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Port Angeles, Washington
January 25, 1989
Mayor McPhee called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M.
City Council: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hordyk, Lemon,
Sargent, Stamon.
PlanninE Commission: Bob Philpott, Larry Leonard, Jerry Cornell, Jim
Hulett, Richard Wight, Jerry Glass.
Commission Members Absent:
Donna Davison -Ness.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, J. Pittis, S. Brodhun,
B. Becker, D. Wolfe, S. Hardy, 0. Miller, S. Roberds.
Commissioner Cornell suggested that due to the length of the agenda and the
time available for discussion, the Planning Commission and City Council
members limit their discussion to item 1, Adult Congregate Care Ordinance,
Item 3, Discussion on Multi- Family Zoning, and Item 7, Public Notification
and Posting, with discussion of the remaining items as time permits.
1. Adult Congregate Care Ordinance
Planning Commission Chairman Wight gave an overview of the discussion and
hearings held by the Planning Commission prior to recommendation of the
Adult Congregate Care Ordinance, sent to Council in August, 1988. Chairman
Wight said that at the direction of the City Council, the Commission had
taken a hard look at the issue of adult congregate care and after eight
months of meetings and public hearings had recommended action in the form of
the ordinance. The Planning Department staff investigated licensing and
State requirements extensively. The Commission concluded that the citizenry
is best protected by the Conditional Use Permit process, rather than by a
rezone process for congregate care facilities because Conditional Use
Permits can be conditioned to ensure compatiblility with the neighborhood in
which the use is proposed; whereas, rezones are not conditioned by the City
at present.
Commissioner Philpott noted that the Commission's action was based on City-
wide legislation, not tailored for a specific project.
Commissioner Hulett discussed the densities considered by the Planning
Councilman Hordyk stated his objection to the Congregate Care Ordinance,
saying property owners in single family developed neighborhoods should have
the protection of zoning, to protect their investments. He said, in his
opinion, a rezone would be more appropriate for congregate care proposals,
rather than Conditional Use Permits and that large areas should be con-
sidered, rather than small areas, which could be considered spot rezones.
Councilman Stamon said the Ordinance, as written, would have greater ability
to control negative impacts. She suggested integration of congregate care
facilities into residential areas.
Councilman Lemon said that these types of proposals should be in the
Residential Multi- Family District, or conditioned rezones rather than
Conditional Uses.
Councilman Hallett noted that there are already a number of Conditional Uses
allowed, including nursing homes and boarding homes in the Residential
Single- Family and Residential Multi- Family neighborhoods. He suggested the
A RESOLUTION of the City
Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, dec-
laring the intention of the
laring to order the im-
i a doing°nt of a certain area
i im sary in toothy y and oi by
es las :and fixin atime, -k neces-
'sdwe1 place for a hearing owith,
pua Z Ct resolution of intent.
,iietlo 'pi BE IT RESOLVED by the City
sal Council of the City of Port
'9LZ$ 'I Angeles, Washington, as
Jassaap follows:
'leas anol Section 1. Based upon the
rece of the petitior
A jalsioLII attached hereto as *Exhjbjl i
•8£9! "A" and incorporated herein
'spa( by this reference, it is the
intention of the City Council
of the Cit'
'pooh Washington, to orderthe
provement of that certain
_uod M; area described in "Exhibit
"tt .n: A by doing street jm-
Zl provements, and by doing
2ladr 3 other work necessary in
l4 connection therewith.
Section 2. The City Engineer
is hereby directed to submit
s201 to the Councj'
the date fixed for the prior to
Jo ing on this Resolution, heh tion, the e
lJeAandAn estimate of the costs
expense of the pro—
City of Port Angeles
Corporation Yard
Remodel Expansion
Project No. 87 -1
Sealed bids will be received
C of East Fifth
Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, Washington 98362,
until 2:30 p.m., February 14,
1989 and not later, and will
be opened publicly at that
*time in the City Council
Chambers, for the following:
A contract which includes,
but is not limited to, con-
struction of new pre
manufactured metal build-
ings and remodeling to
existing metal buildings at
the City of Port Angeles
Corporation Yard. The
Scope -of -Work will include
Mechanical, Electrical.
Sitework, and other im-
provements as described in
the Contract Documents.
Detailed plans and spec-
ifications may be obtained
from the office of the archi-
tect, Lindberg and Associ-
ates, 630 East Eighth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington
98362, upon payment of a
non refundable fee of
Bidders shall be qualified for
the type of work proposed.
A Statement of Bidder's
.Qualifications form is inc-
luded in the contract
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the pres-
cribed form and in the man-
ner as indicated in the Pro-
posal Requirements and
Conditions and said propos-
als or bids shall be ac-
companied by a bid proposal
posit in the form of a cash-
ier's check, 'postal money or-
der, or a surety bond in the
amount of five percent (5
nL-fhe- total ."*n f
A RESOLUTION of the City
Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, dec-
laring the intention of the
City Council to order the im-
provement of a certain area
within the City by doing
street improvement, and by
doing all other work neces-
sary in connection therewith,
and fixing a time, date, and
place for a hearing on this
resolution of intent.
Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, as
i Section 1. Based upon the
receipt of the petition
4 f attached hereto as *Exhibit
_I A" and incorporated herein
by this reference, it is the
intention of the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, to order the im-
provement of that certain
area described in *Exhibit
"A by doing street im-
provements, and by doing
N all other work necessary in
connection therewith.
Section 2. The City Engineer
SS is hereby directed to submit
N to the Council at or prior to
the date fixed for the hear-
ing on this Resolution, the
N 1. An estimate of the. costs
and expense of the pro
posed improvement;
2. All papers and informa-
tion in his possession touch-
ing the proposed improve
:Z. ment;
3. A description Cif the I
boundaries of the district;
4. A statement of the por-
tion of the cost and expense
O. of the improvement which
should be borne by the prop-
erty within the proposed
boundaries of the district;
5. A detailed statement set
ting out the outstanding and
unpaid local improvement
j assessments against the
property in the proposed dis-
COUNCIL will hold a public
hearing on FEBRUARY 21,
1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible,
in the City Council Cham-
bers, 321 East Fifth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington,
to consider a request for va-
cation of City right -of -way.
LOCATION: Alder Street be-
tween Front and First Streets
abutting Block 133, TPA,
along with the alley in said
Block 133, abutting lots 4 -15.
