, read: RESOLUTIQ~ NO.2-57 A RESOLUTION authorizing tha calling for bids for the construction of the joint storm sewer in accordance with the agreement entered into between the City of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and School District No. 17 of Clallam County. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the foregoing Resolution be a,Jproved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. RESOLUTION NO.3-57 A RESOLUTION establishing a Sewer Construction Fund to be utilized for the construction of a joint storm sewer to be paid for jointly by Clallam County, School District No. 17 of Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles,_and~~g~orrowing~be~~oL$~,000,2Q,~r2uch sum ..~J' be neceE!'~y~o establish said Sewer ~nstruct~o~d,..!.~m the Water Departme!lt of the Ci:ty~f-"orLAng'i.~Jl_to pe.repaid -'\sJunds.are_available.in_said Se':'~!_Co~~~:eion Fund therefor. It was moved by Councilman l1axfield that the foregoing Resolution be approwd and adopted. Seconded by Counc ilman Matthieu and carrie d, RESOLUTION No.4-57 A RESOLUTION authorizing the treasurer to borrow the sum of $1,000.00 from the Current Expense Fund for use by the Animal Control Fund, and providing for the repayment. It was mOV<ld by Councilman l1atthieu that the foregoing Resolution be adoj:9d. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe md carried. RESOLUTION NO.5-57 A RESOLUTION providing for the payment of the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (4,500.00) from J!m!p.p.r2PJ:'.i.ai".9,_Rese~s 1:!l_~e_ ~~ _Dep~ment covering an installment on the purchase contract of the ....eili Hall Bui~ at :iJ.i~ront Street. It "as moved by Councilman Sandison that the foregoing Resolution he adopted. Seconded by Councilman Srni th and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following WaS read in full anrfi'laced on first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1383 AN ORDINANCE fixing annual license fees and rates for the operation of motor buses within the Cit.y of Port lIngeles, and amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1147, It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be passed fjrst reading. Seconded by Councilman ~laxfield and carried. The re being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. ')), e, ;;La..u.r-- 1/ City Clerk ~:j_~m' %.u/ or JANUARY 24. 1957 S P E C I A L S E S S ION City Council lOOt in Special Session$ 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Neer, Roll call of off- icers rewaled the following present: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu and Maxfield, }!..anager Vergeer, Attorney SeV<lryns and Clerk La'I. II" l1ayor Neer declared the l1J3eting opep,., the SaJre having been scheduled to examine and analy.:e plans and specifications for pollution control, Also introduced Consulting Engineers Collier and Isaac, Richard ThorgriJnson, Bonding Attorney, members of the PlSl'.ning Commission and Commissioners of Clallam County Selrer D;.strict No.1. \ \ liJr. Collier explained in detail the engineering project being divided into three units: A, Francis St, to Marine Drive, B- Pumping Station at foot of Valley Street, and C, Outfall line and lifting station to Strait West of Crown Zellerbach, total oost estimated, $7ll,500,OO. We liJr. Isaac cited sUa of pipe to be used on units, reconIDlending (corrugated galvanized iron, treated by asphalt process. William Gwynn questioned elimination of pollution by depositing outside Ediz Hook and suggested installat- ion of processing plant, ,lith illdustries responsible for their pollution control, Coun'cilman Sandison also exp::-essed doubt that outfall would eliminate Harbor pollution and inquired as to disposal of waste from the Rayonier Hill. I Attorney Thorgrirnson cited Statutes governing cities and towns and procedure of financing projects by / general obligation, L. I.D. or Revenue Bonds. Mr. Thorgrirnson recol1lllEnded Re:rnnue Bonds a5 t~iS. is possible uithout election, the project having been declared emergency by StElte Pollutlon Control Co~SSlOn. He , also cited State regulations as permitting cities owning and operating water systems to combme sewage ' ~ ( ~ \ 532 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JanuaIy 24 contin1lf>d 19-51 ldisposal systems wi_th the water system, thereby effecting more favorable bond sale, 1- Mr. -Vergeer reconnnended offering for sale, bonds in amount of ~750',ooo.oo, also submitted tabulation showing ,retirement and estimated service chalgl!6 required. I There bsmg no further busme ss the meeting was declared adjourned. I (loe ~__ · tJ CityClex:k 2- I );;".// jJt Jtr:e.t/ '--'Mayor CALL FOR BIDS'" . ~ Bids .:i~~e ~~~i~T:p ro 5:00 Notice is hereby given.thll.t'bid<<'l P. M., Februnry 21, 1957, at the will be reci;llved at the office of office of the. City Clerk, 140 (West the City Clerk. 140 WestF r 0 n t Front Street, Port Angeles, Wa..c;h. ~~re~'.l;~ot..t~~~~~,:Va~~,~~g: ,=~~. ~nfl~~~ (~~~r) ~;~ ~h~~ee~ ruary 21. la57. on the follOWing i Frame Conveyor,' including 220- pickup and service truck far use 44.0 Volt, 60 Cy.cle Dust and Drip oy the City Water Department. PrOll( totally enolosed motor, adcc. Item l.e qUB.te horsepower for the opera. One new 1957 Model % Ton Cab tien of a twenty four (24". wide and Che.ssis of forty-seven (47"Jbelt. Belt drive to be included ill. inch C. A. dimension, Minimum the bid. !Belt to ,be of. not less 140 H:P. Epgine, :three oS pee d than four (4) ply, twenty eight, heavy duty transmissIon, spare (28) 02:., %" Duck nndl/32" cov- rIm and ,tire. heater and. defr<JSt.- n. Motor and gea.r assembly to er, turn slgnaL<;, front and rear 'be so equipped as to prevent reo 'bumper. . Not less than 75 Am. versal. pere hour 12 Yolt storage battery A'bove equipment. for u.se with - Low cut-in - high out)>ut gen- reciprocating Feeder now in use erator, equ!pped with a. Mod c 1 at the City' of Port Angeles Gra.vel U-2 MOrYSvll1c body or equivalent Pit.' equipped wltb ladder rack, pipe ~ Bidder shall state estimated I-ack, pipe vise rack, slialng toP)~ time of dcUvery, Five (5%) per- and pipe Clamp holder: tent bid deposit is required with Bidcler shall accep~ in trade as all proposals. lUld incHoate G. 'S. Vergcer ru~~,.~~o~~edN~~: Pub; C:Jb,M~~af~I'~957T less' -ra'dio equip- \' I I I I