APPLICANT: Glen and Mary
Priest, Richard and Muriel
Zeigler and Gale and Betty
All interested parties may
appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on this
DATE: January 25, 1989.
Michelle Maike
City Clerk
Pub. Feb. 1. 1989.
City of Port Angeles
Corporation Yard
Remodel Expansion
Project No. 87 -1
Sealed bids will be received
by the office of the City
Clerk at 321 East Fifth
Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, Washington 98362,
until 2:30 p.m., February 14,
1989 and not later, and will
be opened publicly at that
time in the City Council
Chambers, for the following:
A contract which includes,
but is not limited to, con-
struction of new pre-
manufactured metal build
ings and remodeling to
existing metal buildings at
the City of Port Angeles
Corporation Yard. The
Scope -of -Work will include
Mechanical, Electrical,
Sitework, and other im-
provements as described in
the Contract Documents.
Detailed plans and spec-
ifications may be obtained
from the office of the archi-
tect, Lindberg and Associ-
ates, 630 East Eighth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington I
98362, upon payment of a
non refundable fee of
Bidders shall he nualifi..
qtrjct; and
6. A statement of the aggre-
by tl
P.O. I
Bids y
A. Tra
B. Tra
C. Lai
D. Re
E. Ref
F. Sii
G. Sig
the C
Port Angeles,
address (206) 457 -0411, ext.
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the
prescribed form and in the
manner as indicated in the
Instructions to Bidders and
Conditions and said propos-
als or bids shall be
,accompanied by a certified
or cashier's check or a bid
bond in the amount of five
percent (5 of the total
amount of the proposal or
bid, said bid bond shall be
issued by a surety
authorized and licensed to
'issue said bonds in the State
of Washington.
The City of Port Angeles re-
serves the right to accept
the proposals or bids and
award to responsible bidders
which are in the best inter-
est of the City; to postpone
the acceptance of proposals
or bids and the award of the
contracts for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days; or to
reject any and all proposals
or bids received and further
advertise for bids.
Jack N. Pittis, P.E.
Director of Public Works
Pub.: Jan. 23, 30, 1989. is
MAINTENANCE OF that sealed bids will be rec-
PATROL CAR FLEET eived by the City Clerk of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City of Port Angeles at
that sealed bids will be rec- 321 East Fifth Street of said
eived by the City Clerk of City until 3:30 P.M., Tues-
day, February 14, 1989, for
furnishing petroleum prod-
ucts for 1989 for the City of
Port Angeles, Hospital Dis-
trict 11 in Forks, and Port of
Port Angeles.
Bid sheets, specifications,
and instructions are avail-
able from the City Clerk's
the City of Port Angeles at
321 East Fifth Street in said
City until 3:30 P.M., Tues.
day, February 14, 1989, for
Service Garage maintenance
to the Port Angeles Police
Department patrol car fleet.
Specifications are available
from the City Clerk's Office,
P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362. Tele-
phone (206) 457-0411, ext.
118. Sealed bids shall be
opened at 3:30 P.M. Tues
day, February 14, 1989, at
321 East Fifth Street, Port
Angeles, Washington. The
City reserves the right to re-
ject any or all bids or any
part thereof.
Pub.: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1989. I
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Coun-
cil of the City of Port Angeles will hold a public
hearing on Tuesday, January 3, 1989, at 7:00 PM,
321 East 5th Street. The purpose of this public
hearing is to receive public testimony on propos-
ed surplus of City -owned property located at 906
West Lauridsen Blvd., Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block
456. If the property is surplused, the City of Port
Angeles will then sell the property either at
public auction or by closed bid.
NOTICE ISTIEREIW GIVEN that the Port Angeles
City Council will meet in a special joint meeting with
the Port Angeles Planning Commission on
The purpose of this special joint meeting is to look at
the Planning Commission's long -range planning and in-
teraction on recent Planning and City Council
Office, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, WA 98362. Phone
(206) 457 -0411, extension
Sealed bids shall be opened
at 3:30 P.M. Tuesday, Febru-
ary 14, 1989, at 321- East
Fifth Street. Port Angeles
City Hall.
The City Council reserves the
right to accept or reject any
or all bids or part e
David any T. Flodst
City Manager
Pub.: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1989.
January 25, 1989
at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Terms are cash or cashier's check only. Closing shall occur
within 30 days after the bid opening date. The lots will be sold in
one parcel only, and shall not be sold for less than the minimum
bid specified.
Parcel 1
321 East Fifth Port Angeles 457 -0411
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Block 456, Lots 1, 2 3 $5,000
All bids shall be in writing specifying the name and address of
the bidder and the parcel bid amount. A certified check or cash
for 25% of the amount of the bid shall accompany each proposal.
The remainder to be paid within one (1) year at an interest rate
of 10 In the event closing does not occur, the 25% bid deposit
of the successful bidder shall be forfeited to the City. Bids shall
be deposited with the City Clerk not later than 2:30 PM on Tues-
day, January 31, 1989. Title shall be conveyed by Warranty Deed
and the City shall furnish closing costs and title insurance. The
City reseA es the right to reject any and all bids.
The above property is located at 906 West Lauridsen Boulevard
between "B" and "C" Streets, Port Angeles, Washington.
me city of o Angeles will
offer for sale the following described property by means of
sealed bids to be opened by the City Manager on Tuesday,
January 31, 1989, at the hour of 2:30 PM in the Council
Chambers at 321 East 5th Street.
Terms are cash or cashier's check only. Closing shall occur
within 30 days after the bid opening date. The lots will be
sold in one parcel only, and shall not be sold for less than
the minimum bid specified.
ITEM: Parcel 1. DESCRIPTION: Block 456, Lots 1, 2 and 3.
MINIMUM BID: $5,000.
All bids shall be in writing specifying the name and ad-
dress of the bidder and the parcel bid amount. A certified
check or cash for 25% of the amount of the bid shall
accompany each proposal. The remainder to be paid within
one (1) year at an interest rate of 10 In the event
closing does not occur, the 25% bid deposit of the success-
ful bidder shall be forfeited to the City. Bids shall be
deposited with the City Clerk not later than 2:30 PM on
Tuesday, January 31, 1989. Title shall be conveyed by
Warranty Deed and the City shall furnish closing costs and
title insurance. The City reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
The above property is located at 906 West Lauridsen Boule-
vard between "B" and "C" Streets, Port Angeles,
Pub.: Jan. 12, 17, 1989.
RESOLU i ivix y a3gVi "a -5 SEM 1
A RESOLUTION of the City Corporation Yard
Council of the City of Port Remodel Expansion pI TOO p u 0 3 O S �,p`d au0"
Angeles, Washington, dec- Project No. 87 -1 11.[1 T �q paddot a0tq aq}
the intention of the Sea
bids will be received n p�[ �u1MO[S Mil
taring by the office of the City
City Council to order the irn 0 SBA IN cog ment of certain doing
Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Clerk at 321 East Fifth 113 Ul LtM�p
within _the ___byand doby ing I ,,n0a •pS11-
treet Angeles, Washington 98362,
II other t neces- until 2:30 p.m., February 14,
tion therewith 1 989 and not later, and will
and b opened publicly at that
this in the City Council
and fixing
place for a hea
resolution of intent.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, as
Section 1. Based upon the
receipt of the petition
attached hereto as *Exhibit
"A" and incorporated herein
by this reference, it is the
intention of the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, to order the im-
provement of that certain
area described in 'Exhibit
"A", by doing street im-
provements, and by doing
all other work necessary in
connection therewith.
Section 2. The City Engineer
is hereby directed to submit
to the Council at or prior to
the date fixed for the hear-
ing on this Resolution, the
1. An estimate of the costs
and expense of the pro-
posed improvement;
2. All papers and informa-
tion in his possession touch-
ing the proposed improve-
3. A description of the
boundaries of the district;
4. A statement of the por-
ERTIF tion of the cost and expense
city c of the improvement which
Cor should be borne by the prop
emoi erty within the proposed
Prc boundaries of the district;
I bir 5. A detailed statement set-
ting out the outstanding and
at unpaid local improvement
1, P. assessments against the
es, property in the proposed dis-
2:313 tract; and
and 6. A statement of the aggre-
pene gate actual valuation of the
in real estate in the District,
iberr including twenty -five percent
antra of the actual valuation of the Pies, serves the right to accept
Is n improvements in the pro- ?Y's: the proposals or bids and
lion posed district according to tion contracts to responsi-
;facts the valuation last placed eipt ble bidders which are in the
an, upon it for the purposes of lichee best interest of the City, to I
this ng general taxation. an postpone the acceptance of
roposals or bids and the
sty Section 3. All persons who
Nall desire to object to the for- ntiol award of the contracts for a
-of- mation of stic:h. ±ant the period not to exceed thirty
an5 including the nature shin (30) days, or to reject any
word and territorial extent of the >vem and all proposals or bids
rem improvement, are hereby to received and further adver-
Con notified to appear and pre f tise the project for bids.
aile When awarded contracts,
sent their objections at a oven
dior' meeting of the City Council oth' the successful bidder shall ss (206) 457 0411,
n tt to be held in the Council nnec promptly execute contracts
1 Chambers, 321 East Fifth iction and shall furnish bonds of iroposals or
s 6 Street, Port Angeles, Wash- here faithful performance of the submitted on bids shall the
t ington, at 7:00 P.M. on Feb t the contracts in the full amount .ribed form and in the
362 ruary 7, 1989. le da of the contract prices. ier as indicated in the
ire Section 4. The City Clerk and g on Bids must be sealed with the ctions to Bidders and
0( Engineer are hereby directed Hawn' outside of the envelope
Icier to prepare and give notice An marked BID OPENING DATE
t of such hearing in the fol- id (February 1989,. 2:30
S niters: p.m.)
alit 1. By publication of this Res- AEI and expansion for the City
with the first
be at least (15) days
rr 2. By giving notice by mail at ion of l
-sa least fifteen (15) days before 1f the 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. !ash gton. ales re
site the day fixed for hearing to hould I Box 1150, Port Angeles, City of Port Ang
the owners or reputed own- erty J Washington 98362. es
,mf the right to accept
ers of all lots, tracts, and bounds Jack N. Pittis, P.E. proposals or bids and
oral parcels of land or other 5. A a Director of Public Works rd to responsible bidders
pr's property to be specially ben- tango Pub.: Jan. 22, 29 1989. are in the best
ler, dined by the proposed im- unpaid °cal improvelnemm 1 es
_ih of the City; to Po stpone
provement, as shown on the assessments against the the acceptance of proposals
A j rolls of the County Treasur- property in the proposed cis- contracts or a pera not to
er, directed to the address Viet; and gate actual valuation of the re j d all proposals
o exceed thirty (30) days; or to
thereon shown, which notice 6 A statement of the aggre- reject any an propo
shall set forth the nature of
t proposed improvement, real estate in the District, bids any advertise for a award
all and further
the estimated costs, and the
including twenty -five percent r b d Piths, P.E.
estimated benefits of the of the actual valuation of the of P bf Works
osed district cel, in accorance with the y improvement list rict acco g in rdin to Pub.: Jan. 23, 30, 1989.
City Attorney
"NOTE: Exhibits "A" and "B"
can be viewed at the City
Clerk's office.
Pub.: Jan. 20 27 1989.
I Chambers, for the following:
A contract which includes,
1 but is not limited to, con-
struction of new pre
manufactured metal build-
ings and remodeling to
existing metal buildings at
the City of Port Angeles
Corp Yard. The
Scope -of -Work will Electrical, include
Sitework, and other im-
provements as described in
the Contract Documents.
Detailed plans and spec-
ifications may be obtained
from the office of the archi-
tect, Lindberg and Associ-
ates, 630 East Eighth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington
98362, upon payment of a
non- refundable fee of
Bidders shall be qualified for
the type of work proposed.
A Statement of Bidder's
Qualifications form is inc-
luded in the contract
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the pres- I
cribed form and in the man-
ner as indicated in the Pro-1
Conditio R said
l als or bids shall be ac-
companied by a bid proposal
1 de-
posit in the form of a cash
01 ier's check, postal money or-
der, or a surety bond in the!
mount c, five
i' the total amount of the
a proposal or bid. If a surety
n bond is used, said bond shall
ixidd be issued by a surety auth-
_rut,' orized and registered to is-
sue said bonds in the State
f R of Washington.
cal The City of Port Angeles re-
01 9 3 oz; a uoli�za 5 i ga 9:4 p?_
5X zo3 �35s2pt gas�,�L
Parcel 1
321 East Fifth Port Angeles 45 -0411
Block 456, Lots 1, 2 3
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Port Angeles
Council will meet in a special joint meeting with
the Port Angeles Planning Commission on
January 25, 1989
at 7:00 p.m• hi the Council Chambers
321 East Fi Street
pose of this special joint meeting is to
g look at
Thep p long- rang e p and in-
the Planning Commissions and City Council
teraction on recent Planning
Michelle M. Many
City Clerl
Terms are cash or or cashier's c nc d onll y C osinwill ashall sot ate
within 30 days after the bid opeg
one parcel only, and shall not be sold for less than the minin
bid specified.
itions or bi and ds sh said al pl bropose
issues of the official hg the
secutive rryy ,i panied by a certified
lowing ma bsed i P (Remodeling shrer's check or a bid
1 r newspaper eles
t in the amount of five the name and addre
fe d olution in at least two con Ion m of Port Angeles Corporation ant (5%) of the tota All bids shall be in ar ti g s p a mount t. A certified check or
ibe Yard}. Name and address of tint of the proposal or each proF
of Port An Kent; year at an interes•
g the bidder should also ap said bid bond shall b for 25% of the he bidder and the parcel
amount of the bid shall a yeara at publication to fifteen 15 da A of th suret y The SO emai
In the event c Do
of to be ipaid ng w� O °i occur the 25% bid de
prior to February 7, 1989.E
pear on the outside a by a deposited with
b e r Des no
bunco envelope. Bids should be prized and licensed to R b f rfeited to the Citv. Bi s
1. r` s addressed to the City Clerk sa id bonds in the State of the success Cl e rk not later tha
ful bidder s h d
a e n 230 PM on
1 8 9 tarty conveyed ar e
day January 31 1989. Title shall be conveyed by Warranty
the City S the right sh reject closing costs
and all bids.
and title i ran
City y resary
The above property is located at 906 West Lauridsen a o ou
between "B" and 'C" Streets, Port Angeles,
Uity 61 or Angel(
offer tor sale the following described property by met
sealed to be l 2 30 Manager P n the Tui
Chambers at 321 East 5th Street.
Terms are cash or cashier's check only. Closing shall
within 30 days after the bid opening date. The lots v
attached hereto and incorp o t
particular lot, tract, or par the pro Director u [c and shall nqt be sold for les.
B the valuation last placed LL F` d specified.
at a regular meeting of said roses of ,N that s a ledbbids wll G erk e c-
awed by h the minimum in one parcel only,
bl sue
of b I the City ot P nge
t 321 as bids
Parcel 1. DESCRIPTION: Block 456, Lots 1, 2
PASSED by the City Council d to o bject to the f or- city Clerk of City until 3 :30 P.M., T�es-
January 31,
of the Ci of P Angeles f rt Angeles at y, F bruary 14, 198 9, for dress
heck of
or cash and 5 t e a aun f the bic
amount. a mation of such improvement s tree t in said furnishing petroleum prod- accompany each proposal. The remainder to be paid
Council held on the 17th da a i toria l a the of th e i M., to r ti for 1989 for the City of
y c and territorial extent of the 14, 1989, for p a Angeles, Hospital pis- year at an interest rate of 10%. In the
City Clerk
of January, 1989. improvement, are here moles Polce po rt A ngelesorks, and Port or one (1) y
closing does not occur, the 25% bid deposit of the at
Frank McPhee, MAYOR 'i notified to appear and pre- ,t car fleet. Bid s heets, speci ful bidder shall be f to the City. Bids s F
ATTEST: Michelle M. Maike s sent their objections at a are available and instructwns are ova l- ll
I deposited with the City Clerk not later than 2:30
he meeting of the Ctty Council Clerk's Office, able from the City Clerk's Tuesday, January 31, 1989. Title shall be convel
APPROVED AS TO FORM: Po Angeles City shall furn closing cos
Craig D. Knutson d to be held in the Cou 98?62 Mice, 1 sox tiro, Port
.0411, e Tele- xt Angeles, WA 98362. Phone i title insurance. The City reserves the right to raja
1. extension
Warranty Deed and the C
form marked as "Exhibit p t upon it for the pup R FLEET at
rated in this Resolution y r general taxation.
i Section 3. All persons �trO' s ses will Y be G VEN rec- MINIMUM BID $5000
E t Ftth Street A of les said All shall be in writing specifying the name ar
(sire ales a day, e o
Street, Port Angeles, Wash- bids shalil be, (206) as7 pal and a bids
E ington, at 7:00 P.M. on Feb- 30 P.m
T s1 11a. led bids shall be opened The above property is located at 906 West Lauridsen
ruary 7, 1989. h Street, Port at 3 p Tuesday, Febru- yard
hl bet ween "B" and "C" Streets, Port A
Section 4. The City Clerk and shington. The a ry 14 1989, at 321 East
A Engineer are hereby directed t right to re- are Street. Pori Angeles Pub.: Jan. 12, 17, 1989.
interested parts; of prepare
ow hearing
manners: and g in the foi e- 'ti bids or any the City Council reserves the
g Feb. 3 1989. i or a r ll 10 bids acca aept ny or oars th relect e-
appear at the hear li
express their opinion
1. By publication of this Res- pavid T. t lod then om
proposal. 1 City Manager
I PATE: January 25, a
I Mich secutive issues of the official Pub.: Jan. 21, Feb. 3, 1989.
1...;.k +h ue f n i to i
olution in at least two con
Angeles, Washington 98362,
until 2:30 p.m., February 14,
1989 and not later, and will
be opened publicly at that
time in the City Council
Chambers, for the following:
A contract which includes,
but is not limited to, con-
struction of new pre-
manufactured metal build-
ings and remodeling to
existing metal buildings at
the City of Port Angeles
Corporation Yard. The
Scope -of -Work will include
Mechanical, Electrical.
Sitework, and other im-
provements as described in
the Contract Documents.
Detailed plans and spec-
ifications may be obtained
from the office of the archi-
tect, Lindberg and Associ-
ates, 630 East Eighth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington
98362, upon payment of a
non refundable fee of
Bidders shall be qualified for
the type of work proposed.
A Statement of Bidder's
•Qualifications form is inc-
luded in the contract
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the pres-
cribed form and in the man-
ner as indicated in the Pro-
posal Requirements and
Conditions and said propos-
als or bids shall be ac-
companied by a bid proposal
posit in the form of a cash-
ier's check, postal money or-
der, or a surety bond in the
amount of five percent
of_ _the _Fatal -au L1 i
proposal or bid. If a surety
bond is used, said bond shall
be issued by a surety auth-
orized and registered to is-
sue said bonds in the State y
of Washington.
The City of Port Angeles re-
serves the right to accept
the proposals or bids and
award contracts to responsi-
ble bidders which are in the
best interest of the City, to
postpone the acceptance of
proposals or bids and the
award of the contracts for a f
period not to exceed thirty
(30) days, or to reject any
and all proposals or bids
received and further adver-
tise the project for bids.
When awarded contracts, a
the successful bidder shall 1
promptly execute contracts a
and shall furnish bonds of
faithful performance of the t:
contracts in the full amount
of the contract prices.
Bids must be sealed with the j
outside of the envelope r
(February 14, 1989, 2:30 0
p.m.) PROJECT (Remodeling
and expansion for the City 1
of Port Angeles Corporation
Yard). Name and address of
the bidder should also ap-
pear on the outside of the
envelope. Bids should be
addressed to the City Clerk,
321 East Fifth Street, P.O.
Box 1150, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362.
Jack N. Pittis, P.E.
Director of Public Works
Pub.: Jan. 22, 29, 1989.
doing all other work neces-
sary in connection therewith,
and fixing a time, date, and
place for a hearing on this
resolution of intent.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, as
Section 1. Based upon the
receipt of the petition
attached hereto as *Exhibit
"A" and incorporated herein
by this reference, it is the
intention of the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, to order the im-
provement of that certain
area described in *Exhibit
"A by doing street im-
provements, and by doing
all other work necessary in
connection therewith.
Section 2. The City Engineer
is hereby directed to submit
to the Council at or prior to
the date fixed for the hear-
ing on this Resolution, the
1. An estimate of the. costs
and expense of the pro-
posed improvement;
2. All papers and informa-
tion in his possession touch-
ing the proposed improve-
3. A description of the
boundaries of the district;
4. A statement of the por-
tion of the cost and expense
of the improvement which
should be borne by the prop-
erty within the proposed
boundaries of the district;
5. A detailed statement set-
ting out the outstanding and
unpaid local improvement'
assessments against the
by t
Bids y
IA. Tra
B. Tra
C. Lai
D. Re
E. Ref
F. S4 Tapes
G. Sig
Port Angeles, anCT.
address (206) 457 -0411, ext.
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the
prescribed form and in the
manner as indicated in the
Instructions to Bidders and
Conditions and said propos-
als or bids shall be
;accompanied by a certified
or cashier's check or a bid
bond in the amount of five
percent (5 of the total
amount of the proposal or
bid, said bid bond shall be
issued by a surety
authorized and licensed to
issue said bonds in the State
of Washington.
The City of Port Angeles re-
serves the right to accept
the proposals or bids and
award to responsible bidders
which are in the best inter-
est of the City; to postpone
the acceptance of proposals
property in the proposed dis- or bids and the award of the
trict; and contracts for a period not to
6. A statement of the aggre- exceed thirty (30) days; or to
gate actual valuation of the reject any and alt' proposals
G real estate in the District, or bids received and further
LES including twenty -five percent advertise for bids.
a F of the actual valuation of the Jack N. Pittis, P.E.
ARY improvements in the pro Director of Public Works
1 posed district according to Pub.: Jan. 23, 30, 1989. s
p the valuation last placed L F
I upon it for the purposes of 1NCE F "rec-
I FLEET that sealed bid will b e
h c general taxation. awed by the City Clerk of
shi ction 3. All persons WltO Evan y I rec the City of Port Angeles at
st 1 desire to object to the for- Cit Clerk of ifth e
wz 321 East mation of such improvement y day, F 3y30Str14, 198et of 9u for
in Angeles at day, Februar
tre district, including the nature s treet in said furnishing petroleum prod
and t extent of the 14, 1989,utor Port for 1989 for the City o f
St for
A ng el es, H ospita l Dis-
y3 improvement, are hereby maintenance trial 91 m Forks, and Port of
'i notified to appear and pre- iroi l car neat e e A sheets, specifications,
l ot s sent their objections at a are available i and instructions are avail-
of meeting of the City Council Clerk's Office, able from the Citv Clerk's
d Street, Port Angeles, Wash- bids i, Port Angel
Chambers 321 East Fifth to be held in the Council 98362 0 s T a b e le- Office, P.O. Box 1150, Port
hall e
ington, at 7:00 P.M. on Feb- :30 P.M. Tues. (2 zla.
r. Angeles, WA 98362. Phone
457 -0411, extension
ruary 7, 1989, t 14, 1989, at S ealed bids shall be opened
N. Section 4. The City Clerk an d to Street, Port at 3:30 P.M. Tuesday, Febru-
I/ Engineer Engineer are hereby directed ishington. The ary 14, 1989, at 321 East
t to prepare and rye notice a lt bids or
1. By publication of this Res- C Street. Port Angeles
ai Of such hearing in the fol- City Hall.
r lowing manners Feb. 3, 1989, The City Council reserves the
right to accept or retest any
or all bids or
D any avid T. eject part there
secutive in at least two con- ve issues of the official al
secuti City Manager
newspaper of Port Angeles, Pub.: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1989.
with the first publication to
be at least fifteen (15) days
prior to February 7, 1989.
2. By giving notice by mail at
least fifteen (15) days before
the day fixed for hearing to
the owners or reputed own-
ers of all lots, tracts, and
parcels of land or other
property to be specially ben
efitted by the proposed im-
provement, as shown on the
rolls of the County Treasur-
er, directed to the address
thereon shown, which notice
shall set forth the nature of
the proposed improvement,
the estimated costs, and the
estimated benefits of the
particular lot, tract, or par-
in accordance with the
form marked as *Exhibit "B
attached hereto and incorpo-
rated in this Resolution by
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day
of January, 1989.
Frank McPhee, MAYOR
ATTEST: Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
*NOTE: Exhibits "A" and "B"
at 7:00 p.m. in the Counci
321 East Fifth Street
The purpose of this special joint meeting is to look at
the Planning Commission's long -range planning and in-
teraction on recent Planning and City Council
Terms are cash or cashier's check only. Closing shall occu
within 30 days after the bid opening date. The lots will be sold i
one parcel only, and shall not be sold for less than the minimu
bid specified.
Parcel 1
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Block 456, Lots 1, 2 3 $5,000
All bids shall be in writing specifying the name and address
the bidder and the parcel bid amount. A certified check or cas
for 25% of the amount of the bid shall accompany each proposa
The remainder to be paid within one (1) year at an interest ra
of 10 In the event closing does not occur, the 25% bid depos
of the successful bidder shall be forfeited to the City. Bids sh
be deposited with the City Clerk not later than 2:30 PM on Tue
day, January 31, 1989. Title shall be conveyed by Warranty De
and the City shall furnish closing costs and title insurance. T
City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
mci me offer for sale the described city r pertyrtby Angeles
sealed bids to be opened by the City Manager on Tuesda
January 31, 1989, at the hour of 2:30 PM in the Counc
Chambers at 321 East 5th Street.
Terms are cash or cashier's check only. Closing shall occu
within 30 days after the bid opening date. The lots will b
sold in one parcel only, and shall not be sold for less tha
the minimum bid specified.
ITEM: Parcel 1. DESCRIPTION: Block 456, Lots 1, 2 and
MINIMUM BID: $5,000.
All bids shalt be in writing specifying the narne and ai
dress of the bidder and the parcel bid amount. A certifie
check or cash for 25% of the amount of the bid sha
accompany each proposal. The remainder to be paid withi
one (1) year at an interest rate of 10 In the eve
closing does not occur, the 25% bid deposit of the succes
ful bidder shall be forfeited to the City. Bids shall b
deposited with the City Clerk not later than 2:30 PM 0
Tuesday, January 31, 1989. Title shall be conveyed b
Warranty Deed and the City shall furnish closing costs an
title insurance, The City reserves the tight to reject a
and all bids.
The above property is located at 906 West Lauridsen Boul
vard between "B" and "C" Streets, Port Angele
Pub.: Jan. 12, 17, 1989.
The above property is located at 906 West Lauridsen Bouleva
between "B" and "C" Streets, Port Angeles, Washington.
that the Utility Advisory
Committee (UAC), a subcom-
mittee of the City Council of
the City of Port Angeles, will
hold a meeting on Friday,
January 13, at 12:00 Noon,
in the caucus room of the
Council Chambers, 321 East
Fifth Street. The purpose of
this meeting is to review se-
lection process for City Light
Director, final permit for
sewage treatment, update
on waste energy report and
update on hydrogeological
study at the landfill.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Pub.: Jan. 6, 1989.
A RESOLUTION of the City of
Port Angeles setting a hear-
ing date for a petition to va-
cate a portion of Alder
Street and alley in Block 133,
Thomas W. Carter's Sub-
WHEREAS the owners of in-
terest in Lots 4 through 15.
Block 133, Thomas W. Car-
ter's Subdivision of Suburban
Lots 11 and 16, in the Town
site of Port Angeles, have
filed a petition with the City
Clerk to make vacation of
that portion of Alder Street
and the alley in Block 133
abutting said lots; and
WHEREAS, said petition ap-
pears to have been signed
by the owners of more than
two thirds of the property
abutting upon the rights -of-
way sought to be vacated,
as follows:
Section 1. The petition to
make such vacation shall be
heard and determined by
this Council on the 21st day
of February, 1989, which is
not more than sixty (60)
days nor less than twenty
(20) days hereafter.
Section 2. The City Clerk is
hereby directed to give
twenty (20) days notice of
the pendency of said petition
according to the provisions
of RCW 35.79.020.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day
of January, 1989.
Frank McPhee, MAYOR
ATTEST: Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Jan. 20. 1989.
2518, 2519, 2520, and 2521
City of Port Angeles concern
the establishment of salary
schedules for the following
representation units: Fire-
fighters, Sworn Police Offi-
cers, Clerk /Dispatchers,
General Employees, Man-
agement/ Administrative,
and employees at the City
Pool. The Ordinances adopt
salary schedules for the pay-
ment of wages for 1989. A
copy of these ordinances
with complete salary sched-
ules are available at City
Hall, in the City Clerk's Of-
fice. Office hours are Mon-
day through Friday, from
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
These ordinances shall take
effect five days after publi-
cation. The full text of the
ordinances shall be mailed
upon request.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Pub.: Jan. 6, 1989.
COUNCIL will hold a public i
hearing on FEBRUARY 7,
1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible,
in the City Council Cham-
bers, 321 East Fifth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington,
to consider a request for a
rezone of property presently
designated RS -7, Residential
Single Family, to RMF, Resi-
dential Multi- Family.
LOCATION: 1312 Georgiana
Street and 212 N. Liberty
8 and 9, Block 14, TPA.
APPLICANT: Leonard D. Beil.
LICY ACT (SERA): A Determi-
nation of Non Significance
has been filed for this
All interested parties may
appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on this
DATE: January Michel 1989.
City Cleric
Pub.: Jan. 22, 1989.
■r tdiLL 1"VK 13IUS
that sealed bids will be rec-
eived by the City Clerk of
the City of Port Angeles at
321 East Fifth Street in said
City until 3:30 P.M., Tues-
day, February 14, 1989, for
Service Garage maintenance
to the Port Angeles Police
Department patrol car fleet.
Specifications are available
from the City Clerk's Office,
P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362. Tele-
phone (206) 457 -0411, ext.
118. Sealed bids shall be
opened at 3:30 P.M. Tues-
day, February 14, 1989, at
321 East Fifth Street, Port
Angeles, Washington. The
City reserves the right to re-
ject any or all bids or any
part thereof.
Pub.: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1989.
that sealed bids will be rec-
eived by the City Clerk of
the City of Port Angeles at j
321 East Fifth Street of said
City until 3:30 P.M., Tues-
day, February 14, 1989, for
furnishing petroleum prod-
ucts for 1989 for the City of
Port Angeles, Hospital Dis-
trict #1 in Forks, and Port of
Port Angeles.
Bid sheets, specifications,
and instructions are avail-
able from the City Clerk's
Office, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, WA 98362. Phone
(206) 457 -0411, extension
Sealed bids shall be opened
at 3:30 P.M. Tuesday, Febru-
ary 14, 1989, at 321 East
Fifth Street, Port Angeles
City Hall.
The City Council reserves the
right to accept or reject any
or all bids or any part there-
David T. Flodstrom
City Manager
Pub.: Jan_ 27, Feb. 3, 1989.
that the Port Angeles City
Council will meet in a spe-
cial joint meeting with the
Port Angeles Planning Com-
mission on January 25, 1989,
at 7:00 P.M. in the Council
Chambers, 321 East Fifth
Street. The purpose of this
special joint meeting is to
look at the Planning Com-
mission's long -range plan-
ning and interaction on re-
cent Planning and City Coun-
cil decisions.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Pub.: Jan. 1989.
COUNCIL will hold a public
hearing on FEBRUARY 7,
1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible,
in the City Council Cham-
bers, 321 East Fifth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington,
to reconsider a request for
REZONE of property present
ly designated as RS -7,
Single- Family Residential, to
OC, Office Commercial.
through 10, Block 24, Puget
Sound Cooperative Colony's
2nd Addition.
Vincent, et.al.
LICY ACT (SEPA): A Determi-
nation of Non Significance
has been filed for this
All interested parties may
appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on this
Michelle Maike
City Clerk
DATE: January 20, 1989.
Pub.' Jan. 27, 1989.
AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles, amending
Sections 17.86.100 and
17.86.105 of Ordinance No.
2103 relating to Home
Section 1. Sections 17.86.100
and 17.86.105 of Ordinance
No. 2103 are hereby amend-
ed tto( r1e(a(d as follows: w QOM-
DEC Planning Commission -reeorr
-men a ieR- f�ii ici shall
stand as the City s final deci-
sion, unless appealed by the
applicant, Qr a citizen -pre-
sent-et-the -hear ire ,-41e- Gtr
Staff- or- the .Git3- cGuac7,. The
Chairnl n of the Planning
(;Qfpmf sn shall brietl'y an-
1 appeal oroce-
ure of owing each �I,eci-
'sion. Such appeal must be
Submitted in writing to the
.-City Clerk within ten days of
"the Planning Commission
((lI cl r1
ON The City Council shall,
'at a public r++eafiag hearing,
consider an appeal from the
decision of the Planning
Commission. The City Coun-
cil may approve, deny, or
approve with modifications
or conditions the appeal. Ac-
tion shall be by motion and
shall include findings based
upon Sections 17.86.010,
17.86.040 and 17.86.080.
t'1fltt 2 ve{ bility.
fir'5V an drmis Ul dinance If any
or its application to any per
son or circumstance, is held
invalid, the remainder of the
Ordinance, or application of
the provisions of the Ordi-
nance to other persons or
circumstances, is not
Section 3 Effectt ve Date. This
Ordinance shall take effect
"'five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
'at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day
of January, 1989.
Frank McPhee, MAYOR
ATTEST: Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Jan. 8 1989.
nOt isW(, o,T., vr,rr uo
opened publicly at that time.
Bids will be taken for:
A. Traffic Paint.
B. Traffic Glass Spheres.
C. Lane Marker Adhesive.
D. Reflective Traffic Signs.
E. Reflective Sign Faces.
F. Sign Letters and Border
G. Sign Supports.
Bid documents may be
obtained from the office of
the City Engineer, City of
Port Angeles, at the above
address (206) 457 -0411, ext.
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the
prescribed form and in the
manner as indicated in the
Instructions to Bidders and
Conditions and said propos-
als or bids shall be
accompanied by a certified
or cashier's check or a bid
bond in the amount of five
percent (5 of the total
amount of the proposal or
bid, said bid bond shall be
issued by a surety
authorized and licensed to
issue said bonds in the State
of Washington.
The City of Port Angeles re-
serves the right to accept
the proposals or bids and
award to responsible bidders
which are in the best inter-
est of the City; to postpone
the acceptance of proposals
or bids and the award of the
contracts for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days; or to
reject any and all proposals
or bids received and further
advertise for bids.
Jack N. Piths, P.E.
Director of Public Works
Pub.: Jan. 23, 30, 1989.
that the Utility Advisory
Committee (UAC), a subcom-
mittee of the City Council of
the City of Port Angeles, will
hold a meeting on Friday,
January 13, at 12:00 Noon,
in the caucus room of the
Council Chambers, 321 East
Fifth Street. The purpose of
this meeting is to review se-
lection process for City Light
Director, final permit for
sewage treatment, update
on waste energy report and
update on hydrogeological
study at the landfill.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Pub.: Jan. 6, 1989.
A RESOLUTION of the City of
Port Angeles setting a hear-
ing date for a petition to va-
cate a portion of Alder
Street and alley in Block 133,
Thomas W. Carter's Sub-
WHEREAS the owners of in-
terest in Lots 4 through 15.
Block 133, Thomas W. Car-
ter's Subdivision of Suburban
Lots 11 and 16. in the Town
site of Port Angeles, have
filed a petition with the City
Clerk to make vacation of
that portion of Alder Street
and the alley in Block 133
abutting said lots; and
WHEREAS, said petition ap-
pears to have been signed
by the owners of more than
two thirds of the property
abutting upon the rights -of-
way sought to be vacated;
as follows:
Section 1. The petition to
make such vacation shall be
heard and determined by
this Council on the 21st day
of February, 1989, which is
not more than sixty (60)
days nor less than twenty
(20) days hereafter.
Section 2. The City Clerk is
hereby directed to give
twenty (20) days notice of
the pendency of said petition
according to the provisions
of RCW 35.79.020.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day
of January, 1989.
Frank McPhee, MAYOR
ATTEST: Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub: Jan. 20, 1989.
17E TO
ape.l J0 099'1$ 'lute
spaau 'sallods ajl4M 'dc
w z/, 'Japwldo 9 'EL, :11 1f100
1 'OOE'E
p008 sum ,azeL£l8 8L, :OW!
2 OLIE 'wall 006'ET$
q iPaPeol 'J92ue?J L8, qg
COUNCIL will hold a public
hearing on FEBRUARY 7,
1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible,
in the City Council Cham-
bers, 321 East Fifth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington,
to consider a request for a
rezone of property presently
designated RS -7, Residential
Single Family, to RMF, Resi-
dential Multi- Family.
LOCATION: 1312 Georgiana
Street and 212 N. Liberty
8 and 9, Block 14, TPA.
APPLICANT: Leonard D. Bell.
LICY ACT (SEPA): A Determi-
nation of Non Significance
has been filed for this
Alt interested parties may
appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on this
DATE: January 18, 1989.
Michelle Maike
City Clerk
Pub.: Jan. 22, 1989.
that sealed bids will be rec-
eived by the City Clerk of
the City of Port Angeles at
321 East Fifth Street in said
City until 3:30 P.M., Tues-
day, February 14, 1989, for
Service Garage maintenance
to the Port Angeles Police
Department patrol car fleet.
Specifications are available
from the City Clerk's Office,
P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362. Tele-
phone (206) 457 -0411, ext.
118. Sealed bids shall be
opened at 3:30 P.M. Tues-
day, February 14, 1989, at
321 East Fifth Street, Port
Angeles, Washington. The
City reserves the right to re-
ject any or all bids or any
part thereof.
Pub.: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1989.
that sealed bids will be rec-
e b C
the ived City y of the PortCi A ngeles lerk of at
321 East Fifth Street of said
City until 3:30 P.M., Tues- 1
day, February 14, 1989, for
furnishing petroleum prod-
ucts for 1989 for the City of
Port Angeles, Hospital Dis-
trict #1 in Forks, and Port of
Port Angeles.
Bid sheets, specifications,
and instructions are avail-
able from the City Clerk's
Office, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, WA 98362. Phone
(206) 457 -0411, extension
Sealed bids shall be opened
at 3:30 P.M. Tuesday, Febru-
ary 14, 1989, at 321 East
Fifth Street, Port Angeles
City Hall.
The City Council reserves the
right to accept or reject any
or all bids or any part there-
David T. Flodstrom
Pub.: Jan. 27, Feb.f3.n1989 er
that the Port Angeles City
Council will meet in a spe-
cial joint meeting with the
Port Angeles Planning Com-
mission on January 25, 1989,
at 7:00 P.M. in the Council
Chambers, 321 East Fifth
Street. The purpose of this
special joint meeting is to
look at the Planning Com-
mission's long -range plan-
ning and interaction on re-
cent Planning and City Coun-
cil decisions.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Pub.: Jan. 1989.
COUNCIL will hold a public
hearing on FEBRUARY 7,
1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as
soon thereafter as possible,
in the City Council Cham-
bers, 321 East Fifth Street,
Port Angeles, Washington,
to reconsider a request for
REZONE of property present
1y designated as RS -7,
Single- Family Residential, to
OC, Office Commercial.
through 10, Block 24, Puget
Sound Cooperative Colony's
2nd Addition.
Vincent, et.al.
LICY ACT (SEPA): A Determi-
nation of Non Significance
has been filed for this
All interested parties may
appear at the hearing and
express their opinion on this
Michelle Maike
City Clerk
DATE: January 20, 1989.
Pub.: Jan. 27, 1989.
Sealed bids will be received
by the office of the City
Clerk, 321 East Fifth Street,
P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362, until 2:30
p.m., Tuesday, 2/7/89, and
not later, and will be
opened publicly at that time.
Bids will be taken for:
A. Traffic Paint.
B. Traffic Glass Spheres.
C. Lane Marker Adhesive.
D. Reflective Traffic Signs.
E. Reflective Sign Faces.
F. Sign Letters and Border
G. Sign Supports.
Bid documents may be
obtained from the office of
the City Engineer, City of
Port Angeles, at the above
address (206) 457 -0411, ext.
All proposals or bids shall
be submitted on the
prescribed form and in the
manner as indicated in the
Instructions to Bidders and
Conditions and said propos-
als or bids shall be
I accompanied by a certified
or cashier's check or a bid
bond in the amount of five
percent (5%) of the total
amount of the proposal or
bid, said bid bond shall be
issued by a surety
authorized and licensed to
issue said bonds in the State
of Washington.
The City of Port Angeles re-
serves the right to accept
the proposals or bids and
award to responsible bidders
which are in the best inter-
est of the City; to postpone
the acceptance of proposals
or bids and the award of the
contracts for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days; or to
reject any and all proposals
or bids received and further
advertise for bids.
Jack N. Pittis, P.E.
Director of Public Works
Pub.: Jan. 23, 30, 1989.
Planning Commission and Council look at the overall Comprehensive Plan and
make changes as necessary for the growing community.
Mayor McPhee indicated he did not feel that congregate care facilities
belong everywhere; these facilities belong in Residential Multi- Family
Districts if possible. He suggested the Commission look at the west end of
the City where little development has occurred and consider possibly
rezoning some of that residentially zoned property to allow multi family
There was further discussion on the Congregate Care Ordinance as it relates
to restrictions placed in the Ordinance and conditions which may be placed
on a proposal. The general consensus of the Commission and Council members
was to take an in -depth look at the Comprehensive Plan with regard to
residential multi family zoning, as well as the Plan itself for update.
The Council and Commission took a 15- minutes recess.
The meeting reconvened at 8:59 P.M.
3. Discussion on Multi Family Zoning
Commissioner Cornell requested that the Council give the Planning Commission
a firm indication of Council's intent with regard to Residential Multi
Family zoning or rezoning.
There was discussion over annexation of County property, both east and west
of the City, as well as creation of a new Residential Multi- Family type zone
which will be more restrictive than the current Zone.
Commissioner Cornell suggested that both the Council and Commission consider
the impacts occurring throughout the City where residential multi- family-
zoned areas have become developed to capacity, as compared to those areas
where Residential Multi- Family uses have been blended in with the residen-
tial neighborhoods.
Speaking for the Commission, Commissioner Cornell said that in order to
accomplish the Planning Commission's long -range goals, a strict agenda must
be observed. The Commission would appreciate clear direction from the
Council when referring long -range issues to the Commission for consid-
7. Public Notification and Posting
January 25, 1989
Councilman Stamon noted her observations from other communities regarding
posting procedures. She suggested several different posting methods, as
well as requiring the applicant to post the property with re- usable posting
Staff will investigate the matter further and forward recommendations to the
Planning Commission and Council.
The general consensus was that the Commission members would review the Adult
Entertainment Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan at the earliest avail-
able time. It was agreed that the Commission and Council would meet again
after the Comprehensive Plan review has begun.
Councilman Lemon moved to adjourn. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the
motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:12 P.M.